Week 5: One Final Performance
(3rd Person POV)
While (Y/N) and his group continue to take shelter in one of the still operational bunkers, trying to come up with a new course of action before their defences become broken, the rest of the resistance members across the apocalyptic Starlight City are trying their best to not only survive, but also to hopefully find or rescue others before it might be too late. Previously, Sarvente and Sunday have managed to reach the former's church, and is using it as a haven of sorts.
As for the demonic duo of Agoti and Dee Jay, they've taken up residence in the abandoned headquarters that belongs to the Greater Good Organization, spending a lot of time not only getting the building full of power again, but also doing some research on cloned samples of the corruptive substance, hoping to find a way to create a cure. All they've found however is that it's mostly made of someone's DNA, and that person being a figure named Yokubo. Aside from that, not progress hasn't been made yet, due to the two not knowing what to do next.
(With Hanzou, Garcello, Annie, and Sky)
Over with the second largest group of the Starlight City resistance, the group of Hanzou, Garcello, Annie, and Sky have been forced to wander the desolate streets with no general idea of where to go. For them, they just need to stick together, and avoid engaging with anyone that's infected unless they absolutely have to. So far for the group, they've chosen to stop travelling by foot and take a break at an abandoned train station. Sure, there's no way to get any of the locomotives moving, but at least the place can provide them shelter for a limited time.
As for how their current status so far, all four of them are still uninfected, but that doesn't mean that the forced battles were easy at all. Starting with Hanzou, he's been their main fighter whenever they have to engage with someone who's corrupted. Through the battles, his signature blade has splatters of the corrupted substance, and there are some similar splotches on his head and arms, but nothing to worry about. Over with Sky, she's the one who has the least amounts of corruption on her. Even with her Manifest form, the number one stalker of Boyfriend is a bit afraid of getting infected by surprise, so she prefers to watch the battles from a distance. Due to this, there are only small corruptive strings around her left wrist.
Finally for the two best friends, Garcello and Annie, they both have some signs of the corruption on them, but it's mostly on Annie herself. Thanks to her strange liquid, she's had no trouble with charging right through any corrupted force that gets into her group's way. However, this has caused half her body to become infected, from her right foot all the way to her neck, so she's been trying to hold back when going on the offensive. As for Garcello, the only parts of him that are infected are some fingertips, due to him also not getting involved in most battles.
Speaking of Garcello, there's something that has been Hanzou's mind that he's been wondering ever since they were able to free Sky. So, he gets up from the pillar he was resting against, and walks over to the smoker and the other two, who are sitting by the edges of the platform.
Garcello: (notices Hanzou walking over) Hey, Hanzou. You came to join us or something?
Hanzou: You could say that. There's been something I've wanted to ask you, Garcello. Remember when you somehow unlocked those misty wings back at the park? When you freed Sky?
Garcello: (nods) Yeah I do. How could I forget something so cool like that? (chuckles) I looked like a human dragon for a moment there.
Hanzou: Yeah, about that. Do you think that aside from a fist surrounded by smoke, is there some other kind of ability or abilities you unlocked as a result?
Garcello: (ponders for a moment) You know, I haven't had time to think about that question, honestly. We've been on the run for so long, we didn't really have a good chance to think about something like that.
Annie: (stands up) Well, what are we waiting for? We've got nothing else to do here, so let's see what your new form can do!
Garcello: (smiles) I share your attitude, Annie! Just one question, though. I only activated it back then, and after a while, it just disappeared. How do I get it to return?
Sky: (speaks up) As someone who has a transformation, I can help you. You see, most transformations can be activated through strong emotions, just like how some people are able to manipulate their magic to do some impressive techniques. For me, I go into my Manifest form through emotions like frustration. How did you unlock yours for the first time?
Garcello: (thinks back to that day) Well, it sort of activated when your corrupted self was about to attack Annie. My mind was worried that something awful would happen, and then I somehow transformed.
Annie: (punches Garcello's shoulder) Guess we found the answer, Garcello. Your kind heart must've unlocked it for you!
Sky: Then let's try to see if you can activate it normally. First, you might want to stand up, as doing it while sitting down might feel uncomfortable. Next, we'll try to see if you can activate it without needing any form of reaction or emotion.
Garcello: Okay, little girl. Let's give it a shot.
Garcello then stands up and takes a few steps away from the platform, before taking in a deep breath and focusing his mind on wanting to unlock his wings of mist again. A few seconds pass... and nothing happens, which gets the group to sigh.
Sky: (shakes her head) Okay, seems like trying to activate it normally doesn't work. So, then it must be through some kind of reaction. You did say it activated when Annie was in danger, after all.
Garcello: (nods) That's true, Sky. But if that's the case, then how are we going to give that idea a try if Annie isn't in any danger?
This leaves Hanzou, Annie, and Sky stumped, as the four of them start to think of some kind of alternative solution. After a while, the ninja with a night vision visor gets an idea, and whispers it to Annie, asking if she's okay with going through with it. Her answer, a smirk and a thumbs up. While the other two struggle to brainstorm with a new idea, Hanzou clears his throat and gets their attention...
...Which gets them to notice him pinning Annie to the ground, and his katana pointing right at her neck.
Even if this is part of the plan, Annie can't help but feel a bit worried for her own safety, not knowing if Hanzou might accidentally drop the weapon. As Garcello sees this, his mind also starts to worry on what the ninja is doing, and soon, he feels something beginning to pound at his chest, and it isn't his heart. Suddenly, he begins to cough out emerald green smoke, as the smoky wings shoot out of his back and spread out, and both his spine and ribs make themselves visible via glowing green.
After transforming, Garcello quickly rushes over to Hanzou and Annie, disarming the ninja and pushing him to the ground before pulling his best friend up onto her feet, checking to see if she's sustained any injuries.
Garcello: (worried) Are you okay, Annie? Are you hurt? (looks at Hanzou) Just what were you doing?!
Annie: (pats Garcello's Shoulder) Calm down, Garcello. Hanzou didn't mean to scare you like that. Since you said a reaction got your powers to awaken, he thought that a similar one to before would also work. So, he asked me for help, telling me how he'd put me in danger, and see if that would wake up your smoky wings. And judging by your current state, I'd say the plan worked!
Garcello: (confused) Huh? What do you mean- (notices the wings) No way. They came out! I got superpowers! (sheepishly looks to Hanzou) Sorry about my reaction, buddy. I know you didn't mean to actually hurt Annie. (offers a hand) Here. You need some help getting up?
Hanzou: (accepts the hand) Sure. And it's fine. I would've reacted the same way if I saw someone I was close to in a similar predicament. (wipes some pebbles off him) Now that we've helped you unlock your transformation again, let's see if there's other abilities alongside your new form.
Annie: (cheers) Aw yeah! Training montage time!
Just like Annie said, the group of four begin to spend the next hour or two testing out Garcello's transformation, and seeing if there are other attributes added when in his new form. First, they see if Garcello has any form of powerful breath, due to them all saying his appearance makes him look like a dragon. For their result, they found out that their smoker of a friend can fire out large clouds of emerald green mist, that are extremely difficult to see through. While not good for offensive purposes, Hanzou did point out they could use it as a form of escape, blinding their attacker like they're using a smoke bomb, and taking the opportunity to escape.
Next, they moved on to see if Garcello has super strength, and had him attempt to lift up a damaged train carriage that's been tipped over. Unfortunately for the smoker, he didn't have super strength, and nearly broke his back trying to see if it's not a fluke. After taking the moment to give his back a rest, they moved on to flight. Sky was Garcello's instructor for this test, going into her Manifest form and sprouting black demon-like wings from her back. First, they tested to see if Garcello could move his wings himself without touching them, which he could.
After that, Sky slowly eased Garcello into flying, starting out by taking him into the pitch black sky herself, and helping him control his wings enough for him to fly properly without needing help. After a few attempts (with some of them ending with Garcello nearly hitting the concrete platform with his face), the smoker was able to get the hang of flying with his wings, doing loops with Sky and looking like he's having the time of his life. Back on the platform, Hanzou and Annie watch their two flying friends with expressions of both happiness for them... and some slight jealousy, since they themselves have no way of flying.
Once Garcello and Sky finish enjoying their time in the air, they come back down to continue testing out the abilities of the former, mostly on what else can his misty breath can do. Turns out, it can do a more than just temporarily blind their opponent, as when they tossed some pebbles at it, they found it it can somehow slow down whatever gets stuck inside the smog. They even tested it with people, by having Hanzou running through it, and the result was the same as with the pebbles.
Garcello: (stretches) Alright, we got the tests over with, so what do we do now?
Hanzou: (looks stumped) That's a good question, Garcello. Honestly, we've been busy testing out your new abilities, I'm honestly a bit lost on what we can do next.
Sky: (notices something) Uh, guys...
Annie: (looks to Sky) Is something wrong, Sky?
Sky: (shakily points in a direction) I think we've got a problem...
At that, the other three group members look towards where Sky is pointing, which is right at the entrance to the train station, and see a figure that none of they didn't want to see. It was the Corrupted Tabi, but his appearance was drastically different after The Harvester taught him a lesson. His right horn appears to have been ripped off, many glowing pink strings decorate both his wrists and chest, and both his clothing and skull show many scratches along them. But the most shocking detail about his appearance would have to be his right arm. To put it in the most shortest way possible...
...The corruption is doing a good job keeping the limb ATTACHED to his arm, even if it's literally hanging on by a few threads.
As the infected revenge-seeking Russian slowly stalks his way towards them, Hanzou pulls out his katana, as Sky quickly hides behind Annie, who pulls out her can just in case she has to go beast mode. However, Garcello soon puts on a determined face, and begins to walk towards the Corrupted Tabi, confusing the other three as he blocks the Russian's path.
Garcello: Jesus, you look like you've been through hell. What happened to you?
Corrupted Tabi: (snarls) It's none of your business. Now, unless you wish to lose your lives, you all will be coming with me. (pulls out his knife)
Garcello: (shakes his head) I don't think so, buddy. We've got a lot on our shoulders so far, and even if we look like we're having fun, we're still taking this whole situation seriously. Now, I suggest you turn back now, or else I'll have to start getting serious.
Corrupted Tabi: (cackles) You? Get serious? I've seen you flying up in the clouds with that coward! (points to Sky) I've learnt from what happens when you try to act irrationally, and you really think that after unlocking this pathetic display of a transformation, you can stand up to me?! (laughs again) If you really want to fight, then I might as well humour you, but know that I'll be bringing you back to that jester in pieces!
Garcello: (glares at Tabi) Fine then. Just don't blame me when your own threats result in you knocked out onto the concrete below. Let's dance, skeleton.
*Song Name: Ubiytsa Drakonov*
*Original Song: Frontline by PurplezzWtf (Imagine it's Garcello Vs Corrupted Tabi instead of Tankman Vs Corrupted Boyfriend)*
As the two stare each other down, the two begin to engage in the usual rap battle, with the song sounding like a slow heavy metal track, which is slowly building in intensity. Just like the main tempo, the two soon begin to have their vocals either slow down or speed up, depending on if the background music does the same. As for the other three, they stay right behind their friend, cheering him on while both Annie and Hanzou get their signature weapons in their grip, just in case.
Back to the rap battle, Garcello keeps a level head, occasionally making a small remark or compliment in an attempt to throw his opponent off their game, while the Corrupted Tabi keeps growing his aggression, until he starts attempting to stab the smoker halfway through the song. However, Garcello counters with a quick blast of smoke into Tabi's face, pushing him back. Eventually, the song ends with Garcello not having any corruption spread across him, while the Corrupted Tabi's eye twitches with rage.
Garcello: (chuckles) Told you this would happen. Now, do you want to go again and get your butt kicked, or have you learnt a valuable lesson?
Instead of giving a response, the Corrupted Tabi lets out a roar of frustration, before charging at Garcello once again, this time hoping to actually pierce his heart with his knife. However, Hanzou leaps from behind the smoker and quickly trips the infected Russian, as Garcello quickly covers the entire platform with emerald green misty breath. As Tabi gets back up, he's unable to see through the thick fog, until it disperses after a few minutes, showing that the group of four are now gone.
As the infected revenge-seeker lets out a low growl, and chooses to search every part of the train station, up in the sky, the group of four have taken off into the air and fled through a hole in the roof, with Garcello still having his misty wings carrying Annie , and Hanzou being lifted by Sky in her Manifest form.
Annie: (chuckles) That was amazing, Garcello! You totally smoked that sucker, pun not intended.
Hanzou: I'm with Annie on this. I wasn't expecting you to actually take up my suggestion on using your breath like a smoke bomb.
Garcello: Well, it was a good suggestion, Hanzou. Why wouldn't take it up? Now, sorry if I'm still sounding serious about this, but our current situation isn't the perfect time to celebrate. After all, we're now in a vulnerable position in the air, which means that over threats that can fly can get us.
Almost as if they were waiting for Garcello to point that out, the group of four suddenly find themselves getting ambushed by a wave of corrupted arrows coming at them from behind. Sky and Garcello try their hardest to avoid every single projectile sent flying their way, and even though some of the corrupted arrows hit them and spread some of the substance to slowly spread, all four of them are able to waste the ammo of their pursuer.
Speaking of their pursuer, once they realise that whoever's chasing them is no longer firing at them, the group of four resistance members take the moment to turn around and see who is after them, which turns out to be the Corrupted Carol, having her angelic wings and infected halo revealed, and a bow in their hands.
Hanzou: (puts on a determined expression) I see what you mean. Well then, let's teach this sinning angel what happens when they think they can get the drop on us!
(With (Y/N), IRIS, Spirit, and Julian)
While one of the larger groups of the resistance currently occupied with a battle against one of the first victims of the Corruption, over with (Y/N) and his group, there has been less moments of celebration. For good news, they've been able to set up some defences to the bunkers, making it difficult for anybody infected to get in through the main doors, windows, or air vents without facing a nasty consequence.
Currently, both Julian and (Y/N) are enjoying a meal that the latter cooked, while IRIS takes the time to check on the status on what they've set up. During their moment of silence, Julian looks over to (Y/N), and sees how his expression looks like there's nothing wrong, yet his eyes tell a different story. For the past few days, the young adult has been experiencing aggressive hallucinations, seeing either Boyfriend or Girlfriend in their corrupted states glaring at him from the dark corners, and he's been jolting awake in tears due to multiple nightmares.
Julian, Spirit, and IRIS have tried to make some attempt in helping (Y/N)'s mental state recover, just by a little bit, and so far, some progress has been made. While the nightmares and hallucinations are still there, they've been appearing less and less. Not only that, but both (Y/N) and Spirit have spent some time improving the former's skills in shadow magic, not only having his shadow manipulation skills improve by being able to summon multiple weapons or figures at a time, and being able to bring others with him whenever he teleports through the darkness.
After finishing their meals, (Y/N) puts the plates into the nearby sink and begins to clean them while Julian looks over to IRIS, seeing how the eye on the screen looks lost in thought and how their demonic acquaintance hasn't said anything in a while. It was concerning.
Julian: Hey, IRIS. Are you okay over there? You've been awfully quiet over there.
IRIS: (sighs) Sorry, Julian, but after checking on the defences, we've come to an unfortunate realisation. This bunker won't be able to keep us safe for another month.
Julian: (eyes widen) What?! Are you sure?
IRIS: We're afraid so. Not only is the bunker's generator heavily damaged, but most of the equipment here, while still functional, is also damaged. As a result, it won't take long for anyone infected to break them and enter, leaving us as sitting ducks.
Julian: But... But we don't have anywhere else to run!
(Y/N): I think I know a place we can head to.
Julian and IRIS both look over to (Y/N), who has finished cleaning the plates and neatly put them away, as he looks to his friends and the curious looks on their faces/screens.
Julian: Go on, (Y/N).
(Y/N): When I bumped into Mr. Dearest a while back, he told me he was hiding out at the old music theatre he occasionally performs at. Due to it being closed for renovations, that makes it the perfect hiding spot. Maybe we could go over there and hide with him, since if we all joined forces, we could stand more of a chance against the corruption, and might be able to free the others.
IRIS: (scoffs) Work with Atlas? Sorry human, but we've already told you about our boiling blood with that retired rockstar. Even with the world on the brink on collapsing, we'd rather drink holy water than ever consider working alongside that traitor!
Julian: (stands up) Dude, I know you hate Mr. Dearest, but now isn't the time to be petty! Would you rather stay here and get your little virus beaten by their own virus, which they might've upgraded to deal with your little organization, or put aside your differences for even a moment and give working with your enemy a shot?
After Julian's outburst, both he and (Y/N) keep their eyes on IRIS, who seems to be busy contemplating the former's words. They also consider the choice of choosing to leave them both to die and return to Hell, but the possibility of the corruption entering Hell itself begins to cross the companies minds, and eventually, they let out a groan and have their vessel cross its hands in a grumpy manner.
