It's the Study of Wildlife
Louis has never broken any bone or twisted anything in his body. He guesses this is why it hurts so much to even barely skim something with his left foot. Luckily, he is right-handed so his more dominant foot is able to take more of the work.
Both boys (maybe men?(Louis can't tell while the other is covered in mud)) are in close proximity to Harry's site after having traveled the tumultuous jungle for nearly thirty minutes. In this time, they have spoken few words except for the occasional 'Are you okay?' from Harry and the 'I'll manage' from Louis.
Louis is still having a hard time processing what is occurring. There is actually human life on this island! He cannot begin to understand how happy he is to hear the news, yet something continues to itch at the back of his mind. How long has Harry been here? Judging by the doctor's knowledge on boons and the way he seems to know the different paths and edges of this island, the number doesn't seem so short. That isn't the best news for Louis considering he wants to go back home as soon as possible.
He musters up the courage to speak, "Hey, Harry?" his face turns shyly to the other as they both walk arm in arm with whisper-like grunts over the fallen orange branches and furry creatures on the jungle floor.
"Yes, Louis?" he looks up at Louis and raises his dark eyebrow under the mud.
"How long have you been here? On the island. You are stranded too, right?" hearing this, Harry drops his head and looks at the ground as they continue walking. Louis notices that Harry's hair is long and in a bun neatly covered with several leaves. He waits for Harry to speak up.
"Three years," he says quietly, almost intelligible to the pixie haired boy.
"Oh," is all Louis can say as his eyes grow as large as saucers. He didn't expect it to be that long. The sinking feeling in his stomach erupts once again and nothing but quiet overtakes both of them. Curse you heart, get out of my stomach and back where you belong.
"Yeah," Harry says, but the smile he attempts doesn't reach his eyes, "That's why I'm so glad I found you." Louis can't help but delve more into that statement. He knows Harry means it in the sense of finding a person. Heck, he'd probably be glad to find an old lady by the name of Sarah.
"Isolation can certainly drive a person crazy," Harry suddenly speaks up while Louis is deep in his thoughts. Louis jumps at the sudden noise which in turn scares Harry and makes him jump as well. They both face each other before laughing loudly. "I haven't laughed with somebody in so long, feels nice," Harry's thick voice vibrates to Louis and Louis laughs lightly once more.
"I've only been here three days and I was already feeling so isolated," he states and Harry hums in acknowledgment. Goosebumps erupt on his body as he feel a sense of warmth spread through his every pore.
Up above in the yellow and blue sky are birds. Not ordinary birds like pigeons which roam polluted cities back home, but luminescent yellow birds with extravagant black wingtips extending almost a foot. Glowing birds. Louis is not sure if something he ate contained drugs.
Looking up, Louis doesn't notice Harry eyeing him. Louis' perfectly chiseled features and radiating blue eyes stare in wonder at the world above him, so Harry slowly moves his head up as well to see what the other is marveling at.
"Those are Luminescent Inkies," Harry answers. Louis turns towards Harry, his mouth slightly agape.
"Are they actually glowing?" His voice becomes high pitched as he asks and his face turns to one of confusion yet amazement.
"Yup. Pretty curious things, are they not?"
"Pretty darn curious," Louis remarks. He decides that this is the perfect time to ask, if any, about the nature of this place. " What- what is this place exactly? Why are all these animals and plants so unlike the ones back home?" They suddenly happen upon an area that looks beautiful with the human touch. Almost like a hut, Harry seems to have made a structure out of the same leaves that Louis tried to make his out of, yet better, may he add. It looks like an utter paradise in the small corner of the jungle. Surrounding him is a garden of bright and delicious looking fruits that dangle like temptations on their vines and stalks. A trickling river lies a few feet away from them and Louis sees as white fish with what looks to be a moving visor on its head jumps out of the water and gobbles up bugs with large wings and pointy tails.
"Well, here we are. Mi casa es su casa. And before I answer that highly loaded question, how about we do something about that ankle of yours?" Harry sets Louis down on a cut tree trunk and hurries out to get something from his hut.
"Probably the best idea I've heard all day," Louis laughs softly at he looks down at his ankle. It appears slightly swollen but otherwise looks normal. He can certainly move it, albeit with pain, but he assumes it isn't broken. He hopes this won't prevent him from outrunning dangerous animals or scavenging for food in the future. Knowing himself and his clumsy ways, he might as well deal with what he causes himself.
