Chapter Forty-Three: Bliss
Ouma's POV:
"Hey, leader! Nao stole all of the chips again! Can I kill him?" Mirai asked annoyed, I turned around to face her, "all of them?" I asked, "even the salt and vinegar, this man has no restraints" she groaned.
"Ok get the prison ready," I told her, she grinned as she headed down the stairs, when Nao showed up and being the idiot he was, still holding the chip bag she gave him the middle finger as she ran down the hallway towards the prison.
"What's she on about? Is she on her period?" Nao asked confused, "check the label on those Doritos," I told him. He raised an eyebrow as he looked at his bag to investigate, MIRAI'S BAG DO NOT TOUCH OR NAO I SWEAR TO GOD YOUR ASS WILL BE THE NEW MANTLE PIECE!
Nao paled as he quickly dropped the bag and looked at me terrified, "Kich you know I didn't do this on purpose, right? You know me- I just didn't check the label this one time...BUT I SWEAR I WON'T DO IT AGAIN!"
"You betrayed the holy trust we place inside the snack cabinet, and such a crime is unforgivable," I told him. "But, but, WHO PUTS LABELS ON-CHIP BAGS?" Nao protested, "why can't we all have equal and unrestricted access to such delicacies?" he pushed.
"BECAUSE WE WANT TO EAT TO NAO!" Mirai screamed from down the hall, I shrugged, "you heard her, just be lucky I'm only making her punish you in one way, oh boy if I gave her unrestricted access I might as well be measuring you for a coffin" I told him.
"Who said there would be a body?" Kazue asked walking into the room, he was coming back home from the store and was carrying a crate of sodas "What body are we burying?" Takashiro asked as he poked his head out from another room.
"AH FUCK! We finally killed someone, surprised it didn't happen sooner, ok now get the gasoline so we can hide the identity and-" Genkei started but I interrupted. "THERE IS NO BODY-yet" I screamed.
"Awww" Mirai complained as she came back, "the prison is ready Kokichi, but can we bend the killing rule this ONE time?" she asked, putting on puppy eyes.
It was kind of like the toughest, cruelest, vilest creature trying to look cute.
So pigeons.
"NO! PLEASE HAVE MERCY I'M BEGGING YOU! COME ON HAVE SOME MERCY!" Nao begged, "I already did, I told her not to kill you," I told him. He glanced over at the prison as he paled, "no...please...PUNISH ME IN ANY OTHER WAY BUT DON'T MAKE ME GO IN THERE!" He pleaded.
"It was nice knowing you," Takura told him, "WHAT THE HELL I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!" Nao screamed, "exactly and because we're friends, I'll get you a cup of water," I told him. Nao groaned.
"I need new friends" he muttered.
So Nao entered the prison.
Otherwise known as a cardboard box with a pillow for a cushioned seat because hey we aren't monsters, with a permanent marker with the name Scumbag on it.
We didn't have a budget for a real prison.
"You're on timeout for half an hour," I told him, "TIME OUT? I am not a child!" Nao protested Mirai snorted as she grinned heading over to the she pulled out another chip bag.
"YOU HAD TWO? OH COME ON!" Nao complained. I smiled as I watched the chaos unfold, this was nice...this was peaceful, it a weird sense....and exactly where my life is supposed to be...
"You're alone Ouma, and you will always be alone"
My eyes widened as I searched around the room looking for the source of the sounded familiar..."Hey, Kich you looking for something?" Riko asked concerned, "Yeah...I thought I heard something..." I told her, "maybe you're just imagining it because the only thing I hear is Nao complaining like a drama queen and Mirai being an edgy thirteen-year-old" Genkei told me.
"HEY!" they both screamed, "I AM SIXTEEN ASSHOLE!" Mirai screamed. I laughed as Genkei quickly began running to dodge the terrifying chihuahua.
Must have been imagining things...
"Hey, you hate me?"