IRIS: Fine. We'll give working with Atlas a chance, but allow us to formulate a plan in order to reach his location. First, we will need to escape without showing anyone lurking from the outside what we're doing. Once we've got that sorted out, We'll send the location of the theatre to your devices, and we'll momentarily split ways so we can reach the theatre without getting into much hassle.
(Y/N): B-But...
IRIS: We know that splitting up sounds like a risky move, but if we want to achieve the plan we've suggested, we have to take many risks, even if some of us show signs of fearing the consequences that may follow.
(Y/N): (looks down at the ground) ...Okay. Allow me to get us out without anyone noticing.
(Y/N) guides both IRIS and Julian over to one of the dark corners of the room, and begins to activate his shadow magic, creating a shadow portal and has the three of them go through. After stepping through, the trio finds themselves in an alleyway a few blocks away from the bunker, and at that moment, both (Y/N) and Julian hear a notification sound on their phones, and check to see a map leading them to Dearest's hiding spot. The only difference being that all three of them having a completely different route.
After giving each other a nod and a wish for each other to stay safe until they reunite back at Atlas's hiding spot, all three of them take off down their own routes. Julian starts to go down his route, which involves him having to traverse the interior of many large buildings. IRIS wastes no time in taking their path, where they risk running into anyone infected and having to fight them. And finally, both (Y/N) and Spirit continue to head deeper into the alleyways, using the darkness to keep themselves camouflaged as much as possible...
I continue to take deep breaths as I take another turn, leading me one step closer to reaching my destination. Spirit came up with a simple plan to execute, and I won't lie, while it's extremely cautious, it's also effective. In case any corrupted people wander a little too close to the alleyways, or if I accidentally make a noise that'll draw them towards me, I use my shadow magic to quickly teleport to a different alleyway that's a safe distance away from where I was previously. Even if it set me back by a small or big amount of distance, it did work.
However, this plan also had its downsides to it. I was constantly looking around in every direction possible to see if there was someone or something secretly following close behind. It reminded me of when I was wandering through the streets and had to deal with both Girlfriend and that Harvester, only now, it feels likes the stakes are a lot more serious than before. Luckily, I still had Spirit with me, and he'd reassure me that everything's alright, even when the hallucinations slowly began to return.
Eventually, I reach an area where the path splits off into different alleyways, which have their own routes inside them. I pull out my phone, trying to see which one I need to be heading down, but my phone's taking a while loading the proper route. Just great. Seems like I'll be waiting for a while. To try and pass the time, I swipe over to the saved numbers and just like when I took a break at the junkyard, I try to call some other members of our resistance, primarily Sunday, Agoti, and Dee Jay.
They were probably occupied back then. Maybe this time, they'll pick up, and I can have a chat with them again. It's been a while since I saw them, after all.
Just like back then, neither of them pick up, or even send a message acknowledging my attempts. I put my phone back into my pocket with an upset sigh leaving my lips, just as my ears pick up the sound of someone giggling from somewhere nearby. I start to look around, slowly backing up into the alleyway I just left, in case the person is hiding in one of the multiple other routes. The giggling slowly becomes louder, making my levels of paranoia get larger, until I sense the presence of someone right behind me. I quickly turn around...
...And standing a few steps away from me is the Corrupted Nene.
Corrupted Nene: (giggles) Well, isn't this just interesting? I was just on my way to an important gathering that Pico told me about, and along my way, I find you here (Y/N), wandering the alleyways like a lost little sheep. Don't worry, I'll be happy to guide you down the correct path, as your new shepherd.
(Y/N): (slightly afraid) Nene...
Corrupted Nene: Is something the matter, (Y/N)? You look as pale as a ghost. Is it because of what happened back at the bunker? If so, you should know by now that when a girl has urges, it's difficult to control them. But enough about me, why are you roaming the alleyways all alone, (Y/N)?
Spirit: (speaking through telepathy) (Y/N), you've gone silent, your body is shaking, and I'm sensing your heart is starting to beat rapidly. What's wrong?
(Y/N): (whispers to Spirit) It's just... After what had happened back at the bunker when Nene snuck in, I... I don't know how to handle this. (starts tearing up) I'm a bit afraid, to be honest. I don't know if I can face her.
Spirit: (speaking through telepathy) Take a deep breath, (Y/N). Even if you can't face her, I can step in and deal with her. I know what she did may be tricky to forget, but remember, that isn't your friend. That's the corruption controlling her, and it's trying to make you feel more vulnerable by using your friends against you.
(Y/N): (wipes his tears) Thanks, Spirit. (looks back to Nene) Whatever you're wondering to find out, Nene, I'm not telling you.
Corrupted Nene: (chuckles) Oh, what's with this sudden aggression, (Y/N)? It's only a simple question. Maybe this constant need of hiding is getting to you? If that's the case, then how about we have ourselves another little serenade, just the two of us, without any other survivor to disturb us?
(Y/N): If it'll get you to leave me alone, then fine. (sighs) Let's begin.
(3rd Person POV)
*Song Name: Slasher by funny man (Imagine it's Corrupted Nene Vs (Y/N) instead of Nene Vs Corrupted Boyfriend)*
(Y/N) takes a few deep breaths to regain his composure, before starting the rap battle against his infected female friend, matching the song's sinister and ominous tone with slow bars, with Nene soon following his rhythm. Only half a minute into the song, the latter begins to pull out her signature knife and twirl it about, while the young boy keeps a close eye on it, wandering just what she's planning on doing with the weapon.
Halfway through the song, (Y/N) suddenly finds himself in his mindscape, though there's no sign of Spirit or Glitch (Y/N) anywhere, not even the Corrupted (Y/N) is nearby. Instead, the young boy hears a new voice entering his ears from all directions. While paying close attention to it, he takes notice of how despite the celestial echo to it, the voice mostly sounds familiar, almost like it's reassuring him. Speaking of the voice, right before he leaves the mindscape, he hears it say one more thing.
"I hope to speak with you later."
After leaving the mindscape and finding himself back into reality, (Y/N) continues on the rap battle, slowly activating his shadow magic to give his vocals a small power boost, which slowly begins to pay off as cracks begin to form on Nene's corrupted shell, with the song soon reaching its end. However, during the last few moments, the music begins to twist and distort, as the Corrupted Nene then lunges at (Y/N), catching him off-guard as she swings her knife at his chest.
Luckily, (Y/N) is able to avoid getting stabbed in the chest. Unluckily, due to the small size of the alleyway, he ends up crashing into the wall, and as a result, the Corrupted Nene instead stabs his left hand, right in the palm. The young boy scrams in pain, as the infected stalker retracts the blade and prepares to try again, only for her victim to suddenly put up a shadow wall, and quickly running into one of the optional alleyway routes. Once he hits a dead end, (Y/N) leans against the brick wall, taking deep breaths as the stinging pain in his hand, talking to Spirit as an attempt to calm down.
Spirit: (concerned) Are you okay, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): (gritting his teeth) I've just got stabbed in the hand by one of my close friends, Spirit. I think the answer is pretty obvious.
Spirit: My apologies, (Y/N). I was talking about if you are okay mentally.
(Y/N): (pauses for a moment) I don't know, Spirit. So much has happened, seeing so many people in my old home fall to this corruption, and every time I do so, I feel like I could've done something to stop it, but I chose not to. (looks at his bleeding hand) Even with this shadow magic, I still feel like it's not enough.
Spirit: (Y/N), remember what I told you back when I spoke with you after the incident in the hospital? ((Y/N) nods) Even if it seems like there's no way to reach out to them now, that doesn't mean that they'll be trapped in that substance forever. Everyone will be freed, you just have to be patient and wait for the time to present itself. ((Y/N) gives a small smile) Now, I think you should have a rest now.
(Y/N): (looks down the alleyway) But we still need to get to the music theatre, and I have no clue if Nene followed us.
Spirit: (chuckles) I didn't mean that you'll be having a rest here.
As Spirit explains what his plan is to (Y/N), the Corrupted Nene finishes slashing her way through the shadow wall, and takes off down the alleyway the young boy fled down, using the small puddles of blood on the stone floor as a method of tracking him down. After following the trail for a few minutes, she reaches a dead end covered in shadows, and takes notice of (Y/N)'s silhouette being visible. She chuckles darkly, as she slowly advances towards him, ready to corrupted the cornered and afraid boy...
But she would soon regret that decision, as (Y/N)'s hair slowly shifts into a blood red colour...
(With Daddy Dearest)
Meanwhile, across Starlight City, hidden in a music theatre that's been closed for nearly a full year, Atlas Dearest himself is inside, taking the moment of silence to think about what's happened to the metropolis his family have been residing in. He can even remember the events of what happened from his perspective almost as if the whole outbreak happened yesterday. It started off with him and his wife celebrating their Christmas tradition by removing the life of that year's Mall Santa for daring to steal their spotlight, until that blue-haired nuisance challenged them.
They accepted it, deciding to humour the mortal with a questionable hair colour and choice to go by pronouns, seeing as it was the holidays, after all. But when that lesser demon attacked and infected both the mortal and his daughter, Dearest and his wife were beyond infuriated, to the point where their rage couldn't be described through words. After helping everyone who safely made it out of the mall, and having a quick tussle with anyone infected, plus the Lemon Demon himself, both him and his wife had to retreat, and just like that, the whole of Starlight City was put on quarantine, for what everyone inside assumed would last forever.
Back when it first began to spread across the place, both him and his wife, Charlotte Mearest, originally used one of their holiday homes in the quieter locations of Starlight City, as a place to not only regain the strength they lost, but also to come up with a plan, and hopefully drive the corruption to extinction. However, that all changed when their hiding spot got breached, and they were ambushed by a force of infected citizens, lead by The Harvester himself. They tried to fight back, but they hadn't fully recovered at that point. Their only choice was to split up and find new places to stay safe.
That brings Atlas Dearest to where he is now, hiding in the closed music theatre he loves to perform at, silently mourning the loss of everyone he's grown close to. While he knows that there are some people still out there, as he'd encounter a rare survivor when going out to grab supplies, the news that his own wife had fallen to the corruption had emotionally broke him. First his daughter, and now Charlotte. At least they're trapped in the black substance that's controlling them, and that they're not permanently gone... at least he hopes that isn't a dark possibility.
As he silently sits on the stage, occasionally glancing over at the wall behind him, which is decorated with many tally marks to show how many days have passed since he's resided in the theatre, the sound of someone knocking on the main door to the building suddenly echo around the empty interior, catching Atlas's attention. At first, he considers to hiding behind the curtains and wait for the knocking to stop, but as he hears it again, he notices how it doesn't sound aggressive. So, after taking a deep breath and preparing his magic up, he walks over to the door and open it, allowing a figure to tumble inside. That figure being none other...
...Than Julian, who had reached the destination first.
Daddy Dearest: Hey! You better tell me who the hell you are before I throw you back out there myself!!
Julian: (gasps) Oh, my god! You're actually him! Atlas Dearest himself!! (starts shaking his hand) I'm a huge fan of your music!! You are such a massive inspiration to me!!
Daddy Dearest: (nervously chuckles) Well, it's always nice to meet a fan, even in an apocalypse like this. Mind telling me your name, sport?
Julian: Oh! Right! My bad. (clears his throat) My name is Julian Tectonic. Nice to meet you, Mr. Dearest.
Daddy Dearest: Please, at a time like this, there's no need for formalities. Just call me Atlas. (notices Julian's clothing) Say, your choice of style reminds me of someone when me and my wife started our careers in Starlight City. I nicknamed that person " Ol' Splodey-Head".
Julian: You mean Whitty?
Daddy Dearest: (blinks in surprise) You know him as well?
Julian: (chuckles) Know him? He's my cousin! Even after what happened with you guys that made him drop music, he still told me about the good moments you three shared together. He also told me that he wished to see you both again, but after those past accidents, along with the fact that there was a shady government team constantly chasing him down, he was afraid that you guys would've forgotten about him, or wanted nothing to do with him.
Daddy Dearest: If we wanted nothing to do with Ol' Splodey Head, we would've told him ourselves. And as for those incidents, me and my wife are to blame for that, since we were focused on the moment and kept pressuring him, while he was looking at the bigger picture. How is he, by the way?
Julian: (looks upset) He... He fell to the corruption. He fought them so me and another friend could escape.
Daddy Dearest: (glances away in guilt) I see. Sorry for asking about that. (pats Julian's Shoulder) If I may say, I bet he didn't go down with out one difficult struggle for the corruption. The Whitty I know wouldn't let some black demon goop control his life! (chuckles) I bet it probably took a whole legion of those freaks to finally contain him!
Julian: (chuckles as well) Yeah, I imagine the same thing, Mr. Dearest- I mean, Atlas.
Not long after their conversation, they here another knock, also sounding calmer and not aggressive. With a glance at each other, which was followed by a nod, Julian slowly opened the door, allowing IRIS to enter the closed theatre, with a few splotches of the corruption on their body's metallic arms and legs.
Julian: (waves) IRIS!! Nice to see you made it! (notices the splotches) I'm guessing your pathway wasn't easy to travel through, right?
Daddy Dearest: (glares at IRIS) Well, wasn't expecting to see you again, IRIS.
IRIS: (glares back) If it wasn't through some convincing, we would've left you to die in this establishment, Atlas. (looks to Julian) Nice to see you made it here unscathed, Julian, and you are right. I ran into Atlas's daughter and her date, along with a schizophrenic and a pyromaniac. They wanted to pick a fight with me, and despite me needing to get here quickly, I got it over with.
Daddy Dearest: (marches up to IRIS) I swear, if you dare broke a single bone inside my daughter, I will-
IRIS: (pushes Atlas away) Calm down, Atlas. I didn't use physical violence against her, only against the two who had weapons. For your precious daughter and that pipsqueak that follows her, I just used some hell lightning, and they soon retreated. Though, I did hear all four of them mutter something about a "grand plan" or something similar. (looks around) Where's the shorter human?
Julian: You mean (Y/N)? (looks around) I haven't seen in either. You don't think...
Daddy Dearest: Let's not jump to a negative outcome yet, guys. He might just be occupied at the moment. He'll arrive soon. For now, how about I show you where you both can get some rest?
Julian: (stretches his arms) That doesn't sound so bad. Having to navigate through the whole town while worrying about having to fight some corrupted freak takes a lot out of your body.
IRIS: (shrugs) Might as well, seeing as how we will be collaborating with you for the time being.
Daddy Dearest: (grimaces) Never use that phrase ever again.
IRIS: Oh, don't worry. We won't.
After their interaction makes the atmosphere in the room more tense, Daddy Dearest leads the two of them out of the main area, and into a separate room, which he had decorated to look like a bedroom, with some mattresses, blankets, and pillows placed to make it seem like the real thing, even if it looked like he made it with a budget. As Julian instantly leaps onto one of the mattresses to rest, all three of them suddenly hear the sound of someone bursting through the door, which gets all of them worried due to the sudden shake it brought.
Atlas pears out into the main area, followed by Julian and IRIS. It's too dark to see, but they soon hear a new sound echo across the room: The sound of a hammer hitting nails. Guess whoever just entered plans on barricading the door shut, either to make sure nobody gets in, or to prevent anyone from leaving. Soon, Atlas stands onto the stage and calls out to whoever their uninvited guest is.
Daddy Dearest: Hey! Whoever's there! If you don't want to your remains to be stuffed in a body bag, I suggest you turn back around, undo those wooden planks, and leave this building at once.
Rather than speaking back, Atlas and the other two survivors hear the sound of footsteps echo across the room, until they reach the stage. By that point, the noise stops, with Atlas feeling their presence right across from where he is. As he looks down to his hand, seeing his microphone that brings back both happy and painful memories, the ex-rockstar looks back to where the stranger is standing, and puts on a determined expression.
Daddy Dearest: Fine then. If you want to face Atlas Dearest himself, then you've dug your grave.
???: (chuckles) Oh, I've been waiting to encounter you again in person.
*Song Names: Ricochet + Chances by Valor Genesect, Featuring ImThatBlueWolf and DyanEstella (Imagine it's Daddy Dearest Vs ??? instead of Daddy Dearest Vs Spirit Boyfriend)*
The song begins, sounding slow and tragic, almost like it's out of a movie, during a flashback scene. Atlas begins, following the song's tempo and keeping his vocals slow and clear, while he slowly illuminates the room with his glowing eyes. After his turn, the stranger begins to sing their verse, with their voice sounding incredibly familiar to Atlas. He hasn't heard that voice for a long time, yet he can't put his finger on who it exactly belonged to. Just who is this guy? As the song starts to end, the figure starts to become visible to Dearest, but...
Daddy Dearest: Wait, is that you, kid? Why didn't you speak up earlier? (pauses) Wait a minute... That aura... No, that can't be true...
???: (smirks) What's wrong, Dearest? Upset to see a familiar competitor? Now, how about we make ourselves a deal?
