Wake up
First thing, we are going to pretend that nifty has medical training in this since she is 22 and I need a doctor character sooo.
Secondly, ok so it really annoys me that I always have like twenty fanfics on the go and when I finish them, by the time they update I have forgot what happens, so I have decided to put a little summary at the start of them to help out :)
Previously: angel finds out Alastor can purr and has a tail (but that isn't very relevant just putting it out there because it's cute), he then becomes his boyfriend, the others are sus that they are dating but al hides it since he is embarrassed about it, mostly because if the era he is from, and how hey felt about homo. Angel goes to work and gets fucked up a little by al and then after he does it again, he had finally had enough, and he quit. He ran away before he could punish him- but soon, there was a knock at the hotel door...
Alastor beat the shit out of val and angel got hit super hard-
"His eyes began to flutter closed..."
Alastor threw his head down into angels chest, hiding his tearful face. He let out a choked sob as he wrapped his arms around the skin demon, before lifting him up bridal-style. "I'm taking him to the hospital wing!" He cried before teleporting away. "Nifty! You know medical- uh- stuff right?!" Charlie cried in a panic-laced voice. "I sure do!" She cried as she zoomed up to the hospital wing of the hotel, where she was greeted by the sight of Alastor, looming sadly over the hospital bed. The hospital room that they were in was a small room, in the equally smaller wing of the hotel, compared to the other vast areas. The room had a large window in the room that showed the corridor were multiple seats were scattered around. A typical hospital bed sat in the center of the room, where a battered angel lied.
Charlie, vaggie and husk finally caught up with nifty, who had zoomed to the hospital wing faster than you could say bill cipher (idk either) and she quickly rushed to alastor's side, as the others hesitantly wandered in, scared as to what alastor's reaction would be to the whole scenario. A tearful frown was stuck to his ashen skin, as hot, salty tears found their way down alastor's face. Nifty hurriedly took his pulse before confirming that he was alive, but likely in a coma. Alastor's ears dropped as he gazed down upon the peaceful demon, and a tear dropped onto his angelic white fur. Alastor sniffled, attempting to halt the tears, but they wouldn't stop coming.
Charlie gently placed a hand on alastor's shoulder, and calmly whispered, "it will be ok, Alastor." As she stood behind him. His usual posture was corrupted by his slouching back so he could lean over angel on his chair. "B- but what if it isn't..." he stuttered. Charlie gulped, she couldn't find the words to respond. "Then we will get through it together." A voice suddenly chimed in, as vaggie stepped closer and placed a hand on Alastor. The corner of his mouth cracked a smile for a split second, but he remained unmoving. "Yeah al! I'll do everything I can to help your girlfriend!" Nifty offered, as Alastor was about to correct her, but couldn't muster the strength. He was great full, but he felt broken and numb. He didn't have the energy to react. He felt so tired, but could not sleep, not even shut his eyes. He used all of the energy he could muster to whisper something, so quietly the others couldn't hear: "Please wake up..."
A couple of days passed, the hazbins coming to check everyday, on Alastor, and on angel. "Alastor, you have to get up, you can't stay there for this long, it's not healthy." Charlie pleaded, but Alastor didn't move- he kept in the same position he had for days, leaning over angel, not moving an inch. His permanent smile now diminished completely. Constant streaks of tears down his otherwise emotionless face. It was terrifying- yet saddening. "Please Alastor, you need to eat, you need to sleep!" She cried, tears threatening to form. As much as it hurt him, Alastor could not leave his angels side. Charlie desperately grasped at Alastor, hoping to move him, but vaggie gently grabbed her shoulder, shaking her head sadly. She walked the now crying Charlie out of the room, and watched solemnly through the window at the distraught radio demon.
Another knock at the door startled the hotel goers. Except husk, who was shaken by angels comatose state, was drinking away his sorrows, and was passed out on the bar. Charlie cautiously opened the door, when suddenly, Katie kill joy burst in with fake happiness beaming off of her. Tom shortly pursued her in a nervous manner. "Hello there! It's delightful to see you and your little project gain!" She cried, her voice dripping with sarcasm. A small camera crew bustled through the doors and she clutched a microphone to her mouth.
"What do you want?" Charlie asked, in a harsh voice standing her ground. "Oh? Well didn't you see? That little fight was all over the news- and I wouldn't usually do this but- ratings! And people loved the story about that, so what better than to come and get all of the juicy deets here at the scene- now where's Alastor." She bluntly asked after ranting in a fake passion filled voice. "Im not telling you!" She cried, as Katie glared at her angrily. "Well I'll have to find her myself!" She cheered, pushing past Charlie. Vaggie quickly approached with her spear, and murmured Spanish at her whilst threateningly holding it. She was also pushed aside like a rag doll.
The crew headed upstairs, Charlie and vaggie following after them. They soon found their way to the hospital wing due to the directional signs, and let them selves in. "Wow! How juicy! Alastor mourning angel dust the porn star?" She screamed in a happy voice, as Alastor twitched in anger. She thrusted the mic next to his mouth, annoyed that he wasn't acknowledging her. Tom was cowering in fear outside the room. "Tell me al, why do you care so much for a piece of shit like him?" She sang joyously- but this did it. Alastor's neck snapped to her direction. "Pardon?" He asked, his voice riddled with static. She took a step back as his eyes turned to dials and a black tar like substance oozed out of his mouth. She recoiled her hand and put on a smile to the camera. "Anything that you want to say?" She asked him, trying to keep confidence in her voice. He physically shook in anger, causing her to laugh nervously and back out of the room as she saw that his hands had began to glow a neon green. Without moving, he summoned a small portal, which was enough to make Katy and the crew (minus Tom who had already dashed out) to sprint away. Charlie sighed of relief as she learnt against the wall, grasping baggies hand close to her chest. "Whew, thanks al." She smiled nervously, but alastor ignored her and continued staring...
The next day, husk had decided to come and see al, even he missed the presence of the ever joyful radio host. He peaked his furred head around the corner, and cautiously crept in, attempting not to startle alastor- even though he knew that he couldn't. No one could sneak up on alastor. He cleared his throat to make his presence known, and spoke hoarsely, "alastor..." in the hopes of a reply. Nothing. " A-al, come on, please- I want him to wake up too but-" he sighed, as he placed a hand on alastor's unmoving shoulder. He sniffed and wiped his eyes as he looked down at angel, he had to admit, he missed the guy. He sighed sadly once again, and stopped leaning down, standing up tall- for once sober. "Goodbye al." He solemnly spoke, as he wandered back out of the room hopelessly. Another tear fell from alastor's red, sunken eyes.
Three months later, angel was still in a coma, and alastor hadn't moved. All of the hotel residents had been anxious and on edge, since angel could stop breathing any day, and Satan knows what alastor would do then- but they do know, it would be carnage. Alastor looked even worse. His eyes were dark and sunken, and his signature smile was still missing. One day, Charlie did her routine check on them, to see the same sight she was use to- a very sleep deprived alastor looming sadly over angel, clutching the side of his bed. She was increasingly worried about him, since he hadn't eaten or slept in months. She was about to leave when she suddenly heard a huge bang, and turned around to see that alastor had collapsed onto the cold floor...
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