Chapter 5; Mikasa
Armin's POV:
I creeped onto my bed and lay down on my side with a sigh. It just felt kind of awkward now between us. I thought that once we kissed everything would be normal.
I felt a tear slide down my cheek and splash onto the pillow.
Why was I crying?! I had just kissed my crush! It was perfect.. Perfect..
I curled into a ball under the covers and switched on my little pocket-torch, then grabbed my notebook. I sat up under the blanket, propped up the torch and began to doodle.
It was a picture of Eren; how he looked when I opened my eyes during the kiss. His cheeks were tinted with colour and hair swept back with a few strands laying on his face. I couldn't draw his illuminating eyes properly so I kept redrawing them till I got it right.
Eventually I put my notebook away and lay down, the vision of Eren swirling round my head. I switched off the light then tensed up.
It was so dark and scary...
Darkness surrounded me, full of murderers and clowns till I couldn't take it. I slipped out of bed and poked my head into Eren's room.
I could hear snoring coming from his bed, below his batman poster. I sneaked over and looked down at his snoring face.
So freakin cute...
I had to resist the temptation of sliding under the covers with him. He wasn't gay after all..
Still, he must think I'm a pretty bad friend.. I kissed him back. When I said 'I don't know', I didn't mean it. But Eren clearly did. I was just about to leave when I heard a buzz.
My head flicked around to see his phone, resting under his head on the pillow. I pulled it out gently, trying not to wake him up and flicked it on.
Ha, he didn't have a password. Bad move Eren. =(o^o)=
There was a text. This is what it said:
From 😘 Mikasa 😘:
Hay bby, wanna get sum food sum time? Havent seen you sinse you got ur new howse! Ly so so so so so so mutch!! I wil bring tha condomz bby if ya want?Xxxxxxx Mikasa ;)
I felt sick rising in my mouth and ran to the bathroom just in time. I vomited into the bathtub and leant over it shaking.
Tears rushed down my cheeks as I kneeled on the floor. My whole body felt cold with pain and I stared into the vomit thinking of what to do.
I brushed the sick from round my mouth and rushed into my room, throwing stuff into an old rucksack violently. I pulled on a sweater and some shoes then checked the time.
1:30 am
I dropped his phone to the floor as I rushed out, hearing a small cracking noise. Carelessly, I threw open the front door and charged outside crying. I didn't know where I was going, but I had to leave for a bit.
I just ran pointlessly for a while, with no sense of direction. It was freezing and I found that I was shivering too much to keep running after 10 minutes. I walked around till I realised that I was at the library.
Everybody was gone and the lights were off. I found that the door was open so stepped inside. The doorbell jingled into the silence as I walked inside. It was dark and I heard scuttling noises of rats- nice.
I went upstairs to the desolate cafe and went into the kitchen. My stomach rumbles so I grabbed a bowl of lasagne that was lying on the side and sat down with it.
It was Friday so nobody would come again for the next few days. I could camp out here. I remembered the past events and felt my body shake with tears dripping down my cheeks again.
So Eren was banging someone before he moved in with me?? Then he thinks he can go and BLOODY KISS ME?! What kind of mentally retarded person could do that? While texting some other girl??
I slammed my fist on the table in frustration. After I finished the food,I decided to look around. For once I decided to take a look in the workers lockers. I noticed Erens and realised that I knew where Aunt hid the keys.
I grabbed them from under the plant pot and unlocked Erens. There were 3 things:
A book
A photo
And a diary
The book was just an ordinary book that he must've been reading. I moved it aside and picked up the diary. No. I was too nice.. I couldn't..
Then I saw the picture. I felt a tear drop down my cheek again. It was a picture of Eren and I when we were laughing on the floor. He must've put up a camera.. Hmm..
It was adorable though..
I held the picture as I lay down in the corner on some beanbags. I kissed Erens forehead in the picture and lay it next to me then whispered.
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