The song starts back up, sounding more mystical, hypnotic, and hopeful, as the main area of the theatre fully lights up, revealing the true identity of the stranger: It's (Y/N) being controlled by Spirit. Seeing his long time enemy left speechless upon just seeing him again, Spirit (Y/N) starts singing again, taking full control of the song as Atlas soon follows suite. Now the reason behind the familiar voice presents itself. He wasn't expecting to see this individual again, not after the stunt he pulled a long time ago. It's the boy who he trapped in the Hating Simulator...
Regardless of the shock, Atlas regains his focus and stands his ground once again, singing tunes that both he and Spirit can remember by heart. Soon, IRIS and Julian both begin to slowly emerge from behind the curtains, spectating the battle that's currently occurring in front of them. Out of the two of them, IRIS seems to be paying attention not to their skills on the mic, but rather to the meaning behind their lyrics. They knew that up on the surface, there were a few people who dislike Atlas, but they weren't expecting it to be this serious. Even if their company is about prestige, they wouldn't trap a soul inside a video game as a form of punishment.
Well, that's only because that idea hadn't crossed their minds in the past. Now, they might consider it...
Getting the thought of sinking to down to Atlas's level of revenge, IRIS gets back to focusing on the rap battle, where both the demonic ex-rockstar and one of his many mortal victims were beginning to reach the end of their song, with Spirit (Y/N) speaking up during a small break from singing.
Spirit (Y/N): I know our past has been less than happy, Atlas, but I wish to help both you and your family. Let me earn a second chance from you, no tricks or lies. Just through the truth.
With the song reaching its finale, both Atlas Dearest and Spirit (Y/N) begin to unleash their strongest verses, in an attempt to gain control of the final few seconds. Eventually, the possessed boy is able to overpower his enemy, soon changing the song to match one of his, right before it ends. Once it's over, Atlas keeps his glowing eyes on Spirit (Y/N), before letting out a sigh.
Daddy Dearest: You say you want a second chance? Need I remind you on what your actions did when I thought I could trust you? You put my daughter's life at risk, all because you were too busy focusing on jumping the relationship forward, without even asking my dear baby girl on her thoughts.
Spirit (Y/N): (looks upset) I still remember that day, how her face was covered in betrayal, how both you and your wife were beyond furious with what I did, and how desperate and furious I was at you when you three locked me in that Hating Simulator. If I was still that person, I would've used this opportunity to finish you off while you're in your weakest moment.
Daddy Dearest: But?
Spirit (Y/N): But after I had gotten to know two residents of the game, they helped me see what I couldn't. Back then, I thought love was something that could be changed on a whim, and once you put your mind to something through love, you can't have a change of mind later. Now, I see it's about forming a proper bond with the person you harbour feelings with, but getting to know them better, so that when you pop certain questions, they know they can trust you or not. So please, Atlas, give me one more chance to redeem myself.
After finishing his plea, Spirit (Y/N) does something that Atlas Dearest wasn't expecting him to do. He gets onto his knees. The ex-rockstar takes the moment to think about this decision. If this was the same Jonathan has before, then there was no way he'd actually learn from his mistakes, seeing as he was nothing more than a narcissist who only cared about what he wanted. After what felt like an eternity for everyone in the theatre, Atlas takes in a deep breath before giving his answer.
Daddy Dearest: If you want a second chance, then you'll have to prove it to me. Earn it back by helping me, no, helping everyone that's still alive find a way to save this dying city.
Spirit (Y/N): (stands up and smiles) Don't worry, Atlas. I promise you won't regret it. Now, I ask you to assist me in helping (Y/N). His sanity is starting to slip, and I believe that through talking to someone who shares similar mental damage may help him out.
(With Skittles and the Thugmen)
While the group of four resistance members increase their numbers to five inside the closed theatre, over with the more wilder group that consists of Private Skittles and the Thugmen, not much has changed with them since the group split up. Most of the time, they've been leading whatever group of corrupted figures on a wild chase all across Starlight City, and firing the tank ammo at the biggest major threat whenever the moment presents itself. It's a chaotic plan full of unpredictability, which is fitting for the four, as they fight in the Badlands, where unpredictable antics can happen on the time. For example, a three-hour truce to watch both parts of Titanic.
Yes. That actually happened once during the middle of a war. Skittles can confirm, since he was a witness.
However, this constant strategy of being as wild and annoying as they used to be when riding the dunes is slowly beginning to unveil its cracks to the four resistance members. For starters, it's been quite a hassle speeding down the destroyed streets, and trying to make sure not to hit any crumbling buildings, or get the tank tracks stuck in holes, or accidentally cause a building to fall onto them. For problem number two, it's been very difficult finding any spare tank ammo, since most stores in Starlight City don't have supplies for any people residing in the Badlands.
And for reason number three, the constant cycle of leading a large number of corrupted citizens away from each other, then chasing them down with their own unstoppable metal vehicle have left the whole group bored. Sure, they're currently going through an apocalypse and need to take things more seriously, but they miss when they could freely roam around, cause mischief, and get away with most crimes. Currently, they've stopped at one of the few remaining gas stations that hasn't been robbed of nearly everything to pick up some soda and coffee beans to keep themselves awake. Skittles has gone inside to grab what they need, while the Thugmen play Rock-Paper-Scissors to pass the time.
Chuckie: Okay. On three, we throw our hands. One... Two... Three!!
Chuckie throws down paper, Chad throws down scissors, and Lincoln throws down rock, resulting in their round being a draw. Now, this wouldn't be so bad, if this simple result wasn't what they kept getting every time they play the game.
Chad: (groans) This again?! I demand we rematch! It won't be the same!
Chuckie: Normally, I'd agree with you Chad, but we've been playing this stupid game for 5 whole minutes, and not one of us have scored an actual point. We just keep countering our own moves. Can't we just play something else?
Chad: (scoffs) You mean like something made for little kids? Like I Spy or Never Have I Ever? Come on, Chuckie, we're too old for games like those!
Lincoln: (notices something) Uh, guys?
Chuckie: Even if those games are considered childish, at least they provide a chance for all three of us to score a point, and actually have a chance for us to competitively compete against ourselves, rather than be constantly stuck getting draws!
Chad: Well maybe we wouldn't be forced to play this stupid game if that stupid candy-named sad excuse of a sniper didn't have us park out here to just grab some stuff we can grab later! We still have some tank ammo remaining!
Lincoln: (getting nervous) Guys?
Chuckie: (shoves Chad) The guy just wants to be prepared, just in case an accident results in us losing all of our tank ammo! Not to mention, I seem to remember you firing some of that saved ammo as a sign of victory after we evaded the previous attack from those freaks! I bet we wouldn't even be here if you didn't do that!
Chad: (shoves back) Are you calling me an idiot, Chuckie?!
Chuckie: (mad) No, I'm calling you incompetent!!
Chad: (mad) Why you stupid hockey mask wearing-
Lincoln: (shouts) GUYS!!
Chad + Chuckie: (annoyed) What, Lincoln?!
As the two jocks that wear football and hockey gear turn to their friend with the motorcycle helmet, they become confused as he leaps at them and knocks all three of them off the tank and down to the ground, only for their eyes to widen upon realisation as they hear a gunshot ring out. Their friend was trying to warn them about a threat, but they were too busy arguing to pay any attention to it.
Chad: (takes a deep breath) Holy shit... We nearly died there.
Chuckie: (pats his back) Yeah... (looks to Lincoln) We owe you a massive one there, mate. One second later, and we would've had our heads full of lead.
Lincoln: (shakes his heads) It's fine, bros. Boys will be boys, as we always say.
Chad: Dude, we nearly lost our lives a few seconds ago. This isn't the time to joke.
Lincoln: (sighs) I know. Was just trying to bring the mood up a bit. (nervously peeks around the tank) So, what do we do about these party crashers?
Chad: (pounds his fists together) I'll tell you both what we're gonna do. We're gonna buy Skittles a little more time. (looks to Chuckie) Chuckie, you're gonna come with me, and confront those assholes. (looks to Lincoln) Lincoln, you're gonna stay hidden, grab a spare gun, and wait for my signal. Once, I say so, you're gonna come out and start shooting at those freaks. Any objections, men? (Chuckie and Lincoln shake their heads) Then let's go fuck their shit up.
Chuckie and Chad soon get onto their feet and walk around the tank, while Lincoln slinks around the other end to grab a spare gun they've been keeping hidden, just in case for emergencies like this. As the two jocks step around to face their foes, they see the Corrupted Alucard and Corrupted Cyclops jumping down from a rooftop, and standing a few feet away from them.
Chad: Well, looks like we've got ourselves a couple of goths thinking that they can take us down by shooting like a bunch of pussies, huh? Why don't you freaks man up and face us head on?
Corrupted Cyclops: Why do you think we came down instead of remaining up there? We decided to humour your unintelligent minds for the last moments you have with free will. After all, you've been nothing but a nuisance to us, having your tank ammo break many of our weaker forces free, and forcing us to waste valuable time re-infecting them.
Chuckie: Oh, so it appears our personal strategy of just gunning you rejected Halloween costumes down, just like how you all like to do to us, seems to be useful after all. Thanks for the wonderful feedback. (laughs as the Corrupted Cyclops growls at him)
Corrupted Alucard: (grabs his partner's shoulder) Pay them no heed, dear ally. Look at them. Underneath their aura of cocky attitude, obsession of being masculine, and adoration for plastic sports gear and cardboard armour is clear fear. Every human left in this dying world have it residing within their souls.
Chad: (rolls his eyes) Wow, look at this nerd, thinking he can speak some kind of deep speech like William Shakespeare, and impressive everyone. (chuckles as he pulls out a mic) Now, how about we skip to the part where we settle things the way you monsters constantly insist? If we win, you guys walk away, and pretend this never happened. If you win, we'll start playing for your team.
Corrupted Cyclops: (cackles) If you want to throw your lives away against us, then we won't hesitate in accepting your little offer. Just know this, many others have tried the same gamble as you lot, and they all watched as their chances of both victory and safety become obsolete, and they join our ranks, forever trapped in their either their wildest fantasies, or their most darkest and brutal nightmares.
Chuckie: Why don't you save the dressing speech for you and your little afro-rocking boyfriend for yourselves, cause you'll be needing it once we kick your butts!
Corrupted Alucard: Enough preamble, let the show commence, and watch as the curtains fall on your performance.
*Song Name: War by canumvenati (Imagine it's Chad and Chuckie Vs Corrupted Cyclops, Corrupted Alucard, and their backup instead of Tankman and Steve Vs Corrupted Boyfriend, Corrupted Mommy Mearest, and their backup)*
The musical showdown between the surviving jocks and the corrupted goth kids commences, with the music feeling right at home for the former party in the rap battle, sounding just like a sombre track from a war movie. Both sides start off trading bars, with the two members of the Thugmen leading the charge with confident smirks on their faces, countering the Corrupted Cyclops and Alucard's smirks of malicious intent, and just a few seconds into the song...
Chad: (clicks his fingers) Time to unleash bullet hell, Lincoln!
Lincoln leaps out from behind the tank, brandishing a few shotguns and passing two over to his partners, before firing every single bullet in his magazine at the infected goth kids. Unfortunately for the team of survivors, their assault of ranged projectiles turns out to only work for a few seconds, as each shot fired at them would be countered in two different ways. Whether it be through the Corrupted Cyclops dodging every bullet, or the Corrupted Alucard using his telekinesis to send the projectiles either flying off into the horizon or right back at them.
Despite this clear attempt at an ambush not going as expected, the Thugmen don't stop rapping their lungs out and firing at the infected goth kids, hoping that their barrage of lead bullets may eventually overwhelm their opponents, despite the fact that their foes have unlimited stamina. Halfway through the rap battle, the Thugmen prepare another flurry of shotgun shells, only for backup to arrive for the corrupted members, in the form of the Corrupted Cassandra and the Corrupted Kapi. The leader of the goth kids and the oblivious cat have now entered the battle, the former knocking Lincoln away and shooting him in the shoulder.
Chad: Well, well, well. Guess you must be really desperate to win, if you have to resort to making the numbers uneven. (shrugs) No matter. Bring it on, you fucking freaks!!
At this point, the music changes from a sombre tone into a more intense style, with both sides begin singing at a much faster pace, with Chad getting his head, neck, and arms infected, while Chuckie only gets the corruption on his hands. Despite the clear disadvantage in numbers, the Thugmen continue on fighting against the quartet of infected troublemakers, with both Chad and Chuckie switching between rapping and shooting, depending on who's doing which. Even Lincoln joins in on the former, clutching his shoulder as blood leaks out of the wound, and corruption rapidly spreading across the entire left side of his body.
However, the corruption kept on playing unfair, by constantly retaliating at their repeated onslaughts with bullets of their own, and even the recent two arrivals trying to claw at their skin. When that didn't work, they switched to a new plan. While the Thugmen were performing a solo, complete with the two that weren't singing firing shotgun shells at the corruption, the Corrupted Cassandra pulled out her signature weapon, that being a TEC-9, and unloads every single bullet at the three jocks, critically injuring Chuckie and Lincoln, while causing the corruption to spread across all three of them even more. However, Chad still stands.
Chad: (facepalms) All right, enough of this crap. I've grown sick of keeping you heavy metal-loving abominations entertained. Now that you've gunned down by bros? No more bullshit! Let's get this over with!
During the final few moments of the song, the melody in the background shifts back into the upset style it had at the beginning of the battle, as the corrupted forces begin to finish off Chad, who desperately tries to continue on the fight, despite his body feeling like it's about to fall to the ground from exhaustion. However, unbeknownst to the seven fighters, none of them have noticed that a hidden eighth participant has just entered the battle when both Chuckie and Lincoln have been injured, nor have any of them picked up the sound...
...of the tank's engine roaring to life.
A few minutes earlier, Skittles had left the gas station with two bags worth of junk food and energy drinks, and even some surprise tank ammo, when he noticed his partners currently in trouble, about to fall to the corrupted goth kids, plus Kapi. So, he quietly crept over to their metal vehicle of destruction, and turned it on. Then, he carefully moved the cannon to face the infected force, and with a smirk on his face, hit the fire button.
Chad had to quickly look away, as he saw something large fly right behind him, and strike his opponents dead on target, creating a large cloud of smoke that he couldn't see through. Suddenly, he was snapped back to reality once he heard the tank engine roar once again, and turned around to see Skittles at the main controls, and having a serious expression on his face.
Chad: (confused) What? Skittles? Did you-
Skittles: (yells) No time to explain! Just get the others and yourself onto the tank, and I'll drive us out of here! You can tell me what happened with you three once we're at a safe enough distance.
Chad didn't need to be told twice at this moment, seeing as how his friends might be in massive danger if they don't do something about their condition immediately. As quickly as his legs can move, the jock lifts up the unconscious bodies of Chuckie and Lincoln, placing them onto the tank before hopping on himself, as Skittles steps on the throttle and gets them out of the area. Once they can't see the gas station behind them, the former sniper for the Darkmen Brigade looks to the only conscious member of the Thugmen, and asks him what's wrong, resulting in Chad letting out a sigh before telling him what happened before and during the corrupted numbers arrived. All it gets out of Skittles is a grumpy groan, but also a reassuring nod, showing he isn't that mad about the argument.
During stressful times like these, all it can take is just one combination of words, and then you'll be at your friend's neck without knowing...
Back at the abandoned gas station, the smoke begins to clear from the area, revealing a sight that might have been shocking to the fighters of the Badlands, if they decided to stay an extra minute behind, as it turns out Skittle's lucky shot with the tank actually did something to them. The Corrupted Cyclops now lays on the floor, completely knocked out, while both Kapi and Alucard now having full control of themselves, with the former being fully freed (despite his arm being heavily bruised), and the latter only having the upper half of his body freed. However, Cassandra is nowhere to be seen, meaning she either fled or has been blasted away.
Once every cloud of the pollutive smoke has vanished from the area, Kapi begins to wake up first, clutching his head with his hand as he looks around in confusion, before spotting Alucard, who has also woken up from his state and is also wondering what currently happened.
Kapi: (awkwardly waves) Uh... who are you?
Alucard: (raises an eyebrow) I think I should be asking that question, along with where the hell even are we? Last I remember, I was heading to my prison cell for a little nap, then all of a sudden, some freak in strange black paint burst in and attacked me! After that, I feel like I'm in some kind of nightmare, and then I wake up here.
Kapi: (tilts his head) Black paint? I dealt with the same kind of thing back at the arcade! Some kid entered, followed by some kid with chains wrapped around him and a gun in his hands! Dude, it's part of some kind of plague, and when I tried to fight it off, I thought I won, but I guess that was a lie.
Alucard: Hold on a minute, feline. If this is true, then why aren't you infected, and I'm up to half my chest in it?
Kapi: (scratching his head) I don't know how it works, or how to remove it. I'm just as confused as you are, bud.
Alucard: (waves his hand) Regardless on how this stuff acts, we should probably get out of here before-
Before Alucard can finish his sentence, a figure then bursts out from behind a wall of one of the destroyed buildings, catching the two freed souls off-guard, as they quickly cover their faces to avoid debris. Once the crash has fully settled down, both Kapi and Alucard slowly uncover their eyes to see what the cause was, only to drop their hands to their sides in shock. It was Cassandra, still corrupted, and now in her Penilian form. As the two uncorrupted figures slowly step back in fear, they hear the sound of a gun being loaded behind them, and quickly turn to see Cyclops, still corrupted, and aiming a weapon at them.
