Week 4: Ballistic With Demonic Genocide
(3rd Person POV)
Above the clouds blanketing the ruined Starlight City, The Harvester is seen soaring through the sky, observing the actions of what their corrupted forces are currently up to. Both they and their partner, the Lemon Demon, have reached an agreement that after they've fully taken over the rest of this ruined home of hopes and dreams, they will take a larger step and spread their corruption across the entirety of the world. No city, no country, no continent will be able to stop them.
However, while their partner clearly shows desires of becoming the most powerful demon that walks on the human surface, The Harvester already has their own plans reaching their end. All they need to do is wait for the right moment to strike, and then their greatest treasure will be in the palm of their hand. After all, life is like a game of chess to them, where those that are patient with their strategies will be rewarded once they're properly put into motion.
And even better, they'll soon have the chance to forever remove an obnoxious thorn in their side...
Suddenly, The Harvester takes notice of a bolt of red lightning burst out from one of the many destroyed parts of Starlight City, followed by the aura of a powerful demon being sensed, and some sort of unclear frequency entering his mind. In a quick rush, they fly over to where the blast was last seen, and lands in front of an unconscious army of corrupted forces. While there are some familiar faces, the only ones that appear to still be slightly conscious are the Corrupted Boyfriend, Pico, Hex, Tankman, and Steve, with all of them having similar facial expressions of pain.
As for those that are unconscious, The Harvester notices that the corruption on Whitty's face is now starting to reattach itself over a small portion of his face. Perhaps the bomb was able to regain some control, and now their creation is now patching up the problem now that the figure is unresponsive at the moment.
Corrupted Pico: (surprised) Oh, our lord! What brings you down here to check on us?
The Harvester: (in Japanese) I was observing our progress through the clouds, when I picked up the arrival of another demon, followed by devil thunder. Could you care to explain why that has happened?
Corrupted BF: (bows) We were in the middle of having our recently crafted digital virus infiltrate and assimilate into the coding of that Basketball-playing automation, when the minute we succeeded, he immediately lost control to an outside force, which then wasted no time in rendering most of us unconscious.
The Harvester: (looks around) I can clearly see that. Continue retelling the events for me.
Corrupted Pico: Me and Whitty were still conscious when that surprise guest made their grand appearance, and so we fought it. While our doomsday bomb is now starting to regain control, I pressed on, and would've got that thing to retreat, if one of our hostages didn't jump up and get the A.I. out of there.
The Harvester: (looks to Hex) You, sentient golem of wires and metal. Look through your memory banks and tell me who those hostages were. They can't have fled far.
Corrupted Hex: AFFIRMATIVE, SUPREME OVERLORD. (has a loading screen)
Corrupted Tankman: (smugly grins) Don't worry about them, commander. I have already sent those goth kids to capture them alive. (changes to a frown) Now, as for why we tried to reach out to you, well, you already have seen everyone else is out pretty cold, plus most of us have felt like we've been through hell or worse, and need help being fixed up.
Corrupted Steve: So, what John is saying is that we'd like it if you would help us recover before we continue on our mission. (nervously bows) Sorry that we're practically begging you to play the Medic role, leader. We would've asked the other boss, but we have no clue where he is right now.
The Harvester: (sighs) Do not believe that I'll willingly help restore what was lost without you incompetent imbeciles facing some form of-
At that moment, The Harvester's eyes widen at two specific names, as they begin to briefly glow a brighter white light. However, before they could ask for further information, a distant explosion rings out, as everyone currently conscious looks towards it, as the Corrupted Pico groans upon spotting the shapes of familiar figures fly into the air.
Corrupted Pico: (groans) Of course Cassandra and her little group couldn't do their duties correctly. (looks to Tankman) This is why you're unfit to lead instructions.
Corrupted Tankman: (raises an eyebrow) Woah, now, you PTSD-filled ginger! Don't you start critising my ideas when you literally just jumped down on the little puppy and pointed a gun at his head! Great job at making him more scared of you than he is already.
Corrupted Pico: (growls) That wasn't my intention, and you know it!
The Harvester: (yells) ENOUGH!!!
The corrupted forces that are still conscious are suddenly blown away by a burst of demonic energy, with them all now looking to see an enraged Harvester glaring at all of them. If looks could kill, then not even the substance containing those trapped within would save them from their boss's wrath.
The Harvester: (still in Japanese) Since you two love to make me more disappointed and enraged at your antics, here's what will happen. I will fix you four up, but only you four. (looks to John with rage) You, military mistake. You and your failure of a partner will take those that are unconscious and search for my partner, as he will fix you up instead. However, you will not take the pyromaniac, as I will do that for you. Consider it making your mission a tiny percent more easier for your lack of intelligence.
Corrupted Tankman + Steve: (salute with fear) Yes, Supreme Overlord!
The Harvester: (looks to Hex) Automation, you will assist these two buffoons on their task. Should they perform it in a sloppy fashion, or prove to be incapable of following the simplest of orders, then inform me. I'll make sure that the consequences won't just affect the conditions of their soldiers. (both Tankman and Steve gulp with fear)
The Harvester: (looks to Pico) Schizophrenic, you are to let inform your pyromaniac of a friend about the later stages of the upcoming plan, since both of you will be key pieces during the second half.
Corrupted Pico: You got it, boss.
The Harvester: And about your previous actions that I was recently informed about. (Pico begins to sweat) While I'm clearly upset, you are on the right path. If we break the boy, then during the moment to strike, we'll have the advantage, both in determination and numbers. (Pico lets out a breath) But if you do that again, I'll make sure you won't be able to use your guns ever again.
Corrupted Pico: (shaking) D-Don't worry, boss. I-I'll make sure to have a better grip on my trigger finger.
The Harvester: (looks to BF) And as for you, musician, I want you to inform your first lover about the two-stage plan carefully, as she will be the best force for both sections.
Corrupted BF: Okay then, boss. May I ask what this plan will do?
The Harvester: It will make sure that we'll have a higher advantage when the young boy will be taken care of, but for now, if we want to get the stronger demon, we'll need to tug on his heartstrings.
Corrupted BF: (his smirk grows) Oh, I see. As for (Y/N), why keep him around for longer?
The Harvester: (stays silent for a bit) We used to hold a connection in the past, and I will make sure to refix it. (quietly) I will not lose you again. That's a promise.
With the orders given, the Corrupted Tankman, Steve, and Hex began to medically evacuate those that were unconscious in search for the Lemon Demon, while the rest stayed behind with The Harvester, who carefully informed them on what they'll be doing for the plan...
After getting Cassandra and the other infected goth kids off our trail, most of our spirits have been really high since then, but not mine. I've been watching people that have been close to me get infected, with each of them going through something completely painful. First was Pico getting freed just to watch his friends fall in an instant, next was Whitty falling to insanity, and recently was watching Hex scream his vocal speakers out in pain as he begs for his best friend to break free.
So far, the Thugmen have been focusing on navigating their way through the maze of streets we've been trying to get through, Julian has been taking a few naps, same with Mrs Mearest and Skittles. That just leaves me, trying my best to stay awake so that nobody else infected tries to get us by surprise. After a few more hours of driving, we eventually pull over into a parking lot, where there are a lot of vacant vehicles just left isolated. What are we doing at a place like this?
Lincoln: (looks to (Y/N)) Hey, kid. Wake up the popstar and the lanky guy. We have a plan to suggest.
(Y/N): Okay. (shakes Mommy Mearest and Julian) Guys, wake up. The Thugmen have something to say.
At first, neither of the two woke up properly, but after putting in a little more force into my shoves, they began to stir awake. Once they were properly awake, they asked me why I woke them up, to which I repeated my second sentence. With that, the three of us then hopped off the tank and walked over to the Thugmen, who were standing right beside a slightly damaged minivan.
Mommy Mearest: (rubs her eyes) So, care to explain why we're standing out in the middle of a carpark after waking us up? A woman like me needs to have some beauty sleep.
Chad: (rolls his eyes) Well, you can worry about it later. So far, if we keep travelling together, we risk the chance of all of us getting corrupted in one massive ambush. So, like what the resistance agreed on a while back, we're gonna split up.
Lincoln: (bangs his fist on the minivan) Us three and Skittles will continue driving around the tank, but you three will be going around via this minivan. There's three different rows, one for each of you, plus the vehicle is so small, they wouldn't expect to target this, as they'd be looking for us and the tank. The only way you'd get caught is if you deliberately wanted to get caught.
Julian: Wait, so you're saying that one of us will need to be driving? (the Thugmen nod) Then this has become slightly difficult, since I have no clue how to even drive a metal monster like that.
Mommy Mearest: I'm still tired, so don't expect me to be behind the wheel.
(Y/N): I'm in the same boat as Julian. I have no clue how to drive a car, and even if I did, I don't feel comfortable driving.
Chuckie: (scratches his head) Well, someone has to drive, or else you guys will be getting nowhere close to the bunker without some wheels.
Before anyone could begin bickering about the predicament, an idea popped up into my head. I took a deep breath as I began to charge my shadow magic, then after taking a moment to focus on what I want to do, I soon summoned a replica of Dee Jay. At that moment, everyone else took a moment to look at the shadow, as I motioned for it to get into the front and sit in the driver seat, which it did instantly. It even gripped the steering wheel, knowing what it has to do.
(Y/N): Problem solved. Since none of us three have the experience or current stamina to drive us to the bunker, I just made a replica of someone who can drive. That way, we still have one row to ourselves, but we can all continue to rest.
Chad: Huh. Well, that's a smart move. Though, won't it drain you, buddy?
(Y/N): (shakes his head) It's fine. It's always important to put the needs of others right in-front of your own needs.
Chuckie: But isn't that being too selfless?
Julian: (ruffles (Y/N)'s hair) Hey, if the little guy wants to help us out via anything, then let him. Besides, we'll owe him back for this act of generosity.
Mommy Mearest: (smiles) Julian's right. The moment that shadow driver disappears, I'll be fully rejuvenated, and so we can swap positions. One moment (Y/N) will be using his magic to transport us, and the next, I'll be returning the favour while he rests.
Chad: (shrugs) Well, if you guys want to go through with that, then that's fine with us. Just make sure to keep a steady eye out for any trouble, and make sure to message us via a possible radio the moment you reach the bunker.
(Y/N): (nods) I'll keep that in the back of my mind.
Chuckie: (jokingly points) You better. (chuckles)
(??? POV)
I've been carefully listening to their plan from a safe distance above, and have gotten every single detail on their plan. They really think splitting up and distracting us with the tank more will keep us busy for long? Well, not for now. With the knowledge I have acquired, I take my leave, making sure to remain in the shadows as I let my partner know about the quick adjustment to the plan.
It seems like we'll be reuniting soon enough...
After saying our goodbyes to the Thugmen and Skittles, we each take a row in the minivan, get comfortable, and take our leave as the shadow driver steps on the gas, with the large tank taking off in the opposite direction as us. Right now, I have claimed the back row, while Julian gets the front row, and leaves Mrs Mearest with the middle row. Speaking of those two, the minute our vehicle leaves the parking lot and out into the open roads, they instantly fall back asleep. Guess they're more into sleeping in than waking up early. I can't complain, I'm just like them with sleep schedules, just that I had to adjust due to this damn situation.
Speaking of sleep, I've been carefully observing through the back windows to see if there's anybody corrupted trying to follow us. Luckily, there's not a single sight of any glowing pink faces in the darkness, but my eyes are constantly drooping, plus I keep yawning from exhaustion. After letting out my fifth or sixth yawn, I decide to give in to the signs my body keeps trying to say, and let myself crash down onto the comfy seats, letting my eyes properly close as I fall asleep.
Besides, one little snooze isn't going to have any consequences...
(3rd Person POV)
Just a few seconds after falling asleep, (Y/N) wakes up to find himself in a location that he hasn't been in since when he was a few years young. It wasn't a park in Starlight City, it wasn't any place he had been to with either Boyfriend or Girlfriend, or any place all three of them have been. Hell, it wasn't even a place in Dusty Hills, the small town he and his parents moved to. No...
