Chapter Forty-One: Insanity.
Ouma's POV:
The door closed loudly as I heard the start of arguments from beyond the door. Great...that was day of my life...minus me dying...yeah nothing is going to beat that is it? When they told me I was going to see everyone again it was a mix of emotions, I was kind of okay with getting visual confirmation that everyone was alive, especially the select few I cared about, but on the other side, I knew this was to be expected.
I knew she would probably hate me.
I didn't expect much.
Thought it would be worse.
When I left the bar I didn't know where to go, I couldn't go upstairs to one of the rooms due to the building not having an elevator or at least not any insight for me, so instead, I tried to get away as fast as I could, ending up near...
I looked back at the face of Kiibo.
"What?" I asked, my voice sounded dry, "what do you want from me?" I asked. His smile seemed to stare directly into me as I turned away. I laughed bitterly, "look at me...I'm insane, I'm talking to myself..." I joked.
I exited the room as I felt bitterness taking over me, I couldn't look at him. I don't want to see him, he's dead. And because he's dead I don't have to think about him anymore. That's the circle of life, after all, you live, you die, you're forgotten.
That's the way it is...
"You're alone"
No, I'm not.
"Everyone hates you, everyone will always hate you"
That isn't true.
"You're going to die alone"
"They think you're a monster"
"You regret what you did every day"
I don't regret anything...
"You wish you reached out, you wish so badly you asked people for help but you realized they would have just let you go"
I don't need anyone...
"You're pathetic"
I'm not...
"Your friends would hate you if they could have seen you"
I looked around as the walls were closing in around me, and I could tell I was hyperventilating, I have to get out of here, I can't stay here, they can't see me like this, I refuse to be weak- I WON'T BE WEAK AROUND THEM!
"Aww but you already are~"
"Aww, are you admitting to yourself how pathetic you are? The sad sad loser who couldn't show his emotions to people when it was LIFE OR DEATH? You are so funny! It's almost sad watching you, I almost pity you but...well I wonder what your precious friends would think if they knew what you did to those people? How would they feel if they knew you manipulated someone who TRUSTED and dare I say LIKED you, into killing someone? Along with offering him up on a silver platter when your sorry ass was in jeopardy? FACE THE TRUTH!"
"You are a monster, you are the vilest and despicable person, you lock yourself in a web of lies and build up so many walls, that anyone who even thinks they might grow to like and understand you will be put off because the person underneath all of those masks isn't worth saving, the person you are is a weak little boy, a little boy who got used, and because of that he will use everyone around them to push their objectives, you don't care about consequences that don't concern you- YOU DESERVED THE FATE YOU RECEIVED! YOU DESERVED TO DIE! AND NOW WHEN YOU HAVE A SECOND CHANCE YOU HAVEN'T CHANGED IN THE SLIGHTEST!"
...You know nothing...
"I don't? I think I have been pretty spot on till this point, you make it easy for me"
"Just give up, give up, because no one will even care if you died anyway"
Forgive me for this.
Numbness filled my body as I lost what seemed like all control of my limbs, I couldn't even scream as an aching sense of wanting to sleep overfilled me, I couldn't even see anything, the world around me, it felt like I was falling and at the same time stay perfectly still like a statue.
What's going on...?
Shhhh....s-sleep...I'll f-fix this...just s-sleep...
I gave in.
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