I've Just Seen a Face-5
64 New Year's Resolutions
The papers were delivered on the 9th January, I threw them on the bed and sat on the only chair in the room. The motel was damp and dark, it was all I could afford til I got a new job. 1963 was gone and '64 was starting, I need to stand up and sort myself out. The shrill of the phone on the nightstand made me jump, mother was the only one who called but she only called on the weekend. 'Wrong number let it ring out.'
It rang out then the shrill immediately started up again 'pick it up mum is wanting to have a go again'
"Yes mother, I'm really not in the mood for my ear to be chewed off" I spoke quickly so mother couldn't send a barrage of 'go back' 'ask forgiveness' down the phone.
"I'm not ya mother, goose brain" George smiled down the line.
"Oh, wrong number then, bye"
"Well that's bloody lovely. Now shut up and listen. It's me right?!"
"George, if she has had your ear I don't want to listen. Its over, I'm done. There's no fixin' this"
"Oh I shouldn't want you going back to the tosser either Kas" George spoke quietly "I'm in Liverpool at the moment your mums been round harping to my ma I walked in on it- do they know everything?"
"Didn't think so. Now I can't believe you're down Mort street in the crap motel why didn't you call or come back to Liverpud girl?"
"I'm sorted right. I got my papers I'm free, I have a couple of interviews for positions next week and beyond that I don't know but I will stand alone and hold my head up again, the cheating bastard will never see me crawl to him or that damn team job again"
"Bravo. Now pack your gear I'll be there in what?- 5 hours." George paused, I was about to say no no no but he spoke softly again "Shut it girl. You're coming to my place. Time, we had some fun again"
George was to save me this time.
Fun and Games
"Right this is ya room. I'll let you get settled. Want some tea?" George is wandering around. Standing in the doorway and back to the bed, returning again and again, each time when he remembers to add something else "White and two right, miss sweet tooth"
From the 9th of January until February the 6th George looked after me. His house near Abbey Road Studios was large and spacious. My rooms' window overlooked a park, the walls held beautiful art and loads of photos. His musical instruments, lots of notes and song writing ideas were littered throughout the living areas. A greenhouse sat in the back garden full of tropical plants that seemed to somehow thrive in the cold.
"You can talk! you take 4 sugars if I remember correctly!" I decide to give him a hug making him jump back as the show of emotion wasn't expected after my silent sullen car ride over to his house. He relaxes and rubs my head, messing my hair hugging me back. I mumble, suddenly upset "You always give the best hugs."
"No tears! Come down to the kitchen in jiffy and ya cuppa will be ready" He leaves me to unpack, I left most of it at the bastards place, it was just stuff, not important. The scarlet dress sat alone in the new closet.
"Do you still have your poetry journal?" George looks up from his tea the biscuit he just dunked in it hung precariously over the hot liquid.
"Oh yea in my bag, why?"
"Well, I've started writing songs and lyrics myself. Remembering your poems gave me an idea"
"You want to steal my poems for your own ill-gotten gains do ya!" I smiled at him taking a sip of the sweet tea "Only after my words not my friendship, I'm crushed"
"You twat, I only wanted a housekeeper"
I grab the tea towel off the front of the stove. Slapping it in my hands. I raise an eyebrow.
"Oh no you don't!! I'm a grown up now you know!" George reciprocates my evil grin, the glint in his eye shining bright when I started whacking the towel.
Wet tea towel fight!!!! I'm glad he had a big house so I could hide after a while, he was a dead set aim and I was too big a target.
"Well don't hide like a sook next time" George stood victoriously over me. I eventually stood up from behind his desk which was littered with more records, papers and pencils.
"Didn't have to get me in the head you meanie" I rub my head where his tea towel struck and smiled.
Smiled more broadly than I had in six months.
"You are so talkative George; I can't get a word in edge wise here!" I grin across from him as we eat a steak and some salad. "Eat up or no dessert"
"You sound like me ma" George talks through an overflowing mouthful of food when I glance back up. "So what are we doing here"
"Eating" I deadpan expertly.
"I'm the droll one, you're the perky one remember!" His knife is being pointed at me like an extension of his finger.
The plates are washed and put in the sink. George puts on their newest album which I hadn't heard til now. I join him in the tv room on the couch the fire is going, the snow is settled on the ground and George is laying with his head on the floor and feet on the couch.
"Upside down as usual I see"
"What happened with you and 'im if you don't mind me asking." He pretends to be only slightly interested in what I am going to say but it's a George style ploy to get as much out of me without pushing. He is fiddling with the record sleeve and wrapper that holds and protects the big black magic disc of music.
"Don't snigger at me and go all 'I told ya so' ok." My eyebrow is raised in question. He nods "I had a visit....."
"Come on, the suspense Kas, the suspense!"
"I had a visit from 5 not 4 , 5 cheerleaders"
"Oh God"
"One pregnant"
"Shite I'll kill 'em. He done 'em all, didn't he. That's horrid Kasey" He grits his teeth and shakes his head slowly, mad for me. Then he mumbles under his breathe "and I think of us in the band as players, we're amateurs to that tosser, bloody prat bastard"
My head is in my hands I'm red from embarrassment "If I was a good wife it wouldn't have happened though" My tears fall again, wasn't I all cried out? George is up and beside me hugging me to him smoothing my hair down as you would a teary child.
"Look at me. YOU did NOT MAKE him do anything. He was a bad seed and didn't deserve a girl like you. Look at me Kasey" My eyes had fallen yet again. I look up "You will stay here as long as you need, take your time, reset your heart and your life, hey- ok" George gazes into my eyes trying to make me believe his words. He plants a sloppy kiss on my forehead to take away the heavy tension and lighten the mood.
"Now let's get some sleep. Might as well stay here with the fire. I'll get blankets and pillows. Our first official sleepover!!" George jumps up like his old 9yo self; full of beans and excitement. He chucks a pillow at me "Tomorrow is a new day, let's sleep to meet it!"
"Goodnight George, I heart you"
"I heart you too"
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