Naruto OC Suzie Yamanaka, That_ShinoB
I made this for bringing the readers into the chapter, added it in the book between paragraphs and just after the scene. I can make you something like this that conveys the emotion of a particular setting in your fic, or I can draw you a cover. I don't mind multiple characters, but keep in mind it'll take longer. Same as if you want a full background, that'd make it a bit longer too.
If you don't write books, I can draw you any character from anything you like!
It's okay to ask for... a sausy drawing! I may draw it, I may not. Depends on the request really.
Adorable requests are always welcome!!! 😁♡♡♡
😎cool requests are sick✌🏼
Random requests are appreciated!
I will always draw a character you love!
I will always draw a character you hate!
I'll... even draw a character I hate ✌🏼😔
I really just need practice and to have your fresh ideas for drawing instead of the same things I draw over and over!
I had quit drawing without realizing it, so I'm a lil' rusty and that's why I've been drawing more lately!
Trying to get my skill back to where it used to be or better, and then eventually I might do legit commissions when I get better self esteem, and when I'm confident in my art. That's the same reason I only write fanfiction, I guess! Lol 😅 I'm sometimes a perfectionist. A selectional perfectionist.
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