Ty stared at the scene before him. Tears began to stream down the young brunette's face. He hadn't made it in time. Adam was laying on the ground motionless, a pool of blood still forming under his body. A ghastly figure stood over him, wielding a diamond sword, blood dripping down from the tip of it. That ghastly figure had bright glowing white eyes, a blue t shirt that was torn in places, and some blue jeans, which were also torn. Ty looked at the man he thought couldn't enter the real world from the minecraft realm. But there he was, Herobrine, in the flesh. He had just killed the Sky Army General. Ty grabbed his sword, his sadness turning into pure anger. You see, Sky Army and Dead Army fight off the mobs that secretly come to the real world. The mobs always spawn in the forest Ty was in now. But Herobrine had been sealed away, and somehow he got out. Sky Army was the one that Adam lead, and Dead Army was the one that Ty lead. Ty jumped up into the trees, using his amazing stealth skills to disappear from Herobrine's sight. Ty was now standing in the tree right behind the mob. Herobrine looked around frantically. Ty pulled his second sword out and landing behind Herobrine silently. "Surprise." He said while slashing at Herobrine's back and neck. The mob whipped around but wasn't even able to make a move he fell to the ground and disappeared, probably spawning back in minecraft, to be sealed away once more. Ty just stared at where the mob had been laying just seconds ago, until he heard a gasp and a fit of coughing. His head snapped up and he saw Adam, he was alive. Ty rushed over and grabbed some bandages from his bag. "How is this even possible?" He muttered to himself.
"T-ty?" Adam whispered.
"Hey Adam. Don't talk right now, you need your strength." Ty said, while taping the bandages in place. He picked Adam up bridal style and began to walk towards his house. Once they got there Ty lay Adam down on the couch to let him rest. Ty went up to his room and texted one of his friends, a sorcerer who knew more about this topic than he did.
Ty: Hey Seto I need you to come over here ASAP
Seto: Alright be there in a sec
Ty looked at the last texted in a confused manner. Then I felt someone poke his back. He almost screamed and whipped around, frowning. Seto stood in front of him. "Don't do that! I hate it when you teleport like that!" He scolded.
"Ok, ok. It's just funny. So why did you want me here?" Seto asked a rather tired expression on his face.
"I asked you to come here because of Adam. He was dead less than 10 minutes ago. Yet he's asleep on the couch breathing again. I don't know how it's possible." Ty said.
"What killed him?" Seto asked. Ty looked at him and before he could say something like "that doesn't matter" or "why do you need to know" Seto said, "Just tell me what killed him Tyler!" Ty flinched at Seto using his full first name.
"It was Herobrine, but wh-" Ty was interrupted by Seto clapping a hand over his mouth. Seto looked at the door while backing up dragging Ty with him. Ty looked at Seto confused then looked at the door. He wanted to scream at the sight. Instead he began to cry at the sight of his boyfriend. Adam was standing in the doorway wielding a budder sword, his eyes were glowing yellow. The team's worst nightmare had come true. The Sky Army General was now their worst enemy. Skybrine looked at the two boys with a devilish grin. Seto and Ty then disappeared from his sight, leaving only a cloud of purple smoke behind. Skybrine just smiled even wider. Meanwhile Ty and Seto were now at Seto's lab.
"Ty, you need to run far away from here. Don't stop, don't look back, just keep running." Seto said.
"But I can't just leave you here! I can't l-" Ty was interrupted.
"Yes you can! I promised your parents I would keep you safe at all costs!" Seto said and Ty looked at him. His parents, they had died from an unexpected mob attack. Ty just slowly nodded tears going down his cheeks. He then began to run right towards the forest. Meanwhile Skybrine had just teleported into Seto's lab, cornering the sorcerer.
"Where is he?!" Skybrine demanded.
"I would never tell you! Even if death is looking me in the eye!" Seto shouted. Ty hadn't even made it that far before he heard a scream of pain. He just kept running, as his friend told him to. He then slowed down when he reached the darkest part of the forest. He wiped his eyes and kept going. He swore he could here the faint screams of his friends. Then he had a sudden feeling that he was being followed. He began to go faster, not daring to look behind him.
"Ty!" A voice filled with sorrow and fear came from behind him. Ty whipped around and saw a horrified Adam standing there, tears streaming down his face. "W-what happened to me... what have I done..." Adam said as Ty began to walk towards him. "No! Don't come any closer, I don't want to hurt you too." Adam said. Ty stopped for a second then he just rushed up and hugged Adam.
"It's ok Adam." Ty said as Adam hugged back. But this didn't last long when Adam pushed Ty away.
"R-run Ty. I don't want to hurt you." Adam said as his eyes began to glow once again. Ty looked at Adam for a second then turned and ran, tears falling down his cheeks again. But he knew he could never outrun him. Skybrine was already in pursuit of Ty, and he was gaining fast. Then Ty yelped in surprise and pain as he was shoved into a nearby tree. He looked up at Skybrine who held his sword up to Ty's neck.
"A-adam please, don't do it." Ty said trying to get the real Adam back. Skybrine just laughed.
"You think I'll stop? Pathetic!" Skybrine said, lowering the sword to the young teen's chest. Ty then smiled, realizing that he won't win this fight. He sighed and looked into Skybrine's eye which were flickering.
"I still love you Adam, and I always will." Ty said as the sword penetrated through his chest. He was still smiling as he fell to his knees. Blood began to flow out of his mouth. "You'll always be my hero Adam." He said using his final breath, he then fell to the ground limp. Skybrine stared at him, then his eyes widened.
"T-ty!" He screamed falling to his knees. "No no no. How could I have done this?" Adam said while sobbing into his hands.
On the first page of our story the future seemed so bright.
Then the saint turned out so evil.
I don't know why I'm still surprised.
Even angels have their wicked schemes, and you take that to new extremes.
But you'll always be my hero even though you've lost your mind.
Saddest thing I've ever written. *hands tissue box* Hope you guys enjoyed it. See you all in the next update! P.S. I couldn't get the song in.
~ Skyloxmu
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