"I don't want to die"
"What if that didn't even work? Your so-called 'master plan' that made Momota die, what if Monokuma had just executed us all anyway? Why did you even need to manipulate everyone like that in the game Ouma? The outside world, you knew it wasn't destroyed, you KNEW and yet you said nothing"
"You're alone"
"You're going to die alone"
"STOP IT!" I screamed, the voice was screaming in my mind, with voices that I didn't recognize, or were even worse my own, "KOKICHI?" Riko called concerned as Tsuki looked at me with worry on her expression, even Mirai seemed concerned.
That's as rare as a double rainbow.
What's...going....on....why does my head hurt so much....?
"Hey, Kich...why don't you go off to bed?" Riko suggested, her eyes filled with concern...why am I so tired...?
"Yes, sleep is vital at the moment," Eiji told me, he wasn't his usual self though, he was looking past me..."Yeah! Just go to sleep and when you wake up we can go do something fun together! Mirai promised me when she lost our bet she would play DDR!" Takura told me enthusiastically.
"The worst mistake of my life..." Mirai muttered, "y-you two should stop fighting!" Tsuki told them. I nodded not paying attention as I headed towards my bedroom.....
I froze in my tracks.
How am I here? How am I back inside of the base right now? was at the funeral....I...I can't be here right now...can I?
I turned back to the group as the headache intensified as I looked at them, the whole base seemed to be glitching along with my friends who now lacked their postures and stood there like blank puppets...
"I'm...not I?" I asked them.
"What are you talking about? Of course, you are silly!" Takashiro insisted, "where else would you be? We're your family after all" he told me, "yeah! Don't you want to stay with us forever Kokichi?" Riko asked.
"Yeah! You're the leader! You would never abandon us right?" Nao asked, only it wasn't Nao, the scene now shifted with the base looking like a place belonging to a horror movie, my friends stared back at me but I couldn't read their expressions, I could only see wounds and injuries on them...
The ones from my motive video.
Riko smiled at me "please don't go" she asked flickering back to her old self.
I shook my head, "you guys aren't real..." I muttered, "of course we're real! We've always been real!" Nao insisted.
"Are you sick or something?" Mirai asked, "you should sleep" Eiji insisted again, now I did all I could to fight off the urge to sleep growing inside of me as I shook my head tears forming in my eyes.
"You're not're lies that Danganronpa that they could justify the horrible childhood they gave make a motive video might have been based off that other ones real-life friends...but...the ones I grew up with...ate ramen with...watched all those dumb shows with...had so much fun with....spent my entire life with....they aren't you guys..." I admitted.
I felt like my walls were crumbling down.
I finally said it.
Riko took a step forward towards me, "of course we're real!" she insisted, "even if Danganronpa made us up, we're still your family aren't we?" she asked, my eyes widened. She looked sad, "we may not be able to live in your world....but I think I was still a real person right? I mean like you said! We spent our entire lives together Kokichi! That's gotta count for something right? Who cares if it was fictional or some kind of lie! I liked spending time with you! I liked being able to be your friend...I might just be some programmed memory...but I feel like I can say I'm glad I got to be alive Kokichi! And I'm not a lie" she told me.
I felt myself crying as Takura looked down snot was going everywhere, "you have to go now...don't you?" he asked, I nodded. I didn't know where I was and I honestly didn't want to go, I didn't want to leave this happy paradise but...
"I want to live, and I feel like if I stay here with you all...I won't be able to go back to the real world...will I?" I asked. Riko nodded admittedly, as she squished me into a bear hug.
"Thanks for visiting us leader" she mumbled, the rest of DICE, even Nao being let out of prison stood near the door to the base smiling at me widely but I could see tears forming in their eyes as Riko let go.
"Sayonara!" She told me.
It wasn't like how movies would have portrayed this situation...they didn't disappear into a glowing light or become stars, they didn't have a dramatic death...
I just closed my eyes, blinked for one second...
And they were gone.
I couldn't stop myself from crying as the base melted away revealing the door leading to the room me and the pregame always spent in.
I opened the door and walked through.
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