This was Starlight City High School.
Just as (Y/N) was reaching his fingers over to his arm, in order to pinch himself back awake, he stopped to notice that he was wearing the school uniform he used to wear back when he attended before moving. Just to be sure, (Y/N) looked around and spotted that he was back in his old dorm room, with the same teacher, classmates, and even the tiny details in his dorm room, from the art equipment being scattered across the tables, to even the revision books overflowing the bin in the corner, mostly because most of his classmates didn't have a brain.
In fact, when he looked out the window to identify the similar building structures outside, he noticed that even his looks were similar to how they were back in the day, with his hair being much shorter back then, and even having some of his facial expressions being slightly younger. After being unable to identify anything else recognisable, (Y/N) turns back to the front of the class, where the teacher announces the next hour will be a free period for everyone.
Almost immediately, every other student begins to rush out of the door, ready to waste the hour doing whatever their mind has come up with, but (Y/N) decides to stay behind. If this dream is attached to his memories, then this must be a specific day that's being replicated. Just as he's about to think about it, however, the door to the classrooms swing open as the young boy sees who's stepping into the classroom, only to instantly have his eyes widen.
It was Nene, also looking slightly younger, also wearing the school uniform (with there being a few rips around the sleeves), and having a large grin on her face. Without wasting anymore time, the young girl quickly heads over to (Y/N)'s desk and grabs his arm, before pulling him out of the classroom and right through the busy hallway, trying not to swing him into any lockers.
(Y/N): (confused) Uh, Nene? Where are you dragging me?
Nene: (giggles) Don't you remember, silly? The Singstar Challenge is coming up in a few days, and I really need some help entering! So, since Pico is busy helping his boyfriend, and Darnell is not in the mood for helping, you promised that you'd help me practice before the rehearsals begin!
Just after Nene mentioned the words "Singstar Challenge", (Y/N)'s mind instantly recognises what they mean, and the day those words were important. Back during a few months before he had to move away, the high school hosted an event to celebrate the anniversary of its opening by having a singing competition called "The Singstar Challenge", and Nene wished to enter by having (Y/N) help her practice some songs she had wrote.
(Y/N) remembered watching The Singstar Challenge and enjoying some of the matches. The ones that he remembered the most were when Nene had to go up against Pico, both Darnell and Boyfriend facing off with some of the delinquents that occasionally caused trouble, but the real battle that stole the show was when a freshman tried to battle a senior in order to win over the senior's girlfriend, only to get humiliated in both vocal skills and guitar skills.
After enjoying the trip down memory lane, (Y/N) snaps back into reality as Nene pulls him into a vacant classroom and locks the doors behind her, before walking to the centre of the room and placing down a portable speaker. Then, after making sure that nobody else entering the competition was spying on her, the knife-wielding girl walked back to her friend before offering him a microphone, which (Y/N) took as Nene grabs a spare one from one of the closets.
Nene: (pulls out some sheets) Okay, so I have two songs that I need to work on, and then everything will be okay. Which one do you think we should start with?
(Y/N): Well, what do we have for options?
Nene: Both songs are upbeat, so they're not only easy to understand, but also nice and calming for the judges to listen to. (looks back at (Y/N)) Have you made up your mind?
(Y/N): (nervous) Well, how about we have ourselves a little warm up before making up our mind? That way, we can decide after we give our voices some time to get used to how we'll be singing.
Nene: (beams) Sure! I know the perfect song to use! It's one that's helped me out through some troubling times.
Nene walks over to the portable radio and starts changing the discs around before settling on one she pulls out of her pocket, and taking her position facing (Y/N), who returns her smile with one of his own. Maybe this won't be as bad as he thought...
*Song Name: Lifeless*
*Original Song: Stagnant by Matt Money (Imagine it's Nene Vs (Y/N) instead of Sayori Vs Boyfriend*
After a strangely ominous entrance, the song begins with a cheerful and bright melody to warm up the atmosphere, perfectly representing Nene's personality and friendship with (Y/N). The both of them begin to sing together, their vocal cords letting out joyful rhymes as they have beaming smiles on their faces. Maybe this is just to help him calm down from what happened a few hours ago...
But then the change happens...
All of a sudden, (Y/N) sees that Nene now looks like how she did the last time he saw her post-infected, but there's something wrong with her. Not only do her clothes look extremely old, almost like time is making them rot away, but now her expression looks completely empty, like she has lost all of the motivation in her body. But what alarms (Y/N) the most is that there's something wrapped tightly around Nene's neck...
It's a noose, and she's starting to tug on it as she kneels on the floor...
(Y/N) tries to walk over and remove that tool of suicide, but he's unable to even move his legs. Only able to sing with his now depressed friend. Not only that, but now he's beginning to have that headache return full force, followed by the music still sounding light-hearted, but now sounding like a desperate grasp for any shred of hope or happiness that remains.
Only just a few seconds of singing in this new atmosphere, everything instantly returns to normal, with Nene now once again singing positively. Almost as if nothing happened. (Y/N) blinks in surprise at this, but continues on with the song, only now he's slightly suspicious of what's going on. Is he in a dream, or is he trapped in another nightmare?
Not long later, both of them return back to the depressing atmosphere, where (Y/N) now takes notice of some differences he hadn't spotted before: His own attire and the classroom itself. Starting with the former, his clothes have now changed into what he's wearing back in the real world, only without the hoodie he bought from Hex at the mall, and the headache from a few encounters earlier is back, only now it feels more like something or someone is nagging at him, but for the reason, (Y/N) doesn't know.
As for the latter's differences, the wallpaper of the classroom now appears to be rotting away with cracks forming and travelling in different directions, the floorboards now have holes in them, the door to the room now is boarded up from the outside, and the windows appear to be shattered. Along with that, the closets and cupboards are not only destroyed, but they appear to have... some kind of liquid leaking out of them. It doesn't look or smell like blood, or have any similarities to the corrupted substance. It just... looks disturbing.
Suddenly, the entire atmosphere changes, with both (Y/N) and Nene now having the looks of drawings in a sketchbook, but the former is noticing some disturbing differences to the latter. Nene is now standing up, but she now has some kind of foam poring out of her mouth like a waterfall, while bullet holes decorate her stomach and forehead, leaking blood with every movement she takes. Not only that, but she also appears to have a smile of insanity, even trying to keep smiling by stretching her lips or pulling on her eyelids.
Speaking of forced smiles, (Y/N) feels his own lips forcefully extending across his face, almost like he's trying to match Nene's smile. He tries to stop this, but nothing works.
He's still smiling and singing...
At that moment, the nagging headache starts to get aggressive, forcing (Y/N) to start clutching his head in pain, when all of a sudden, another painful feeling begins to surge through his body. This time, coming from his heart. Now, (Y/N) is constantly juggling between attempting to stop himself from smiling, holding onto his head, and gripping near his heart. He looks towards Nene, hoping to tell through his eyes that he's in pain and needs serious help, but the girl just continues to sing, completely ignoring her friend's silent pleas.
She's still smiling and singing...
And so, for the rest of the song, both (Y/N) and Nene kept singing in the distorted classroom, constantly shifting between the depressing atmosphere and the sketched world of insanity. Throughout it all, is was clear that this was a battle between one figure trying his best to keep fighting, while his opponent has clearly given up and accepted their new fate.
They're still smiling and singing...
Just like the old times...
Unable to recreate those memories...
But instead now forever trapped within them...
After this cycle of transitioning reaches its end with the song also finishing around the same time, (Y/N)'s vision is soon overtaken by darkness, as he feels himself falling down to somewhere. By the time he finally collides with a floor, the headache has now thankfully subsided, and so has the pain in his chest. Now, the only thing currently is to find out where he exactly is.
After rising to his feet and taking the moment to look around, he notices that he's still inside his old high school, just now within the hallways rather than inside a classroom. As (Y/N) takes the moment to look around, he picks up the sound of footsteps drawing closer, and turns to se Darnell approaching him, but his expression appears to be unreadable.
(Y/N): Oh, Darnell! Could you help me find a way out of here? I-
Darnell: (quietly) Why should I?
(Y/N): (confused) Hmm? Did you say something, Darnell? I didn't quite hear you.
Darnell: (more louder) I said why should I help you? So you can just run away from everyone in need again?
(Y/N): (eyes widen) What?! Darnell, I would never want to do that-
Darnell: Well, you just did. Not only to me and Nene, but to everyone else you cared about. Do you like seeing us suffer while you get away scot-free?
(Y/N): (becoming upset) No, I'm not a fucking masochist, Darnell. I... I'm trying to find a way, but it's not going so well. Please, I just need a-
Darnell: (glares) Don't you dare say "A little more time", because you had nearly three quarters of the whole damn year, and yet nothing. What's the excuse, Friend?!
With tears now running down his face, (Y/N) tries to explain why he's been having trouble saving them, but before he could let out a single letter, he's suddenly tackled straight to the ground. After opening his eyes from his head colliding against the floor, he looks to see that the person responsible for knocking him down was Nene, looking like how she did when she resembled that sketchbook drawing, only now more realistic, and having a knife in her hands.
(Y/N): (eyes wide with fear) Nene... What... What are you doing?
Nene: (chuckles darkly) Did you really think you could just leave without having some form of consequences to your actions?
(Y/N): Nene, like I told Darnell, I-
Darnell: (walks over) Save it. You've been nothing but lazy, putting in very little effort to save everyone, while people like us have been sacrificing more than you have to try and free our friends. That's quite despicable of you, (Y/N). (smirks evilly) And you know what happens to those types of people, right?
(Y/N): (tears now falling faster) I... I...
Nene: (chuckles) That's right! They! Get! PUNISHED!!
Darnell: (grips (Y/N)'s shirt) Alright, this is what happens to those who clearly have no sympathy in their soul. (spits with venom) You're worse than those goth kids.
Nene: (spinning her knife) Now, let's leave a little message so you won't forget what you did wrong. (pulls the back of (Y/N)'s shirt) Don't worry, this'll only hurt... A lot!
Nene begins to laugh like a maniac as she slowly lowers her knife down to the young boy's skin, while Darnell begins to turn on his lighter, grinning like the pyromaniac he is. Seeing what exactly their about to do, (Y/N) starts to beg and plea for them to stop, having his vision become more foggy from the amount of tears taking up his eyes, but all that his desperate cries for mercy do nothing but fuel his insane friends, as their grins grow larger than they were before.
As (Y/N)'s voice begins to become drier with every plea, it soon changes into a scream as he feels Nene's knife dig right into his shoulder, with Darnell beginning to burn his skin with his lighter. Even though it's a dream, the pain feels real. Right once he thinks it's over, he feels both of them continue, with Nene carving something into the back of his shoulder, and Darnell continuing to incinerate his skin.
No matter how much he screams, they don't stop...
Maybe he deserves this...
(Mommy Mearest POV)
I was resting peacefully in the row, letting my energy fully recharge, when I hear the sound of someone screaming, which makes me wake up from my pleasant nap. I start to sit up and let out a yawn, before turning to the back row, and seeing something that's worrying. Vanessa's son is shaking on the seat, letting out an occasional scream every few minutes, and tears running down his face at a rapid rate, almost like a waterfall.
The poor soul is probably having a nightmare, so I do what helps calm down my daughter when she used to have those in the past. I carefully climb over and carefully stroke his head to help him relax, but the minute my hand gently brushes against his hair, the boy instantly jumps right up, letting out another scream as his eyes appear to be foggy and full of fear. He also appears to be holding a tight grip on his chest, before noticing that I'm right beside him.
(Y/N): (taking deep breaths) Where... Where are we? Are... Are we...
Mommy Mearest: (pats his back) Yes, we're still in the minivan, still on the way to the bunker for some shelter. (gets a serious expression) Now, do you want to tell me why you were yelling like you were getting stabbed.
(Y/N): (flinches and speaks quietly) I guess you could say that...
Mommy Mearest: (raises an eyebrow) Hmm? Could you repeat that, kid? I didn't hear that.