To make matters worse, right above this current showdown, watching from atop a ruined skyscraper is the Corrupted Whitty and Corrupted Hex, eagerly awaiting for one of the recent two to be unexpectedly freed to make one foolish mistake, before deciding to drop down and reinfect them. After all, they overheard that their leaders need most of the corrupted population in Starlight City for a big operation...
So why not make sure none of their previous victims have the chance to escape?
I wake up in the familiar black void, which usually occur whenever I'm about to be trapped in some kind of nightmare. I won't lie, every time I get forced into one, nothing in it goes pleasantly well for me. The ones I can remember most vividly was the one involving Nene and Darnell, when they had me pinned down and were about to both incinerate me and dig into my flesh with a knife, and the one where I saw Tabi's corpse, then shooting myself upon hearing that laughter. I still remember that those flames, blade, and bullet felt real when against my skin, so I dread what this one will be like.
After waiting for something to happen, my eyes get blinded by a bright red flash, before finding myself in another familiar location. Just like the one involving Nene and Darnell, I'm sitting at a desk in one of the classrooms in Starlight City High School, only this one wasn't my dorm room, but rather a different classroom, since the teacher at the front of the class looks slightly different. As I look around to identify where exactly I am, I notice that I'm in the Maths classroom, due to all the posters of multiplication and numbers on the wall, and there being a calculator on another student's desk.
As I continue to look around, once again noticing my hair has gone back to being shorter and my facial expression being younger once again, I notice a new familiar face in the classroom right in front of my desk, that being Pico, seemingly paying attention to what the teacher is preparing to inform everyone about, and drumming his fingers on his desk to pass the time. I consider maybe tapping his shoulder to get his attention, but after the nightmare involving Tabi, I decide not to.
Soon, the teacher clears his throat and gets the class to look his way, but before he can let out a single sentence, word, or letter, Cassandra and some other goth kids in her group suddenly burst into the classroom, all of them holding firearms. Then, they pull the triggers...
As soon as the first round of bullets shred right through the teacher, they aim their weapons to the whole class, as I quickly hid underneath my desk, shaking in fear as I hear the sounds of people screaming in pain along with the bullets hitting the walls before dropping to the floor. Eventually, the guns go silent, and from the hiding spot I'm in, I see the goth kids leave the classroom, only to hear more gunshots out in the corridor. I poke my head out from under the desk to see everyone dead on the floor, from the teacher, to the other students, and...
I blink and rub my eyes a few times, even giving his body a light tap after a few seconds of hesitation. He doesn't even make any movement, barring my light poke. He really is dead. With tears rapidly pouring down my face, I sprint right out of the classroom of the slaughtered, and into the hallway, only to stop in my tracks as my eyes come across even more corpses of other teens and teachers, all of them having bullet holes in them. The smell of the blood leaking all over the floor reaches my nose, getting me to lean against the wall, and empty out my stomach onto the ground, making the awful stench even worse.
Before I can move onto another area that hopefully doesn't have any decaying corpses causing the location I'm in, someone suddenly shoves me against one of the metal lockers, tightly gripping my arm as I feel something press against the side of my head. After taking a second to realise what happened, I slowly open my eyes to see... Cyclops with a firearm in his hand, and that's what's aimed right at the side of my head.
(Y/N): C-Cyclops?
Cyclops?: (chuckles) Well, look what we have here. Our little traitor, still alive and shaking like a little baby.
(Y/N): (confused) Traitor? What are you talking about? I thought you were fine with me growing out of my phase?!
Cyclops?: (smirks) You really think we were okay with that? You really are that much an idiot! Honestly, you should be dead at this point, seeing as how all you are is nothing more than a martyr. Now, hold still for a moment.
As Cyclops moves his finger to the trigger, I quickly kick him in the stomach and slap the gun far out of his reach, before sprinting right through the closest door to the side of me. As I shut the door behind me and lean against it, slowly sliding to the door, I feel my hand come into contact with a liquid that has a familiar putrid smell.
Slowly opening my blurry eyes shows me another classroom with tons of carcasses decorating the entire layout, as I spot another goth kid with me. This one being Alucard, who upon noticing me, he picks me up with telekinesis, as I feel the inside of my throat tightening at a fast pace, getting my hands to rush up and clutch my neck.
Alucard: (sneers) Huh, never thought you would be the nosy type, brat. Then again, you did leave us to hang out with that stupid ginger and his friends.
(Y/N): (struggling to breath) Alucard... Please... You guys said... it was fine, and... we still hung... out...
Alucard: Oh, save your sorry excuse of an apology for someone more gullible, (Y/N). Don't you know the saying "You reap what you sow"? If not, then let us re-educate you on what it means. For the short definition, the consequences of your actions will catch up to you one day, and that day is now!
Alucard suddenly uses his telekinesis to throw me right back into the hallway, slamming my back against the stone wall. As I slide down and begin to regain my breath, I feel him pick me up again with his abilities, and then throws me down the hallway, causing the skin on my arms and legs to slowly get shredded as they slide along the ground, causing blood to be drawn. Once I come to a dead halt, I notice that I've landed in front of two more recognisable corpses, which make my eyes spill even more tears...
It's Darnell and Nene...
Not wanting to stare at their bloodied and mutilated carcasses, I stand back onto my injured legs and break out into another frantic sprint, trying my best to ignore the flowing pain going through them, until I end up bumping into someone, and fall to the ground again. After trying to get back up, I feel something stab into my shoulder, causing me to scream out in pain, and get a proper view at who the culprit is. It's Hanzou, and their eyes show both anger and betrayal. Please, don't be like the others...
Hanzou: Tell me, (Y/N). You remember how we used to hang out after school at my place, watch a bunch of our favourite anime shows together, talk about our favourite scenes, and think about what might happen next?
(Y/N): (holding his shoulder) Of course I remember those days, Hanzou. If I didn't enjoy them, then I wouldn't show up after the first time.
Hanzou: (eye twitches) Then why did you betray us, (Y/N)?! We welcomed you as one of our own, but the day you "grow out of your gothic phase", you abandon the people who accepted you when you changed your view on many things, saw the same visions as you, only to leave them for the past?! You heard your own words, that means you considered abandoning me when we started to get along back then!!
(Y/N): (raises his voice) Hanzou!! Please, just let me explain-
Hanzou: (shouts) Silence, you heartbreaker!! Prepare to face retribution!!!
Hanzou starts to swing his katana in every direction, damaging my clothing and drawing a few droplets of blood whenever he did slash at my skin. Eventually, after attempting to avoid every swing he unleashes, I break out into one final sprint, running right under Hanzou and reaching the other side of the building, running right through one final door as I check over my shoulder, trying to make sure that Hanzou or any of the other goth kids aren't following me.
As I shut the doors behind me, I catch my breath, wincing in pain from the multiple bleeding wounds all over my body, arms, and legs, before look around in order to see where I am. All around me appear to be shelves of school equipment, with each package being covered in multiple layers of dust, with ladders leading up to the higher areas. As I take a few steps deeper into the room, hearing my footsteps echo all across the room, one final figure seems to become more visible the more I approach them. Upon noticing them, I couldn't recognise them at first, but when I saw their hairstyle, and how it resembled devil horns, I instantly knew who it was.
It's Cassandra, and she still has that weapon in her hands.
(Y/N): Cass-
Cassandra: Don't speak.
I quickly stay quiet, not wanting to aggravate her as I have to the other goth kids, as she pulls out a microphone and tosses it my way. I catch it, almost falling over in the process, before straightening myself out and facing Cassandra, who turns around, holding a mic of her own.
Cassandra: Let's get this over with, you fucking excuse of a former goth.
(Y/N): (nervously gulps) O-Okay...
(3rd Person POV)
*Song Name: Berzerker*
*Original Song: Markov by Matt Money (Imagine it's Cassandra Vs (Y/N) instead of Yuri Vs Boyfriend)*
A dark and twisted music box-like melody begins to play all across the large warehouse-like storage room, creeping (Y/N) out more than he currently is, before hearing Cassandra start singing, her voice sounding slightly distorted. As he sings along with her, the music slowly begins to slowly build up to something, as he notices the ringleader of the goths start to twitch to the rhythm of the song. At this point, (Y/N) is on high alert, feeling as if something is going horribly wrong, and this is just the beginning of the song. And not even a full minute into the song...
The silence is torn apart by a laugh of insanity.
The music suddenly becomes more intense, sounding like something out of a band for goths, as Cassandra leaps out of the shadows, her eyes resembling her Penilian form eyes, and starting to fire bullets at her opponent, all while keeping an excited and insane smile stretched across her face. As for (Y/N), he feels his head beginning to hurt, but now the multiple bloody wounds suddenly spike in pain, almost as if someone or something is pouring salt into their crevices, forcing the young boy to grit his teeth in pain and hold his hands back from itching them and making it worse.
But it wouldn't really matter, seeing as how he feels his body is preventing him from moving a muscle, just like the nightmare with Nene...
Speaking of that nightmare, (Y/N) notices that just like it, both the layout of the entire storage room and his own attire have changed to match this demented situation. Starting with the former, the whole area has seemingly gone up in flames and has some kind of liquid coating the floor, parts of the wall have massive holes in them, showing unrecognisable creatures poking out that look like they rather belong in hell, the shelves are now rotting away with mould growing on them, and every single package of school equipment has been replaced with stitched bags filled with human organs, still beating and beginning to leak out.
In short, the whole room has transformed into something you'd see from a horror movie, not a nightmare. Then again, since when are nightmares... normal?
As for the second major change, (Y/N) notices the minute he looks down at his reflection in the unknown liquid, finding himself now in his attire when he went through his goth face. These changes include his hair now decorated with a few streaks of lavender and green dye, his shirt remaining the same as when he moved back to Starlight City, but now with a leather jacket covering it, despite having moth holes in it, and black jeans with tears and burn marks going all over and through the fabric. Despite this change, his injuries from Hanzou are still present, and are still stinging like crazy.
Trying to desperately ignore the stinging throughout her body, (Y/N) tries to focus back at the rap battle against Cassandra, with something happening halfway through the song, with the goth girl suddenly having her body begin to slowly transform into her Penilian form, with her arms shifting, her horns beginning to grow out of her hair, and her eyes start to glow gold. This gets (Y/N) to jump back in shock, as he begins to mess up, only getting his focus back after a minute. After that light jumpscare, the rap battle ends with the young boy winning, but being more scared than he was before.
(Y/N): (takes a deep breath) Cassandra, please let me explain... I-
Cassandra: (growls) Silence.
In a quick second, Cassandra fully transforms into her Penilian form and charges towards (Y/N), grabbing him by the neck with one of her claws, before slamming him against one of the walls. Before any more interactions can happen, something from one of the many holes quickly lunges out and bites at the young boy's leg, not only drawing even more blood, but even begins to show some bones, making him scream even louder than he previously done before. However, his screaming doesn't last long, as Cassandra covers his mouth with her other claw, before forcing his head to look directly at her eyes, showing pure hatred and disgust looking back at him.
Cassandra: Save those screams for someone more gullible. People like you are the most disgusting cretins that walk along this planet, never take any form of blame for causing the people that you've built connections with any agony. Do you enjoy watching the suffering you bring to others?
(Y/N): (starting to tear up) P-Please... I-I don't enjoy... this... I...
Cassandra: Then what, (Y/N)? What excuse could you possibly have that could save your soul? You better make it understandable, or else the pain you're experiencing will be even worse than it currently is.
(Y/N)'s mind begins to flood with reasons for why he hasn't been able to save anyone, but no matter how hard he thinks, nothing exited from his lips, either due to the pain coursing through his body, or the fear flashing across his expression. Not matter the reason, (Y/N) couldn't say anything to one of his oldest friends, who grows impatient with each passing second, before lowly growling, getting the young boy's attention.
Cassandra: So, there's nothing you can say? (scoffs) Fitting for someone like you. Now, prepare for your karma!!
Cassandra then swings her claw right at (Y/N)'s vulnerable neck, planning to rip his vocal chords to shreds as her prey closes his eyes in fear, hoping that his fate will be quick and painless, but right as her tips touch the young boy's skin, everything suddenly disappears. After what felt like hours of hesitation, (Y/N) slowly opens his eyes, finding himself in the main mindscape, with the same screen showing his resting body and the cracks still growing across the area. Also there is Spirit, who looks to (Y/N) with a sympathetic look on his face, as the young boy looks back, his expression looking more tired than usual.
(Y/N): (tiredly waves) Hey there, Spirit. Or, Jonathan. I'm still unsure if you prefer your old name or your current one.
Spirit: (chuckles) I'm fine going as either, (Y/N), you don't have to be polite. But as for you, how are you handling that? Another nightmare happened?
(Y/N): (sighs) Yeah, they're back. I just don't understand them at this point, honestly. Just when it feels like we're making progress and the nightmares begin to vanish into thin air, they come back just as worse as they started.
Spirit: That's how the mind works, (Y/N). In ways that humans are unable to understand or note down. Speaking of nightmares, would you like to talk about it here with me, or later with the group?
(Y/N): (thinks for a moment) I'd say the latter. It's nice to speak with you all instead of separately, seeing as it's been helping me sleep a bit easier, despite the... you know...
Spirit: (nods) I understand. So, what do you want to do before you wake up? We have some time to spare before you do awaken.
Before (Y/N) or Spirit could think of an idea, the mindscape begins to shake, almost as if an earthquake is happening. Both figures start to lose their balance, with the young boy soon clutching his own head, feeling as if his own skull is about to explode and send shards flying in every direction. Then, the shaking and the pain come to a halt, almost as if it never happened in the first place. As Spirit helps (Y/N) back onto his feet, both take a look at the cracks in the mindscape to see if they're the cause. Surprisingly, they aren't, as they haven't grown at all. But what surprises them the most is when they notice something in the corner of their eyes...
There's a new fifth figure inside the mindscape...
Upon taking a closer look at the figure, (Y/N)'s eyes widen at how... familiar they look. The figure has the same height and looks to Boyfriend, but with four noticeable differences: His eyes are shining a bright blue, there's a bright blue halo floating above his hat and hair, their entire figure is shrouded in shadows, and there's a microphone in their hands, which has a blue ring floating around its underside. After both (Y/N) and Spirit finish analysing the new guest, they see how the figure hasn't noticed them yet, instead observing the mindscape with awe.
???: I can't believe I was able to gain access here. All this damage... All this pain... He didn't deserve any of this. Still, I can't help but wonder how fragile the human mind is, and how one disaster can rend something like this in a near unrepairable state...
(Y/N): (calls out) Uhm, who are you?
???: (jumps back in freight) Beep boop ski- (pauses) Wait a minute... You both can see me, correct? (both (Y/N) and Spirit nod) Then that means my attempt has succeeded. (takes a deep breath) Listen to me, you two. You both have to get ready for the upcoming disaster. Under any circumstances, do not let those monsters take this victory. You have to keep Dearest safe.
(Y/N): (confused) Wh-What are you talking about?
???: I know this whole thing makes me sound insane, but you both have to trust me. If you two aren't careful, Atlas will fall, and the chances of this world being saved will become near obsolete. I don't know how long you all have until-
Spirit: (floats in-front of (Y/N)) I think you might wanna have a word with me first, before trying to speak with my friend. He's been through a lot, and I don't want any more damage to come to him.
???: (flinches at his words) I... (takes another deep breath) I can tell you both are heavily confused about all this, so how about we have ourselves a little sing-off? Let me prove to you both I just want to help you.
Spirit: (narrows his eyes) Fine then. I'll play your game.
???: Hold on for a minute, I'm not battling you. (points to (Y/N)) I want to battle him.
(Y/N): (still confused) Why me?
???: Call it nostalgia, but it's been so long since I've been able to have a proper rap battle with you, (Y/N), and I want to be able to reminisce on those days again... (looks upset) Those days when we used to hang out, visit enjoyable locations in Starlight City, and build memories that would last for an eternity... Please, can you do that for me? ((Y/N) gives ??? a nod) Thank you. Let us begin, for old times sake.
*Song Name: Rift*
*Original Song: Umbra (Remastered) by punkett (Imagine it's ??? Vs (Y/N) instead of Shadow Bonnie Vs Ghost Boyfriend)*
Despite the utter confusion both the young boy and the floating ghost have about the situation, (Y/N) prepares himself for the rap battle, letting the sudden guest take his turn first, with a sombre and depressing music box-like melody rings out around them. As he sung, both residents of the mindscape could tell from his tone that whoever this stranger is, they've clearly been through a lot, as their voice perfectly matches the feeling of the song, filled with both pain and regret. Though, they don't know why yet.
