Chapter 13
When Sven woke up, he didn't expect to see the darkness surrounding him, the moonlight shining through the small window they have in the cell, covering half the room while some of it was covered with the light outside of the cell.
For what have felt like a few minutes turned out to be hours. sleep never really felt long lasting to him.
He sighed through his nose, closing his eyes. he really wished he wasn't here and yet, he somehow was. he tried thinking back to what led him here in the first place, recent memories and old memories played in his head.
Some were about his times in the clan, being reckless as ever. he vividly remembered being close to Reginald, the man supporting him with whatever decision he took, he even offered some advice. it felt nice, to have a friend like that.
But now, the memory only brought him dread, the feeling of it going throughout his body, like water running down to his toes.
It's best not to think of that memory.. or any memories with Reginald at all. he decided to stop thinking about the Toppat clan altogether, making the swede frown slightly.
Suddenly a stir below interrupted his train of thought, making him open his eyes and looked down. Burt seemed to have fallen asleep (or passed out) while the swede himself was getting sleep.
Sven smiled softly. he kissed Burt's forehead and slowly got up, carefully taking Burt's body off of him and gently placed him on the ground, trying not to wake him up. he felt the numbness on his bottom from sitting on the ground for a long period of time and cursed under his breath.
Sven walked over to the cell's door and peaked out the window, looking at the light outside, making the light reflect on his face. he leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, looking at the sleeping Burt across from him, his face looking so peaceful.
..There wasn't really much to do. except think.
And surely, Sven knew that he had done more thinking inside this cell then he ever done in his life. quickly, as he noticed, it was getting tiring. he turned his head away from Burt and looked out the window, staring at the empty hallway.
This hallway was always empty.
He wasn't sure why exactly, maybe people preferred to avoid it or it just never really crossed their minds to come through this hallway. maybe mess with their imprisoned or something, maybe even taunt them. it just feels lonely, this part of the airship always seemed sad.
Maybe that's why people avoid it.
..Or he's thinking too hard into this. it's just a hallway, after all.
He groaned, shoving his fingers through his messy blond hair. he was tired, tired of thinking, tired of waiting, sitting around and for what? what purpose does it serve? was he waiting for death to take his soul or somebody to come kill him?
What was he even doing here?
Sven slid down the wall, ending up sitting on the metal floor once more. he didn't care anymore, he was annoyed that his mind continued to wonder, to think. his thoughts came like speeding cars in a highway, never stopping unless needed to.
The fingers in his hair tugged at it's messy locks, attempting to rip them out of his head. a sudden thought came into his head, causing his grip to go tighter. if he died here, what would happen to Burt?
To Sarah?
To Demo, if he even cared if he died?
To Soph?
His breath hitched. would she grow up without her parents or without the other? would they be buried in the back of her mind, memories together tucked away and locked in a crate, never to be opened? would she go through the same pain of losing a parent as he had?
Sven shook his head, swallowing the lump in his throat. he didn't even want to entertain the thought. he took a deep breath, softening the grip he had on his hair and removed his fingers from his hair.
Though, despite his efforts of trying to remain calm, his breath came out shaky like he had just cried or he had witnessed something. he didn't really feel calm.
He felt even worse.
These thoughts kept pushing him to the edge, more scenarios on how this whole thing will end keep being pushed into his head. as he looked over each and every one of them, a feeling ran through his body, making the muscles in his body go tense.
He let out a shaky sigh, now realizing that his body was shaking. he stared at this hands as they slightly shook and formed them into fists to control them. he closed his eyes and bit the inside of his cheek, wishing that he could get his mind off of his own thoughts.
A distraction sounded nice at this moment.
Oh. he didn't expect it to come true.
A soft, yet tired voice rang throughout the cell and he felt himself slightly relax at the sound of Burt's voice.
"Hm?" Sven looked up, his eyes meeting with Burt's tired ones. he rubbed his eyes and crawled over to his side, gently putting his head on the swede's shoulders. "are you okay?" Burt asked, his whisper being so loud for the silence around him to contain.
"I.." Sven looked down at his shaking fists, which were only trembling slightly. ".. I could be better." he said after a couple moments have passed, letting his hands relax from being formed into tight fists.
He heard Burt sigh softly and watched as his hand gently landed on top of his, as if the swede's hand was made out fragile glass. "what are you thinking about, darling?" Burt asked as his thumb caressed the front of his hand.
There was so much he was thinking about, he felt as if it was impossible to tell Burt every little thought in his mind. he opened his mouth to say something but nothing fell out. he sighed as he closed his eyes before taking a deep breath to try again.
"A lot." he said at last, trying to tell his lover everything by one step at a time. "I just.." Sven sighed, wishing that the words could come much more easier. "I just hate this." he started. I hate being here, I hate just sitting like a fucking caged animal-!" Sven cried, quickly realized that he was raising his voice as he spoke. he sighed and put his head down, blond hair covering his gloomy eyes.
"In all honesty.." he spoke, his voice barely coming out of his throat. "..I just wanna go home." he choked out, his voice all broken and sounds like he's about cry. he felt Burt lean on him, his arms wrapping around his own as an attempt of comfort.
"I wanna go home too, Sven." Burt spoke at last, after a few seconds has passed, though, for the both of them, it felt like hours rather then minutes. "I wish I could walk away from here and go home but.." Burt stopped himself, feeling as if the lump in his throat has stopped him from saying anything else.
But Sven knew what Burt was gonna say. it just hurts to say it.
But I can't. Sven finished the sentence off in his head, unable to say it out loud. but despite never being said, it still lingered in the air.
"I wanna get out of this stupid cell." Sven said, finally finding power to speak.
"I know, Sven." Burt replied, slightly shaking his head on Sven's shoulder. "but we can't. they'll never let us out." that last part he said reflected all the despair in his heart and it was contagious.
"Then we'll find a way to get out." Sven said, frowning. "I.. I don't wanna be stuck here forever." he complained, his hands turning into shaking fists, however, Burt put a stop to that, gently grabbing Sven's trembling hand and held it, trying to calm his nerves down.
"Neither do I." Burt sighed. he looked at Sven, using his free hand to try and tuck away the blond strands of hair behind his ear to see his eyes. though, he failed and softly sighed through his nose.
"I'll find a way, Burt." Sven said after a few moments of silence, lifting up his head. "I promise." he lowered his voice to a whisper and planted a small kiss on Burt's forehead, making him crack a small smile.
"You don't have to promise me anything, Sven." Burt said with a soft smile, suddenly planning something in his tired mind. "I'm sure we'll get out when you least expect it." he let the smile grow wider as he saw Sven's confused face.
"What do you mean by that, love?" he asked.
"You'll see." Burt whispered, getting comfortable before closing his heavy eyelids once again. Sven smiled and sighed, shaking his head before wrapping his arms around Burt's body, placing his cheek on top of Burt's head.
He felt himself close his eyes, his eyelids suddenly feeling heavy, despite waking up only a few minutes ago. or was it hours? at this point, Sven couldn't quite tell since he had no track of time in this cell.
But he was too tired to think anymore, to be upset at being stuck in this cell, waiting for something that's never gonna happen. he smiled, feeling himself relax a bit as he only listened to the whirring of the airship and their soft breathing, making both Sven and Burt drift off into another dreamless sleep.
Well, ever since they entered this cell, they only saw pitch black in their dreams. there was nothing to dream about except wish and hope.
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