Chapter 13; Christmas Day
Eren's POV:
I heard crashing seeping through my door as I slowly awoke. It was pitch black and I could feel a breeze flowing in through the open window. I rubbed my eyes and saw a flash of yellow and heard creaking footsteps leading towards the living room
I slipped out of bed and crept towards my door. Cautiously, I poked my head around the door and saw a red suited person opening the door of the room where we had set up our Christmas tree. It was Christmas Eve.. Could it be?
"SANTAAA", I screamed whilst running towards he figure when I suddenly blacked out. It was just a flash of red cloth then darkness.That's all I remembered the next morning.
I woke up back in my bed, tucked in neatly and I saw a packed stocking hanging on my door. I leapt up excitedly and charged into Armins room. He usually woke up an hour before me but I had set my alarm to go off at 6:45 so I could make the most of the day with Armin. I pounced onto his bed giggling and fought with him for the covers which he had pulled over his head
"Eren, leave me alone pleeaasssee.. I'm so tired", he mumbled in a muffled gone and I heard an adorable little mouse-like yawn from under the blanket. I ripped back the blanket to find a tiny coconut headed mouse, tucked into a tight ball, mouth slightly open as he let out another tiny yawn.
"Armin! Do you know what day it is?!", I bellowed into his face, mine plastered with an excited grin. I was desperate to get Armin up so we could see what Santa had left us. He finally looked up and blinked those big turquoise eyes before the realisation hit him
"CHRISTMAS?!", he grinned in an over the top excitement that sounded like he had 'no' idea wha day it was. Not like I'd been going on about it for two months," well I'd never have guessed! Let's go see what Santa left!"
I charged into the tv room dragging a stumbling Armin along behind me as we fell into a pile on the floor when I tripped over some lights that had fallen off of the tree. I giggled, and turned over to find a dazed Armin lying on top of me.
Amidst all the Christmas joy it felt kind of warm yet awkward to be so close to him. When he realised he scrambled to his feet, cheeks a warm red and mouth pinched. He looked awfully adorable in a totoro onesie with his hand dragging his blanket
"C'MON , Armin let's open them up!", I yelled out with a big grin as he slumped back onto the sofa. I ripped at the paper on the first present as he let out a long sigh
"Eren they're all labelled to you or for both of us, you open them", he smiled warily. He looked really tired for some reason and he had dark panda circles under his eyes. As per usual it just made im look cuter when you added it to the totoro onesie.
I nodded and opened every present, marvelling at each gift for a minute or two before opening the next. I showed each on to Armin who had found a remote control plane that he was playing with. After I'd opened the final gift, I turned to Armin with a grin
"What is it, Eren?", he asked suspiciously as I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the front door.
"Well, you can't honestly think I'm stupid enough to believe Santa actually exists? I know it was a certain someone who bought all those gifts and I think they should be repayed with an even BETTER gift than all of them", I smiled waiting patiently.
Armins POV
I kind of thought that Eren actually still believed in Santa so I was sort of surprised when he said how stupid the idea was. Then he slipped a blindfold across my eyes and spun me around. I stumbled around dizzily as I heard Erens feet patter across the floorboards
"Okay, I'm gonna keep saying stuff and you have to follow my voice until we reach the destination", I heard him say. I nodded in agreement to his challenge and followed where I had just heard his voice.
I tried to form a map or way of navigation in my head but couldn't so just listened until he said "over here" then stumbled awkwardly in that direction. I heard Erens rough morning voice say come a little closer from nearby and shuffled forward then
I felt a soft familiar feeling on my lips and realised that Eren was kissing me whilst I was blindfolded. He pushed me against a doorway and stroked his hand gently through my hair as he slipped his tongue into my mouth
I let him because it felt nice to be so dominated and helpless if it was with Eren. When Marco tried to dominate me it creepy and felt horrible. I kissed Eren back with my hand resting on his waist and other round he back of his neck. It felt rough yet smooth and nice. I tried to lift off my blindfold but he moved my hand away
"Ah, no peeking. I got sidetracked since we were under the mistletoe", Eren whispered into my ear in his low morning voice and gave it a cute nibble before moving away again. I wish we could've kept kissing for longer but it seemed he wanted to show me something
We repeated the yell and follow routine until I realised we were outside and I was trudging through the cold crunchy snow in just my onesie. I blew hot air up into my face , blowing my fringe about and warming up my skin.
Suddenly I was back in Erens arms and I could feel his hot body warming me. He turned me around then took off my blindfold to show me a little swing.
It was nothing special, a piece of wood tied to a tree by two ropes. But Eren had made it. He had obviously spent a lot of time on it too as it looked pretty expert for a homemade swing. But the thing that made it special was that carved into the seat it said;
Eren x Armin
surrounded by a little heart. I smiled up at Eren who did that sweet calming tender teeth less smile down at me. I grinned then pecked him on the lips and whispered into his ear
"I love it..". I saw him grin a wide smile and then whisper back
"and I love you, Santa", then he pecked me on the forehead and gave me a long warm hug that filled me with more joy than any Christmas gift ever could.
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