"Mr.Maxwell? What are you doing here?" Grace squeaks, jumping off the bench and stumbling towards the bars.
"What am I doing here?" He mutters, his hand on his chin. "The real question is why you're behind bars, Ms.Fontanel?"
Grace tears her gaze away from Vincent's icy eyes and stares at a large crack in the cell's cement floor.
An awkward silence settles over them as Grace tries to avoid Vincent's glare.
"And who is this?" A voice asks from behind Grace, breaking the choking silence
"Oh, Mr.Maxwell meet my cell mate..." Grace trails off, realising she didn't know his name let alone bothered to ask.
"Nico." He finishes, putting a hand on Grace's shoulder.
"Right, Nico!" Grace says, her eyes back on Vincent. "Nico, this is my boss, Mr.Maxwell."
"Pleasure to meet you." Nico nods, his eyes never leaving Vincent's.
Silence passes as the two eye each other before Vincent turns his gaze to Grace.
"I'm sorry to cut your vacation short but we have to go."
"Go? What do you mean? Are they letting me out?" Grace rushes, her hands gripping the cold steel.
"Unfortunately." An officer says, walking up to the cell in a loose blue uniform around his scrawny figure.
"Are you serious?"
"As cancer."
The officer saunters up to the cell door and takes out a small, silver key from the back of his pocket before slowly sticking it in the key hole and forcefully turning it. As Grace hears the loud click of the lock she pushes against the door, the officer stumbling back.
"I'm free, I'm actually free." She breathes, her hand on the pale white wall as she looks at the doors leading out the police station.
"You're welcome." Vincent mutters, his grey suit jacket in his arms as he walks away.
"What?" Grace mumbles following closely behind him.
Just as she pushes open the door she freezes as a still silent voice whispers a name.
Passing the station desk, Grace rushes over back to the cell to find Nico leaning back against the bars, his brow cocked and arms folded.
"And here I thought you forgot about me." He teases, lifting himself off and walking towards the edge.
"Never." Grace says, biting her lip as the guilt slowly builds. "Okay, maybe I did but only for a split second."
"Sure sure." He laughs, his white teeth peeking through his lips.
"I'm serious." Grace whines. "Are you going to be okay?"
His smile drops as his eyes move past her.
"I will be." He finally answers, his eyes back on Grace. "I told you that I'm a survivor."
"I know but..." She trails off, her heart dropping.
"Hey, don't feel bad for me. Despite what you're think you aren't actually leaving me...you just found freedom."
"Why do you have to be so philosophical now?"
"It's in my nature." He shrugs, a large smile on his face.
"I'm going to miss you." Grace whispers. "Who would have thought I would miss my cell mate?"
"Life has a strange way of bringing people together."
"It does but I'm glad it did." Grace says, her shoulder against the bars. "I'm Grace by the way."
"Grace? Here I was expecting Latoya or Tamika."
"What?" Grace squeals, a soft laugh escaping her lips.
"I'm serious. How can somebody named Grace go around beating old women? It just doesn't suit the name."
"You're so rude." Grace whines, swatting his shoulder.
"Just being honest."
"Whatever you say, Mr.Honesty."
Nico eyes soften as a small smile plays at his lips.
"Goodbye Grace." He says, his head tilted.
"Bye Nico." She whispers.
Taking a few steps back, Grace throws him a small wave before walking off towards the doors.
Grace turns back.
"There are other things in life that can make you happy, find it and remember shopping isn't everything."
"I know." Grace mouths, nodding her head as she throws open the glass doors, stepping into the cold night.
Grace shivers as the cold night air lifts her summer dress up.
"Mr.Maxwell?" Grace calls, into the empty parking lot, the moon illuminating the night.
"This way, Ms.Fontanel." A Voice calls from over the police station walls.
"Okay?" Grace whispers, walking away from the bright station building, towards the station boom gate.
Walking under the red and white bar Grace spots a dark figure a couple of meters away leaning against a midnight black car.
"Why didn't you park inside the station?" Grace asks, her hands on her arms as she walks towards the figure.
"They make you pay $2 for parking inside." He mutters, as he pulls open the car door with a rough tug.
"It wasn't in my budget. When I came here didn't plan on spending $2."
"You know what? I'm not even going to argue with you." Grace mumbles, her feet as heavy as lead.
Gripping the car door, Grace gently tugs back only for the door to silently groan and stay shut.
"Um..." Grace drawls out, pulling back the door with more force. "Mr.Maxwell?"
Grace watches from the darkened windows as Vincent unbuckles his seatbelt and leans over the passenger seat, his hand roughly jerking as the window slowly rolls down with a frightening creak.
"You have to lift it gently." He says, his hand on the steering wheel.
"I am." Grace groans, tugging lightly. "It's not opening."
"Well, you're doing it wrong then."
Grace narrows her eyes at him.
"Listen, lift it slowly and gently then tug it hard."
Pushing her hair back, Grace grips the doors handle only for the door to fall open, almost knocking Grace over.
"What car is this anyway?" Grace says, her face hot and hands fisted as she shoves herself into the car and slamming the heavy door closed.
"Ford." He stiffly says, starting the car.
The car loudly rumbles as it peels off the station grass onto the empty road.
"Ford?You're kidding." Grace leans back, her bare arms scratching against the old car seats. "Last time I saw a Ford with those annoying window rollers was probably in 2004."
"Well, not all of us can have a shiny Volvo."
"Wait how did-" Grace shakes her head as they drive past a green light. "Nevermind but you of all people can afford a shiny Volvo, 60 actually, if you really wanted."
"This gets me from A to B, why do I need something unnecessarily expensive?"
"Says the one wearing an Armani suit." Grace whispers, folding her arms as they drive past a small KFC with few cars loitered around.
Grace feels his steel eyes on her but ignores his cold stare as her heart clenches.
"How did you know where I was?" Grace asks, knowing full well that Vic had blabbed to him.
"Your friend, Victoria Waters, told me you were in here when I tired to contact you."
"So, what? You came to 'help' me?" Grace says, her eyes trained on the darkened sky.
"Hardly but I do believe that you have work tomorrow, it is Monday after all and I hate when an employee leaves a project unfinished."
Grace eyes narrow in confusion.
"So, you just wanted me to get to work on time?"
"Yes." He curtly answers, slowly turning.
Grace places her hand on her chin, miffed that he'd only helped her for work.
Nah, sounds to far fetched.
Tilting her head back, Grace whips her head back, a smile on her face as a small light flickers in her mind.
"You're lying." She taunts, her eyes gleaming.
"What are you talking about?" He asks, his eyes narrowed and eyebrows scrunched as she glances at her from the corner of his eye.
"You didn't help me because of work, you helped me because we're friends."
A gurgled sounds comes from his throat, as his quickly looks out his window only to shrug his shoulders back and place his eyes back on the road.
"I mean no, we are not friends."
"How come I know so much about you then?" Grace mutters, folding her arms back.
"Like what?" He says, a ghost of a smile on his face.
"Well, you love running and..."
"Exactly. Not friends."
"Ah, but we solved a crime together, remember." Grace says, the lights from the outside building dancing around in the dark car. "Something like that brings people together plus people only help friends."
"You know what? Fine, whatever you say." He huffs.
Grace nods, a satisfied smile on her face. A second later it falls.
"Wait, how did you get me out and where's Vic?"
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