Did you just-
(Not my art creds fanartist_24)
How I think Alastor would look when I describe it later :)
Angel and alastor lay there for a while, on the sofa, blissfully unaware of the fact that three hotel goers were spying on them through the door, Charlie and nifty squealing in delight, vaggie eyeing them suspiciously- although she had to admit, this was one of the cutest things she had ever seen- except Charlie of course. They were just out of ear shot, so they could only make out the words that they had stated boldly, not the soft spoken remarks from angel, who's hand was now creeping up towards Alastor's ears.
He reached for the fluffy stumps on his head, and as his gloved fingers lightly skimmed them, Alastor's hand, as fast as lightning, flew up and caught his wrist. He seemed angry, due to the amount of pressure being placed on angels wrist, but when he spoke, his voice sounded quiet, and defeated, occasionally breaking; "p- please don't." He simply stuttered, wishing he could let angel stroke his ears- but he couldn't risk him finding out. "Why not?" Angel asked, clearly dismayed. "B- because I don't allow it, I'm not to be petted!" He shrilly cried, in a suddenly dignified voice, but angel could tell it was put on.
He grinned, "ok, ok, relax, I won't touch ya ears, happy?" He huffed, hatching a plan. "Very much so." Alastor cheerfully remarked, and buried his face into angels neck once again. Angel waited for a few seconds, before moving his arm, very careful not to disturb Alastor and give his plan away. Well, it wasn't much of a plan, it was just, 'pet Alastor before he can stop me'. He shoved his hand onto his ear and he immediately felt the demon stiffen on his lap, his body as stiff as a board, ears twitching at the sudden contact. Until suddenly, he melted into angels side and began- purring?!
Angel recoiled his hand, in shock, not meaning to offend Alastor, and not out of disgust, simply out of surprise. "D- did you just-" angel began, before he noticed Alastor's face was burning red ,and static poured out and filled the air, almost making him want to cover his ears. He noticed a few mysterious symbols hung around Alastor, as he suddenly realised what was going on and looked up sharply. Out of instinct, and embarrassment, he hid his face into angels waist, as he could feel his face burn, like molten lava had just been drizzled over his entire face. "No!" He cried in a higher voice than intended, he heard angel let out a small squeak of joy, before yelling; "shut up!" And before angel knew it, his shadow had crept up, and engulfed Alastor, zapping him into his room. "Oh come on al!" Angel cried to himself, hoping he could hear him.
Vaggie, Charlie, and nifty were more than confused. They couldn't hear the purrs, and so they were all left pondering in their own thoughts- this was until they realised that angel was approaching the door. They squealed and dashed, but it was too late. "What the fu- were you fuckin' spying on us!" He cried out, waving his fist at the three figures that were halfway down the long hallway. "N- nooo..." Charlie suspiciously replied, sounding as though she questioned herself. Vaggie face palmed and nifty zoomed around excitedly. "Uh huh, I gotta go see Alastor- if anyone spills, I'll rip ya fuckin' throats out, got it?" He threatened as he dashed up the stairs to Alastor's room. "Did Alastor have- a tail?" Charlie looked over at vaggie and asked, "I think so.." she stated, quite shocked at the amount of information they had just took in.
Once he got there, he knocked on the door, noticing straight away that it was locked, and had an ancient looking 'do not disturb' sign hanging onto the golden knob. He gently knocked on the door, getting deja vu from the previous night. "Go away." Alastor blankly stated blankly. Angel raised an eyebrow from the other side of the door and pulled out a hair clip, fiddling with the lock till it opened. Alastor sat facing away from the door and his broad shoulders sunk as he let out a loud sigh, "I know your probably here to mock me, which yes, I deserve, but please make it quick I have better things to attend to." He swiftly said, not moving.
"Mock- no! Alastor, it's fine! I'm not here to mock ya!" He laughed, as he paced over to Alastor, smoothly sliding next to him on the comfy red linen covering his bed. "Really? Your not- b- but I-?" Alastor stuttered in a confused voice, as a smile encrusted angels face. "Course not, ya dumb ass, I'm here to tell ya, that you, are the most adorable demon that I ever saw," Alastor blushed, "you shouldn't be embarrassed by it, it ain't your fault, and besides, I think it's cute~" he flirted as he booped the demons grey nose.
Alastor was left speechless. He was sure that angel would mock him and harass him for it- but he was being- nice? "Why- I- angel I'm not quite sure to say, other than I'm not cute- but- thank you." He spoke in a sincere tone. Angel pulled him in for another hug, and began stroking his ears. Alastor tensed, before angel assured him that it was ok- besides, Alastor can't control it- if someone strokes his ears or tail, it's like something is awoken inside of him, which is why he doesn't let anyone touch it, or even him in general usually- he just looses control completely.
Soon, Alastor was lying on angels folded legs, craning his neck, allowing angel to get to all of his favourite spots, purring contently. When angel hit one particular spot, the radio demon rolled over and held one leg up, his mouth taking the shape of a huge wobbly smile. Angel giggled as Alastor's eyes opened wide, realising what he was doing. His face flushed dark blood red as he looked away. He cleared his throat and fixed himself into his previous position, although embarrassed, he didn't want angel to stop. Only one person had ever stroked his ears- let's just say they didn't live long after that.
