When The Bastrads Show
Pov Dipper.
I can't believe they actually came back. Those two fucking bastard you left us are here.
" I'm surprised you actually showed up after the letter you send us, I had hoped that you wouldn't show. " I smirked.
Their faces turn into anger once they see who's in the room with them.
" well, this isn't a welcome we expected. " Stan said.
" what are you doing with these demons. " Ford yelled.
" Pine tree, you know these two. " Bill said.
" unfortunately, I do there my uncles." I frowned.
" you are related to them! " Star said.
" what are you doing here? " Stan said
" we were talking to dipper. I can't believe you're here after so many years you've been missing. You out of the criminal world now. Your history?" Andrew said making hand jesters.
" these two used to be criminals. wow that's hard to believe. " I laughed.
"Ooooh" Lady widow said
"Dipper just get away from them. " Stan said
"Why is it because there better than you. " I smiled.
"No he didn't. " Andrew said
"Shut it demon! " Stan yelled.
"Don't yell at them Stan. " I said.
"Dipper your suppose to your the lab cage. Your still a test subject. " Ford said raising his eye brow.
"I'm not your test subject Ford anymore Ford. You can't test on me anymore. You can't. " I said
"Your unstable Dipper. You can't control it. " Stan said
"Yes I can. " I said.
"You can't and you'll never will. " Ford said.
"You turned me into a monster Ford. You made me like this, you put these fucking marks on me. " I said
"Dipper just don't hang around these demons and you'll be fine. " Stan said.
" Guys will go threw the back. " I said.
"Okay" Lady widow said.
"Your making it harder for yourself boy. " Stan said.
I lead them to the back and Stan grabbed my arm.
"Let go of me Stanford. " I said
"Ford now. "
I felt something shock me. It was painful.
"Remember we placed a chip inside of you. " Ford said.
And you can't disobey us. " Stan said
" I-I won't l-let you h-hurt them. " I managed to say.
The pain was unbearable. I forgot about the chip I thought they wouldn't return. Right after they left, I thought I dis activate it, but I guess I was wrong.
I'm on the floor I can't move, it's just too much to handle. The pain is just unbearable to me. I look at him and he kicks him in the face. I start to bleed from my mouth.
" leave Mr.Dipper alone! "
I thought they are you left by now, but I guess the youngest save me. He pressed the button once she says that. The pain got worse as the power level went higher.
"S-Star leave. " I said
"Leave him alone! " he screamed.
Ford was beyond our generation. He makes gadgets and no one in this time ever heard of. New technology that I don't even now to use.
Star punches stand and tackles forward to the ground, making him drop the remote. The pain was all over my body. I screamed in pain and then I see them run back in. I start getting dizzy and everything turned blurry.
" Star break the remote! " Andrew yelled.
if they break it, it's gonna go to it for max. I can't even speak to warn them. The electric shock is just too much. They're trying to do this so I could use my magic to hurt others. I'm not doing that mistake again.
" what happened to for him? " Star said.
" the only chance we have just do it. " William screamed.
Star stepped on it, and it broke. I couldn't tell them in time. I wasn't strong enough. I quickly went to it full blast. It made it worse. Blood slowly started to roll down my lips even more.
My vision became even more blurry. I became even more dizzy. The last thing I saw was a Bill running up to me.
POV Bill.
" it made it worse, but it's off. " lady widow said.
I ran over to pine tree and he's unconscious. The electrical shocks must have been too strong for him. This makes me feel awful. I feel like this is my fault.
" what did you fucking do to him. " I said.
" we have a chip inside him if he ever tries to disobey us one click of that button, and his powers would be in no use and more powerful shock the more painful gets. I guess he didn't activate his powers. " Sixer said laughing.
" that shock was powerful enough to kill a man. " Andrew said.
" why do you guys care about our nephew? " Fez said.
" your horrible human beings for doing this to him. He's one of us now and I'll do anything. I'll protect him like he protected me. " Star said.
I went over to them and knock them out. I picked them up bridal style. We went back to the warehouse.
Time skip.
It's been an hour and pine tree is recovering from the electrical shocks. Lady widow managed to get out the chip. It's out and crushed it. Andrew went to comfort star because she was pretty upset. Lady willow was joining Andrew on trying to comfort star. I was sitting next to pine tree.
"Hey Bill. " its Will.
" Hey Will. " I said.
" you've been a little off lately. Ever since we first met dipper, you completely changed. Care to tell me why? " Will said.
" why do you say that? " I said the staring at pine tree.
" I've never seen that look in your eyes before. Bill. I'm your brother just told me what's wrong. " will asked.
" it's nothing, I'm fine. " I realize that I start to shake.
" there's something wrong your shaking. Please, I won't tell anyone. " Will said.
" I don't know. Everything just changed my whole point of view of things. I'm started to feel emotions. " I said.
" Bill. You don't have to be afraid of emotions. I've known you closed it off so many times, but now your finally letting it free and you don't have to worry about emotions. Just let them be. " Will said.
" why do you always have to be right?" I said.
" because it's true and you know it, too. " Will smiled.
Will smiled at me and I smiled back. I don't let my emotion to break free, but now I guess I can. There's just one that I can't get out of my mind.
Why did all of a sudden I start to care? That's usually not me. I should really listening to Will.
It's been a few minutes and Star comes in.
" is Mr. Dipper all right Bill? " Star asked.
" he's doing better star. Thanks to you, you saved them. " I smiled.
" really. "
" Yes. " Will said.
Stars face lights up at something that she's looking at. I look where she was looking at. Pine tree was waking up.
"Mr.Dipper your awake." Star said.
" how long have I been out? " he said slowly sitting up.
" Just an hour and a few minutes. " Will said.
" Is this the warehouse? " Pine tree said looking around.
"It is. " Star said.
" are you okay? Does anything hurt? " Will asked.
" everything's fine thanks. "
" Mr. dipper, I'll show you around. "
One a minute were talking to him and check if he's alright the other minute he's already across the hall with star.
This is gonna be an interesting day.
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