Twenty Four
|Autumn's POV|
"Incredible" Dr. Maxfield looks around my basement where the Cullens are along with Bella who is passed out "so they are conscious right now?"
"Yes" Crossing my arms as I lean against the wall "this is their human pet, my cousin. I give them human blood once a week and if you know about cold one vampires, some have gifts. They can read minds. So every mind within a ten mile radius they can hear the minds, they are slowly going insane"
"Are you worried about them ever getting out?" He takes one of Edward's fingers, he's working on trying to get vampires to feed off each other instead of humans. Have the vampire species cause itself to go extinct.
Shaking my head no "No, you know that what if game? I played that enough times with them all" watching as he takes the venom between Carlisle and Esme "carful, cold one vampire venom is much deadlier than traditional vampires"
"Good to know" he nods his head, looking my way "thank you for confiding this in me"
"We're on the side" reminding him of the lie I'm telling "the eradication of vampires" after taking what he needs, Dr. Maxfield leaves and Victoria comes out from where she was hiding.
"And I thought" she crossed her arms "I was diabolical, remind me to never piss you off" she goes over to Bella who wakes up screaming when she slammed her hand on Bella's leg.
We look over when the door opens and in comes Felix and Demetri who carry this large wooden crate "What is going on?" I ask
"This is the anchor the other side" Felix tells us "my daughter Qetsiyah is back from the dead and she needs me to keep this safe, long ago I made sure my mind couldn't be infiltrated by Silas so the anchor will be safe here"
"And you want it here?" I ask
He opens it and it's another Petrova doppelgänger "This is the first immortal female, Amara. The original Petrova doppelgänger" he puts the doppelgänger that is a bunch of stone into the steel cage that he asked me to spell so that no immortal can break the bonds, took a full moon along with Tessa's help but we managed to make the cage. It's spelled so only a symbol written in blood can open it.
"How do we wake her?" Demetri asks
Felix pulls Bella to Amara and cuts her wrist, Bella weakly cries as the blood goes into Amara. The stone shell begins to crack, and Felix pushes Amara into the cage just as her eyes opened. Bella is thrown back to Victoria who uses a whip this time on her.
Amara looks around the place before seeing me and screams loudly, I'm so glad I keep this basement magically silent proofed. We see Amara be given some more blood and she drains it all "Victoria" Felix orders "once a week make sure Amara here is given human blood, not the blood singer's blood but the freezer we keep for us. Also torture this woman, just like you have been with the blood singer. Don't worry, she's technically indestructible so don't worry about going soft"
"Got it" Victoria nods her head
Leaving the basement as that Amara screams "So where does Silas and Tessa think the anchor is?" I ask
"In New Jersey" Demetri says "see the travelers took the anchor and kept it moving so that it can't be found, but now? When Felix told me who the anchor was, I just used my gift and grabbed the anchor. The travelers don't know that we switched the crates"
Rubbing my belly feeling the baby kick "Is everything okay?" Felix asks me
Nodding my head "Yeah" I'm close to my due date. Soon Hunter will be here and when he's here it'll be the last time I'm pregnant with Galen's baby. Just the thought breaks my heart.
"Do you have nothing to say to me?" Tessa demands from Amara, Tessa appeared today to look at Amara who has been screaming and crying at nothing.
"I'm sorry" Amara apologized
Tessa shook her head "Silas took the cure" Amara looks at Tessa shocked "and with him gone" a smirk is on her face "you'll be all alone, no one to love you again. You'll remain in this cage, hidden away from everyone being tortured like these vampires and this human"
Tears run down Amara's face, Tessa looks at me as I continue to make Bella produce more blood "Hello paragon"
"Hello" offering her a smile
She looks down to my very swollen belly "Your husband, Galen loved you very much. I found him watching over you and the children, he's probably watching over you now"
"I'm surprised you aren't angry at me" when I'm done multiplying Bella's blood "I figured you'd hate me since"
"You have that slut Amara's face?" She asks "No, your different from your twin and right now that's all you need to know"
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