(Y/N): (flinches again) I... I had a nightmare. It... wasn't normal.
Mommy Mearest: (to herself) Just what I was thinking. (looks back to (Y/N)) Would you like to tell me about it?
Vanessa's boy looked down, almost like he was afraid to tell me what his nightmare was about. Whatever it was, it seemed like it was not something we would like to repeat. Still, talking about it can help to heal any damage you suffered from it. Eventually, the boy looked up to me, his eyes still showing fear, but his face looked much more calmer than before.
(Y/N): (lets out a sigh) Okay, to start off, I found myself in-
(3rd Person POV)
Just as (Y/N) was about to tell Mommy Mearest about his nightmare, the minivan shakes aggressively, sending the two in the back row crashing against the seats, making the shadow driver briefly disappear, and instantly waking up Julian, who rubs his eyes before taking the moment to poke his head out of the window to see the cause.
Mommy Mearest: (rubbing her head) Ouch, that stings. (looks to Julian) Hey, Julian. Can you tell us what happened?
Julian: (comes back looking worried) Uh... It appears that another vehicle has been following us, and slammed right into the side of the minivan in an attempt to make us crash. Good news is, we didn't crash. Bad news is, the mystery crew in the other car are now a few metres away from our transportation, and look like they'll do it again.
Mommy Mearest: (groans) This is just fantastic. They found us and are now on our trail. Well, I'll just get them off our backs. (looks to (Y/N)) Do you want to join me, kid? It's alright id you don't want to.
(Y/N): (uncomfortably looks down) Maybe not right now, but I'll join you once my mind's a little better.
Mommy Mearest: (smiles) Then you do that. In the meantime, I'll be dancing with another devil.
Mommy Mearest then hops into the middle lane, before opening the door and climbs onto the roof of the vehicle, taking a look around to see the desolate Starlight City and it's surrounding wildlife as the van rides along the quiet highway. Soon, the female demon spots a small red car driving close by, and two glowing pink faces revealing themselves from the darkness. Who these attackers are, she has no idea, but right now, all that matters is getting them to back off, no matter the actions.
Mommy Mearest: (glares) So, you think you can just take me down with a little ambush, just like how you did it in the past? Well, one thing this popstar does is never forget. (sighs) Let's get this over with, so you can go back to pleading for mercy from those freaks you call leaders.
???: (giggles) Couldn't have said it better ourselves. Let's dance, Charlotte.
*Song Name: Hallucination by WeegeeDude but FNF (Imagine (Y/N) gets involved halfway through)*
The song begins with an ominous and haunting melody that slowly builds itself up, before Mommy Mearest's opponent begins singing, sounding an awful like Pico. Hearing that familiar voice, the female demon soon follows up, ready to make sure that she won't fall like she had the previous time she faced that gun-wielding schizophrenic.
However, right when another drop appeared to happen, Pico's voice soon disappeared, and was replaced by the voice of Boyfriend. Mommy Mearest just rolls her eyes, as she now knows what the attacker is trying to play. They're planning on weakening her by using the voices of others, before going in for the final blow themselves. Well, she's not gonna fall for it this time, as she soon presses on, showing not one sign of faltering in her lyrics, forcing the deception tactics to disperse, and for the real culprit to finally take action.
But Mearest now wishes she hadn't got them involved, as it's someone she holds extremely close to her heart.
Corrupted Girlfriend: (smugly) You wouldn't want to hurt your own daughter, would you, dear mother?
With only a few simple notes, the real opponent, that being the Corrupted Girlfriend, emerges from the darkness with a giggle, ready to begin the true fight. Seeing how she now has to face her daughter, Mommy Mearest snaps out of her shocked state, and begins to get back to continuing the battle. If the corruption wants to manipulate her via family, then it'll have to work harder than that to win.
Still, it seems that the Corrupted Girlfriend doesn't need to put much effort into the battle, as she's already effecting her uninfected mother already. Her movements and voices remind Mommy Mearest of how active and happy her daughter was before all this, and how she just left her to get corrupted in the mall.
She's an awful parent...
With her spirits starting to dwindle, Mommy Mearest begins to feel her energy begin to disappear, as well as her motivation, which catches the attention of her infected daughter, who only forms a wider grin.
Corrupted Girlfriend: (mockingly) Aww, are you feeling heartbroken already? Good. (starts chuckling again)
(Y/N): Save your words for when you hit the concrete, GF!!
Catching both Mommy Mearest and Girlfriend off-guard, (Y/N) climbs onto the top of the minivan and begins to cover for Mrs Mearest, singing in her place and giving the popstar some time to recover. Not long later, the infected demon daughter snaps out of her shock and begins to sing back, beginning to enjoy the fight he's putting up, but soon begins to grow annoyed when Mommy Mearest joins in after taking a rest. By the end of the song, the only progress the Corrupted Girlfriend has made was slightly infecting her mother's hair.
Mommy Mearest: (smug) Well, now look who's losing. Guess it's not great when it happens to you, right? (looks to (Y/N)) Great to see you feeling better, kid.
(Y/N): Yeah, my head's now feeling a little clearer, so I can provide you with some backup. (frowns) And don't say you don't need any, cause you remember when you tried to face Pico.
Mommy Mearest: Of course I do, and I won't be as arrogant as I was before. (looks to GF) Now, daughter. I'm afraid your little scheme won't be happening anytime soon.
Corrupted Girlfriend: (growls) I refuse to lose to you both!
With her frustration now reaching its highest point, the Corrupted Girlfriend begins to charge up a large blast of corruptive energy at an alarming speed, and aims it right at the two. Seeing this, (Y/N) quickly begins to search for his Uzi, but by the time he pulls it out of his pocket, the infected demon has already finished charging and fires the blast. Luckily, Mommy Mearest quickly leaps in front of him and puts up a barrier of demonic barrier to block the attack. Unfortunately, some of the corruptive substance splatters onto more of the popstar's hair, right hand, and also her boots, which quickly begins to spread the moment they make contact.
(Y/N): (alarmed) Mrs Mearest!! Are you okay?!
Mommy Mearest: (flinches) It's fine, kid. I already know what to expect, thanks to my previous battle with that gunslinger. So, I'll need you to assist a bit more than usual.
(Y/N): (nods) Okay. You can count on me.
Corrupted Girlfriend: (cackles) Don't believe that just because you'll be working together, you'll be increasing your chances of victory. Not only have many tried that, only to be destroyed by the harsh blow that is reality, but we can also pull the same trick. Now, let's continue with this pointless struggle.
(Y/N) and Mommy Mearest take careful notice of the Corrupted Girlfriend's words, taking notice of how she'll also rely on a teammate to achieve victory, with said partner possibly being the one driving the vehicle she's standing on. So, with that little piece of information, they prepare themselves for the next round, keeping a close eye on their opponents.
*Song Name: Hotwire by funny man (Imagine it's Mommy Mearest and (Y/N) Vs Corrupted Girlfriend and Corrupted Nene)*
The second song starts up, with the music now generating a much more serious atmosphere, which perfectly reflects the mood of both sides. Both Mommy Mearest and (Y/N) lead the charge, despite the former clearly having some of the corruption on her, while their opponent continues to keep up their barrage. However, the young boy starts to take shots at the Corrupted Girlfriend, forcing to block the attack and momentarily lose her focus from the rap battle.
By the halfway point of the battle, both vehicles enter a large tunnel, where the only forms of light are being generated from Mommy Mearest's eyes, the Corrupted Girlfriend's glowing face (same with her partner), and the lights from the inside of the tunnel itself. However, (Y/N) notices that despite using his shadow magic, his eyes and veins are only faintly glowing, making them barely noticeable. An idea soon forms in his head, and (Y/N) begins to put it into motion.
He carefully aims his Uzi striaght towards Girlfriend while she's singing, and right when the moment presents itself, he pulls the trigger and lands a direct hit. Not only does the bullet hit the intended target, but it also removes part of the corruption of GF's face, revealing her look of worry to Mommy Mearest and (Y/N).
Girlfriend: (tiredly) Mommy... Is... Is that you?
Mommy Mearest: (smiles) Don't worry, sweetie, we'll get you out of there.
(Y/N): (gives a thumbs-up) Just hold on a little while longer, and we'll break you free. Trust us.
???: (cackles) That is if you can get through me first...
After hearing the familiar laugh, (Y/N) instantly freezes up, knowing who Girlfriend has brought as backup. Out from the driver's window pokes the head of the Corrupted Nene, who wastes no time in picking up where her partner left off. Now, Mommy Mearest is left to fend off against the corruption that's still controlling her daughter, but now one of the assassins her husband would occasionally hire. She looks to (Y/N) for some assistance, but notices that he's left in shock, his eyes showing immense fear.
Seeing this, the female demon goes back to the battle, ready to handle this by herself while protecting her partner from any possible attacks, but all this does is result in both foes now targeting her, trying their hardest to make sure that Mommy Mearest can't fight back. However, despite their attempts, the popstar continues to hold her ground, shrugging off their offence and even retaliating back with a few strikes of her own, primarily towards the driver. By the end of the song, half of Nene's face has been freed, and Girlfriend is now half corrupted, though Mommy Mearest now has the corruption rapidly spreading across her kimono.
Mommy Mearest: (taking deep breaths) This is getting more difficult. It's almost like their becoming more resistant. (looks to (Y/N)) Kid, if you can hear me, please snap out of it, I need your help right now.
(Y/N): (shakes his head) Huh?! (realises what's happening) Oh! Sorry, Mrs Mearest!! I just... had a flashback to that nightmare.
Mommy Mearest: (smiles) Don't apologise for that, everyone goes through a little shell shock once in their lives. (grunts in pain) Dammit!! This stuff is getting stronger!!
Girlfriend: (cries out) Mother!!
Mommy Mearest: (tries to stand up) Come on, I just need to continue fighting for just a little while longer...
(Y/N): (growing concerned) Mrs Mearest, you clearly can't fight for any longer. If you do, then you might... (looks down) You might fall again.
Mommy Mearest: (grows slightly agitated) Then what am I supposed to do?! Let you fight those two and fall even quicker?!
Julian: He won't have to face them alone!!
Both Mommy Mearest and (Y/N) look to Julian in surprise as he climbs out of the passanger seat window and stands with them on the roof of the minivan, with his usually relaxed and slightly overconfident smile present on his face as he points to himself.
Julian: Because I'll be helping with all my strength!
Mommy Mearest: (blinks in surprise) Uh, are you sure you can handle them, Julian? Not only will you have to fight against that infectious substance in case any of it lands on you, but also my daughter who has similar demonic abilities to me and my husband, and that girl, who's exceptionally good with that butterfly knife of hers.
(Y/N): I'm with Mrs Mearest on this, Julian. I also know how dangerous both Girlfriend and Nene are on their own. With the both of them working together thanks to the corruption, you might get overwhelmed.
Julian: (wags his finger) I've dealt with Julius every time he's lost his temper in the past, so fighting off against some sentient evil paint can't be that hard. All I have to do is sing better than it and not get any on me. No big deal.
(Y/N): (looks worried) Julian, it can affect you through more than just contact. It can even do it via sound waves.
Julian: (looks at them both) Still, you both have been fighting hard, so let me have my turn while Charlotte recovers her energy and gets some of that stuff off her. Then, in case we need to tag back out, she'll be at full force and free them.
Mommy Mearest: Well, when you put it that way, it sounds like your plan could work. (grunts in pain) Damn substance!! (looks to Julian) Alright, you can fight them with the boy. (glares) But you better keep your guard up, got it?
Julian: (salutes) Yes, demon lady!! (looks to (Y/N)) Don't worry, kid. I'll make sure nothing bad happens to either of us. Cross my heart and hope to be put through a fate worse than death!
