Chapter 6; Sorry
Eren's POV:
I woke up to silence. Usually, I could hear Armin busy about the house but perhaps he was occupied doing something else. I slipped down under the covers, my feet bumping into Fluffy who was spread out at the end.
My hand fumbled about for my phone, failing. I tried the side table. Nope..
I always take it to bed with me..
I rolled out of bed, thumping down onto the floor and stood up lazily. I dragged my feet into the kitchen and poured Cheerios into a bowl that looked a few days old. I grabbed the milk and just as I began pouring it, I caught a sparkle in the corner of my eye.
There, laying in the hallway, was my phone. A vast unfixable crack had penatrated into its screen. I froze in shock, ignoring the cereal bowl which was spilling out milk.
I found my whole body shaking as I picked up the phone and clicked it on. My fingers shook as I swiped it open.
It was her.. Mikasa...
That bitch had gone and ruined everything.. How the fuck did she even have my number still??
I shook with anger, pinching my temples furiously. Poor Armin.. He must think I'm some pedophile.. I need to find him.
If I was Armin, where would I go..
.. the library ..
I chucked the phone down carelessly and shoved on a pair of crocs. My heart was racing faster than ever before and I sprinted the whole way there.
It took me about 5 minutes at my fastest before I was standing outside it. I paused for breathe, crippled over with hands on knees.
Gathering all my courage, I creaked open the door and stepped inside to my own terror.
It was dark and silent other than a few rustles and a creepy noise upstairs. All I could hear was my own breathing and feet on the floor.
"Armin?", I coughed nervously into the darkness
I made my way to the stairs, guided by my hands. Carefully, I climbed them, hands shaking on the bannister. I reached the top, glancing around in the darkness
"Armin, I haven't talked to Mikasa in a year, we used to be 'friends' but that was long ago"
"Eren?!", I heard a familiar voice call out shakily along with a flash. Joy surged through my body as I ran towards the voice. My heart was pounding ferociously and breathing fast and short.
I collided with him, bodies tumbling to the floor in a pile. I hugged him tight then found his hands pushing me away.
I stumbled back and looked up. That wasn't Armin.. Armin had blue eyes.. These were brown.. And this person had chocolate hair not blonde.
"SASHA?!", I yelled, falling backwards onto my butt.
"I'm the one who should be yelling, you pervert! Ugh!", she spat out in disgust, flicking my forehead.
"Where's Armin?", I asked dumbfounded
"Right here,", she gestured behind her to Armin who was slumped adorably on against my locker," I found him here like this 10 minutes ago. He is way too cold.."
I stumbled past her over to Armin, who lay there fast asleep, tears laying under his head.
What had I done?!?
I brushed a strand of hair from his face and gently eased the picture of us from under his forehead. So he had helped himself to my locker, huh?
I chuckled and thanked Sasha for helping before she left me to handle it.
Armin probably hates me now so I should start paying my debt from here.
Carefully, I picked him up, his hair resting peacefully across his face. His body moved slightly as he made small snoring noises. He was so light that it was scaring me- he needed to eat more.
Armin twitched as I slung his backpack on and silently walked out of the library, carrying him bride-style. He looked so frickin adorable, lying there with messy hair and making tiny little snorting noises.
I couldn't help giggling at his kawaii appearance as we arrived back and lay him down on his bed. I changed him into his pyjamas carefully leaving him decent. I placed a small kiss on his cheek before leaving to the chair in the corner and sitting down.
Armin's POV:
I lifted up my heavy eyelids as I woke up and blinked confused. My head was throbbing and I was back in my room.
That made no sense- I had fallen asleep in the library against Erens locker. I rubbed my eyes and rolled over to see Eren slumped in the chair in the corner.
In his hands was the photo that I found in his locker and I could see he had a tiny trail of dribble coming from his mouth. His cheeks were red so he had obviously cried when he found me.
Slowly, I stepped out of bed and padded over to Eren. I brushed a few strands of hair out of his closed eyes and sighed down at him.
That's when I noticed that I wasn't in the clothes I had fallen asleep in. These were my pyjamas... A disgusting thought crossed my mind as I glanced at Eren.
I manically pulled the hem of my pyjama bottoms forward to look down. Phew, my boxers from yesterday were still on. He had changed me but had done it decently. I let out a sigh and heard Eren fidget before a croaky voice laughed at me.
"Armin, are you inspecting your crotch?"
I jumped back in horror, mouth forming an O shape and eyes widening. My cheeks glowed florescent red as I shook my hands in denial.
"NOO!! I was!! I was just.."
"It's okay Armin. I know what you were doing. And yes. I changed you decently", he smiled mockingly, shaking his head. I let out a sigh of relief and a small chuckle at my stupidness.
"Thank you", I whispered, scuffing my feet on the floor nervously.
Suddenly, Eren face palmed and laughed again then straightened up seriously.
"Armin, about Mikasa, she was a whore who I met at a nightclub a while back. She would always beg to 'play' with me after she got my number and I met up with her for a few friendly chats for the past year but that's it", he spoke out apologetically.
I thought it over.. Could I trust him? Wait, this is Eren, my best mate, of course I could!
"It's okay Eren", I smiled pulling him into a tight hug.
He wrapped his arms around me and hugged back.
"I'm sorry"
"Me too"
I felt him smile into my shoulder as I did the same.
God, I loved this boy
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