Chapter Thirty-Nine: We Regret To Inform You...
Ouma's POV:
I should've guessed this wouldn't be good when they told me I was going on a walk.
And then immediately realized 'oH wAit hE CaN'T' and yes they did make a joke out of that. That was a nice moment in my life, almost 'crushed' me.
N-No just no...
What? Am I not allowed to make jokes about my death?
I liked you better when you didn't talk.
I ignored their silence as I waited inside of the small room, it was an uncomfortable atmosphere the room wasn't like the meeting room where I had met Momota or Saihara but a tiny room with cabinets nearby so it was more than likely a storage room, the room also had very thin walls and I could even hear people nearby walking and pick out conversations staff were having.
The door opened.
I quickly turned to see who was walking in and my eyes widened in shock...he was paler than from when he was in the game and his hair was messier, he looked as if he also needed a Tylenol, and had the seemingly characteristic deep eye bags, I almost thought it was some kind of makeup for a second, but other than that he still looked a bit healthy, not Momota healthy but getting close to that level.
He looked surprised to see me too as he glanced down at the wheelchair, I put on a big grin, "hi nii san" I greeted as I waved at him. He laughed a little, "you know I don't like being called that right?" he asked and I pouted "aww come on don't lie, you find it funny" I told him.
Amami sighed as he pulled up a chair and sat down next to me, "do you know why we are here?" he asked, "I think they're finally going to kill us all, sad" I said yawning, "I didn't even get another piece of cake before I died" I complained.
"Aww I'm sorry buddy" he apologized sarcastically. I grinned at him but I still couldn't feel like I was in some sort of dream. I mean he was right in front of me, he was alive even though he wasn't healthy, he was breathing and even laughing so why...
Why am I scared? Why do I feel like crying...? Is this what Momota and Saihara felt like when they saw me...were they surprised to see me again? Even though they knew I was alive again...were they still surprised when they saw me?
Maybe...maybe even sad like this...? they probably weren't. I need to stop thinking like this, it won't get me anywhere.
The door opened and Yumeno walked in. Amami looked happy to see her and Yumeno's eyes widened when she looked at us before her expression turned into annoyance when she saw me. I guess I wasn't surprised.
Her hair was longer now and she seemed to have some sort of friendship bracelet on along with a very thin physique, she looked alright.
Guess that's how a survivor should look huh?
"Hey, Yumeno" Amami called as he gave a wave over to her, she nodded and seemed a bit shy about talking to's still just looking at me..."hi Amami..." she greeted as she pulled up another chair, "hmm, weird though..." Amami noted, Yumeno raised an eyebrow, "What?" she asked.
"I just don't know why we are being gathered here like this" he said, "none of us had a significant connection to each other in the game" he noted. I clenched my fist together. If Amami noticed that he ignored it, "So that means this isn't some sort of therapy session more than likely" he concluded.
"Then why are we here?" Yumeno asked yawning, "whatever it is, it must be important enough for them to gather us together like this" Amami guessed and almost as if it was timed Akio Hanasuke aka OG Weirdo walked inside the room.
Even a blind person would be able to tell how uncomfortable he was just by the way he looked, he was sweating a lot and seemed to tense up even more with every step he took towards us as he looked at a sheet of paper closely and seemed to mouth a speech to himself as he looked down at the three of us before taking a deep breath.
"One...two...three...ok looks like everyone is here, hi guys, so uh you probably know me already- I mean of course you know me I'm your physical therapist- god why am I such an idiot?- but uh yeah so Uhm I..." he was stuttering so much that I almost pitied him if I didn't want to know WHY AM I HERE? So badly.
Finally, he looked down at the sheet of paper, glancing back at us, then the paper before sighing as he folded it into his back pocket going off script, "there's no way to say correct I'm going to just say it...we regret to inform you that Kiibo has passed away"
"I am so sorry to be telling you all this, it breaks my heart and I'm so sorry you all have to go through this so soon after leaving the 53rd game, but know that me, Maiko, and Masa will...ok maybe not Masa, but Maiko and I will do everything in our power to help you all get through this, we will do our best so please don't be afraid to come to us"
The one person who always believed in me...even after everything...
"There will be a funeral in three days time, I know that doesn't give you all a lot of time to prepare, and the rest of the participants will be there as well so be prepared for that"
The one person I actually wanted to talk to after this whole game ended...and I was thinking about dick jokes instead of asking to see him...
"I know you're all going through something that can't even be described, something that will affect you all differently but please know you have my undying support and I will help you all in any way you need me"
You didn't deserve to die.
Gokuhara didn't deserve to die.
Amami didn't deserve to die.
"You can get through this"
"So in order to make sure you all don't go and do something dumb...let's just talk...ok?"
"Ouma? Ouma you don't look so good" Amami asked concerned, I didn't respond and only shook my head because no matter how much I rearranged the words in my head they all led back to the same conclusion.
Kiibo is dead.
He died.
He left me behind and I didn't say anything to him...I had so much I could have said to him- WHY DIDN'T I TALK TO HIM WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE?!
I rolled out of the room ignoring the calls they might have made for me and headed straight back to the hospital room, got into the bathroom, and threw up.
I should be used to that though at this point.
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