(Y/N) gives Julian a reassuring smile, feeling a bit better thanks to his determined words, as Mommy Mearest carefully climbs into the passenger seat, before taking the moment to recharge her demon energy and hopefully remove some of the corruption off her. With their partner now safe, the two boys look back to Girlfriend and Nene, who are still struggling to fight off the corruption's grasp, as they enter a second tunnel
Julian: (whispers to (Y/N)) Alright, I think I have a plan forming in my head. Since your nightmare involves the girl with the knife, judging by you freezing up the moment she made herself known, you target Charlotte's daughter. Keep using your bullets to push that corruption back, as well as that knife of yours if she gets too close. Okay?
(Y/N): (pulls out his knife) Understood. And I'm guessing you're gonna tango with Nene?
Julian: (nods) She's barely been freed, so it makes sense that instead of trying to focus on one of them, we separate them and free them together, since targeting one of them at a time makes us predictable and easy to counter.
(Y/N): (smirks) I'm picking up what you're putting down. Let's give this plan of yours a shot.
Julian: Thanks, man. (looks to the girls and speaks up) You better pay attention, you nasty paint-looking parasite! Your days are now numbered, because the antidotes have arrived onto the scene! (strikes a pose)
(Y/N): (holding in a laugh) Did you really come up with that on the spot?
Julian: Yes I did, so sue me. (his eyes flash shapes for a moment) Now, let's play serious!
*Song Name: Hegemony by Apparition and Funny Man (Imagine it's (Y/N) and Julian Vs Girlfriend and Nene, and the dialogue is slightly different)*
After the comical preparation, the two resistance members begin the song off as the melody starts off slow and haunting, representing the high stakes currently present. After a few seconds of slow singing, they four fighters exit the tunnel as the real battle begins. Both (Y/N) and Julian unleashing their offensive assault not at the two girls, but rather aimed at the corrupted substance controlling them, with the former carefully angling their bullets to hit the sentient paint, and the latter having their eyes glow with different shapes being present as a way to boost up their strength.
As for the two females they're up against, both trying their best to break free from the grasp of the corruption, using their own methods. For Girlfriend, since she's currently half-corrupted, she's able to have a slight form of control, even beginning to activate her demon form, as shown by her horns now growing and her skin turning more purple. As for Nene, she's trying her best to keep an eye on the road while trying to break free of the substance's grip, but she knows she can count on her friend to help her out. After all, she tried to free him when they reunited with Darnell, so it only makes sense for him to do the same.
But there's one thing that's on her mind: Why did he look completely afraid of her a moment ago?
With the song reaching the end of its first section, both of the boys continue up their onslaught, becoming more confident with each verse they perform together. Best of all, with the girls continuing to break free overtime, they might actually save them!
But then a voice rings out in not only Girlfriend and Nene's head, but also (Y/N)'s as well...
"Did you really expect this to be easy?"
"Well then, it seems like we'll just have to make it more excruciating for you three."
"You only have yourselves to blame for resisting."
All of a sudden, Girlfriend, Nene, and (Y/N) are hit with a headache, while also having their veins begin to glow an alarming crimson red. While the young boy and the knife-wielding female are able to withstand the pain, only letting out an occasional grunt of frustration every few seconds, it's too much for the young demon. Almost instantly, she begins to scream out in pain as her body forces her to keep singing, with the corruption on her body starting to spread more and more, all while she's begging for whoever's doing this to stop and let her go.
But her cries of desperation only fall onto ignorant ears...
Julian takes notice for his sudden interference and begins to increase the speed of his tempo, encouraging the others to resist the pain and keep pushing forward. They're getting so close to being freed, they can't go back to square one already. As for Mommy Mearest, she soon peeks out of the passenger window during her moment of peace, and gains a worried expression upon seeing her daughter in pain. She does not like this one bit. Back with Nene and (Y/N), they soon notice what's happening to Girlfriend, and begin to assist Julian as much as they can, prioritising Girlfriend's current condition over their own headaches.
If they can free her, then they might possibly be able to free the others...
Soon, the halfway point of the song hits, and yet the progress they've made so far is starting to collapse with Girlfriend starting to lose against the corruption's punishment. Seeing a close friend of his being put through so much pain starts to aggravate (Y/N), boiling his blood like an active volcano, until he can't contain it much longer. Soon, the young boy takes control of the song, letting out most of his frustrations straight out at the corruption. He's getting tired of this substance bringing him and everyone he cares about immense pain, and he's going to make sure that he'll make those masterminds pay, sooner or later.
However, during his moment of rage, Girlfriend notices that his eyes are starting to glow a bright pink, causing the young demon to be more worried for her second crush...
Back with Julian and Nene, they notice how (Y/N) is going on an all-out offense against the corruption, and soon attempt to join in on his moment, not caring that their voices are more quiet when compared to his own. They were going to help their friend out with his attack, and hopefully calm him down at the same time. Unfortunately for all three of them, the corruption began to slowly consume Girlfriend once again during what might be her last solo of the song, as she looks directly at them with an apologetic look in her eyes. As soon as she was re-corrupted, the infected demon, let out a distorted cry, followed by unleashing a small blast of corruptive energy, instantly infecting Nene as both females chuckle at the boys' failed attempt.
Corrupted Girlfriend: (glares at the boys) While I'm all for happy reunions, this one in particular disgusts me to my core. I suppose if I want you both to fall like intended, I'll have to get my hands tainted. (smirks) Though I must say, I'm impressed that you keep resisting our might, no matter how we attack, but don't worry, you two...
Corrupted Girlfriend: We can arrange that soon!!
The Corrupted Girlfriend begins to let out a maniacal laugh as she unveils a disturbing surprise to the two boys: Spider-like tendrils emerging right from her back, and wastes no time in trying to impale the both of them. Where exactly? She doesn't care, as long as one of them gets infected through contact. Despite this, both (Y/N) and Julian attempt to fight back and restore their progress, with the former blocking every tendril with his pocket knife, and the latter focusing on singing, but no matter what they try, they're unable to show any signs of freeing them, and the song ends with them back at the beginning of their encounter.
Julian: (panting) Damn it, they're not letting up. And what's worse is that our progress is lost.
(Y/N): (nervous) Well, now what? Mrs Mearest is still resting, and if we keep fighting them, our stamina will go out. (gets an idea) Hang on! I've got something!
Julian: (looks to (Y/N)) Well, don't leave me in the dark, little buddy. ((Y/N) whispers him the plan) Oh, I get it know. Well, let her rip!
(Y/N) takes in a deep breath as he begins to increase his shadow magic's ability, however, the Corrupted Girlfriend takes notice of this, and quickly orders Nene to take action. In a split second, the red car swings directly into the minivan, sending both vehicles tumbling straight into a nearby stone wall, and crashing into a small heap emitting black smog. After a few minutes of no movement, Mommy Mearest emerges from the wreckage first, having some bruises on her face, her hair being tangled, and parts of her kimono now slightly ripped.
Mommy Mearest: (groans in pain) That was awful... (notices the car crash) Oh, my god! (calls out) Julian!! Kid!! Are you both okay?!! (begins to worry) What about my daughter?! Is she fine as well?!
As tears begin to fall out of the female demon's eyes, she soon hears the sound of someone grunting while climbing out of the wreckage, and looks back with small hope in her eyes. Soon, Mommy Mearest sees Julian emerging from the rubble , carrying (Y/N) by his arms, and neither of the two are looking fine. For the former, he has a few cuts running along his arms and legs, and some corruption has now formed over his left eye. For the latter, his breathing is slightly quieter, one of his arms is dislocated, and his face is decorated with small bloody cuts. While neither Girlfriend and Nene are nowhere to be spotted, Mearest's mother instincts activate as she scoops (Y/N) into her hands, and out of Julian's.
Mommy Mearest: (incredibly worried) Oh, my Satan! What happened to him?! His breathing is slightly faint!! So many cuts and bruises!! Did he...
Julian: (slightly rubs his wounds) Yeah, he took a nasty tumble during that collision. Turns out when both vehicles crashed, he was right in the centre of most of it, and as a result, look some damage. When I awoke, I not only heard your voice, but also found him lying unconscious right behind me. (hears (Y/N) begin to wake) Oh, hey, kid. Sorry neither of us reacted in time to help you. We were also caught off-guard by that action. (looks away for a moment) Are you feeling okay?
(Y/N): (groans in pain) Not very well... (holds his head) My head feels like it's about to burst, my face stings, my arm wants to fall off, and I think some of my bones have cracks in them... (looks at them with a smile) You guys don't have to apologise for anything, how could we expect them to try and kill us via a car crash? (chuckles, but soon coughs)
Mommy Mearest: (gives a sad smile) Still, your mental and physical wellbeing is more important than ours. Even if you're now a young adult, you're still younger than us both, and as such, you need to be looked after with safety.
Julian: Charlotte's right, (Y/N). You must've been sacrificing a lot of your time and sanity trying to fight off this corruption. You need to take a break once in a while, you have friends here to give you some much needed support.
(Y/N): (chuckles, then coughs again) Thanks, Mrs Mearest. You too, Julian, and you're right on that part. I've been having a lot of difficulty trying to come up with a way to save everyone and keep myself safe in the process.
Mommy Mearest: Well, that's what friends are for. We'll find a way to free everyone as one big group. Besides, as long as we stay united, nothing too big, small, peaceful, aggressive, unstoppable, or immovable cannot stop us. (smirks) Also, haven't I told you by now to call me Charlotte? Do I really have to hammer it into your head until you properly get it right?
(Y/N): (puts his hands up protectively) Sorry, sorry. It's just a force of habit. Mother always taught me to use manners with everyone I meet.
Mommy Mearest: (sighs) Should've expected this from Vanessa's son. She did the same thing when we met once. It was both kind and funny at the same time. (both her and (Y/N) chuckle) Now, are you able to walk?
(Y/N) is soon placed onto the ground to see if he can still walk, but nearly falls over due to his injuries burning away at his stamina. Luckily, Mommy Mearest quickly catches him before the young boy can sustain more injuries.
(Y/N): Guess not. (briefly glances at the rubble) And what's worse is that now with our shadow driver gone, we don't have anything for backup.
Mommy Mearest: Well, if you're gonna still be providing help, despite your injuries and stamina possibly getting in the way, then I guess I'll have to be holding your hand for a long while. (carefully pulls (Y/N) up) You know, this reminds me of when my daughter had to get used to her hair pulling her down when she wanted to grow it out like mine. (chuckles)
(Y/N): (chuckles as well) Bet you hold it above her for when your family are sharing some embarrassing stories.
Mommy Mearest: (sarcastically) What family doesn't do that?
Julian: (taps her shoulders) Uh... Guys? We might have a problem still on our hands...
Both (Y/N) and Mommy Mearest turn to look at Julian, who's nervously looking back towards the car wreckage, pointing to it while his finger shakes. The other two curiously follow the direction, and soon go wide-eyed at what's caught their friend's attention. Crawling out of the smoky rubble is the Corrupted Girlfriend, with the spider tendrils still emerging from her back, and now her neck is cracking with every movement she makes. In her hands rests the Corrupted Nene, who has cracks travelling across her head and is surprisingly unconscious.
(Y/N): (in his head) Of course they're still corrupted. If they can survive cannon fire, then a car crash is an obvious answer. (notices Nene's condition) Hang on, how is Nene knocked out, and slightly cracking? Is... Is there something that happened in the collision that did this? I might have to ask Spirit, if I'm able to speak with him again.
Corrupted Girlfriend: (growling lowly) Thought that this little "accident" would've been enough to have you begging on your knees for some form of help, but it appears I misjudged your tenacity. I won't make the same mistake twice in a row, unlike those lesser victims. (glares at them) You will all face disaster this instant!
Julian: (grins) Don't get all menacing just yet, Roseberry! In case you've not noticed, your only ally is currently out of commission.
Corrupted Girlfriend: (scoffs) The same can be said for you all, as well. Despite your forces clearly outnumbering mine, all three of you have some form of injury that could pose as a major hinderance.
Julian: (confused) Wait, how can a few tiny cuts really cause problems for us- (narrowly dodges a tendril stab) Woah!!
