Chapter 7
At first, he couldn't see anything.
Only pitch black.
Though, despite wearing a jacket, he felt cold but not too cold. his cheek was pressed against something hard and cold. he was too afraid to open his eyes.
He took control of his hand, sliding it across the cold surface. it felt like a metal floor. he heard felt vibrations under his cheek, making that humming noise that echoed through his ears.
Where that fuck am I?
He opened his eyes, his eyes trying to get used to the light around him. thankfully, he wasn't tied up into anything, so he had the space to move. the walls were a strange red. a red that was not too dark but not too bright either.
The floors were just metal.
Nothing really changed on him. no missing clothes, bruises or cuts. he let out a sigh of relief but he was still frightened.
Where was he?
Why was he here?
Burt slowly sat up, looking around.
The place was small, like if he was trapped in a box. there was nothing in the room other than a small rectangle window, something that could have been used as a bed and a bucket. Burt crawled over to the bucket, relived to see nothing in it.
Though, imagining what could have been in the bucket disgusted him.
No thank you..
He backed away from the bucket and looked around once more, only to be greeted by pain red walls. he let out a sigh and decided to look out the small window. though, his only problem was, it was out of his reach.
He turned the bucket over and pushed it so it could be above the window. he carefully stepped on the bucket's flat surface and lifted himself, so he could take a peek.
He gasped once he saw where he was.
Clouds.. a blue sky.
I'm on something that could fly. meaning... I'm above ground.
The small bucket couldn't support Burt's weight and slipped out of his feet, causing him to fall onto the ground. he hissed in pain as his head hit the hard floor. he sat up to rub the back of his head.
He now realized that the only reason why the room was bright was because of the window and the light from outside of this room.
Meaning, it's gonna be real dark once it's night.
"I see that you're awake."
The voice startled him, causing him to turn around and back up to the wall. he stared at the tall figure that was standing at the doorway.
The man was tall, a redhead, clearly. he looked like he was around his late 30's due to the mustache that he had. his mustache wasn't curly, it was hanging from his upper lip. the man looked a lot like someone he knew. he just couldn't find out who.
He was a cyborg as well. half of his once human body replaced with cybernetics.
Do I know you..?
He ended up staring at him, flinching only a bit once he heard the door behind the man close with a hiss. his classic poker face remained, only his eyes were wide. the man looked confused, as if he was wondering why Burt seemed surprised on why he was there.
"I see that you've grown." he said, crouching to Burt's eye level. he reached to touch Burt but he hesitated. "you looked much younger when I last saw you." the man sighed. Burt relaxed once he heard his voice.
Burt stared at him, confused. he searched through his memory bank to try and remember this man but nothing came up. though, his voice does kind of sound familiar.
His eyes trailed up to the man's top hat, eyes widening once more.
Is he... a toppat?
No.. no way, he can't be.
"...Excuse me?" He managed to squeak out. he has never seen this man before in his life and never has he ever encountered with him before. if he had, however, he must not remember.
The man didn't seem too surprised that Burt doesn't remember. hell, no one knows his first name.
"You must not remember me but I remember you clearly." He said, sending a shiver down Burt's spine. if this man wasn't crazy then, he is now. his mind worked, trying to find a memory with this guy in it. unfortunately, he found none.
Burt was starting to believe that is has been stalked all his life and the thought alone just made him want to fucking gag. imagine the things this man has seen if that were the case. Burt started considering to call 911.
Does he even have his phone with him?
God, he can't remember anything as if he got short-term memory loss. he was now concerned for his mental health and physical.
"God, that sounded.." the man mumbled, his eyes trailing away from Burt, just now realizing that what he said sounded straight up creepy. Burt tried to collect his thoughts together to ask the question he wanted to ask.
"Where am I?"
He looked back at Burt, expression turning back to normal instead of disgust. the brown eye that wasn't effected by his cybernetics lit up with some kind of hope that Burt might remember.
And that is only what scared him the most since he woke up.
"An airship, of course. where else?" the man asked, raising a furry brow. Burt paused and looked around for a moment. he started to realize that one color that stood out the most.
As if Burt's mind was foggy, it started to clear up. he now knew where he was was and that probably explains why the man was wearing a fancy suit and a top hat like if it was the early 1900's.
"You're a..!" the words couldn't come out of his mouth and he only stopped half way. the man, however, only smiled. fear suddenly took over Burt's body and now he was desperate to go home.
"I've really missed you Burt." the man said, the smile remaining on his face. "believe me, I did. Svensson, however seems very stubborn then he was back then."
Burt's nerves calmed down at the mention of Sven's last name. although, if the man has mentioned about the blonde then that could only mean one thing..
"Where's Sven?!" Burt asked, raising his voice.
The man didn't seemed fazed by Burt's sudden increase by volume. the smile, however, faded away. "Svensson is fine. he's just in another cell." he explained. "but damn. he's aggressive. it makes me wonder what happened to him over these years." he thought out loud.
𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘚𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘯𝘰𝘸.
Burt took a few breaths before asking his second question.
"Who even are you?" he asked, sucking air through his teeth. "I don't even remember you! at all!" Burt exclaimed, suddenly getting tired because of his yelling.
Yelling is pointless, isn't it?
The man was silent, staring at deep into Burt's unnatural teal eyes. it scared him, he tried to avoid eye contact.
"Such a shame you don't remember." the man said, shaking his head. Burt silently scoffed at this. probably because the man completely ignored his question. if Burt really knew him, why would he not tell him his name? it could refresh his memory a bit.
"Well, come to think of it." the man started. "we didn't really interact that much." he pointed out. "but to refresh your memory, I was always with Reg. you could have seen the look on his face when he saw ya." the man chuckled.
Reginald Copperbottom?!
Burt's breathing did indeed stop. he was truly on the toppat's airship, weathered he liked it or not. it became clear. the man who was in front of him is called Right or at least.. that's what they did call him.
"..Right? that's what they called you, yes?" Burt asked, as if he was thinking his thoughts out loud. Right nodded, smiling softly. "it seemed like I have refreshed your memory successfully." he praised himself but little did he know, Burt wasn't too happy to be here.
"Did.. did you kidnap me?!" Burt started and he was mentally prepared to dash through the door behind Right. "did you bring me here?!" he cried as he frowned, anger now boiling his blood. "I want to go back home!" he felt tears building up and but he resisted, refusing to cry in front this guy, named Right.
"I didn't being you here." Right said, softly shaking his head. Burt looked up, frowning and wishing that he was anywhere but here, in the airship. the airship that brought unpleasant memories. "then who did?!" he cried.
His shouts were starting to confuse Right, who raised a furry red eye brow at him.
"Why do you desperately want to go back?" Right asked. he probably didn't know how it's like, to be taken away, leaving behind your child accidently. he knew what it was like being abandoned as a child and thought of Soph suffering through that killed him instantly.
It's just a cycle, isn't it?
"I want to go back because I left her behind when she needs me most!" he cried before burying his head onto his knees, hiding his expression for the man in front of him.
"Who is 'she'?" Right asked curiously. Burt didn't answer. he believed that Right didn't need to know who Soph was. anyway, it was never his business now, was it? he waited for answer before giving up. "I'm sure that she'll be fine." he answered calmly, even though he didn't answer.
He doesn't understand.
He heard Right get up, he felt those eyes peering down at him like if he was gonna slice him in half. he turned around to leave quietly but Burt managed to stop him in time.
Right turns around, making eye contact with Burt's. he stared with a emotionless face, despite his despite cries a few minutes ago.
"Am I allowed to see him?"
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