"From what I can tell" Meredith Fells checks Caroline and Demetri over, I am close to my due date with the twins and the last thing needed for me is stress "your the first of your own line of vampires, I mean Caroline I tried to heal someone with your blood and they didn't heal. No, I checked and you both have venom but the venom isn't like a cold one's. I'm not sure how you can repopulate your species but it won't be from a bite, your venom only causes intense pleasure"
"Seriously?" Caroline asks
Meredith nods her head, she looks over to me "I don't know what you did but I need to tell the council immediately that Caroline isn't a vampire anymore"
"She isn't?" We look over seeing Alaric Saltzman here, Galen told me how Esther changed him "then what is she?" Demetri puts his body before Caroline in a protective manner.
"Human" he looks my way "Rick, as you know I am a paragon. A descendant of a goddess. I used a very powerful spell that nearly cost me my life" complete and utter lie "I changed both Demetri and Caroline, their human now"
"It's true" Galen backs up my story "they're human"
"Then I'll let the council know" Rick looks to Meredith "I destroyed all of your vampire blood, now you won't be able to turn anymore people"
He leaves then and Demetri covers my mouth when I was about to ask "I was always curious" he looks to Meredith "who specifically did you use vampire blood on? Also have you turned anyone?"
"A few times" she confirms "but the person always died in transition. I'll need to have you both kept here since this is uncharted territory, I've never heard of a person being turned back into a human after being a vampire"
"But their healing is like a human's" Galen lies
She nods her head as Demetri writes down how Rick is still here, listening into this conversation "Demetri, your old" He gives me a look when I thought of something "I mean, now that I changed you. Will his aging start to speed up to catch up to what he's supposed to be"
Demetri looks to Meredith "Is that a worry?"
Shaking her head no "Not according to this, this shows that you're aging like a normal human" she writes down that Demetri and Caroline still aren't aging. This is
Feeling something wet, I look down to the floor where a clear wet puddle is "Um, Meredith?" She looks my way "when a woman's water breaks, what's the color of the fluid?"
"Clear" she says "why?"
I step aside "I think" grabbing Galen's arm when I feel this pain "nope, I know. Oh my god"
"The babies are coming!" Caroline jumps up and down excitedly, Meredith has a nurse bring in a wheelchair so I'm taken to the maternity ward.
Once here, I can't even be given drugs because according to Meredith "These babies are coming, right now"
Looking over at Galen and Demetri pleading "Don't let Rick hurt the one baby since, you know"
"He won't" Demetri promises "I won't let him hurt our son"
"You need to push" Meredith orders
Squeezing their hands, I start to push and am hating every moment of this. Fire courses through my veins as sweat covers my body, wind rushes outside very harshly causing the windows to crack and people are screaming about a tornado.
"We are never having sex again!" I scream, no wonder Isobel said to never have more than one kid. Why she chose vampirism than this.
I push and push until I hear the tiny wails of a baby "A beautiful baby boy" Meredith shows me my little boy with blonde hair, light tan skin and is kicking his feet wailing loudly.
Demetri takes this baby from Meredith as I start to push again, Galen holds my hand as I push and push. Feeling my brain cells pop as I manage to push out the last baby, I don't hear anything "It's okay" Meredith assured us "your little boy is just very quiet" Galen takes this baby as I laid back in the bed, looking at my sons as they are placed on my chest a smile is on my face.
The boys both have blonde hair but one has blue eyes while the other has brown eyes, their skin color is the same which is this light tan color. "My perfect babies" they snuggle into my warmth closing their eyes "they are so tiny, why did they feel so huge when coming out?"
"Oh" Caroline smiles "I can't believe I'm now a mom" Caroline and I talked about it and technically she's also a mom, since one of these babies is her stepson through Demetri "we're moms"
"What are their names?" Meredith asks us
"This one is Grayson" I say "William Vaughn and this one is Knox Callum Vaughn" Demetri is going back to his family's surname which is Vaughn.
|Galen's POV|
"Careful" Stopping my really great grandfather as he drank his third shot of tequila, we just came from the memorial that we had for those who recently died. One being Rick "you don't know if your liver is like theirs"
He laughs "So glad you care, you need to lighten up more my oh so uptight grandson" rolling my eyes as he took this shot, we see Jeremy and Matt come over.
Matt has a bandage on his neck "Hey man" we look over to this man with a bald head, some facial hair and brown skin with dark brown almost black eyes "what happened?"
He motions to Matt's neck and I notice the Hunter's Mark "Girlfriend a bit too frisky" Matt tells him.
Holding my hand out "Galen Vaughn"
He looks to my mark and shook my hand "Connor Jordan"
"Woah" Jeremy looks to our arms "your tattoos are the same"
"What tattoos?" Matt asks
Demetri's sire gave Autumn a spell to make the town forget how I'm a member of the Brotherhood, Jeremy looks to me and Connor "Demetri? Matt? Mind giving us some room to talk, Jeremy stay"
"Sure" Demetri takes Matt out of the bar after paying for the drinks, Jeremy looks at me and then Connor.
Looking over at Connor "You can see the mark?"
"Been training the lad" he looks at me "he comes from a long line of vampire hunters"
"How long have you been in town?" Connor asks
"Long enough to know which vampires piss my wife off enough that if I present their heads to her as a gift I'll get amazing sex" I laugh when Jeremy wrinkles his nose as Connor smirks "I had to send my wife and newborn children away given how many vampires are in this town"
"An infestation" he looks around the place "good to know"
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