Corrupted Girlfriend: Silence, you imbecile. Even if you don't consider your injuries as a threat, I'll just have to make them feel worse as possible for you. (has an evil glint in her eyes) In fact, since you've begun to annoy me, I think I'll start my little moment of brutality starting with you!!
Mommy Mearest: (whispers to Julian) I still need a few more minutes until my energy has been fully transformed. Just distract my daughter for a few more minutes, try to make some attempts to free her, and make sure that no form of that substance lands onto you or the boy, or either of you get impaled by those... things. (grimaces at the tendrils) I don't want to imagine what'll happen if they do make contact with your skin.
Julian: (whispers back) You can count on me, Charlotte. I'll defend both our lives like they're at stake. (realises something) Oh, wait. They are.
Despite Julian's head still being in the clouds, Mommy Mearest just chooses to roll her red eyes as she hands (Y/N) to him, before walking to sit on the nearby curb. Now with an important civilian in need of protecting, the relaxed stick figure looks back to the infected demon daughter with his usual laid-back smile. He's not going to let the atmosphere, his foe, or the possibility of failure get him down.
In times like these, all you need to do is smile for a brighter hope...
*Song Names: Exhaustion and Heartache by Cremidy (Imagine it's Julian and (Y/N) Vs Corrupted Girlfriend instead of Nene Vs Corrupted Girlfriend for Exhaustion, and Mommy Mearest and Julian Vs Corrupted Girlfriend instead of Mommy Mearest Vs Corrupted Girlfriend and Corrupted Nene for Heartache)*
With neither side wanting to willingly communicate any longer, the final two songs of the battle begin to play, with the first one sounding slow and suspenseful, like a monster closing in on their prey. (Y/N) actually leads the song, much to Julian's surprise, but he doesn't mind. At least he has his friend backing him up. However, right when the young boy finishes off the first verse, the music changes to a much more dangerous and sinister tone, as the Corrupted Girlfriend begins singing, while slowly inching her tendrils closer to her target.
Even with the ever-growing fear of getting impaled right in front of them, the two boys continue to fight back against the infected monster, standing their ground against what could be considered an terrifying enemy. As the song goes on, the Corrupted Girlfriend begins to grow irritated at Julian and (Y/N)'s resistance, more precisely at the former. His grin of relaxation continues to irritate her the more she has to stare at it. He clearly must be braindead if he thinks he can make it out of here without so much as a scratch. Oh well, if he sees no reason to fear her...
Then she'll give him one...
Corrupted Girlfriend: (gritting her teeth) You. Lanky. Bastard.
With venom dripping off every single word, the Corrupted Girlfriend throws all forms of careful planning and swings a tendril right at Julian's heart. She doesn't care if she'll kill him instead of corrupt him, she just wants to wipe that smirk off his face permanently. However, what the Corrupted Girlfriend wasn't expecting was for (Y/N) to shove Julian out of the way and get impaled right through his left arm. The young boy screams in pain as he looks to see the damage, but as the tendril pulls out, he's left shocked to see that there's no hole. Instead, there's a splotch of corruption, which wastes no time in rapidly spreading, taking the whole of his left arm, while making its way onto his neck and body.
Soon, Julian quickly pulls himself and (Y/N) out of the Corrupted Girlfriend's line of fire, making sure that the tendrils won't reach them, while the infected demon's mother steps into the arena.
Mommy Mearest: The boys had their fun, but now... (eyes glow red) It's my turn to let loose!
With Mommy Mearest now unleashing her demonic abilities to their fullest strength, the second song starts up, changing the melody from hopeless and sombre to hopeful and intense. Both mother and daughter begin to hold nothing back, while Julian attempts to give the popstar some assistance from a distance. At the song's first section finishing, the Corrupted Girlfriend gives her mother a snarky remark, asking if that's all she has, which only angers her.
Mommy Mearest then begins to unleash an offensive onslaught at the Corrupted Girlfriend, followed by Julian even joining in with his pupils once again taking the form of glowing shapes. Still, the Corrupted Girlfriend flawlessly parries every single attack they send her way, before smirking as she unleashes one final trick upon her own mother.
Without any form of warning, the female popstar finds herself in a black void, clutching her left arm as she feels some kind of pain coursing through it. She looks around, trying to spot her daughter, Nene, (Y/N), or Julian, but there's nobody else with her. She's all by herself. Suddenly, another figure begins to take form in front of Mommy Mearest, looking awfully familiar to someone she cares about, just with a similar malicious grin to what the infected have on their face.
Mommy Mearest takes a moment to look at this figure with immense confusion, before her eyes widen in realisation on who it is, with said pupils now flashing with fear as the voice of her corrupted daughter mock her.
It's her husband, Atlas Dearest...
Corrupted Girlfriend: (giggles darkly) Now this is a kind of family reunion I can appreciate. Don't you feel the same, mother?
Now trapped in a realistic nightmare, Mommy Mearest desperately tries to snap out of her current experience and escape back into reality, but no matter how much she begs and sings with a raspy voice, the world she's trapped in refuses to let her leave. During all this, the pain in her arm begins to spread all across the rest of her arm, even reaching to her face as the hallucination of Daddy Dearest continues to make the experience even more worse. By the end of the song, the nightmare is over, but now the corruption has now spread across the entirety of Mommy Mearest's left side of his body, with the cause of the pain being from her infected daughter's tendrils.
Corrupted Girlfriend: (giggles) Don't you feel better now, mother? Don't you see how much I miss you, and same with daddy? The more you continue running and fighting, the more you keep hurting us, along with yourself, and everyone around you.
The Corrupted Girlfriend then motions over to (Y/N), who's currently dealing with the corruption on his body, which is slowly taking its sweet time spreading across his body and neck, and more noticeably, his whole face having a look on fear with his pupils having shrunk to a small size, shaking as fast as a cheetah, while one of his infected friends slowly inches towards her and Mommy Mearest, with an aura of malicious intent radiating off her.
Corrupted Girlfriend: Take a good look at (Y/N), mother. He's now deathly afraid of both me and you. Sure, my actions might be considered attempted murder, but take the moment to consider that I never wanted to sink to that level. Your pitiful struggle forced me and my dear friend to take drastic measures in order to capture you. And now, my dear innocent (Y/N) may not be able to look at me the same.
Corrupted Girlfriend: (looks to (Y/N)) Don't worry, my dear. Once I bring you back to our leader, they'll make sure that you won't have to endure this pain anymore, because we'll protect you, (Y/N), like a king having the trust of his most royal guards. And best of all, they said I could be your princess, if I bring you back.
Completely caught in a trance by her own fantasy, the Corrupted Girlfriend begins to let out multiple distorted giggles, becoming more distracted as she's unable to notice someone sneaking over to the car wreckage. That someone being Julian, who is attempting to snatch something out from the pile in order to help his partners escape, until he feels his hands grip onto something metallic. After pulling it out, the lanky relaxed adult takes a moment to look at what he's picked up, before deciding it'll do for now, or at least until he can find a better one.
With the newly acquired weapon in his hands, with said weapon being a metal pipe that's been torn off one of the two vehicles, and slowly makes his way over to the Corrupted Girlfriend, making sure not to alert any attention. As the infected daughter continues to giggle about her upcoming dreams, while slowly approaching her two victims like a zombie approaching their snack. Unfortunately for the infected demon, she's soon snapped out of her fantasy and soon knocked out by Julian swinging the metal pipe against the side of her skull, his grin returning to his face.
Julian: (strikes a pose) Well, glad I could be blunt with you on this subject. (sees their faces) Too soon for a pun?
Mommy Mearest: (glares) What do you think, Julian? We all have the corruption on us, and you think it's still a good idea to make a joke?!
Julian: (puts his hands up) In my defence, it's better to try and lift everyone's spirits than do nothing about it. Plus, I bought us some time to get out of here while they're still down.
Mommy Mearest: (sighs) You're right on that. So, let's get moving. Our transportation's been wrecked, so the only way to get there safely is by walking there and travelling via the alleyways. (looks to Julian) Please don't try to jump out and do the right thing, like you did the last time we went through them, Julian. We really need to stay focused now.
Julian: (salutes) You got it, Charlotte! (nudges (Y/N)) Let's go, little buddy! To sanctuary!
And with that, the three survivors begin to make their way to the abandoned bunker on foot, quickly dashing into the nearby alleyways to blend in with the shadows. But as they vanish into the darkness, the Corrupted Girlfriend soon wakes up from her unexpected ambush, groaning while holding her head. As she looks around to see where they disappeared to, she soon remembers where exactly their heading, and turns back to the unconscious Nene. After retracting the spider tendrils back into her back, the Corrupted Girlfriend unveils her wings, scoops up her partner, and flies off into the blood red sky.
If they think they can get away from her, she'll make sure to get even with them...
But first, she'll need a lot of backup, and she knows who to bring along...
Back with the main three, they're continuing their trek through the shadow alleyways in order to reach the abandoned bunker, using an occasional moment to climb onto the roofs to see their progress. Along the way, Mommy Mearest takes some time to look over to (Y/N), and how he hasn't said anything since Girlfriend attacked him. Now that she thinks about it, she takes another look, noticing how he's silently crying, letting tears fall down his cheeks and onto the floor. So, being the adult she is, the popstar decides to comfort him, by first putting a reassuring hand on his non-infected shoulder.
Mommy Mearest: (speaking softly) Are you okay, kid? You've been silent for a while there.
(Y/N): (still in shock) She... She impaled me... (looks at his hand) And... She... She would've done worse... (covers his face) This... This is just like...
Mommy Mearest: (sighs) You're not the only one with that mindset, kid. When I looked into her eyes after that nightmare, I thought I wasn't even looking at my own daughter at that point, but rather a monster wearing her skin. (looks down) I haven't felt afraid since a long time ago, and it wasn't a nice feeling to go back through. But, even despite the horrors we had witnessed and fought against, we still need to push forward.
Julian: (joins in) Charlotte's right. If we think about turning back, then the chances of achieving a brighter future dies at that moment. No matter what those freaks throw at us, we need to stand our ground and show that we aren't afraid, because if we do, then they'll just take advantage of it and break us apart faster than a candy wrapper in the hands of a child.
(Y/N): (still unsure) But... But... What if they...
Mommy Mearest: (pulls (Y/N) into a hug) I know what Julian said sounds a bit wrong, but he does have a point, kid. We need to keep fighting for ourselves, the home that we live in, and the people extremely close to our hearts. Don't worry, as long as we stick together, nothing can harm or scare us.
(Y/N) soon pulls himself into Mommy Mearest's hug, letting out more emotions as he sobs into her shoulders, as the popstar allows this, even rubbing the boy's back to help sooth the young boy more. Julian watches this with his smile dropping, seeing how much (Y/N) must've been holding in so much pain since the beginning of this whole infestation. After a few more seconds of taking the time to calm down, the young boy soon lets go of the hug, looking back at his two partners with a slightly better expression on his face.
Mommy Mearest: Feeling better now?
(Y/N): (yawns) Just a little.
Mommy Mearest: Well, to help clear your mind a bit more, how about you tell me about that nightmare you had. You never really got to it since we got interrupted by a few unwanted guests.
(Y/N): (looks hesitant) Are you sure you want to hear it? I mean, not only is the setting right now not gonna make it better, but also it's... not pleasant.
Mommy Mearest: Sweetie, I've dealt with a living nightmare when having to fight off my daughter, and that was just my husband going up against me. Whatever it is, I know I can handle it.
(Y/N) stays silent for a little while, carefully deciding on if he should tell Mommy Mearest about the nightmare, before ultimately sighing and beginning his retelling of what happened, starting off with waking up in his old high school. Julian also listens with his own form of interest, but his attention is soon whisked away when he notices something about the larger streets as they get closer to the abandoned bunker. After a little while longer through the alleyways, (Y/N) soon wraps up the nightmare story, properly ending with Darnell and Nene's... session.
(Y/N): (slightly shaking) And that's the end of it. After the pain stopped, I woke up still in the minivan, with you asking me what happened.