Almost a minute into the song, the music begins to pick up, changing from distortion and sounding more like a heavy-metal track, with the stranger's voice even adjusting to the song's new tempo. But what surprises (Y/N) and Spirit the most is that the entire mindscape begins to change, showing them perfect replicas of battles the former has either been through or witnessed. From his reunion with BF and GF before that Christmas, all the way to the brief battle Spirit had with Atlas Dearest, even the front entrance of the school in the Hating Simulator was perfectly replicated.
While the battle against the sudden stranger continued, Spirit soon noticed that a small number of the replicated locations haven't appeared in any of (Y/N)'s memories, but took careful notice of their layouts. The first was of the outside of the train station, with the sky being a blood red, the concrete path being stained in blood, and what appears to be the corpse of the Corrupted Pico laying down, with bite marks on him. The second appeared to be a dark alleyway, with the bead bodies of both Pico and BF resting against a wall, the silhouettes of Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest watching from the alley's entrance, and glitchy particles forming right behind the unknown figure, seemingly getting aggressive.
The third surprise location sent Spirit into a state of shock, as it was a room split down the middle, with one side showing GF's bedroom, and the other side showing the show stage. For the bedroom side, the most prominent feature was showing Girlfriend's BS1 and TV both destroyed, with a strange substance leaking out, looking like a fusion between Spirit's own essence, and the corruptive substance. On the side involving the show stage, it showed the entire curtain and walls being painted in blood, and Daddy Dearest standing there like a statue, almost like his own soul was ripped from his body...
The fourth and final surprising replica didn't last as long as the others, put it appeared long enough for Spirit to properly take a look at. It consisted of the three of them standing on a cliff edge overlooking the ruined Starlight City, but there was a glowing sinister face watching them from the darkness of this replica. It looked like the face of someone that was corrupted, but their expression was glowing purple instead of red or crimson, and they had a third, pulsating eye.
While both (Y/N) and Spirit were slightly caught off-guard by this ability and the locations, trying to figure out what they represent, the stranger had their mind focused on something else. They were enjoying the rap battle against the young boy, as it brings them back to a time when the corruption never attacked their home... Back when they hung out, either through taking part in each others activities, or just wandering through Starlight City and talking about whatever they wanted too at the moment...
Back when he and his girlfriend were planning on confessing to him...
After a while, the rap battle reaches its end, with both singers taking a polite bow to show each other some respect, as the song returns to its more softer melody, and the mindscape returning back to its original look.
(Y/N): (smiles) Despite how intense that got, I really enjoyed that song. Though, I must say, the way you sung back, it reminded me of someone I miss. Do you want to explain or...
???: (smiles back) I think it's better if I don't give you the proper answer, as messing with other timelines is pretty risky. Now, about what I'm here to tell you both.
Spirit: Yes, go on.
???: (takes a deep breath) Okay, I am not from this timeline, as I said a few seconds earlier. I've been trying to fix the outcome of this disaster, hoping to create at least one happy ending, but my plans always go wrong. Whether it be from an anomaly ruining everything for me, or the events not going as planned, the attempts so far haven't been going well. Counting the timeline I originated from, this is the fifth timeline.
(Y/N): (eyes widen) Wait... Timelines? Plural? How did you even reach this attempt?
???: The ability I have is the same as the one Boyfriend has, that being Retry. It allows us to rewind time to any point we wish in case something goes horribly wrong for us. It can even work if we die. However, there's a limit to this power. We can only rewind time three times before we... fade from existence. But as a plus, I've been gifted an extra retry whenever I do something right for the timeline, as a way to keep pushing me in the right direction.
Spirit: Care to give an example?
???: Certainly. In this timeline, when you were freed, Spirit, I was gifted an extra retry, due to my past experience in another timeline showing me that if you are freed, then you could possibly help create a perfect ending. And as you can guess, those other timelines haven't gone so well for you. One had you nearly freed, but it was ruined by an... unexpected inconvenience, which resulted in the birth of an anomaly. (shakes his head) Moving past that, if it wasn't for (Y/N) giving you the motivation to fight back, or his quick thinking and hitting the reset button, you wouldn't be here.
Spirit: I suppose your words do hold some merit, as the young soul did when reminding me of both Senpai and Valentine. But, you still haven't explained why you are here.
???: (gasps) You're right! Thanks for reminding me, Jonathan. (clears his throat) Now, I am currently on two retries, but I know of a way to get a third one, and return back to my original count. But to do that, I need your help.
(Y/N): (listening intensely) I can lend a hand. What do you need me to do?
Spirit: Same here.
???: I need you both to prevent Atlas Dearest from falling to the corruption. No matter the timeline, he is a massive threat to the corruption itself, with that sickening plague having to rely on an army or more powerful demon to weaken him, followed by using the anomaly of that timeline to finish him off and corrupt him. If he's saved, then that could throw the ringleaders' plans into jeopardy, and force them to drastically change tactics, while buying you survivors enough time to come up with a plan to free them!
Spirit: I have suggested the possibility of using the underground facility located in the Badlands, seeing as how nobody in Starlight City has a clue what's hidden in its halls, so there could be something that could change this apocalypse into a more favourable outcome.
???: (clicks his fingers) That is a good idea, Jonathan. As for me, I'll be trying to free Boyfriend from inside his mind, seeing as how another figure has been trying to do the same thing, but with little success. Now, I must be going now. Take care, you two. (remembers something) Oh! And a little parting gift for you, (Y/N)...
The mysterious figure takes both (Y/N)'s hands into his, before pushing his head forward and kisses him on the lips, leaving both residents in shock as their guest disappears without giving a reason as to why he did that.
Once he's gone, both (Y/N) and Spirit look at each other in confusion, the former having slight shock due to that technically being his first kiss, but before they can begin to question it, the young boy's body begins to glow, before vanishing completely, signifying that he's waking up, and leaving Spirit by himself in the mindscape.
However, unbeknownst to the three, is that during their interaction and discussion of a plan, there was a certain Glitch Soul eavesdropping on what they were saying...
And it took great interest in EVERYTHING the mysterious figure had said...
After that strange moment from inside my mindscape, I wake up in the bedroom set up in the abandoned music theatre Mr. Dearest set up. I wasn't expecting for that stranger to take my first kiss, and how... familiar they felt when talking to them. While on my way to find the others, I pull out my phone to check the time and date, seeing as how I haven't been paying much attention to it. Ever since this whole apocalypse continued on, time itself can't decide to go at its usual pace, or be either slower or quicker than normal. So, a quick check won't hurt.
The time reads 4:40 PM, and the date is December 25, which makes a sorrow sigh escape my lips. It's now been a full year since this whole thing started, and nearly the entirety of Starlight City has been left in an unrepairable state, in both the buildings and the people. Speaking of the latter, I've still tried to contact any of the other members of the resistance to see if they're all right, or to hopefully sneak over and meet up so we can form some kind of plan. Unfortunately, the results have stayed the same as before. No one on the other end picks up, regardless of who I call.
Even if the feeling of not knowing if the others are safe leaves a dark pit in my chest, Spirit and the others keep insisting that they'll be okay, at least that's what they say. Moving on from the negative thoughts, so far our time here at the abandoned theatre has been swell for the most part, and all of us have been getting along with each other. Me and Atlas have been talking a lot about our nightmares and struggles with sanity, being there to give each other some words of reassurance, and informing the other some good news from the past days. When I told Atlas about me freeing his wife earlier, he was so happy, it reminded me of Scrooge from A Christmas Carol.
Even when she fell to the corruption again, he was still happy, knowing that she could still be reached, and that she went down fighting, unlike what he's been doing for most of the year. As for Atlas's current relationships with the other survivors here, him and Spirit have gotten over their past turmoil for the moment, and have agreed to work together, even if the past still haunts them both. Julian has been slightly overwhelming for the ex-rockstar, mostly due to how much of a fanboy he is for him and his constant flood for music tips and ideas, but Atlas was able to handle it. He even referred to Julian as a more positive and chiller counterpart to Whitty, which Julian says he takes with pride. But for this relationship with IRIS...
...Well, that's the reason why I said the time here in the abandoned theatre was swell "for the most part".
IRIS: For the last time, you washed up rockstar, we refuse to listen to any of your holiday suggestions!!
Daddy Dearest: And I keep telling you that I've been staying her longer than you, so I make the decision!!
At the moment, all five of us are relaxing in the common room that Atlas has set up for us, but the ex-rockstar and and the demonic media conglomerate have gotten into another heated argument over what music we should listen to so we can pass the time, seeing as how board games have only made them hate each other even more. I'm just glad neither of them tried to burn the Monopoly board to ashes.
Daddy Dearest: Besides, what's wrong with listening to either "Daddy Dearest, Holiday Heartthrob", published December 1975, or even "We Wish You A Daddy Christmas", also published December 1975? If you don't like any of those, we can always listen to another one of my other genre branches.
IRIS: First of all, those songs have become similar to nails on a chalkboard because of you threatening the lives of every mortal in every radio station to play those awful tunes throughout the winter holiday. And second, your choice of trying different music types when the fame got to your head and made your performances even more stale! We've heard your attempts at Jazz, Rap, EDM, even bleeding Bluegrass! They all failed! The only tunes we enjoy are either "Daddy Disco" or the 1976 rerelease of "We Wish You A Daddy Christmas".
Daddy Dearest: (stands up) That last one is an instrumental, and you know it!
IRIS: (stands up as well) Our point exactly!
Julian: (whispers to (Y/N)) And once again, they've devolved into mindless screaming over a stupid reason. ((Y/N) sighs) How about you go take a minute in a different room while I try to sort out the argument?
(Y/N): (whispers back) Are you sure you can handle this yourself?
Julian: (smiles and nods) I know I can handle it, (Y/N). I've dealt with Julius every time someone or something gets his fuse ignited, so a couple of pissed off demons aren't that much of a difference to me.
(Y/N): (looks away for a moment) If you insist.
Both Julian and I soon stand up and head off to different destinations in the music theatre, with him going to hopefully calm the devils down, and me heading to somewhere else, ultimately choosing where the stage is set up. Once reaching there, I sit down on the edge of the wooden platform, and look around the quiet area that was once breathing with joy. When GF introduced me to her parents here, every table was filled, lively music burst out of every set-up speaker, stage lights shining down, and people cheering at the performances and wishing for the show to continue on.
Now, all of those memories are just that. Memories that have been buried underneath pain and anguish. The tables and chairs have been covered in thick layers of dust, shard of glass cover the floor, the stage lights unplugged, and the bright atmosphere that once filled the room is now replaced with an empty feeling of dread. Even the wall shows signs of agony when I glance over to it, seeing it decorated with tally marks, counting down how long everyone has stayed in here for protection and planning, despite the last one only coming up recently. While sitting down and going through memory lane, my brain replays another memory, one before the whole outbreak...
It was back during October, before me and Boyfriend were invited to Girlfriend's house, where she nearly got kidnapped by the Spooky Kids. Boyfriend and Girlfriend were going on a date, with the plan of watching a movie, and they invited me to tag along with them. At the time, I didn't know why, but I still went with them, not bothered by the fact that I was being seen as a third wheel by others. When we got to the cinema, however, neither of the two could make their mind up on what movie to watch.
Girlfriend: Come on, Boyfriend. Why can't we watch Bits And Pieces? It's a wonderful story about the struggles of love and acceptance! (sighs happily) Just like our wonderful relationship.
Boyfriend: I know you like it, Girlfriend, but I just can't stand it! It's just another attempt at recreating the whole Romeo And Juliet story, but toning down many of the original details of the story, and having the general audience be aimed at children. It's become a fairy-tale cliché at this point, and the Straight-To-DVD sequels are even worse. The second one is just a few short stories put together with no reason for their connection, and the third one attempts to throw time travel into the plot, and it can't even do that properly!
Girlfriend: (pouts) It doesn't have to make sense, as long as the audience loves it.
Boyfriend: (quietly to himself) Tell that to the online reviews. (sighs and speaks up) What about the horror movie with the killer that lives in the swamp? Me and Pico love that movie, even if the sequels and reboots have caused the franchise to lose its charm.
Girlfriend: Boyfriend, you know I can't stand those kinds of slasher films! They have way too much gore, and most of the scenes are just about teenagers being horny. And the reason why the killer keeps coming back don't make any sense, same with the ways the try to kill him in the other movies.
Boyfriend: Well if we can't decide on what to watch, what do we do?
While they were thinking of a way to sort out their problem, I was off to the side, admiring the posters for the upcoming movies, and taking notice on what movies will be playing at that time. It was then that I was snapped out of my thoughts as I felt both Boyfriend and Girlfriend tugging on my arms.
Boyfriend: (Y/N)!! Please help us!
Girlfriend: What kind of movie should we watch for our date?!
(Y/N): (confused) Why are you asking me that? Isn't this your date? I'm just the third-
Girlfriend: Don't you dare finish that sentence, (Y/N)! We didn't invite you so you can be our third wheel, we invited you because you're our friend.
Boyfriend: Girlfriend's right, dude. If we wanted you to be a third wheel, we would've been like one of those rude couples and point it out for everyone to hear.
(Y/N): (sighs) Alright, if you insist. (thinks for a moment) How about we watch a sci-fi action movie? I haven't seen one since I graduated high school, and people have been saying that the recent reboot to the Shapeshifters franchise is pretty nice.
After my answer, Boyfriend and Girlfriend were on board with it, and after purchasing our tickets, snacks, and drinks, we went into the right auditorium to enjoy the movie. While watching it however, I noticed that every now and then, I would sometimes catch either Boyfriend or Girlfriend looking at me with a blush on their face, before looking away when we made eye contact. And halfway through the film, Boyfriend asked if me and him could switch seats, so that I was sitting between him and Girlfriend. I was confused by this, but said yes, only to soon fall asleep due a neighbour in my complex at the time creating a lot of noise, making it difficult for me to get some shut-eye.
However, I could feel one hand being placed around my shoulder, and another being placed around my waist...
(End of Flashback)
Guess they were really trying to give me some hints, even back then, but I was bad at picking them up, huh? I soon stop my reminiscing as I feel tears run down my cheek and onto the wooden stage, and blurring my vision by a bit. Spirit must've also picked up on me silently crying, as he soon starts speaking up.
Spirit: (through telepathy) Are you okay, (Y/N)? You're starting to cry.
(Y/N): (wipes the tears away) Yeah, I'm fine, Spirit. Just... looking back at the past.
Spirit: You miss them both, don't you?
(Y/N): Well-
Both me and Spirit freeze as I jump to my feet. What was that noise? It sounded like something was banging on the boarded door, desperately trying to get in. I just stare at where the sound coming from, and after a few seconds of thinking it over, I take some slow steps over to the blocked off entrance. Once there, I slowly move my head over to one of the cracks in the door to take a small peek and see who's there. On the other side of the wooden blockade, I see a-
I jump away from the door after the second set of aggressive knocks, this one removing a few nails and sending a few planks down to the ground, while also nearly hitting me in the face with the door after knocking on it. But I was more focused on what I briefly saw on the other side...
It was the eye of a corrupted person...
They found us...
Not wanting to stay and see who this mysterious attacker is, I quickly run out of the main area and other to the common room, where Julian is still trying to calm down both Atlas and IRIS, with little success. But that doesn't matter right now. What does is telling them about what's about to happen in a few moments.
(Y/N): Guys! (raises his voice) Guys!!
Julian: (hears (Y/N)) You two, pipe down for a moment! (Y/N)'s got something to say. (all three of them turn to (Y/N)) So, what is it you want to tell us?
(Y/N): (takes a deep breath) The corruption is right outside the music theatre. They're trying to break in.
Daddy Dearest: (shocked) They are? If so, how long until they get through the barricaded door?
(Y/N): (looks worried) I'd say they already let themselves in by force.
Daddy Dearest: (sighs) Had a feeling it would come to this eventually, finally coming after me in a place I can be pinned down at. Well, if it's a fight they want, then it's a fight they'll get. (walks to the stage) Wish me luck, you three.
(Y/N): Who's saying your facing them alone? (walks beside him) I'm fighting them off with you.
Daddy Dearest: (looks unsure) Kid, I don't know about your decision. I think it would be better if you stayed here with Julian and IRIS. Whoever these ringleaders are, they're after me and my family. They're just using the whole city as a way to get to me.
(Y/N): (shakes his head) You're not entirely right, Atlas. Yes, while some are seeking for you, they're also using everyone I know to manipulate me mentally, and that includes using your daughter. (his eyes dart to the floor) Besides, I saw too many people fall to the corruption, and it's made me feel like I could've tried to put in a little more effort, but I didn't. (starts tearing up again)
Daddy Dearest: (kneels down) Kid, you can never expect to succeed on your first attempt, or even your second. (puts a hand on his shoulder) The most important thing to know is that you put effort into it.
(Y/N): (wipes tears away) I know, but I still want to help out, Atlas.
Daddy Dearest: (thinks for a moment) Okay, you can come and fight with me. Just make sure to stay safe. I don't want a soul like yours to go through more pain than you already have been through. (looks to Julian and IRIS) I want you two to also step in just in case things go south, okay? (Julian and IRIS nod) Good. Now, let's do this, kid.
