Chapter One: Awaken
Saihara's POV:
A bright and hopeful light in the distance, one that had finally revealed itself in the ruins of what was our suffering, our time at the Juvenile Academy, at the remains of the friends and the memories we had of them both the good and the bad, the trials, the tears, the deaths were all forgotten in that light that they had all helped us reach in some way.
That was what I was reaching towards when we left the 53rd killing game and headed for whatever kind of future awaited us. I don't know if the future is going to be filled with despair, what Shirogane told us the world was. I don't know if I am ready to face that world, but I will. I would keep moving. That's right, that's what Momota and Akamatsu gave me the strength to do, helped make who I am now...was...I don't know anymore, but my name is Shuichi Saihara and I was the ultimate detective in that game.
Along with one of three survivors.
It had been a long journey filled with heartbreak and betrayal at every corner, but we had finally found the mastermind and won the killing game, and hopefully ended it for good. I...I want this to be the end.
I don't want more people to have to go through what we did, even if we entered voluntarily. Even if the memories I have as Shuichi Saihara might be false...even if the real me is someone I could despise, or won't even be able to recognize, whatever sort of truth is awaiting and revelation the world might take from our game...I want to believe that the world can change.
I sound so different from how I used to think. I was so scared when I woke up in that locker when I got thrust into that game, unsure of what to do. I guess Momota did change me huh? Akamatsu too.
Maybe that is why I was so confused when the light became replaced by a void made of numbers, coding flooding my eyesight as the dome we spent the last months faded away and left instead pitch black.
Huh...? Where...where am I? I opened my eyes to feel a bed, and...a hospital room? I could smell the scent of disinfectant and see the almost blinding lights above, with the beeping of a monitor showing I was alive. I tried sitting up, but my legs felt useless and numb as I saw an IV drip in my arm with a heart monitor. I was wearing a hospital patient's gown.
I'm...I'm outside...? I looked for any sort of window only to be met with none as I tried to get up to move around, but my legs refused to help me. Let alone allow me to stand. Where am I...? How did I...? HARUKAWA! YUMENO!
I searched around for the two girls but they were nowhere in sight, all that the room had, in fact, other than the machinery was the bed and a nightstand which had some flowers placed next to me, and a button.
Whoever put me here probably doesn't mean to hurt me, otherwise, they wouldn't have left flowers...and I can't just leave without knowing what's going on...I guess I'll just press this and see what happens...
I pressed the button and a small ding sound echoed, as a door immediately was swung open by what I assumed to be a college student with messy short brown hair, and a lab coat. She looked just a few years older than me.
"Oh good, you're awake! You kept a lot of people waiting you know?" She scolded with a smile teasing me. I raised an eyebrow confused as she grabbed a chair from nearby and sat down, "so, can you tell me your name? Do you remember why you're here?" She asked.
"My name is Shuichi Saihara...and the last thing I remember is..." I trailed off. Would she think I was insane if I told her about the killing game?
"Do you remember the game?" She asked seriously, I nodded surprised she knew about it, "that's any sort of headache we need to check on? Or any sort of memory issues involving life before the game?" she asked.
"Life....before the game? No...I remember everything fine" I told her as she sighed, "do you remember who you are or the person of the game's past?" she clarified. I paused. Oh right...the video's Shirogane showed...the person I was before...was that really me?
I don't remember any of that...just the person I am now...
I shook my head as she wrote that down on a clipboard, then she saw my concerned face, "oh don't worry about it, it happens every time after waking up, your brain still needs time to slowly release your suppressed memories so you can understand them, it's better you don't remember everything right away Mr. Saihara" she assured.
"Can you tell me...where are we?" I asked outright. Her eyes widened, "ah shoot I did it again, every single're in Danganronpa's private hospital, my name is Kuri Maiko, I'll be your therapist to adjust to life outside the game" she explained.
"Help you adjust to life after the simulation" she added. My eyes widened, sim...simulation...? Wait...none of that was real...does that mean...Akamatsu...Momota...Gokuhara...are they all still alive?!
"My friends?" I asked desperately for answers as Maiko smiled at me, "not to worry, you were the last to wake up from the coma, you've been asleep for about a month now, all the others have already started recovery" she told me.
I looked down, unsure if I wanted the answer if they all were truly alive. A hand was placed on my shoulder, "ALL of them are alive" she told me with a warm smile. I could feel tears threatening to be released.
"T-They are...?" I asked. She nodded, "the way the killing game is operated is we suppress your former lives and memories and implement new ones for the characters you take on, and place them in virtual simulation very much like reality called the Neo World Program 2.0 manufactured after the second killing game during The Tragedy.
"We then use that world to have the killing game experienced with the participant of Kiibo or other means acting as the camera for the game, once you die in the game you awake to the real world as your brain understands eventually you are not dead" she explained.
"It takes a while, but then you will begin physical therapy, as well as emotional therapy to adjust to life outside of the game, do you have any more questions?" she asked. I paused.
"Is it over...are the killing games over...?" I asked. Maiko gave me a sad look, "Let's start on your recovery more first...then we can discuss the game more, you must be tired and it's late I know you can't tell but it is, why don't you get some sleep or I can ask a nurse to bring you something-"
Just as Maiko was talking a loud crash erupted from the hallway as she ran to the door and opened it and brain couldn't comprehend it.
Three nurses were gathered around them, a wheelchair on stand by and one was holding a syringe as loud hyperventilating cries were ringing out as the person stared into my eyes, their shocked expression clear...
"YOU!" he cried out, his voice full of malice, "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" he screamed as the nurse injected the needle into his neck, causing the boy to immediately pass out into the arms of another nurse as they chatted amongst themselves.
Maiko looked at me horrified but my eyes couldn't get off him.
It was Kokichi Ouma, only...this wasn't Ouma...
His skin was paler than usual, with heavy eye bags and his body skinny and his hair was sticking to his head because of sweat. He looked broken because of the tear stains running down his cheeks...but those eyes...
They were full of complete and utter terror.
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