Chapter Twenty Nine: Be Yourself
Kuri's POV:
I walked down the hall juggling around some snack food and my papers getting some weird looks from my coworkers but I shrugged it off, if they hadn't changed their opinions about me in around two years, then they never will.
It's fine. I didn't get this job for any fun I could have with coworkers and is the lowest of my priorities. Hmm, I was supposed to go to the cafeteria today for coffee with Akio...ugh but he's been a jerk lately since we had that fight about Rai...
Ugh, maybe I'll just plan some new activities for-
It was barely a blur, the nearby windows were broken into and a wave of glass fell onto the floor and I screamed as it embedded itself into my skin, I could feel my face bleeding as I fell onto the floor, there were screams everywhere and I could barely open one of my eyes I could just feel a steady stream of blood.
People in black masks entered the building holding guns as I quickly ran away from the scene, I was tripping over my feet and my vision was getting dizzy I covered my hand against my eye trying to stop whatever bleeding that must have been happening as I darted into a corner...why...
It's...I don't...I don't want to...die......
"Hold still," the doctor told me as I bit my lip as he continued to stitch up the cuts on my face. This is great..." is it bad?" I asked, "well...let me just say you won't get as many dates..." the doctor put lightly, I rolled my eye.
"Really doc?" I asked, "I'm sorry ok, the scars will fade in time just don't expect me to be a miracle worker," he said. The attack had finished three days ago, and I had nearly lost my right eye in the process of the attack, but I was lucky enough to be found during the attack along with other victims.
For some reason, I was spared in the attack, I got to come out with my life...but my face was damaged along with some cuts on my legs and shoulders from where the glass had pierced.
I nodded, as he handed me a mirror...I could feel my heart drop, "I look like..." I could feel my terror, "I'm sorry..."
The scar went across my face, starting from around my right side of my forehead and cutting across the eye that I had 'lost' in my previous was the scar I had in the game. I could remember the look so vividly, it was one of the many modifiers they did to my appearance, like the heterochromia in my eyes making them similar to Monokuma's along with my hair in there being inky black, my figure would be 'exaggerated' for fan service.
When I woke up, discovered my more modest figure, my average looks and my brown hair and matching was such a relief. My face was lacking the scarring as well, it was such a difference I even wondered if Rai would recognize me when I saw him again...
When he finally woke up.
I guess he definitely would now...
"Kuri..." the doctor started, "it...hey, you look like yourself, for the first time to me you look like yourself, the person I met, embrace it darling...embrace the scars," he told me, a smile on his face. 'Excuse me?" I asked, "Kuri darling, you keep shutting off that part of you that the whole world wanted so badly, I want to see the SHSL Psychologist again, I want to see that girl again who didn't give a damn about anything...she was so amazing...but...then you woke up, and forgive me if I say we're all disappointed by the perfect girl we imagined turned out to be this stale...stop lying to yourself on who you are Kuri, you can be someone great like back then," he told me, his eyes were filled with despair.
I could barely hide my rage, "ARE YOU FUCKING ME?!" I asked, "that girl was a lie! She doesn't exist get that through your thick skull, that girl has been dead for over two years! I DON'T WANT TO BE THAT GIRL! I want to use my talent for something useful in this broken world so if we're done here I'll be going THANK YOU!" I screamed as I walked out of the office as fast as I could.
I slammed the door and covered my mouth to try and muffle my sobs...I don't want to be that girl again...she's dead...she's dead...
But then who am I? A girl who can't remember her real name...a girl who can't remember her old life...a girl who only knows these halls because all her other memories have been scrubbed away to perfection.
I am not Kuri.
I wandered the halls aimlessly. I didn't know what to even do...I sighed and headed once again for his room. It didn't even take a knock, he just opened the door immediately, "I expected you to show up sooner or later, did you bring food for Michi?" Masa asked.
"No, I just wandered over...I'm sorry, I'll bring some later" I apologized, "shame, Michi was looking forward to sweets," Masa said with a shrug. He closed the door behind him "Michi is sleeping anyway, so we'll have to speak out here" he said as he faced me.
"Tell me, suppression or are we trying to uncover something today?" he asked, I sighed, "I...I think you can see what happened to me during the attack" I told him, pointing towards my face, "I didn't notice" he said blankly. To most, this would read off as sarcasm, but from Kioshi it meant something different as he never really seemed to learn how to interact with people.
For him, it meant he didn't notice.
"I was wondering...Masa, if I became like the person from the would tell me right?" I asked, Masa stood there for a while before glancing back at his closed door, "depends" he said, "what do you mean depends?" Masa shrugged.
"You make an interesting person to have a partnership with, you provide Michi their sweets which is good, and you have your uses, I know we have similar goals in aspects of those we chose to protect after the ordeal...but Kuri you must know I can't tell if you have changed at all though," Masa told me.
"Excuse me?" I asked, "I simply cannot tell the difference, you're just Kuri, every day you're Kuri. Sometimes I assume you're mad or frustrated, others you're mourning, others you smile contently...every day I see a new variety of your psyche and it's interesting, but I'm ashamed to say I can't tell the differences in personality of you then, and before, my apologies" he said.
"It' I should have known, you didn't even see me during the were already dead..." I muttered, "if it brings you comfort, I enjoy our time together no matter what," he said, "thanks..." I muttered.
"But please bring cake next time"
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