Pov Dipper.
Its been a few good days well a week. I've been getting to know them a lot better. I was walking in the woods and I had an odd feeling, but I couldn't make it out so I raced home. I open the door to see Mabel crying.
Who made her cry?
I went to Mabel and she cried on my shoulder. I hugged her and pat her head. She looked at me, she's been crying for a while. Who would do this? When I find out there dead.
"Mabel what's wrong? Who made you cry?" I asked
"I'm sorry Dipper." she said balling her eyes out.
"You don't have to be sorry Mabel just tell me, why are you crying? Who did this to you? " I said holding in my anger!
"I'm getting married." she frowned.
"isn't that good Mabel your gonna marry someone you love." I said
"by force. "
"What!" I said in anger.
"I'm sorry Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford said if I didn't marry him they were gonna hurt you." she sobbed in my arms.
"Mabel if you don't love him then don't marry him. Mabel I want you to find an amazing guy that will treat you well. I don't want you to be sad for the rest of your life. You'll tell them the weddings off. I'll be right next to you and if they hurt you they have to fight me first. " I smiled.
"but there gonna hurt you. " Mabel said
"no there not. " I said
"Thanks Dipper. " I said.
I wiped her tears away and hugged her again. I heard the door open and I see the fuckers who made her cry. Mabel holds my hand and gives them the ring back.
"I refuse to marry someone I don't love. " Mabel said holding in her fear.
" Your refusing? " Ford said
"yes. I refuse to marry someone I don't even know or love. " Mabel said.
"your gonna marry him no matter what." Stan said.
"NO!" She yelled.
"yes you are!"
Ford almost grabbed Mabel by the arm, but he didn't. I slapped his hand away from her and hugged her. I looked at them and my eyes began to glow.
" The answer is no. If she doesn't love him then what's the point of marriage? I won't let you do this. She's my sister and I'll do anything to protect her. " I said.
"your an annoy piece of shit. " Ford said.
"Mabel let's go into town and go shopping." I said.
"okay. " she said looking at me with a dull smile.
I walked out with Mabel holding my hand. I don't want her to marry someone she doesn't love. That's not right.
I think it's a good time to tell her the truth about me. We're in the woods and she looks at me. I smiled and looked at her taking a deep breath.
"Mabel can I tell you something? "I asked.
"What is it bro bro? " Mabel said.
"I don't want you to be mad at me. I've been hiding this for a long time and I want you to know. " I said.
"are you gay? "
"what? "
"I understand Dipper it's okay. " she said.
"no I'm not gay. " I sighed
Why do people think I'm gay? Do I really act or look gay. I'm really confused when I say something and then they ask I'm gay. Why does this happened. I've never dated anyone. I don't know. Yet.
"man I thought you were. " Mabel said.
"still promise you won't be mad. " I said
"promise." she said
"you know my job?" I said.
"yeah your a criminal but you us the shop as a back up. " Mabel said.
"What you found out!" I said.
"I was joking Dipper!" Mabel said.
"fuck." I said.
"Dipper why didn't you tell me!" she wined
"I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to get hurt and if other people know who I really am they would come after you." I explain.
" I can't believe this. " Mabel said .
"I'm sorry Mabel. " I said
"it's okay Dipper. You only did it for my safely." Mabel said.
"I'll buy you some things at the shops." I said.
"wait so are your group of your friends criminals too? " Mabel said.
"there a gang and I'm a part of it. Don't worry there nice, they won't hurt you." I said.
"okay but are you gonna tell them that I know. " Mabel asked.
"yeah they need to know. " I smiled.
"okay. " Mabel said.
After that we walked into town and I took Mabel shopping.
pov Stan
That little twerp things that he can disobey us after all we've done for him! He'll get what he deserves soon. Very soon. I can't believe that Mabel so stupid. Now Dipper will pay for her actions.
I smiled at Ford and we hear someone knocking on her door. We both went to it and saw the person that was suppose to marry Mabel.
"Where is she? " he smiled.
"The wedding is off. Her brother convince her to not marry you. " Ford said.
" Pines your such an idiot! " He yelled.
"shut the fuck up!" I yelled.
"you failed. " he said.
"you can take care of Dipper if you want. I don't really care he's a monster anyway" Ford said.
"I will. " he said.
"Just don't hurt Mabel." I said.
"don't worry I won't." He smiled.
Pov Star
Mr. Dipper should be here in a few minutes. Will and Bill are doing things so me, Lady widow and Andrew are waiting for him.
I hear a knock on the door. I see Dipper and someone that looks like him but female.
"Hello Mr. Dipper. Who's this?" I asked.
"This is Mabel my twin. Mabel this is Star." Mr. Dipper said
"nice to meet you. " She smiled.
"Don't worry she already knows. " Mr. Dipper said.
"she found out? " I asked
" yes." Mr. Dipper sighed.
"I made a joke and it ended up to be true. " she smiled.
" wow, that's the best way to find out." I said.
"yeah." Mabel said.
They came in and Mr. Dipper explained everything. Andrew didn't seem happy about it. Lady widow was making sure that Andrew didn't start fighting. Will was happy and Bill was just talking to Mr. Dipper after.
A few hours later they went home and we went to bed.
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