"100 Truths" Tag
Hello everyone! KhristynZoeBas tagged me to do this, so I will do it! Or, I'll try to finish it all. I don't quite know what to do though, so I'll say a bunch of truths about myself I guess.
1. I'm a female. Yep, first one I'm putting out there.
2. I haven't had my first kiss
3. I'm 13, turning 14 next week :D
4. I actually skipped grades, so technically even though I should be going into freshman year, I'm going to junior year. I actually failed a couple of classes so I'm redoing it. *scratches back of head*
5. I've watched more than 40 different animes.
6. I'm actually half-Indian, fifth-Filipino, another fifth-Chinese, and a fifth-Pakistani. I just consider myself an Indian because I'm half, so yeah.
7. I based my OC Aria off of my sister and a song which is one of my favorites.
8. I'm changing my name when I get older.
9. I've never had a boyfriend.
10. I'm allergic to peanuts and hazelnuts
11. I can hack.
12. I've been computer programming since I was 6 years old. HTML is like my basic math operations.
13. The only shoujo mangas I've ever actually liked are OHSHC and another one that had a glasses wearing girl that was a gangster and a guy that is a gangster. I was dying from laughing half the time XD
14. I watch Sherlock and Supernatural a lot. Not more than anime though.
15. I had actually forgotten to do my 30 day anime challenge •_• Crap.
16. I tend to curse a lot.
17. I have crappy family relations.
18. I have no pets, but I'm getting either a husky or a German shepherd when I'm older.
19. I have one older sister.
20. I listen to alternative music and music in different foreign languages. I listen to music in English, Hindi, Spanish, French (I learned this. Mew), Urdu, Chinese and Japanese. I look up some of the translations of the songs sometimes, but only when I need to.
21. I actually act like a cat a lot to annoy my sister. Mew :3
22. Fairy Tail and One Piece are my fav anime's along with Tokyo Ghoul and some others. Okay I lied, I have no favorites cause I love them all equally.
23. I tend to be a smart aleck, but I hold that back in writing because a majority of my characters are...well you know...yeah.
24. I don't mind yaoi or yuri. I just don't watch/read it.
25. I actually moved to America when I was 5.
26. I've seen death before. When I was 6 I saw my grandmother get a cardiac arrest on Christmas Day.
27. I actually envy a lot of my own generation. A majority don't really care about death right now, they don't realize the weight of it. Those of you reading this might know what I mean, since I know that my friends on here are reading this. You all understand.
28. When a family member of mine dies, I want to know how they died. It irritates me, and makes me feel more sad because I don't even know how they died. I practically ruined my bedroom, and broke my hand smashing against the wall in a tantrum when I was six when they refused to tell me.
29. When I was 8, I witnessed a cousin of mine drowning. I saw her last breaths and everything. That was the second and last death I witnessed.
30. The facts above were depressing. Sorry, I'm a depressed, angry soul.
31. After my grandmother died, I had gone into a room in her house that had mirrors. Wen I looked in one, I saw her standing next to me and screamed. The mirror, on the opposite side to me, fell down and broke by itself against carpet. To this day I'm still afraid I'll see her again.
32. I think that you all think I'm crazy. I'm not surprised if you do.
33. My parents aren't divorced, but they fight too much. That's why I keep headphones on me all the time, it's become instinct.
34. I can do polynomial a and quadratics in my head. Not graphing, but just solving it.
35. My mom tells me that I'm part of a cursed bloodline. Some of us have some sort of connection to the dead apparently. I see shadow like images near the edges of my door in the dark after my eyes adjust. One time after I waved at one, I waited a complete five minutes before it waved back.
36. I say I'm insane like it's a joke, but I really mean it. I think I'm insane.
37. I practice martial arts everyday. I know tae kwon do, jujitsu, karate, command sambo, Savate, and that's all.
38. Even though I love Fairy Tail, I haven't made any fanfictions for it XD
39. This is already way too long.
40. I've never had an anime crush before. I read the 'X Reader' fanfics to see if that would actually happen with the character. I usually laugh at the jokes because they're funny though.
41. I have 5 other stories in drafts right now. I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail at the OHSHC one though.
42. I also have a 2 Black Butler fanfics planned, and about 2 other KHR fanfics in drafts. I'm actually going to publish them in a bit.
43. My sister is one of my only true family left. My mom and I aren't really on good terms because of what she told me. As if in, it was a huge secret that I can't share on here. Sorry.
44. My dad is a complete asshole. I hate him.
45. No one remembers my birthday because some one important in my religion has their birthday on the same day as mine. So all my "friends" who are in the same religion as me don't even say happy birthday. Yeah, my family only says happy birthday after saying aloud it's his. Except for my sis, she's cool like that.
46. My birthday parties aren't huge. I usually plan on just going into a treehouse with my friends, sharing a tub of birthday ice cream with them, then playing laser tag with some of my other friends from school along with them. I like simple things.
I will finish this later.
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