(3rd Person POV)
(Y/N) gives Atlas a nod of his own as both pick up a microphone from a nearby drawer and head out to the show stage, though they remain hidden behind the curtains and observe who is currently inside the building, not wanting to encounter then just yet. From the shadows, they watch the corrupted figure walk around the tables, searching for any sign of someone being with them, before stepping up onto show stage for a better view, giving the two survivors on who the person really is.
It's Boyfriend...
Once upon the stage, the infected upstart rapper stands there idly for a moment, almost like he is going through memory lane, before looking to where the curtains are drawn and patiently waits for the two to come out of their hiding spot, his smirk growing slightly larger. Both (Y/N) and Atlas give each other a nervous glance, before the latter gives the former a nod, and both emerge from their hiding spot, with determination on the outside of their body, but with fear building up inside their souls.
Corrupted Boyfriend: (Y/N), we weren't expecting to find you hiding here, but this just makes our current objection even more better than it is. (notices Atlas) And what do we have here? If it isn't the famous Atlas Dearest himself, cowering for his life instead of standing his ground and fighting back. Oh, how much you've fallen deeper into hell so far.
Daddy Dearest: (doesn't flinch) Let me ask you something, you cretin. What plan have your leaders been working on? You've been mostly targeting my blood, and this kid's whole life. What is your game?
Corrupted Boyfriend: Consider it a collaboration, Dearest. If they put their plans together, then they could earn what they both desire.
(Y/N): So you also went and infected every other person in this place that was once my home?! There were people here that had their own lives, but you strung them along into this twisted game of hide and seek. (eyes darken) You're not the Boyfriend I knew, you're just a monster wearing his skin. And despite my mind telling me there's no hope in winning, my soul is saying to never give up!
Corrupted Boyfriend: (cackles) Oh, how wonderful for you to recognise our work, (Y/N)! We couldn't have done it without you, you know. You brought so many people into one big resistance, and allowed us to pick them off one after the other. You're just as wicked as we have been.
(Y/N): (grits his teeth) How was I supposed to know that all of you freaks were following me from the darkness?! (some tears fall) You just sprung up from the pit you dug yourself in, and struck the minute I was trying to save somebody, when I was trying to do the right thing.
Daddy Dearest: And right now, we're not gonna let you hurt anymore people. That's a promise we intend on bringing to fruition. (his and (Y/N)'s eyes close) For every soul in Starlight City that you, your victims, and your masters have harmed in some way, shape, or form...
(Y/N) + DD: (their eyes open and glow) We'll end this here and now!!!
*Song Name: Lament by DatDavi and River (Imagine (Y/N) singing alongside Daddy Dearest)*
Both (Y/N) and Atlas stare down the Corrupted Boyfriend, their minds focusing on these close to them (the latter thinking of his family, and the former thinking of the friends he found both before and during the apocalypse), as a sombre and depressing song plays out from the damaged speakers. The lyrics even start off slow and sad, as the Corrupted Boyfriend takes delight at seeing his targets look emotionally damaged, but only a few seconds in...
The music suddenly becomes more intense, bringing forth a feeling of hope, as both (Y/N) and Atlas activate their magic, have their eyes glow, and begin to step up their rapping game. If the best fighter of the Lemon Demon and The Harvester's forces want them, then they'll have to bring it on. Despite his opponents using their powers, the Corrupted Boyfriend remains cocky as his uninfected self. Sure, while he hasn't beaten Atlas at all, he's beaten (Y/N) many times in the past. He can do it easy peasy. However, right as he starts to retaliate, the infected rapper begins to hear a voice in his head...
...One that sounds like his own.
"Such a blast from the past. Every disaster ends with a similar matchup."
"Tell me, Boyfriend, is this the ending you want? Watching an idol you used to admire and your remaining crush fall into despair?"
"Please wake up, Boyfriend. If not for me, then for the whole world. We want you back."
The corruption soon pushes these thoughts away for now, not wanting to get distracted and lose their host at such an important battle. Speaking of the battle, both Atlas and (Y/N) soon become more determined, even when the song ends with slight distortion, they still smile, as they've not gotten a single sign of corruption on them.
Daddy Dearest: (smirks) What's the matter, Boyfriend? The old you wouldn't be just letting us beat you, now would you?
Corrupted Boyfriend: (growls) Of course I won't be taking this defeat lightly... (smirks as his body glows) Which is why I'm glad I picked up a few new tricks.
With his smirk now confusing both Atlas and (Y/N), the Corrupted Boyfriend soon unleashes his surprise to them, and strikes them with an energy blast of corruption, similar to how The Harvester can do it, only weaker. Due to being caught off-guard by this, (Y/N)'s entire right arm and part of his body and face get engulfed by the substance, while Atlas only gets a few splotches hitting him on the arms and legs, because of him reacting slightly. Noticing their expressions of shock and worry, the infected rapper's grin only grows as he takes delight in their despair.
Corrupted Boyfriend: What's the matter? You left speechless at my new technique? One of our leaders decided to teach us all this special little trick for occasions such as this one, and made to overwhelm and incapacitate more stronger foes, such as you. Granted, I was supposed to wait until I was in a larger group to use it, but what's wrong with a little demonstration to you?
Daddy Dearest: (glares at him) Well, thanks for telling us your plan to beat me. But let me ask you something quick, kid. I can tell that aside from your bosses wanting me to be put on their leash, some of this has to be from that grudge I've been holding at you ever since you started dating my daughter. So here's my question, why are you dragging your own best friend into this mess?
Corrupted Boyfriend: What do you mean by that, Dearest?
Daddy Dearest: Take a good look at him, kid. (motions to (Y/N)) The hope in his eyes is now fading away, he's been shaking like a leaf from every battle he had with one of you lot, don't try to tell me you can't see it. He misses those days when you all hung out together, when everyone was barely at each other's breaking point, and when every day didn't result in him waking up from a nightmare.
(Y/N): I'll take it from here, Atlas. (looks to BF) What Atlas is trying to say is that I miss you, BF, and everyone else I've grown to know ever since I returned to Starlight City, and that seeing you like this hasn't been well for me. (grips his mic) But I made a promise to free you, and I intend to keep it. Let's go for round two.
*Song Name: Dusk by DatDavi and fluffyhairs (Imagine (Y/N) singing alongside Daddy Dearest)*
Just like the previous song, the second round begins with both Atlas and (Y/N) singing to a sombre melody, yet after the Corrupted Boyfriend retaliates, their voices begin to rise with hope and determination. Hearing this from the other room, Julian and IRIS peek out from the hallway, and silently cheer for their allies to win and hopefully free Boyfriend. Speaking of him, the infected rapper appears to have lost quite a lot of his smirk, which may mean the ex-rockstar's words may have gotten through to him.
Noticing this, Atlas begins to use more of his demonic abilities, and starts to remove the corruptive substance off both him and the young boy beside him, with this bringing the Corrupted Boyfriend back into reality, frowning at his progress vanishing in an instant. Noticing his friend's reaction, (Y/N) quickly puts his microphone into his pocket, moves his hands to his lips, and begins to beatbox, similar to how he's seen others do it. To his surprise, the Corrupted Boyfriend soon beatboxes back, his glowing pink eyes vanishing for a moment.
Atlas soon joins in, as a way to remind his old enemy of one of the few songs they sung together, when he fought the boy was a big fan instead of someone who wanted to date his daughter. After a short while, the three begin to resume singing, though now the Corrupted Boyfriend's shell starts to form some cracks around his head. They're beginning to get through to him. After a while of continuing, the song ends with neither side making anymore progress, and stuck in stalemate.
And at that moment, all four survivors instantly freeze as the whole music theatre suddenly shakes. Whatever that sound was, it sounded like someone or something was ramming a vehicle against the stone walls, which slowly begin to take damage from the impact, and show cracks.
The noise then happens again, with the cracks now growing even larger, beginning to spread across the floor and ceiling, which makes Julian and IRIS emerge out of their hiding spot as well, and join Atlas and (Y/N). Meanwhile, the Corrupted Boyfriend once again grows his malicious grin, this time intending to keep it on him, no matter what.
Julian: (confused) What's going on? Sounds like an earthquake's hitting the city!
Corrupted Boyfriend: (quietly laughs) That wasn't a disaster caused by tectonic plates, you simpleton. That's the rest of the army. They've finally arrived.
(Y/N): (eyes widen) A-Army?! You mean-
Corrupted Boyfriend: Of course, dear (Y/N). With a threat like Atlas Dearest himself, we need every hand that our forces can provide, and thanks to both our days of improving our offensive and defensive capabilities, plus a few of us learning some new techniques, we can finally remove one of the biggest threats to our goal, which can have us move onto bigger dreams.
Daddy Dearest: (steps forward) I get it now. Once I fall, you'll just unleash this whole infestation across the whole globe, until every surface has been covered by this plague. If that's what you're ideal dream is, then I won't let it become a dark reality. Come and face me, just me against whatever the hell you want to throw at me.
(Y/N): (looks to him) Atlas, what are you doing?!
Daddy Dearest: (closes his eyes) Playing my final gambit, kid. I know by now that they aren't gonna quit until I'm either dead or begging on my knees for any chance at keeping my life and seeing my family again. If you disgusting parasites want that, then you'll have to fight for that chance, rather than using your empty speeches on me. No more games, no more stalling. I'm going to do what I should've done when I found out your true intentions and...
All of a sudden, Atlas Dearest unleashes his full power, having some parts of his hair spike up, a red aura forms around him, and his eyes glow the brightest anybody has ever seen them before. While (Y/N), Julian, and IRIS stand back in awe and slight intimidation, the Corrupted Boyfriend doesn't show any sign at faltering from the massive threat in front of him. He likes this challenge, and wants to break it down.
Daddy Dearest: TAKE. YOU. OUT.
Corrupted Boyfriend: Then let's see if your speech of defiance can live up to its claims, Atlas. Let us share this final symphony together, for it shall mark the end of you and this resistance forever!!
*Song Name: Deathmatch by DatDavi and Saruky, remix by ImThatBlueWolf (Imagine the corrupted Armanda is slightly larger)*
With the wall behind the main stage bursting open with one final crash, a force consisting of many corrupted faces that the resistance have trouble recognising charge into the abandoned theatre, filling up the main area as they prepare to watch Atlas Dearest fall. Speaking of the ex-rockstar, he doesn't seem to be bothered by the large swarm, instead focusing on the one that spread the corruption across Starlight City as the third round of the rap battle begins.
No, this isn't a rap battle at this point... This is a Deathmatch.
First to step up against the strongest demon on the planet is the same figure that challenged him earlier, the Corrupted Boyfriend himself. However, unlike the two previous battles against him, the young infected upstart rapper is unable to make a dent in their armour, as Atlas stands his ground and pushes him further and further back. Meanwhile, (Y/N), Julian, and IRIS stand right behind him, cheering for their partner and encouraging him to continue fighting on.
Hearing the voices of those wishing him to help break this plague down to the molecule, Atlas decides to start fighting fire with fire. As the battle against the Corrupted Boyfriend continues on, the ex-rockstar decides to give him a taste of his medicine and unleashes a massive blast of demonic energy at him, doing immense damage to the soulless shell and causing the cracks to slightly grow. Key word being "slightly", as The Harvester soon flies above the show stage and begins to charge corruptive energy into Boyfriend, slowly recovering him as the backup takes his place.
After the Corrupted Boyfriend steps aside to rest for a while, the Corrupted Pico and Corrupted Cassandra leap onto the show stage, their weapons fully loaded and their grins glowing with both insanity and malicious intent. In a surprise reluctant plan, the two of them alternate between having one of them rap against the demonic master of music, while the other unloads every chamber empty at their foe. Fortunately for the resistance, Atlas just calmly puts up a barrier to block the bullets, before firing back with his own projectiles and knocking them off the wooden stage.
With the two delinquents showing no progress, the next unit that attempts to overthrow their biggest threat are the Corrupted Spooky Kids, Corrupted Hatzgang, and the Corrupted Lila, with the three bullies set on defeating Dearest, the mother providing support, and the two Halloween enthusiasts seemingly just wanting to have fun. Regardless, Atlas still faces the large team alone, still not showing any signs of faltering or slowing down, and effortlessly defeats them. The other three members of the resistance begin to cheer at this, seeing Atlas's advancements as a sign that they can win...
But then the Corruption pulls out the big guns to change the tide...
Arriving onto the stage for their last ditch attempt is none other than the Corrupted Charlotte Dearest and Corrupted Girlfriend, followed by a squadron of infected backup dancers to assist them, as the females barrage their only remaining family member with fast-paced bars. Upon seeing them, Atlas's face changes from one of anger and confidence to one of pure heartbreak. Even if the others have informed him of this, he can't bring himself to face them. Still, he has to try, no matter the emotional pain he's forced to endure.
Unfortunately for the resistance, after the quick battle between the three Dearest's, the Corrupted Boyfriend, with his cracks now fully fixed up, arrives to finish the battle against Atlas, who has the corruptive substance begin to form on him as pink strings start coiling around his chest and wrists. To make matters worse for the rockstar, the crowd of the infected begin to laugh at him, slowly getting into his head and making him start to believe that despite the immense power he has over both The Harvester and the Lemon Demon when separate, when up against a full army, he's only delaying the inevitable.
Just as he considers giving up, however, he hears the the voices of the other three behind him, encouraging him to fight till his last breath, and to not let the corruption break his mind. With this, Atlas begins to regain his composure, and despite the strings making it difficult for him to properly move, he still fights back against the Corrupted Boyfriend, bringing the feeling of determination back to the deathmatch as the battle continues, becoming more intense with each verse clashing against each other...
But at the end of the song, Atlas Dearest falls to his knees, the corruption spreading more across his limbs and chest, and even covering up his left eye, as he feels both his body and demonic magic begin to slowly be drained away by the sensation of exhaustion. Meanwhile, a single tear falls from his face, as the mocking cheers and laughs from the infected audience and the other fighters overwhelm his mind, as he hears his heartbeat pulse in his own ears.
He truly is a failure, not to just the remaining survivors of Starlight City, but to his own family as well. He couldn't set them free, he couldn't even make a dent in them. Guess the only thing to do now is to slip away into the darkness of the void, and accept defeat...
(Y/N): NO!!!!!
All of a sudden, (Y/N) rushes back onto the stage and stops right in front of Atlas, surprising most of the corrupted crowd as they await a grand moment. Soon, both Julian and IRIS follow up and also join the young boy, greatly confusing everyone there even more. Just what are they planning?
(Y/N): This is the last person I'm letting you infect, you hear me?!! If you want to plunge this world into anarchy, then you'll have to go throw me!!!
Julian: Yeah!! And us, too!!
IRIS: Even if the probabilities of us not succeeding or making any progress in freeing most or some of you bothersome insects from your restraints, we're willing to defy those odds and prove that the most scariest thing in any life, is unpredictable factors.
Corrupted Boyfriend: (steps forward) Is this your grand declaration, (Y/N)? We know that you are aware of the horrible crimes that Atlas has brought, not only to me, but to others in this crowd. (motions to Whitty) Starting with Whitty, he was taken under Dearest and Charlotte's wing, and was inspired to sing with them, but the minute they let the fame get to their heads, they both pressured Whitty to make an action that would not only ruin his growing career, but also got him constantly hunted down by others who want him dead for something he cannot control.
Julian: (whispers to (Y/N)) Whitty did say that he's been having both sleep and trust issues before meeting Carol, Hex, and Sunday...
(Y/N): (whispers back) Not to mention, he did say that the Dearests "took everything he had" when Boyfriend pushed his buttons after a while...
Corrupted Boyfriend: And it's not just friends to us, but also foes to you. (motions to Tabi) Next is Tabi, which I'm sure you're familiar with. But in case you forgot from the constant cycle of hiding, allow me to refresh your memory. His life was one of pure bliss, having both a wonderful career in music, and the best girlfriend anyone can have. However, his life came crashing down the moment that he found out the woman that captured his heart was secretly using his music and talents to make her more famous, and that she didn't even love him in the first place. (Atlas flinches at what's upcoming)
Corrupted Boyfriend: With both his passion and career destroyed and given to the heartless succubus he fell for, his unstable emotions lead to him breaking up with her, only for that once decision to be the last one he'd make as a human. (points at Atlas) When he heard what happened to his daughter, Atlas sent a number of hitmen to Tabi's location, where they kidnapped him to an unknown location, and tortured him, before cursing him as who he is now. Not even his pet cat was spared from his wrath, as Atlas's goons killed it in cold blood, as well. (Corrupted Tabi raises a middle finger from the crowd)
Corrupted Boyfriend: And finally, look at me, (Y/N). I just wanted to get the approval of his daughter, and once my question left my lips, Atlas treated me as nothing more than a roach in his life. He sent my own ex to assassinate me, even crashing one of his own jets with me, Girlfriend, and even you in the Badlands, where we landed in that military man's base. Don't you see, (Y/N)? Many of the problems that have sprouted in Starlight City have been caused by that demon you're defending. We're just simply seeking retribution, so why do you continue to save him? Why not assist us in fixing everyone's problems?