He takes a glance around. Harry has actually done pretty well for being here three years and with what Louis assumes are limited supplies. There's shelter, a garden, freshwater, protection-it seems like he has it all figured out.
"Ow! Ow ow ow ow ow," he hears as Harry hollers in pain. From outside, Louis can make sense of supplies falling to the ground and making small thumps on the earth floor.
"Is everything okay in there?" Louis makes the effort to get up but is devastated to find that his ankle is of no use to him and even the slightest step hurts like the pain of your favorite band going on an indefinite hiatus.
"I'm fine!" He yells from the inside.
Louis can't help but think of the I'm fine meme, (but what he really means is...) and yells out an unconvinced 'okay' and 'be careful'.
A minute later he is joined by the ever dirty and elusive new human carrying supplies for Louis' swollen foot. A few strands of hair have fallen out of his bun and have stuck to his glistening forehead. It appears that he rubbed his forehead with his hand due to the most of his face now being more clean. Louis still doesn't understand why this person before him is dressed the way he is, but he supposes three years of isolation on an island can have a multitude of affects on people.
"Here we go," Harry speaks up. He gently goes for Louis foot and is about to apply a layer of something Louis cannot identify before Harry speaks up again. " On second thought, let's get you a bit washed off in the river. The water is cool so it's the best substitute for ice we have in order to lessen the swelling. Dang it. Sorry I didn't think about that earlier; you could've been in the water by now." The long haired boy makes an upset expression and Louis wants to speak up before the other becomes more upset with himself.
"Don't worry about it. I'm tough," Louis makes a show of displaying his muscles and a pleased smile graces his features when he notices Harry look at him in awe.
"I can tell," Harry winks. Louis almost dies in that moment, but he figures he's been close enough to eternal sleep for the day. "Well c'mon then. Don't want your ankle to get worse." He opens his arms wide and gets on his knee so that he is leveled with Louis. For a second, Louis doesn't understand what he's doing until Harry raises an eyebrow.
"Oh! Yeah, let's go," Louis hops into Harry's strong arms and the taller man carries him bridal style to the river as to not injure him more.
It's a quick walk from the seat to the river when Harry sets the inured boy down on a log for elevation. Louis sucks in his breath as Harry takes his foot and dips it gently in the water before using a piece of torn cloth in his hands to clean the excessive dirt.
"I'm just going to leave your foot in the water for a bit, alright? Let's hope it eases the pain a bit," Harry says quietly. He takes something out of his pockets and puts it on the log next to Louis. Louis' wide blue eyes stare at it and he notices that it is something with the consistency of glue in a small pouch made of leaves.
"What's that?" his timid voice asks. Harry looks up from where he is examining Louis' foot.
"It's the liquid that giant slugs secret from their bodies. I've used it before to heal some of my injuries. It's kind of like... numbing but it has healing effects as well," he replies. All Louis does is nod but he can't help thinking about the slug slime that is about to envelope his foot. He isn't the biggest fan of them.
"So you say you are a doctor?" Louis speaks up in order to silence the silence between them. His foot does feel significantly better in the cool water so he relaxes a bit.
"Well not a doctor per say. I'm a wildlife biologist," he answers in a thick accent, "It's the study of wildlife. I have a PhD in biology so technically you don't have to address me as doctor, but it adds a little charm, does it not?" He shrugs and gets the slug slime to begin applying it to my foot.
"Yeah it does," Louis replies and eyes Harry.
A few seconds later Harry finished lathering the sticky substance on the food of the older boy and stands up, flailing his hands in the air as to remove some.
"I'm going to go in the water for a quick bath to get all this dirt off. You're foot should be a bit better now. I'll be right back," he gestures to the water and begins taking off his shirt.
Louis sucks in his breath as he does so and can't help but look at his glistening back. Forget all the pain from his foot, all his focus is on Harry, Harry, and Harry.
"Oof," Harry squeals as his steps into the cold water. The emerald eyed boy suddenly submerges his whole body into the bubbling river and comes up with his face covered in a shimmering glint with a lot of stubble making the surface rough. Louis notices as Harry's face is quite actually shining and it appears as if blue and clear glitter are kissed all over his washed body.
With eyebrows furrowed Louis yells, "Why do you look like you have glitter?"
With one swoop of motion Harry turns to him with wet and glossy hair. "Oh, this?" he gestures towards his whole body, "This river water comes in from a waterfall up north which is covered in a special plant. Basically these are the seeds. So very spectacular," he muses and admires his arms.
Louis could get used to looking at a shimmering Harry.
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