Mommy Mearest: (speechless for a moment) Okay, I take back what I said earlier. I wasn't expecting to hear all that. (pauses) Well, I bet that the reason you've been having these nightmares is because you've been unable to have a proper sleep. Once we reach that bunker, the first thing that you're doing is getting yourself a proper rest, young man, and don't say otherwise. (narrows her eyes) I'll make sure you will.
(Y/N): Okay, Charlotte. (realises something) Hey, I think we're nearly at the bunker.
True to (Y/N)'s word, the three of them are now extremely close to the abandoned bunker, right across the street from it, in fact. However, there's something that catches their attention: There's multiple bodies of those that have been corrupted, but they're rather lifeless instead of crawling about, being decorated with what appears to be stab wounds in certain places.
Mommy Mearest: What happened here? Every one of them looks like they've been shanked!
Julian: I've been noticing that a few alleyways down. Apparently someone or something must've been fighting them in this whole area, judging by their method of putting these monsters down. (narrows his eyes) That could also mean that they're hiding out in the bunker, which isn't great. (looks to the other two) I'll go and investigate the front entrance, while you guys stay hidden.
(Y/N): (looks to Julian) Are you sure that's a good idea, Julian? What if they attack you the minute you step inside? Or what if they're corrupted? Or-
Julian: (pats (Y/N)'s shoulder) Easy, (Y/N). Don't think about the negatives so suddenly. They might just be paranoid, and may feel better once we explain the situation to them. (gives (Y/N) a smile) I'll be fine! Trust me on this.
Mommy Mearest: That still doesn't explain why you're going out for us.
Julian: For two reasons, Charlotte. One, I am currently the one that has the least amount of corruption on them, so if they are infected, I'll be able to fight back. And for the second reason, I have a weapon on me. (points to his pipe) Which goes back to the whole defending myself thing. Okay, when I run over there, I'll motion to you guys when it's safe to come across. Clear?
Both (Y/N) and Mommy Mearest give Julian a nod, before allowing the lanky adult to dash straight across the road and over to the bunker's front door. Once there, he slowly inches the rusty door open and peeks inside, before motioning to his partners to run over, signalling that the place is completely absent. With the confirmation now given to them, both (Y/N) and Mommy Mearest begin to make their way over to Julian, carefully looking to their sides, when-
???: Hold it right there, you!!
A loud and male Russian voice echoes across the streets, fuelled by fury, as the three survivors turn the direction of where it came from. Out from the ominous fog emerges a figure that has a goat skull for a head, a grayish-blue hat on his head, a grayish-blue hoodie that has a pale symbol on the front, grayish-blue fingerless gloves, dark grey sweatpants, black sneakers with yellow decorations covering it, and his eyes glowing a menacing yellow light from the sockets.
However, this figure appears to be the person responsible for the many scattered corpses in the street, as not only do they have some pink corrupted string wrapped around their torso, but also their left horn is covered in the black substance. As (Y/N) and Julian look at this figure with immense confusion, Mommy Mearest instantly recognises who the figure is, and her eyes widen, but not for the best of reasons.
For the figure standing in front of them is Girlfriend's most infamous ex-boyfriend, Tabi, and he holds a grudge against the Dearests that most enemies would wish to contain within them.
Tabi: (looks to Mearest) Well, well, well. If it isn't Charlotte Mearest, wife to Atlas Dearest, and just like her husband, is nothing more than a lying snake!
Mommy Mearest: (winces) And hello to you too, Tabi. I... haven't seen you since... the incident. (sighs) Look, I'm sorry about what my husband did to you. If I had known what he did that day, I would've-
Tabi: (interrupts) Save it, you witch! For too long you and those associated with your family business have tainted the eyes of others, but now, I'll make sure that ends here and now! (reaches for his knife)
Julian: (puts his hands up) Woah there, dude. I get that you want Charlotte and those in her family to burn in Dante's Inferno, but now's not the time for vengeance! This outbreak is more important! (slowly takes a few steps forward) Can you at least set your differences aside for now, at least until this whole situation has been dealt with?
Tabi: (scoffs) Simple-minded fool. I have been plotting my revenge for ages, and I won't let any type of disaster get in my way, natural or unnatural.
As he continues reaching for his knife, Tabi soon takes notice of (Y/N) hiding behind Mommy Mearest, trying his best to not draw attention to himself. In the ex's eyes, the young boy reminds him of how he was back when he was human: Shy, afraid of most things, always near someone, but most importantly, fragile. While looking at him helped calm him down by a little bit, his revenge-filled mind unfortunately jumps to the wrong conclusion, as Tabi looks to the female popstar.
Tabi: So, you brought new meat to toy with? Let me guess, you'll taint the child's mind, making him believe he's special, and then once you've had your fill of innocence and joy, you'll happily cast him off again, branding him as nothing more than fuel for your selfish desires?
Mommy Mearest: (taken aback) Excuse me, Tabi?!! Are you calling me a- (glares) I would never stoop to the levels of a creep!! You know that!
Tabi: (glares back) Considering the type of person your daughter turned out, I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up going back to your... devious and dastardly seduction methods. After all, like mother like daughter.
Mommy Mearest: (grits her teeth) Listen here, you-
(Y/N): (takes a step forward) Hey! Leave Charlotte alone!! If you haven't heard by now, but she's trying to apologise for what she did!!
Mommy Mearest: (looks to (Y/N)) Kid, I really think you shouldn't-
Tabi: (points at Mearest) Do not try to manipulate your way through this conversation, demon. (looks to (Y/N)) Listen, boy. I don't know what you've heard, but Mearest and her family are nothing more than villains. That succubus happily plays with the emotions of men who don't know what they're getting into, and then feast on their souls, like a crowd demanding more from an exhausted symphony.
Tabi: (speaks more angrily) And Atlas is even worse than them combined. He has his own daughter date those who want to rise up the ranks of the world of melodies just to help make himself more popular, and then have those souls brutally tortured and left to rot the minute they either find out what his scheme of villainy is really about, or when they stop being useful to him.
Tabi: (gestures to himself) I used to be human, just like you, boy, but then as soon as I found out about their plan, that man had me cursed and my career forever destroyed. When I had awoke as this... this freak, I had lost everything. They stole my work. Shattered my ability to love. Ruined my life. They even killed my own pet cat!
As Tabi explained his backstory to (Y/N), the young boy became more and more aware of who Girlfriend's father really is. At first, he thought Atlas Dearest was some kind of cruel musician after the numerous attempts at trying to kill Boyfriend, but after hearing this, he was now seeing a heartless figure. However, what caught his attention the most was hearing that Girlfriend was not only involved in Tabi's past, but also willingly involved in ruining his life?
This has to be a lie... right?
Tabi: I know you may not want to believe all that, but I assure you, what I said is true. Please, just stand aside and let me finish what they've started. I have no intention on staining my hands with the blood of the innocent.
(Y/N) takes the moment to look over at Mommy Mearest, who looks horribly guilty about what Girlfriend's ex has said, then looking over at Julian, who clearly has no clue on what to say or do, and finally to Tabi, who just slowly nods at him. The young boy takes a deep breath as he thinks about his decision really carefully, weighing out the options. Does he listen to Tabi and side with him, or stick with Mommy Mearest and potentially make an enemy? After a few minutes stuck with two different choices, he eventually makes his mind up and looks towards the goat-skulled Russian...
With a look of defiance.
(Y/N): No. (Tabi blinks in surprise) I understand that what Mr Dearest has done might as well be unforgivable, but there's no reason to cast the same blame onto Charlotte. She's made it clear through her voice and emotions that she hates what had happened to you. Plus, she's helped me out a few times in this apocalypse, and if she really is like what you said she was like, then Charlotte wouldn't've helped me. (crosses his arms)
Julian: (impressed) Wow, way to stand your ground and stand up for your friends, dude! (looks to Tabi) Sorry, but I'm with them. The actions of the past may leave scars, but the right thing to do is to move on, and not let them take control of your actions.
Tabi: (growls) Even after hearing what I said, you willingly choose to side with that demon?! (huffs) If that's the case, then I'll just have to persuade you by force!!
Mommy Mearest: (steps forward) If you think about laying a hand on them, Tabi, then you'll have no choice but to go through me!
Tabi: (chuckles) That can be arranged, Charlotte.
The two then step forward, ready to engage in a song, as Julian and (Y/N) stand behind, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire. However, unbeknownst to them all, is that there's one more figure, peacefully watching from above with a grin on her face.
???: Well, I wasn't expecting to see him again, but there's nothing wrong with making a slight few adjustments to your plan. (chuckles darkly)
*Song Name: Hinderance by Carlito049 (Imagine Mommy Mearest is uncorrupted during this fight)*
As both Mommy Mearest and Tabi keep staring each other down, before the first song starts up, with the melody sounding slightly aggressive as the female popstar takes the early lead. The forgotten singer is completely okay with this, and has no problem retaliating with his own vocals, while also taunting Mommy Mearest by telling her to show her true colours already, which only aggravates the demoness more than she has with Tabi's constant grudge. But only a few verses into the song, does the third party decide to join in on the fun.
Swooping down from their hiding spot is the Corrupted Girlfriend, catching the three survivors off-guard by her grand return and quick recovery. As for Tabi, his golden eyes flash red as his mind goes back to those "dates" he had with her, and how much she lied to him all those times. Now, the Russian starts to make his attacks much more stronger, while aiming it directly at both Mommy Mearest and Girlfriend, believing that they're working together.
As for the popstar, she switches her style of singing into a more defensive motion, trying to warn the Russian about what will happen if he's not careful, but the goat-skulled revenge seeker refuses to listen, even when the corruption begins to fully infest his whole left arm.
Halfway through the song, Tabi's vision soon changes to seeing Mommy Mearest, Julian, (Y/N), and Girlfriend completely freed of the corruption, and looking to him with warm and generous smiles as a form of thanks.
Girlfriend: You did it, Tabi! You saved us! I knew you had a heart deep down under all that hatred! (holds her arms out) Now, come here, you...
Tabi: (laughs it off) Nice try! After what she'd done, that girl is the last person that would ever say those words.
Girlfriend?: So you can see through this hallucination? (sighs) Such a shame...
With the mirage now disappearing as quickly as it appeared, Tabi continues on with the rest of the song, letting his frustrations dominate against Mommy Mearest's more cautious and passive speechs, plus the Corrupted Girlfriend's more playful and menacing tone. After a little while longer, the song ends with the Russian letting out a victorious battle cry, as the infected girl just sighs before chuckling darkly.
Mommy Mearest: (growing more worried) Tabi, please just listen to me. You're in more danger the longer you keep trying to fight me or her.
Tabi: (smug) What's the matter, Mearest? Afraid of the consequences finally catching up to you and your daughter? Good. (notices his arm) What the...
(Y/N): (calls out) See? That's what Charlotte's been trying to warn you. Once you've been infected, the corruption will try and take control of your body, while leaving you trapped in your own mind!
Julian: What's worse is that the black stuff not only makes you more tired the longer you try to fight it off, but also it can spread via contact or sound waves.
Tabi: (groans) I can see what you mean by tiring, I'm starting to have trouble staying awake now!
Corrupted Girlfriend: (cackles) What's the matter, Tabi? Feeling tired already? Right after the first round? Oh, I think you'll be fun to toy with for now...
Tabi: (grunts from pain) So, you're just like all those other mindless monsters that I've encountered. Well, if that's how you wish to behave, then I'll gladly kill two birds with one stone!! (pulls out his knife)
(Y/N): (alarmed) Wait, Tabi! If you kill Girlfriend now, then she might not-
Tabi: Don't try to stop me, kid! You've had your chance to see my point of view, but all you've done is turn your back on me, just like everyone else. (marches towards GF) I've been waiting for this day the moment you and that piece of crap you call a father vanished, and now... (starts chuckling) I can finally settle the score!
With vengeance covering his eyes, Tabi quickly swings his knife straight towards the Corrupted Girlfriend's head, ready to end her. However, what he wasn't expecting was to hear the sound of his knife clashing against another weapon, causing a clanging sound, and then being pushed away. What he also wasn't expecting was for the culprit to be (Y/N), holding his knife in a defensive posture, and standing in Tabi's way.