The Corrupted Boyfriend offers an infected hand over to (Y/N), who stares lost in thought as his infected friend's words stay floating inside his head. On one hand, he does have a point. Atlas has done so much harm to many others in Starlight City. However, nobody has ever wanted to stop and listen to the ex-rockstar's perspective. After a few seconds of having an internal dispute with himself, he looks back at not only the Corrupted Boyfriend, but also to the whole crowd.
(Y/N): I'm sticking by my words, Boyfriend. I'm not letting Atlas fall to the corruption. I know that my words won't make you hesitate in your actions, but if you want to bring about your result... (his eyes glow) Then you'll have to find us, then.
A shadow portal suddenly opens underneath the four resistance members, and slowly pulls them into it. The Corrupted Boyfriend's eyes widen in shock, and motion for the crowd to quickly begin charging up for a blast of corruptive energy, soon doing it himself. However, they're too late, as once they're ready to unleash it, the last of their four targets disappear into the portal, with it closing once the four resistance members have fully vanished. With their mission now ruined, most of the corrupted forces begin to roar out in frustration, but The Harvester soon motions for the army to quiet down.
If (Y/N) wants to play the long game, then they'll allow it, for a short while. They know where they'll be heading...
The shadow portal soon opens up at the entrance of a street far away from the abandoned theatre, with the four resistance members soon landing on the stone path below them. Feeling the concrete coming into contact with his feet, (Y/N) deactivates his shadow magic, almost falling to the ground from slight exhaustion, but is able to keep himself up by using his hands to sort out his balance. Julian takes the time to help Atlas up onto his feet, not being bothered by any corruption crawling onto his own hand, while IRIS walks over to the young boy, trying to analyse anything that's recognisable to them.
IRIS: What was your plan, child? You must've had one, considering you teleported us to somewhere that's difficult to pinpoint.
(Y/N): (catches his breath) I said I'd prevent Atlas from falling to this disaster, and... I made sure to stick by my words. (looks around) And in case you're wondering where we are, I saw this street while passing through the alleyways, and it looked familiar to me... (eyes widen) Hold on a minute... (runs down the street)
IRIS: (to themselves) Just what has popped into the kid's mind at this moment? (looks to Julian and Atlas) Are you two okay in any way, shape, or form?
Julian: (gives a thumbs up) I'm perfectly fit as a fiddle! No mental or physical damage for me! (looks to Atlas) What about you, Mr. Dearest?
Atlas: (taking deep breaths) I... don't know, honestly... After all that, I... feel as if my own body... wants to shut off forever... (shakily stands up) I haven't felt this tired since one of my grand tours during the 70's. (looks around) Where exactly are we?
IRIS: Well-
(Y/N): (calls out) Guys!! Over here!!
The other three survivors look at each other with their own expressions of confusion, before heading over to where (Y/N) is, eventually seeing the young boy standing in front of a building with a smile on his place. The reason behind this is because the building they're looking at is none other than a large music venue, owned by his father, Dimitri. Without wasting another second now that the others have arrived, (Y/N) swings the door open and steps inside, seeing the dusty rows of seats and the large stage at the far end of the large space, with a few musical instruments littering the wooden platform.
(Y/N): (looks around) Man, I wasn't expecting this place to somehow be standing after a whole year of abandonment. (notices the equipment) Well, I guess that explains where Boyfriend got that guitar from.
Julian: (looks around in amazement) Wow, this place is really fancy. How do you know about this place, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): (smiles) My dad owns this venue, and uses it to teach others how to play a wide array of instruments. (looks to the stage) He was also my teacher when I wanted to learn how to follow in his footsteps. Everyone always looked up to Dimitri (L/N), whenever he was in Starlight City or Dusty Hills.
Atlas: (eyes widen) Wait, I should've recognised your last name when we first met. That man is an impressive man of instrumentals. I always considered doing a collab with him, but I was more focused on trying to stop a bunch of rowdy delinquents and degenerates from asking out my daughter.
(Y/N): (chuckles) Yeah, being a parent is stressful, as my own said. (claps his hands) Now, it's pretty clear that the corruption will be searching for us in order to try and finish what they attempted earlier, so we have to prepare for this. (points to Atlas) Atlas, you need to finish recovering, so the best bet for you is to hide behind the stage until you're in a position to re-join the battle. (points to Julian and IRIS) Julian, IRIS, you'll be helping me face the corruption. First, we need to stash away the rest of the instruments, as they'll try to use those against us.
Julian: (clicks his finger) I'm picking up what you're putting down. I still remember those guitar rifts from the limo battle. (rubs his ears from the memory)
(Y/N): (nods) Exactly. We don't want a possible repeat of that happening. Now, another thing we need to consider is that they'll be bringing their all against us, so we can't slow down in the slightest. The best thing I can think of is-
IRIS: (interrupts) Mortal child, we can tell that you're both worried for when they do eventually arrive, but we have plenty of time to prepare for when they arrive. For now, how about we catch our breath, and then we can sort out what to do for the inevitable battle?
(Y/N): (nods) You're right, IRIS. I was just...
Julian: A bit shaken up? We all are, by this point. So, I'm on the same boat that IRIS is suggesting. Let's take a minute to calm down before we get serious.
With the vote making up their action, the four survivors take the time to catch their breath, allow Atlas to slowly recover his magic, and prepare for when the corrupted army eventually comes breaking down the walls of the music venue. For the latter's case, the four members of the resistance hide the scattered instruments back in the supply closet, so that no enemies can use them against them. Once they're organised, (Y/N), Julian, and IRIS take turns practicing on the main stage, rap battling each other to improve their skills.
Once finished with improving their vocal abilities, they then prepare to train up their magical attributes as well, with (Y/N) getting his shadow magic into more defensive uses, IRIS making sure their demon magic isn't rusty in the slightest, and Julian practicing to use his wireframe form for combat. Both training sessions last for what feels like 3 hours combined, but it helped out for all three of them, as they take the moment to rest alongside Atlas on the stage. Noticing the awkward silence, the ex-rockstar is about to speak up and break the ice, but...
A loud knocking sound rings out from the front door of the music venue, before swinging wide open. With heavy footsteps slowly echoing throughout the room, (Y/N) motions for Atlas to hide and for Julian to guard him while he and IRIS stay on the stage and await for their opponent to reach them. In just a few seconds, the Corrupted Boyfriend walks onto the wooden platform and stares down the two resistance fighters, who glare back at him, ready for the battle to commence.
Corrupted Boyfriend: Impressive trick, using your magic to escape from the corner you dug yourself into, (Y/N). However, don't build your hopes so high now, unless the impact you'll feel when they crash down will hurt worse than anything you've experienced so far.
(Y/N): (shakes his head) I've already faced the worst already, Boyfriend. Being constantly on the run from you, Girlfriend, Pico, basically everyone in Starlight City, who either want to break my soul or just flat out want to kill me. It may have taken me a while to properly do this, but I'm standing my ground here and now. No more running, and I mean it.
IRIS: Not to mention, he's not alone. Sure, he may have lost tons of close friends, but that doesn't mean they're permanently gone forever. Their words of encouragement live on within him, and you won't be facing just his wrath, but also ours.
Corrupted Boyfriend: And why should we fear you? For all purposes, you're stuck in the depths of hell, with your only form of communication being from behind a screen.
IRIS: (the eyes narrows itself) You're forgetting that even in the lowest sections of the underworld, we're the biggest media conglomerate there is. We still hold power in more than just business, and if you want to face us, regardless of the warning, then your attitude of recklessness will be your downfall.
Corrupted Boyfriend: Save the empty threats for when you fall to us, as we have no need to listen to something coming from your speakers. Now... (brandishes his microphone) How about we jump right to the part that matters?
(Y/N): (swallows some saliva) For once, I agree with you. Let's do this.
*Song Name: Bedeviled by funny man (Imagine it's IRIS and (Y/N) Vs Corrupted Boyfriend instead of Daddy Dearest and Girlfriend Vs Corrupted Boyfriend)*
With the three singers continue to stare down, the Corrupted Boyfriend slowly sings first to an ominous techno-like song, before the music slightly intensifies, all three figures having different expressions of determination on their faces, and different thoughts of victory on their mind. IRIS takes the lead in the song, having the young rapper take focus on him and fight the automated body for control of the song, while (Y/N) hears the voice of the figure that visited his mind speak to him.
"Smart move, (Y/N), but the fight isn't over yet. Just keep trying to assist the demons for now. I'm having trouble getting into his mind."
Hearing this, the young boy soon joins in on the rap battle, singing alongside the demon agency and pushing back against his old friend. With the battle now taking a turn in favour for the resistance members, the Corrupted Boyfriend begins to charge up for another blast of corrupted energy to hinder his foes, like he did earlier. However...
IRIS: Now, mortal!
(Y/N) quickly activates his shadow magic, creating chains of darkness that quickly grip the Corrupted Boyfriend's arms and pull them further away, while IRIS throws their mic at his face, generating a crack on his right eye. With their foe now immobile, the media conglomerate from hell begins to barrage the young blue-haired kid with multiple strikes of demonic red lightning from the fingertips of their body, while the young boy joins in by creating shadow turrets that fire shadow bullets.
The Corrupted Boyfriend desperately tries to break free and continue the fight, but dude to the constant barrage, he can't even get the chains to slightly crack. As the song begins to reach its end, small parts of the upstart rapper's face and 1/10th of his hair have now been uncorrupted, while IRIS and (Y/N) finish off the rap battle, earning a victory against one of the first victims of the corruption.
IRIS: He should've heeded our warnings, just like we have taken caution to yours.
(Y/N): (nods) And we're actually making progress on freeing him, take a look at his hair and face. I think we can actually pull this off!! All we have to do is-
IRIS: (looks around) What was that sound? It sounded like-
(Y/N): (looks up and eyes widen) Look out!!
The young boy quickly puts up a defensive wall of shadows to defend IRIS and himself as a sudden orb of corruptive energy rockets down at them. Once it hits the barrier of darkness, it explodes, releasing the black substance around the wooden stage, as most of it lands on the young boy, getting onto the entire left side on his body, half of his arm and leg, and the substance slowly enveloping his head. As for IRIS, the substance doesn't do much, only leaving small splotches on his mechanical limbs.
As the devilish automation look at the sudden attack with confusion, Julian comes running onto the show stage and points up, (Y/N) following suite, directing IRIS to both the source of where the unexpected attack came from, and the person responsible for creating the smashing sound. Flying down from a broken window is the Corrupted Girlfriend, landing right beside her lover and tucking in her infected angelic wings. Not long after her arrival, two more figures enter through the front door, being The Harvester and the Lemon Demon, who walk up to the stage and stand beside the corrupted couple.
Lemon Demon: Well, isn't this all wonderful? The biggest enemies we've been looking for, all neatly hiding away in this one location.
The Harvester: And each of these targets hold great importance for our plans in the future. (looks to the hidden Atlas) The biggest demon that threatens our plan into jeopardy. (looks to IRIS) An unexpected interference that may help us expand into the underworld. (looks to Julian) An optimistic fool that has yet to understand the importance of this situation. (looks to (Y/N)) And finally, the one I've been wanting to infect since I remembered who you were in my life in the past.
(Y/N): (confused) In the past? I've never met you up until you just arrived and told me you're the reason I have this shadow magic.
Julian: (blinks in confusion) Wait, you got this cool shadow magic from the villain? How and why?
The Harvester: (their eyes glow) I should've expected this. It's been a long time between our last two meetings, and those wretched adults that claim to protect you have made sure you would've forgotten all about me. Tell me, does the name "Yokubo" ring any bells?
(Y/N): (pauses in shock) I... I remember it from... from somewhere, but... but I don't know where...
IRIS: (stands infront of (Y/N)) Child, don't listen to their words. They're the enemy. Whatever they plan on spouting out of their disgusting maws, it is filled with nothing but sweet and deceitful lies, like a snake tricking you out of Eden.
Julian: IRIS is right on that, (Y/N). They're just trying to get into get into your head, so they can make it easier to infect you. (motions to BF and GF) Why else do you think they keep sicking your close friends after you? (stands beside the young boy) As allies, we won't be letting another damaged soul fall to their clutches!!
The Harvester: (tilts their head innocently) Enemy? Ally? Our lives never revolve around a tale of black and white. In our new world, there will be none of these roles to play. There will only be an army bowing down to their overlords, and issuing their every command. No conflict, no pain, no separation. (looks to GF) Daughter of the demon, I'll allow you to have this performance.
Corrupted Girlfriend: (giggles) Thank you, my lord. I'll be sure to make this song truly a wonderful one for our ears.
Julian: Save it for when we break that shell open life a vase of fine China! (looks to IRIS) IRIS, step aside. I'm tagging in with (Y/N).
IRIS: Understood. Just be cautious with this foe, as she isn't as scatter-brained as her lover is. Not to mention, she might have a few despicable tricks hidden behind her back, just like what her father is notorious for on the surface.
Julian: (gives a thumbs-up) You got it, buddy. I won't let this witch get to me, (Y/N), Atlas, or anyone else remaining on this planet. (looks to GF) Now, let's do this!
*Song Name: Affliction by buttercakeee (Imagine it's Julian and (Y/N) Vs Corrupted Girlfriend instead of Daddy Dearest and Girlfriend vs Corrupted Boyfriend)*
With IRIS stepping down for this round and Julian taking his place, the second match begins, with the song sounding slightly more emotional to go with their new opponent. (Y/N) leads the song, trying to reach into one of his friends, but his opening strikes barely do any damage to Girlfriend, who begins to fight back, with Julian soon joining in. Watching from the side-lines, The Harvester prepares to attack with an orb of corruptive energy, but before they can fire it, IRIS quickly sends a bolt of demonic lightning at them, interrupting their attack and having it disperse into the air.
A short while into the battle, (Y/N) slowly begins to feel tired as his brain begins to pulsate, so he moves his hand up to his head and rests it there, trying to stay focused on the battle, but his eyes keep opening and closing. However, before he can fully drift asleep, the mysterious voice wakes him up.
"Wake up. I know this may be tiring, but you need to focus fighting with your partner! I know it may seem like I'm slacking, but I'm honestly trying to get to him, seeing as how his mind is slowly becoming vulnerable. Just please, try not to fall..."
With the figure's voice snapping him back to reality, (Y/N) regains some lost energy and begins to fight back alongside Julian, hoping to not only fend off the corruption, but also buy a little more time for his anonymous ally to pull some strings. With this, a small cycle begins to emerge in the rap battle, where the corruption would slowly begin to spread further across (Y/N) and Julian, only for the two resistance members to break themselves free through their vocal abilities. However, their offense still isn't enough to make any progress on Girlfriend, whose facial expression shows she's enjoying this game of stalling for nothing.
Halfway through the song, both resistance members give each other a glance, having the same thought that they need to use their powers if they want to stand a chance, before giving their partner an understanding nod. So, Julian activates a small amount of his wireframe form and has his eyes slowly shift between different shapes, while (Y/N) begins to activate his shadow magic, resulting in his eyes and veins beginning to glow. However, even with this increase in strength, the Corrupted Girlfriend begins to retaliate with her own abilities, not letting her opponents get an advantage against her.
For the rest of the rap battle, while The Harvester focuses on healing the Corrupted Boyfriend, both Julian and (Y/N) alternate between engaging the Corrupted Girlfriend with their abilities, before beginning to overpower her by working together. Sure, they haven't made any progress in freeing her, but at the same time, the corruption has lost all their progress in infecting them both. With this, the battle ends in a draw, and both (Y/N) and Julian having small yet noticeable smirks on their faces.
Julian: (chuckles) Well, isn't this just funny? Even after you guys tried to make things more difficult for us, your new fighter couldn't leave a dent in us after all that! Are you guys even trying at this point?
(Y/N): (slowly becomes nervous) Uhm, Julian? I think you might wanna stop bragging. They look like they're becoming more aggravated now.
Unfortunately for the resistance members, The Harvester stops healing the Corrupted Boyfriend, and begins to charge up another orb of corruptive energy, aiming right at both Julian and (Y/N). IRIS sees this and quickly dashes onto the show stage, preparing to interrupt with another blast of demonic energy, but this time, his attempt to help his partners is ruined by the Corrupted Girlfriend quickly striking his screen with a sudden spider-like tendril from her back, resulting in the screen getting slightly cracked on the corner.
As IRIS staggers back from the attack, The Harvester unleashes his charged projectile at the three fighters. (Y/N) attempts to summon another wall of shadows, but by the time he starts to pull it up, the orb is already too close, and it touches the rising barrier, resulting in an early explosion. Once the infectious dust has settled, (Y/N) only has the right side of his body, face, and right arm not infected by the corruption, Julian has his entire left side infected, and the splotches on IRIS have begun to slightly grow.
