Troubles in Paradise. (Pt.1)
Few months have come and gone and with it comes the anniversary of a marriage, but rather then go to dinner or even take a day or two off, Severus and Carmancita find themselves working still and sharing an hour or two in their shared chambers with their favorite fire whiskey and a locked door. Carman didn't mind, she could enjoy their anniversary anywhere as along as she was by his side, he'll she didn't even need a fancy gift...however she does find herself longing for one thing and growing slightly unhappy that it hasn't happened yet. The past year regardless of how little time they had or how many times they've found themselves in the class of sweaty heaving passion, Carman finds herself staring at a negative pregnancy test each time. She couldn't help herself from feeling the same will happen this time as well.
Severus looked down at her as he gently ran his fingers through her hair, he knew that look and he was a bit saddened to see it.
"Darling please don't worry. It can be different this time." He had said holding her to his chest, it rising and falling with a rhythmic pace. Carman looked up at him before looking down again, listening to his heart beating.
"I wish I could...but it's been over a year, and that's not counting the year and a half during our engagement where we were being unsafe. Nothing still." She said sitting up, pulling her nightgown from the floor to slip on. Severus opened his mouth to speak but was quickly cut off by her glancing back with a slightly annoyed look on her face. "I'm still not using magic to get pregnant Sev."
"I know but it may have to come to that." He counter sitting up as well looking at her as he grabbed his boxers from the foot of their bed. Carman's nose crinkled a bit once hearing him say it, yet he persist. "Darling the magic won't harm the child, nor will people think less of you for choosing that way either."
"I just want to try and to this naturally if we can...not for stubbornness but..." Carman let's out a soft sigh. "I just don't wan to rely on magic got everything."
Severus shook his head softly and pulled her close and rubbed her back gently. "I know Darling...I know. However promise me to consider it." He asked softly. "And if not well we could adopt, find a surrogate. There are plenty of options nowadays." He said putting her hair gently and kissing her forehead. Carman smiled a bit and nuzzled close.
"Okay I promise."
With that's assurance, both of them slipped into bed and drift off to sleep.
The bright morning sun pierced the tired professor's eyes as he and his colleagues take their seats along the table in the Great Hall, most morning Severus has looked tired and gloomy but today he looked like death kissed him and requested a second. He wouldn't let on to Carman but he was just as upset with the prospect of their empty nursery back home as she was. He wanted the happy family, he wanted the frustrations and fears that would come with raising a little boy that got into anything and everything, or maybe being a force of fear to their daughters future boyfriends. Maybe they'll have luck this time, maybe not, but he knew that if this persist and Carman doesn't take the easier magic route then maybe cause some serious marital issues later.
"I see that face your making." Professor McGonagall said as she stared her morning coffee. "Troubles in Paradise?" She asked in a teasing manner while taking a sip of said coffee.
"I wouldn't phrase it as such." He grumbled softly as he stabbed his fork into a bit of egg from his plate, eating it with almost an angered air around him as he does. McGonagall offered her ear. Severus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as he began to vent slightly. "She just won't accept that magic maybe needed, I don't understand why she must insist on doing it on our own. It hasn't work for the past 3+ years I don't think it can get any better anytime soon." He said throwing a hand up into the air, hoping that maybe she would see the absurdity of the situation. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair and leans into the palm of his hand, continuing again. "And I know she's currently with Madam Pomfrey getting another test, it'll be the 5th test failed this month if it's negative. Do you think maybe it's just...not meant to happen." He asked looking at McGonagall, maybe for advise or just an honest opinion. She's always been the one person to talk to if you wanted a honest options.
"Well I'm not sure if this is something I should weight in on," she said setting her cup aside as she turns to him. "However I would just do as she wishes. I know if it were ne I would know when I'm not able." She assured as she turns back and continued eating her breakfast.
Severus had looked down at his plate with a look of contemplation plastered on his face, he would just have to see if this time was different. Maybe call upon the help of the in-laws if things got bad. The melodic tapping of heel soles against stone rang in his ears as Carmancita walked to her side beside Severus, before he could even get out the question she spoke up with a shrug and a slightly deflated tone.
"The test was inconclusive. She told me to wait a few days and come back again." Carman said as she reached for her cup. "I don't know Severus maybe it's time to throw in the towel, just give up." The words shocked Severus, in all his years of being by this woman's side he's never heard her say anything remotely close of wanting to giving up. She had always been the person to give encouragement and kind words that would keep even the dead going, to her her say she wanted to give in made Snape's heart hurt. Gently taking her hand in his he kissed her knuckles and looked at her, telling her that as long as he was able to he wouldn't give up and nor should she.
"It's not in our nature my dear. Now why don't we send and owl to Evelin and Joseph, and tell them to catch the next train here, I think we could use their positivity now more then ever." He had said in a soft tone, one that soothed her wary soul and made her stomach do flips.
"Well okay, beside mom and dad would love to see you again they said they have a lovely new wine they want us to taste. Said it'd be a bloody good surprise." Carman smirked a bit as she felt her tongue glide across her lips in a devilish manner, wishing she had some of her families' famous wine now, now finding herself parched and desiring the delicious, warm, red...
"Severus." Carman began as she looked flustered and desperate. "I need you."
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