Corrupted Girlfriend: (slightly blushing) Oh, (Y/N)! Are you coming to my aid, just like a shining knight protecting the princess from a bloodthirsty dragon? (dreamily sighs)
Tabi: (infuriated) You!! Why must you get in my way?! I've shouted numerous times on what she's done, yet you still stand for the wrong side!! What is wrong with you-
(Y/N): (shouts up) Shut up!! I get it!! You want to enact revenge, but your method is literally sinking down to Dearest's level!! (Tabi is taken aback) If you kill Girlfriend, then what? Atlas will eventually find out it was you, and then most likely do something that was even worse than what he's already done to you!!
Julian: (joins in) Yeah!! Not to mention, there's been proof that people can be freed from the corruption!! Charlotte is a prime example, since (Y/N) freed her!! Killing Girlfriend would only ensure that the corruption will be much more difficult to eliminate, and you'll be the reason why nobody has made any progress!!
Mommy Mearest: (looks to GF for a moment) Even if the corruption has transformed my precious baby into a merciless maniac who would even go so far as to nearly traumatise her own friends and family, I know that my daughter is down there, begging to be let freed. (looks back at Tabi) I already lost her to this substance twice, and I refuse to let you or your intentions add onto that!
(Y/N): Don't you see, Tabi? Even after all she's done, we're defending her not because of who she was, but rather for who she is now, and that it's the right thing to do. Even if the corruption has made her like her past self, I know that through my experiences with Girlfriend, the real her would never want to harm those close to her! And if she could see you right now, she'd apologise for what both her and Atlas have done to your life.
Tabi soon lowers both his knife and head after hearing (Y/N) and the others state their reasons for protecting Girlfriend, even after she's been corrupted. As he takes the moment to ponder about this sudden stand of defiance, the three survivors look at each other with smiles, hoping that the cursed Russian will come back to his senses and join them in freeing Charlotte's daughter, but they soon hear Tabi quietly chuckling to himself, with said laughter growing louder by the second. But what's slightly alarming about the laugh is that it sounds more like one fuelled by...
Tabi: So, this is your ultimatum? Telling me to leave that tiny succubus alone, and try to help her?! Well... Where was anyone to help me?! Where was anyone when Dearest robbed me of my well deserved fame?!! Where was anyone when his goons broke into my home and broke my body?! (looks back up at them) Fine, then. If you eish to defend that freak of nature...
With murder glistening in his eyes like gold, Tabi lunges straight towards (Y/N), drawing his knife and clashing it against the young boy's own. Julian soon comes running over and swings his pipe down onto the Russian's skull, but all that does is aggravate the attacker more, and gives the causal fighter a swift kick to the stomach, earning a chuckle from the Corrupted Girlfriend. As Julian falls to the ground, Mommy Mearest instantly takes his place and begins to assault Tabi with multiple punches to the invisible jaw. However, her onslaught is soon caught and parried by the revenge seeker, as he soon grabs the pop star by the hair and throws her onto the ground hard.
With two out of three obstacles now dealt with, Tabi turns his attention back to (Y/N), who nervously looks down at the ground. Soon, an idea forms in the young boy's mind, as he carefully begins to activate his shadow magic, and form a string of darkness in his hand. (Y/N) then waits for Tabi to get close, before using the string to steal his own knife away from him and quickly engaging him by swinging his knife at the Russian. Unfortunately for the young boy, the enraged musician evades every attack with ease, and soon kicks (Y/N) in the chin, before taking his own knife. The young boy attempts to pull the Uzi out of his pocket, but Tabi puts an end to that idea by stomping down on (Y/N)'s arm, getting him to scream in pain.
Tabi: (holds the knife up) You could've let me end the pain, but you thought using only lust and emotion instead of logic. And now, you'll be sharing the same fate as her soon enough. (begins lowering the knife) Any final words?
(Y/N): (immensely afraid) P-Please... Don't... Do this...
Tabi: It's too late for empty pleas now. Just know that you were the one to dig your own grave, not me...
Tabi continues to lower the knife down, aiming right for (Y/N)'s heart as they scared boy pleads for him to stop, but right as the metal weapon is about to pierce the skin... The arms of the Russian are quickly pulled away by both Julian and Mommy Mearest, allowing their friend to escape and grab his weapon back. As (Y/N) gets back onto his feet, all four of them hear the sound of a roaring engine, followed by the Corrupted Girlfriend disappearing with an ominous distorted chuckle.
There in the foggy distance are the headlights of a vehicle, getting closer and closer with each second, and at a dangerously high speed. With no other choice left, all four close their eyes and brace for the impact, hoping to live and not become a splatter on the concrete below...
(Y/N) soon wakes up to a splitting headache, and feeling the ground below him slightly moving. After rising up to his feet and rubbing his eyes, he's able to see where exactly he and the others are. Currently, they're riding on the top of one of Mommy Mearest's limos, while a second limo rides alongside it with corrupted backup dancers on its roof. As for the limo he's on, so far there's himself, Mommy Mearest, Julian, and Tabi. No sign of GF anywhere. Speaking of the other three, they soon begin to wake up, each of them groaning in slight discomfort.
Mommy Mearest: (groans) My head feels like... I drank too much spiked eggnog... (rises up) Wait, are we on my limo?
Tabi: (groans) Of course it's yours, how could you forget about your own personal ride?
(Y/N): Well, ever since the corruption spread to her backup dancers, not even anything she owns isn't safe. (points to the other limo) Take a look there.
Julian: (sees them) Yeah, those'll be distracting. (looks to the others) Uh, guys? Guess the corruption had a field day when we were all out.
Everyone takes a moment to look at each other, seeing what their lanky acquaintance means. For Julian, the corruption has mildly spread across the rest of his face, stopping at part of his hair and left cheek. For Mommy Mearest, the corruption has travelled across most of her hair, the entire bottom half of her body and legs, and all that remains uninfected is her head and right arm. As for both (Y/N), the corruption has gotten the left part of their heads and bodies, followed by their left arms and left legs. What's also alarming is that their right hands are now also beginning to show signs of infection.
(Y/N): (breathing heavily) Oh, my god. Oh, my god! It's getting worse! It's getting worse!
Tabi: (growls) Stop freaking out!! ((Y/N) momentarily stops) Now, we need to get this thing off, do any of you know how?
Julian: There's one of two ways currently. The first is by simply having a stronger sign of determination than what the corruption can do, though I doubt your vengeance-fuelled mind would make things easier. (Tabi glares at him)
Mommy Mearest: The other way is through a being more powerful than the creators using their magic to remove it off you. (looks with pleading eyes) Please, I don't want to see you suffer as much as you already have, Tabi, so please, let me help you for this-
Tabi: I'd rather die than give any of those two options a shot in the dark. Nothing will ever convince me to work with that cyka. (points to Mearest) In fact, I'll just remove both your faces and this substance at the same time, my way!!
Tabi prepares to go on the offensive, but then all of a sudden, multiple pink strings fire out from above and tighten around his body. The same strings then try to do the same to (Y/N), but he quickly sidesteps out of the way, leaving them to clang against the metal. As Tabi tries to pull on the strings, the Corrupted Girlfriend flies down and lands on the racing limo, only now with a partner alongside her. And this partner is none other than the Corrupted Boyfriend, who now has a guitar strapped to his back.
(Y/N): (surprised) BF?!!
Corrupted Boyfriend: (cackles) Nice to see you again, (Y/N)!! I've heard what my Girlfriend has done, and I feel bad for you. (narrows his eyes) Don't worry, we'll make sure nothing will ever hurt you again by the end of this battle.
Corrupted Girlfriend: Oh, hubby. You truly do say the sweetest things. Wouldn't you agree, dear (Y/N)?
Tabi: (looks to (Y/N)) Judging by the way their talking, not only are they the reasons for starting this plague, but you're also their major motivation, am I correct? ((Y/N) nervously nods) Well then, now I have all the reason to exterminate you alongside them even more!!
Tabi once again attempts to lunge, but then all the Corrupted Girlfriend makes the pink strings on him glow, causing the Russian to fall to his knees, letting out screams of pure agony. Back with Mommy Mearest and Julian, the former notices the infected backup dancers' eyes beginning to glow, instantly knowing they'll try to weaken her, while the latter notices the Corrupted Cassandra now climbing through the window, with a shotgun in hand.
Corrupted Girlfriend: I don't think so, Tabi. You and everyone here will be coming back with us, and you won't be leaving as yourself, whether you'll like this change or not...
Mommy Mearest: (whispers to (Y/N)) Kid, you handle Tabi, my daughter, and her date. Me and Julian will deal with the backup.
(Y/N): (nervously gulps) Okay, just try to be careful. (looks to Tabi) Tabi, just sing against them with me!! It'll weaken them more!!
Tabi: (grunts) Fine, but don't think I'm working with you.
*Song Name: Constrained by Carlito049 (Imagine it's Tabi Vs (Y/N) Vs Corrupted Girlfriend and Corrupted Boyfriend instead of Tabi Vs Corrupted Mommy Mearest, Corrupted Girlfriend, and Corrupted Boyfriend)*
Tabi instantly begins the song with a fast and slightly aggressive tone in his vocals, while (Y/N) sounds more cautious and slightly afraid of a more dreaded outcome, while the melody of a more hectic tune plays out of the limo's speakers, fitting as they're currently rap battling against the corruption as they ride away from their original location, and straight back to the abandoned atmosphere of Starlight City during an aggressive thunderstorm.
As the two of them continue trying to get the corrosive substance off them, the Corrupted Girlfriend occasionally joins in to set them many steps back, much to the annoyance of her angered ex. Over with Mommy Mearest and Julian, the two of them are doing their best to halt their enemies' backup by any means, whether it be through the former using her own magic to fight back against her own infected crew, and the latter engaging in a metal pipe Vs shotgun melee duel with a demonic goth, the best that they can do currently is try and buy the others some time in getting themselves sorted out.
Speaking of the two, as they reach the halfway point, the Corrupted Girlfriend soon blankets their vision in darkness, before speaking to them directly, about their current attempts of freedom.
Corrupted Girlfriend: (mockingly) Aww, you poor unfortunate souls. Did you both honestly believe you were making progress?
(Y/N): (conflicted) We-
Tabi: (snarls) You repugnant monsters... Stop with this ridiculous games, so we can settle this the proper way!!
Still in the darkness, the Corrupted Girlfriend keeps up with her decitful tactics and manipulative rhythms, until Tabi suddenly breaks them both out through fast-paced rhythms fuelled by his unwavering hatred for the demon girl, who has now chosen to float ominously by the side of the limo, giggling to herself as she enjoys the "show" her hated ex is now putting on. Over with (Y/N), he sees what Tabi is up to, and tries to provide some assistance, but is struggling to even keep up with him for two different reasons:
For reason number one, Tabi's vocal patterns are both similar to someone (Y/N) knows a bit about, yet their channelled through anger and vengeance instead of turmoil and bad memories, which makes it difficult to keep up with, in case Tabi changes it up slightly. As for the second reason, it's when Boyfriend pulls out the guitar and begins to retaliate with distorted shockwaves every time he plays a note, sending (Y/N), Mommy Mearest, and Julian into quick pain as they clutch their heads and silently beg for the noise to stop sooner than later.
However, as the song begins to reach it's end (Y/N) takes in a deep breath, not caring about the headache he's getting from the guitar playing, or the possible dry throat he'll be giving himself, and pushes his vocal cords to the absolute limit, helping Tabi finishing the song with one massive defiant struggle.
(Y/N): (feeling exhausted) Never thought I'd... have to push myself that far. (looks to the others) Are you guys okay?
Mommy Mearest: (feels her magic fading) Well, the backup dancers are still a threat, but I think that I've got them slightly weakened, though I'm not one-hundred percent sure.