IRIS: (the screen flickers for a moment) Cheap ambush, you monsters.
Lemon Demon: You shouldn't be speaking like we've suddenly acted out of character. You resistance members keep firing all sorts of attacks to slow us down, so what's wrong with us simply playing by your rules?
Before IRIS or anyone else can speak up, the sound of something or someone incredibly strong and heavy crashing against the walls of the music venue, which meant only one thing for the four resistance members in the building: The corrupted army has now arrived, and are preparing to enact the same plan they had attempted to do when facing Atlas. As the crashing sound continues on, the Corrupted Boyfriend stands right beside his infected lover, having been fully recovered, except his right eye is closed and has a crack on it.
IRIS: (glares) So, preparing to obliterate us with the wrath of your numbers, huh? Well, if that's the game you wish to play, then we'll just have to go all out on you, just like you've been retaliating against us. (looks to Julian and (Y/N)) You two mortals, are you both prepared to take one ultimate stance of defiance against what may be an army that won't be wasting any chance in letting us get an advantage, because there's no turning back at this point.
Julian: (cracks his knuckles) Are you kidding, IRIS? We've come this far, so why turn back now of all times? We've got everyone's hopes and dreams riding on us! If they want to take all that and break it apart in front of us, then they'll have to bring it on! Let's go!!
(Y/N): (takes a deep breath) I'm with you guys. Let's take a last stand. (looks to BF and GF) Boyfriend, Girlfriend, if you can hear me, please wake up. Starlight City wants you back... Your friends want you back... Your families want you back... And I want you back, too...
*Song Name: Last Stand*
*Original Song: Familiar Finale VIP Mix by ImThatBlueWolf (Imagine it's IRIS, Julian, and (Y/N) Vs the Corrupted Army instead of Daddy Dearest and Girlfriend Vs the Corrupted Army)*
The final stand for resistance begins with IRIS, Julian, and (Y/N) starting to sing, fighting against the pain the black substance is inflicting on their bodies, while a sombre start to a song slowly begins to build up. After each member of the trio takes a turn singing out a verse, the Corrupted Boyfriend soon begins to join in, but after his short interruption...
The corrupted army break down some walls and doors before bursting towards the main stage, where the trio have now gone all out, with IRIS emitting a demonic aura similar to one that Atlas and Charlotte can use, only slightly more deadly, Julian fully tapping into his wireframe form, with his eyes rapidly changing shapes and a large grin of confidence on his face, and (Y/N) activating every ounce of his shadow magic, with his eyes and veins glowing a bright white, as well as his hands slowly shifting into dark claws, along with devil horns and a devil tail made of shadows sprouting from him.
If either side could have their way, this last stand for survival would change into a brawl.
With both the resistance and the corrupted army no longer holding back, the first onslaught commences with the Corrupted Boyfriend and Corrupted Girlfriend standing up to face the trio first, and the song fuelling both sides with intensity. However for the infected couple, their attempts to weaken their opponents are quickly rendered void as IRIS fires a massive bolt of demonic lightning at them, stunning the two as (Y/N) summons a massive shadow wave and sends both Boyfriend and Girlfriend flying away, but this little inconvenience is no bother to both The Harvester and the Lemon Demon...
That's because they still hold the advantage in both versatility and numbers, as once the Corrupted Boyfriend and Girlfriend go flying off the stage, three new infected figures immediately take their place, and they are people that Julian knows by heart:
Whitty, Carol, and Hex.
The corrupted trio begin to pick up where their strongest links have left off, keeping up with the aggressive nature of their foes and retaliating with their own tricks, mostly through the Corrupted Whitty sending volleys of glowing pink fire towards the resistance members, while also planning to get to Julian emotionally. However, to their surprise, the carefree adult doesn't seem to be bothered by this, and continues to fight back with his team. As the second wave continues on, (Y/N) summons another shadow wave, pushing both Carol and Hex off the stage, while Whitty struggles to stay on, only for the walking doomsday weapon to get hit in the chest with a shadow ball.
With another assault dealt with and having zero signs of infection on them, the three members of the resistance smirk, as The Harvester and Lemon Demon adopt expressions of annoyance. If they want to win this, it'll take more than sheer force. They need to come up with a new plan...
In an attempt to stall for time, they both send another duo to face the trio, with this force being the Corrupted Darnell and Corrupted Nene. Upon seeing them, (Y/N) momentarily flinches, but shakes it off as he, Julian, and IRIS continue to fight off any onslaught that steps in front of them, with the music now shifting to sound almost like something out of a horror performance. Once the last stand reaches its halfway mark, the two delinquents begin to break free of the corruption, with Darnell having his right eye freed, and Nene having half of her face freed.
Seeing this, the resistance members begin to focus even harder on the battle, changing between dodging or countering the blasts of fire or knives launched in their direction, before returning fire with their own strikes of magic, using both demonic lightning and shadow bullets to push back and keep control of the song. However, that's when The Harvester gets an idea on how to shift the battle in their favour, and clicks their gloved claws. If the resistance wants to fight back with all their might...
Then there's no reason to hold back anymore. Time to break out the big guns.
All of a sudden, the Corrupted Darnell and Corrupted Nene are shoved off the stage by another pair of infected faces. One of them looking like a male human version of Atlas, while the other is a female wearing an elegant kimono stained in the corruptive substance. While IRIS and Julian prepare to continue on the battle, the latter notices that (Y/N)'s expression changes to one of shock and sadness, and for good reason. Those two infected figures in front of them...
...Are his parents.
Just from seeing them in this state, the young boys' emotions go haywire, as tears fall down his face at an uncontrollably fast, unable to face his own parents as he falls to his knees, leaving both IRIS and Julian to fend for themselves. While sobbing his heart out, he hears a voice in his head, sounding slightly similar to Corrupted (Y/N), only more deeper, and in a more heartless tone.
"What's the matter, (Y/N)?"
"Do you miss your beloved family?"
"Don't worry, as they've been taking good care of them for you"
"Such a shame the family reunion had to turn out like this, right?"
"No matter..."
After hearing those voices, (Y/N) looks back up to the current battle, seeing that IRIS and Julian have briefly freed both Dimitri and Vanessa's left eyes, showing their pupils filled with both worry and terror, the minute they notice they own child is who they're targeting. However, the young boy then notices that the abilities of his partners are beginning to dwindle, with IRIS's demonic aura slowly shrinking, and Julian no longer in his wireframe form. So, as a way to make up for his lack of help earlier...
(Y/N) begins to go against his parents alone, hoping to both give his partners in crime some valuable time to recharge, and to reach out to his parents and break them out even more, refusing to listen to what that voice had said. During this emotional moment, the music changes back to the same tempo it had when the song first began, going back to being suspenseful as the young boy keeps singing with an upset voice. But no matter how hard he pleads, he can't make another dent into them, as the black substance fully engulfs his parents yet again, as they soon step off the show stage.
With them now gone, the Corrupted Boyfriend and Corrupted Girlfriend leap back onto the wooden platform, with the former now having the corruption on his shoes and fingers now removed, but both he and his romantic partner are ready to finish this battle. Meanwhile, the three resistance members are beginning to look exhausted, with Julian's smirk now becoming a worried frown, IRIS's demonic aura now becoming nearly replenished, and (Y/N) having half of his body now infected by the corruption, surprising his two partners at how quickly the substance has spread, seeing as how there were only small splotches on him a minute ago.
Speaking of (Y/N), the young boy's head begins to hurt as he struggles to keep his balance, only to hear the voice of the person who visited his mindscape once again, this time sounding more worried than his usual concerned self.
"No, this wasn't supposed to happen!! Listen to me, if you can still fight, keep holding out for just a while longer!! I'm starting to get through to him! Please!"
At this point, the young boy is unsure if he should keep fighting on at this point, or just slip into the darkness due to exhaustion, but after seeing how worried his partners are becoming, he quickly stands up, motions for them to continue singing, and continues to fight back against his infected friends, his voice sounding dry and pained from his silent crying, and the music now becoming more desperate and hopeless, fitting for how the three resistance members are currently feeling.
For the rest of the rap battle, both separate factions continue to push out as much strength into their vocal skills as much as they can, hoping to overpower their respective opponent and gain control of the musical face-off once again, and for the most part, both sides seem to be causing some kind of effect to their enemy sides. For the corruption, Girlfriend remains unscathed by the attempts of the resistance, but Boyfriend is beginning to be freed more, with his hands, jeans, and now hoodie having the black substance removed. As for the trio, things aren't going as smoothly as they were previously...
For IRIS, the splotches are now beginning to effect their metallic vessel, as now it's beginning to glitch out and not respond to any of their inputs. For Julian, his body is now getting corrupted, with his left arm, half of his left leg, and a quarter of his body being covered in the demonic black paint, while only a few large splotches decorate his left cheek. Finally for (Y/N), the black substance continues to travel along his stature at an alarming rate, leaving only three quarters of his body left uninfected by the corrosive paint, and getting his voice to sound more painful than before. Despite this, they keep attempting to push back, with the young boy getting one final message from his unexpected guest.
"Yes!! I'm in!! Now, listen carefully. I need you to strike Boyfriend with your magic."
Not needing a further explanation, (Y/N) activates what's left of his shadow magic, before charging up a shadow ball to fire. Just to be sure that this plan works, however, he nudges the glitching IRIS, and motions for them to do the same. During the final moments of the song, to which the automation attempts to do, before regaining control of their body and slowly summoning one. With their attacks now prepared, they just have to wait for the right moment for when Boyfriend has his guard down, while focusing on the rap battle. For a while, that opportunity doesn't present itself, especially since the Corrupted Girlfriend keeps standing in front of her partner, but when they spot it, they waste no time in firing their projectiles, hitting the rapper in the head as the corruption around his mouth disperses, and he lets out a pitched cry.
"WAKE UP!!!"
Meanwhile, in his own mind, a figure can be seen trapped with red glowing chains keeping his hands pulled towards the ground, as an endless row of static walls blocks any possible chance of looking around. This person is Boyfriend, the actual him, and his expression is one of misery. Ever since he tried to be the hero and fight off the Lemon Demon, he's been trapped in his own mindscape, forcing to hear a distorted voice constantly belittle and taunt him on his actions, and while he has tried to break free, every single one of his attempts have resulted in some kind of pain, so he has practically given up.
However, one day, the voices have begun to become more quieter and less frequent, and the pain he's been forced to endure is now less aggressive, and is similar to a small jab in the ribs. Also around this point, a voice has begun to call out to him. He doesn't know where it came from, or who this voice belongs to, but their tone has been more positive then the distorted one.
Currently for the young rapper, he's hearing not one, but four voices reaching out to him, along with four silhouettes becoming more visible from inside the static void surrounding him. The first figure looks like him, only with the shadow of a halo floating above his head. The second figure also looks like him, but they appear to be levitating in the air, and they have the tail of a demon. The third looks similar to Atlas, having the same build and height as him, but having what appears to be fire forming the shape of a head. And for the fourth figure, it's (Y/N), clutching his right arm, almost like he's in pain.
BF 1?: Boyfriend, you need to wake up. Your friend's sanity is on its last legs, and if he continues any further, he'll be permanently broken. Please, you need to fight back, not only for him, but for everyone in your world. I don't want to watch another world die because of my incompetence.
BF 2?: Keep fighting and focusing, champ. Don't listen to a thing that monster says. You and everyone will see the sun again. You'll see your loved ones again. One of them is here for you. He's encouraging you. He wants to see your genuine smile again. Keep it up until the final stretch is over, bud.
???: Come on, foolish counter-hacker. From what we've gathered on you, you have survived constant threats one after the other. Are you really going to let this be your swansong? Are you going to let your friends fall to the wicked?
(Y/N): Boyfriend, please wake up. Starlight City needs you back. Your friends, family, and foes want you back. I want you back.
All four voices begin to reach his ears, filling the young upstart singer with motivation to break free from his prison again. With his face forming a determined expression, Boyfriend begins to tug on the red chains, trying to break them free. He doesn't care about the pain they're causing to his wrists, it's all worth it if he can see his friends, his family, his loved ones, his home, one final time. The more he continues fighting against his prison, the more louder and clear the voices become, as they continue to encourage him to keep going, until those chains break. However, right as they're about to snap...
...The distorted voice comes back to him...
"Why do you continue to keep resisting?"
"All of your friends, all of your foes, every single resident in your home, they're gone for eternity"
"It's all your fault... You continued to carry this plague and get others infected... No matter the resistance they or you put up, they all fell... Because of you being to ignorant and cocky to tell when you had to stop picking fights..."
With the distorted voice now coming back, the previous four voices of encouragement begin to become more quieter, before being fully silenced by the opposite one, with the static void becoming more aggressive as it blankets the figures once again, and the chains bring back the immense pain to the rapper. Eventually, after a bit more futile struggling, Boyfriend finally surrenders to the corruption once again, succumbing to the endless silence and torment he's been enduring for a year now.
Meanwhile back in the real world, the song has come to an end after a few sombre notes, and things have become even worse for the defending trio. All of the corruption that was on Boyfriend a few minutes ago have been fully restored thanks to The Harvester and the Lemon Demon's magic, even the crack on his eye is repaired, and the others that have taken part in the battle have also been healed. As for the three resistance members, they're in no shape to continue on. Both (Y/N) and Julian have the corruption spreading on them with it spreading much more aggressively on the former, IRIS is still dealing with glitches, and Atlas still hasn't fully recovered yet.
They just can't fight back in their current situation...
Julian: (panting) What do we do now? None of us are fit to keep fighting, and if we try something, then they'll just blast and fully infect us.
IRIS: (lets out a low growl) Then there's really only one thing we can do. (looks to (Y/N)) You. Shadow child. Do you still have some magic left before you become completely drained?
(Y/N): (wincing in pain) Just a sliver... Why?
IRIS: Then listen to our orders carefully. Use your shadow magic to drag yourself, the partner next to you, and Atlas far away from this music venue as possible, but leave us behind. We'll fight off this army, until they break every single wire in our circuit board.
(Y/N): (looks around) But...
IRIS: There is no time to try and state a possible alternative to this, child. If all of us stay, then we'll all perish. The best we can do is buy you all enough time. We thank you for helping us, so let us help you.
(Y/N) keeps looking towards IRIS, his eyes watering and lips slowly quivering, before reluctantly nodding, beckoning Atlas to quickly head over. Upon noticing the ex-rockstar emerge from his hiding spot and the young boy channelling his shadow magic, the corrupted army leap onto the show stage, only to be blasted off by a wave of demonic red lightning. As they climb back onto their feet's, IRIS takes one more glance at the others, before saluting them, turning its attention to the angry force its about to face. Speaking of the other three, both Julian and Atlas peer down at (Y/N), noticing a distressing look in his eyes.
His eyes aren't currently those that show someone losing a major battle in a war...
His eyes are currently those that show someone who has nearly lost all motivation to continue fighting, and is on the verge of snapping...
(??? POV)
No! I was so caught up in trying to free him, I forgot about to warn (Y/N) about those devils using his family against him! From the void that I'm forced to observe the story play out, I let out an upset groan as my hands fly to my face and pull on my cheeks. I've done this mistake way too many times, where I desperately try to make a change, only for something to set me back.
And what's worse is that each of my resets result in some kind of anomaly to be created, as a way to show me that messing with time always has a dire consequence. First, it was the creature born from the train wreck, then it was the ungodly combination between a Glitch Soul and a boy on the verge of dying, and then the being eternally trapped in constant agony. Each one, I created due to my desperation for a perfect ending, and every one of them were once my closest friend.
If there's anything I can say that shows some signs of success, it was that I was able to briefly get through to Boyfriend, and begin to wake him up, of course with the assistance of (Y/N), Infernus, and the actual soul of that boy. Isn't it funny? I was once in that same predicament, before I used my powers for the first time, and now here I am. Observing the timeline, trying to fix everything I caused.
Speaking of timelines, I hear the sound of a rift open behind me, as I turn around and see a face I've grown to despise at this point. Their stature looks similar to my closest friend, but he's drenched in the corruptive substance, the pink glow on his eyes, teeth, claws, and tears are now glowing a bright purple, he has a microphone levitating beside him, and a third eye rests on his forehead.
And he's here to taunt me, just like he does every time my actions don't go in my favour...
Daddy Dearest has joined the Party!!
IRIS has chosen to leave the Party!!
Current Party: (Y/N), Spirit, Julian, Daddy Dearest.
Shadow Manipulation Powered Up!! (Explanation): The Shadow Manipulation Magic can now create weapons, more doppelgangers, and doesn't drain as much stamina as it used to!!
Shadow Teleportation Powered Up!! (Explanation): The Shadow Teleportation Technique can now be used to transport (Y/N) and others Long Distances!! Just as long as (Y/N) can think of a Location he can Remember Seeing or Has Been To!!
WARNING: (Y/N)'s Mental Status is now 90% Broken!! (Y/N) is now more vulnerable to the Corruption!! Proceed With EXTREME Caution!!
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