Chapter Fourteen: I'm Not Lonely
Ouma's POV:
The scene melted away, I felt nauseous from watching it. Wait...that means I...I quickly looked over at Kokichi, "how often did shit like that happen? Why didn't you do anything about it? You just stood there and cried!" I immediately asked Kokichi seemed to be shaking, "I...the l-least I fought...the l-less they h-hurt me..." he mumbled as if that was a good answer.
It wasn't. I knew that kind of answer, I hate that kind of answer, why is that always the answer?
"Is that the reason why you joined the show then? So you could escape bastards like that? So you wouldn't be hurt by people like that anymore? Is that it?" I asked, "s-some of the got b-better," Kokichi said a small smile on his face, "s-someone s-saved me...they c-could be there for me when D-DICE couldn't..."
"So who saved you? Who took you from that kind of hell, and dropped you off for another" I asked, "because they didn't do a good enough job" I spoke bitterly. Kokichi looked down ashamed "it was m-my f-fault..." he muttered. I rolled my eyes, "so you decided to become someone else's pawn just because others hurt you?" I asked.
"I...I" Kokichi started, "what were you even hoping for from this? That you would somehow wake up without me and have all your problems solved? That you would get your body back, that everything would resume like it was before, that you wouldn't have to deal with the consequences of the hell you put ME in?! I exist because you decided that being some kind of toy for the world to admire and put through torture was a GREAT idea" I asked, angry filling up in me, "why didn't you defend yourself? You should've done something! ANYTHING! SCREAM! SHOUT! Why...why did you just cry..." I screamed. I felt like crying, shit.
" just let them...why?" I asked, "l-like you...I d-didn't want the p-people I cared a-about to I didn't tell my p-parents...or DICE...I...I was s-scared...I was so s-scared...and maybe b-because like you...I d-didn't know what l-love was...l-love that isn't f-familial or l-love you feel for a friend..." Kokichi said sorrowly, he had a sad smile, and he looked at me as if he knew I would understand.
Why do I understand that? Why can I understand why he just cried? I'm stronger than that, I am better than that, I can't- I won't cry anymore. Not if I can help it.
"I...I was l-lonely b-being by m-myself...I was s-scared of e-everyone...I...I didn't w-want to get h-hurt anymore...I thought I c-couldn't t-trust anyone...I...I a-asked them t-to make s-sure I wouldn't b-be t-tricked or someone's p-punching bag" Kokichi confessed, "a-and because o-of me...they m-made you the same..." he mumbled.
I raised an eyebrow at him, "I'm nothing like you, I'm stronger, I would have done something, I wouldn't have kept it in" I told him. He laughed, "that's a lie..." he told me. I didn't say anything at that. Maybe because he was right, and I hated that he was right. He kept going.
"Y-your p-parents died w-when you were five f-from a c-car crash...and you d-don't have a single memory of t-them." he started, I felt my eyes widening. Who told them this? "Y-Your o-other family s-shuffled you for t-two years, every night you could h-hear them a-arguing on w-whether or not to k-keep you... o-only to a-abandon you in an o-orphanage w-with o-only a few items l-left from y-your parents."
Stop it.
"T-the kids in the o-orphanage w-would b-bully you f-for your h-height, h-how you you l-looked...t-they would k-kick you, l-lie to you, s-scream and c-cheat you to t-their h-hearts content. Y-you d-didn't have a friend f-for years"
Stop it.
"Y-you ran away, y-you w-were only e-eight...after f-few weeks on the s-streets a man approached y-you...y-you trusted a man w-who promised to p-protect w-were desperate f-for anyone to c-care about you, to l-love you..i-it started off f-fine, he would m-make you food...r-read books to g-games with you...h-he would o-only b-betray you, h-he would s-steal your i-innocence."
Stop it.
"O-Once y-you finally f-found a real f-friend you n-never could r-really trust them. T-the world destroyed y-your a-ability to l-let o-others in...y-you w-would f-fake your emotions to s-seem strong, l-like in the o-orphanage...y-you w-would lie for t-them, c-cheat for them, s-steal for them, d-die for t-them...b-but n-never could t-trust them..."
Stop it...
"Y-You entered a k-killing game, and w-watched as e-everyone l-learned to trust e-each other, d-depend on each other, y-you envied them, y-you w-wanted to be l-like them...y-you wanted to t-trust them d-deep p-pretended you w-were above p-pretended t-to, not n-need anyone...
"Y-You lied to y-yourself. Y-You t-thought you c-could make it, y-you thought y-you never c-could d-depend on them, b-because they w-would b-betray you, h-hurt you, k-kill you..."
"STOP IT ALREADY!" I screamed, "t-the p-person you f-fell for, t-the one p-person y-you t-thought c-could f-find the s-scared p-person inside, m-maybe e-even accept them, y-you held that w-wish so d-deep down you s-subconsciously t-tried to g-get him to u-understand you...h-he broke y-you"
"STOP! JUST STOP ALREADY!" I screamed, "h-he was're a-alone...and y-you always will be a-alone...because e-even you m-mind...y-you're still lying," he told me, his eyes cast pity down on me.
"Shut up...just shut up..." I muttered, I felt bitterness overflowing me, "you know nothing...I'm not alone...I'm not alone, you're lying," I told him, I glared up at him expecting him to back down, instead he went down on his knees like me, and still carried that sad smile.
"Y-You're not alone...t-then tell me, w-who can you l-lean on, d-depend on,'re alone..." he told me, "I'm not alone," I told him. My voice barely held the power or conviction I wanted, I just felt exposed as if he had personally dissected me.
"You're l-lying..." he told me, I closed my eyes and just tried to calm down, I didn't want to be here. But I guess this is my sort of personal hell.
I can't even be alone in my mind.
"I'm not...I'm not... lonely..." I spat out, "a-are you...a-are you really?"
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