"Your so tame ya little softie." Angel mocked playfully as Alastor's wobbly smile turned into one of annoyance. "i'M nOt SoFt!" Alastor reminded him for what seems like the millionth time that day. "Ok, stop huggin' me then." He smirked, with an arched eyebrow. Alastor hesitated, before hiding his face in angels waist and shaking his head quickly, only tightening his grip. Angel laughed, and continued rubbing his ears. The purring intensified, as he petted him. How is the radio demon, one of the most feared overlords in hell, laying on my lap, purring as I pet him? I don't deserve him, he's so perfect, and adorable! Angel thought, looking down at Alastor's red hair.
Suddenly, a knock on the door startled them. Alastor stopped purring instantly and pushed himself up, straightening out his suit, not realising his ears were flopped down, one hanging to the right, and his hair was ruffled. He cleared his throat before hoarsely yelling, "come in!" To the mysterious knocker. The door creaked open and three figures slipped in. "Soooo, al." The familiar voice of Charlie called out. "Mmm." He hummed, inviting her to continue her statement. Angels eyes widened, knowing they had just seen the entire thing and ran a finger across his neck, threatening them, which they elected to ignore.
"We all decided that we would uh, ask you and angel about something, hehe." She chuckled nervously, clearly mildly afraid of al. He hummed once again, his smile not faltering, but growing bigger, eyes glowing as he tilted his head slightly. Angel could tell that he was nervous, but it wasn't visible to people who didn't know Alastor as well as he did. But Charlie and the others might not have been as close to al as angel was, but they had known Alastor for the same amount of time as angel, therefore noting that he was nervous. "I- we saw something down stairs and we decided that we wanted to ask you and Angel about it?" She slowly and cautiously asked, trying to keep her wavering voice stern. "And what might that be dear?" Alastor spoke through gritted teeth, his smile twitching at the sides.
"Well- I- uh." She trailed off, as vaggie sighed and stepped in. "We wanna know why angel was all over you in the kitchen." This took Alastor and angel by surprise, but especially Alastor, who's eyes widened. He stepped back a little, as though the comment had blown him back. "I- I'm afraid I don't know w- what your talking about dear." He stuttered, stumbling over his words. He could tell that a blush was settled across his face, but he wasn't going to give up this easily. Vaggie folded her arms and raised her eyebrows. Until, nifty zoomed in, and bounced around the room excitedly. She flew around Alastor's feet as he stepped back, slightly loosing balance, and letting out a disgruntled yet confused grunt. "Oh my god, oh my god, is she your girlfriend? Are you guys dating? Oh man, this is exciting! I can't believe it! I-" she ranted at two hindered miles per hour, until Alastor held a hand out and gently stopped her.
His face was twitching, and his eyes ominously glowed, "he is not my boyfriend." He harshly stated, in a firm tone. Nifty zoomed out, giggling excitedly, muttering about Alastor's 'girlfriend', leaving the room silent, with an incredibly embarrassed Alastor in the middle. "W- what did you see." He asked, in a very quiet, but no longer threatening tone, his voice crackling with static, like an old vinyl. "Well, vaggie heard something, and went down to investigate, and say you guys making breakfast, which is weird, because we thought you hated each other, and then she came and got me, nifty saw us and joined in, and before you know it, we were all gathered around the door- and then we saw- uh, pretty much everything- I think..." she stated, her voice a little more confident, until it trailed off and leaked away at the end as she noticed Alastor's menacing smile, the corners of his mouth twitching.
"I- could I have some time alone please." Alastor simply stated after a while if silence, and him not knowing what to say. "Sure, sure, hehe..." charlie slowly backed out, her thumbs up awkwardly, she was shortly perused by vaggie, leaving only Alastor and angel in the vast room. "I said alone angel." His voice dripping with static. But angel wasn't frightened. "Yeah, but I can tell that's the opposite of what ya need now." Angel shrugged as he walked towards him. "Look, al, ya gotta stop bein' so embarrassed about ya self, ya know! No ones gunna judge you for having a tail, purring, or- or-" he was about to say 'being with me', but thankfully, he stopped himself. The radio demon would never want to go out with a worthless porn star like him- right?
He gulped and continued, "you are who you are, ya know? It ain't your fault your like, the hottest demon in hell." He explained, before quickly covering his mouth, realising what had just slipped out. Alastor stood in shock- "I- angel, do you mean that?" He asked, his eyes wider than usual, with a strange shimmer, glinting in the natural light of hell. "W-well, yeah." Angel rubbed the back of his neck, before realising how close he now was to Alastor. The radio demons face flustered, clearly having the same realisation, as he let out an awkward chuckle, until they simply stared into each others eyes.
Angel reached up his hands and gracefully cupped Alastor's face, pulling him in for a passionate kiss. He expected Alastor not to kiss back, but he couldn't stop himself. Alastor froze in shock, no one had ever kissed him before, he didn't know how to react. Angel pulled away, a sad and guilty look on his face as he noticed Alastor, standing frozen, a huge blush on his face. "I- I'm sorry, I don't know what- what came over-" he began to explain, before he was caught off guard by Alastor grabbing him and crashing his lips into his. He was shocked, but he kissed back.
As they came back into their original positions, inches away from each other's face, a blush settled on both their faces. I think I love him. They both thought...
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