Julian: (grunting) Well, nice to see you guys doing well, this goth is just as stubborn as anyone else corrupted!! (whacks Cassandra with his pipe) Somebody do something before she uses her weapon properly!! (narrowly dodges a swing)
Corrupted Girlfriend: (giggles) Do you all really believe you have a chance to save yourselves? Take a look in the mirror, you all barely have enough stamina to stand. Just give up already...
(Y/N): (quietly to himself) Why do the enemies always speak the truth, no matter how dark it is?
Tabi: (eyes the multiple corrupted people) Hmm, most of them appeared to be damaged by the performance me and that kid have done. (notices BF and GF) Yet they show no signs of faltering. (smirks) Then I'll just have to make them falter.
For what might be the final time he'll rely on his knife, Tabi grabs it and throws it not at the infected couple, but rather the infected driver, killing him as the metallic weapon goes right through the substance and his skull. This catches most of everyone's attention, as the Russian then notices how both BF and GF are now distracted. Without letting the opportunity go to waste, the throws the mic at the two, knocking them into a dizzy state and giving Tabi the advantage.
While also making himself and most of the others unaware that they're heading deeper into Starlight City...
Tabi: (confident) Ha! Not so cocky now, having your pitiful forces be easily disposed of by mere short-ranged weapons?! (speaks with excitement) Finally, after all these years of hiding and plotting, my revenge will finally be complete!! No more trickery!! Atlas will feel true pain!! Tonight, the succubus in the crimson dress dies!!! (laughs like a villain)
(Y/N): (notices something) Uh... Tabi!!!
Tabi: (roars with outrage) WHAT?!! I'M GETTING SICK OF YOU AND THAT OTHER MONSTER TRYING TO GET ME TO "SEE MY ERRORS" AND "LET GO OF MY RAGE"!! YOU'VE NEVER UNDERSTOOD MY PAIN, CAUSE YOU ALL REFUSED TO LISTEN!! (calms down) So, whatever you have to say, make it quick, before I add you to my list...
(Y/N): (slightly afraid) Well... Uhm... It's about... There's something... You should...
Julian: (screams out) WALL!!!!
Everyone begins to panickily scream as Tabi turns around in confusion, just to see what's got everyone unleashing their vocal cords. Before anyone can react, the limo ends up crashing into the wall of a building, sending everyone in a random direction as the last thing they see is a bright orange blast fade in and out of their vision...
By now, (Y/N) is getting pretty annoyed on how this whole past few hours as just become him getting knocked unconscious and ending up in an even worse situation than the previous one. Even then, there's no point in complaining about something completely unpredictable. After slowly getting up from the third crash, he notices on how he's positioned right next to the car engine, where there's a fire currently raging on what's left of the machine...
And his left hand is Currently In The Fire?!!
In a panic, he quickly pulls it out of the raging inferno, only to notice something strange about what's happening to the corruption. It's... flaking off?
(Y/N): (surprised) Wait, it's being removed?!! (thinks to himself) Does this mean that the corruption can't withstand high temperatures?! (has a flashback) Wait, that's why Whitty was able to remove it off himself and Sunday back at the mall!!
As (Y/N) begins to think more about this sudden piece of information, he suddenly feels something metal scraping past his skin, getting him to wince in pain and turn around to see who did that. Upon doing so, he slowly begins to back away from his attacker, that being the Corrupted Cassandra, until his back hits the wall of the burning limo.
Corrupted Cassandra: Every time we encounter each other, you always bring those around you to their knees, whether it be intentional or not. Open your eyes, mortal. You're no saviour to these people. What you are is a reaper in disguise, trying to deny what you really are, but unable to properly flee from your true calling.
(Y/N): (shaking) Sh-Shut up, Cass... W-W-We were friends back in high school, don't you remember?!
Corrupted Cassandra: We were, (Y/N), but unlike you, who desperately clings to the past as an excuse to keep going, I look to the future, and embrace its dark clouds that spell the apocalypse, because those that are chosen soon evolve into their true selves. (points her weapon at him) You, dear fragile soul, have been chosen to evolve, yet you attempt to hide away.
Corrupted Cassandra: Why do you do that? Is it because you reject the natural cycle of evolution, believing there's a different way?
(Y/N): (quietly) Stop...
Corrupted Cassandra: Or is it because those that dare oppose our ultimate crusade of might have planted a seed of deception inside of your innocent mind? Making you believe nothing but deceitful smiles as they trick you into plucking the forbidden fruit and enduring the torture they were assigned for?
(Y/N): (veins begin glowing) I said stop!..
Corrupted Cassandra: Or maybe... It's because you're scared of losing everything. All of our missions have caused you to lose a piece of yourself, making you fear the possibility of never being complete. (slowly approaches him) Well, don't worry, our lords have already thought of the perfect place for you, as well as a fitting role: Standing right-
Screaming at the top of his lungs, (Y/N)'s veins and eyes glow bright white, as his shadow magic begins to go haywire due to his emotions going berserk, launching the infected goth girl away with a sudden explosion of darkness. The Corrupted Cassandra soon gets up, smirking as she finds herself starting to enjoy this struggle of resistance, before unloading a torrent of bullets at the boy. (Y/N) soon huddles into a ball as the shadows instinctively form a protective dome that's stronger than steel, letting the bullets bounce off before countering with a shockwave of dark spikes, which not only send the weapon out of Cass's hands, but also impales her through the arms and torso.
Despite the pain matching to what she's faced at the end of her school massacre, the infected school shooter just laughs the pain off, forcefully removing the spikes out of her body and goes in, grabbing a sharp piece of metal and starts swinging it at the dome. Unfortunately for her, every strike just bounces off, before the shadows send her away with a strike matching a slab of iron smacking you in the face. After recovering from that surprise blow, the Corrupted Cassandra growls before transforming into her Penilian form. She's now done playing with her food, it's time to properly chow down.
Letting out an inhuman roar that spans across all of Starlight City, the Corrupted Cassandra charges at the dome with the intention of breaking it down through force. What the horrifying alien wasn't expecting was for the barrier to dive into the shadows, making her collide into the limo, and causing a bigger explosion, destroying the front of the wrecked vehicle. As the Corrupted Cassandra struggles to stay awake, she's hit with a barrage of sharp projectiles sent by the dome, before it converts itself into a massive hand and grips her tightly, adding more force until she begins to revert back into her human form, and after a small bit of struggling, passes out, before being thrown away.
Satisfied with removing the current danger, the shadow magic begins to die down, sensing its user now calming down, and allowing him to see what exactly happened while he was panicking.
(Y/N): (looks around) Huh? Where's Cassandra? (notices the damage) Did... Did I do this? But... But how? (realises something) Oh crap!! Charlotte!! Julian!!
Forgetting about the current mystery for now, (Y/N) runs over to the wreckage of the limo, just in time to see both Mommy Mearest and Julian rising to their feet, and not looking so well. For the cousin of Whitty, the corruption has now spread across half of his body, though the increased temperature (since he was near the recent explosion) has removed it off his face. However for the female popstar, the black corrosive substance has nearly taken over her whole figure, with the only parts not infected being her face and a small amount of her hair.
Mommy Mearest: (sees the damage) Oh, I'm already dreading the repair charges once this disaster is done.
Julian: (confused) Why are you discussing bills at a time like this?! We're now further away from the shelter!! (groans) Why does everything we try to do always ends up with us going backwards instead of forwards?!
Mommy Mearest: It's so that the corruption can win, and prevent us from ever making any progress on winning. Now, we need to find (Y/N), before-
(Y/N): (starts slowing down) Guys!! I'm over here!! (running out of breath) I-I got ambushed, but- but then, I-I-
Julian: (kneels down) Woah, woah, woah, little man. (puts a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder) You look like you're about to pass out even if you swung your arms around in exasperation! Now, before anything, take some deep breaths first. ((Y/N) takes some deep breaths) That's it, nice and slow. Now, what were you going to tell us?
(Y/N): (waving his hands about) Well, after I recovered, I was attacked by Cassandra, who was probably going to get me to fall either by her words or her weapon. I-I ended up panicking and then, when I calmed down, she was gone. But, there was damage everywhere. I... guess my magic ended up helping me out, but I have no clue how.
Mommy Mearest: (thinks for a moment) You say your magic had a hand in helping, yet you don't remember summoning it? (comes up with an answer) I think what's happened is that your magic somehow evolved, reacting to your unstable emotions and defended you until you were in a better state.
(Y/N): (surprised) Wait, magic can evolve?! How?!
Before Mommy Mearest can give (Y/N) a quick explanation on magic evolution, the three of them hear a familiar unison of distorted chuckles, and turn towards the direction they came from. Just having recently landed on the remains of the limo is none other than the corrupted couple, having somehow evaded the crash, and show no signs of any damage on them, as their eyes lock onto their close friend.
Corrupted Boyfriend: (cackles) Oh, that was quite the show you put on for us, (Y/N). And we enjoyed every second of it! Who knew that the most excellent form of brutality comes from when your emotions are on the brink of collapsing?! With that power, you'll be perfect for when we expand further out of this temporary hive!
Corrupted Girlfriend: (giggles) I agree with my dear. All that destruction, that unpredictability your magic possess, it certainly is attractive! I wonder what over tricks you can perform once we break you, in more ways than one~ (winks at (Y/N))
(Y/N): (slightly blushing) Wh- I mean- (begins stuttering) Huh?!!
Julian: (moves in front of (Y/N)) Don't you dare lay a finger on him! The only reason why his magic went all crazy is because of you monsters keep hunting him down like a cat chasing a traumatised mouse, and keep making things worse! Just give him a break already from what you freaks consider "affection"!
(Y/N): (gives him a soft smile) Julian...
Corrupted Boyfriend: (glares at him) And why should we take your advice? You've only met him just a few hours ago, and yet you're already acting like you've known him your entire life! We know him longer, and we know how to look after him!
Corrupted Girlfriend: (smirks) Why don't you make yourself useful and go find a ditch to go die in, like how your cousin keeps telling every annoying leech that enters his life?
Julian: (his eyes start flashing shapes) DON'T YOU DARE BRING UP JULIUS!! (attempts to lunge at them)
Mommy Mearest: (holds him back) Calm down, Julian. The angrier you get at them, the more predictable you make yourself to them. (Julian calms down as she looks at the couple) So, you think just because of our current emotions and status that this will be a three-in-one for you both? Well, you better think twice, because we're not surrendering without retaliation! Right, boys?!
Both (Y/N) and Julian give Mommy Mearest before joining her side, ready to unleash everything they've got onto the corrupted couple, but before either side can begin the fight, they soon hear the sound of someone coughing, and turn to see one final surprise: Tabi is still standing after all that, with the only part still uncorrupted being his goat skull. Still coughing from the smogulous smoke, he soon takes a few steps forward, his golden pupils now briefly flashing red with unrivalled rage.
Tabi: (holding in his anger) So, you've dragged me back to Starlight City? Hoping to overwhelm me with more of your putrid kind, along with those helpless saps?! (points to the other three, then laughs) How fitting that your going back to those black-hearted tactics, being nothing but your daddy's little errand girl, obeying every command he gives you.
Corrupted Girlfriend: (smugly) Oh? And who's to say that whatever it is you're hoping to accomplish now won't fail like it did in the past? Maybe if you'd not witnessed the truth and hid your knowledge of it so poorly, I would've actually felt guilt about ending our little game... (her grin widens) But that would be lying to such a pathetic. Useless. Unlovable. Puppet.
(Y/N): (growing worried) This is bad, if he falls, then who knows what'll happen!!
Julian: So you're saying that we should help him?!! In case you haven't noticed, but he's rejected every offer we gave him, and he's even wanting us dead too!!
Mommy Mearest: (sighs) But that doesn't mean we should just let him suffer while we take advantage of the situation, as we'd be stooping down to a level lower than his. As long as you have good intentions at heart and wish to make amends, anything is worth it in the end. So... (her eyes start glowing) I'll try to save him one final time. Are you both with me?
(Y/N): (both him and Julian nod) Yes, we are, Charlotte. I'll try and help you up front. (looks to Julian) Julian, think you can lend some assistance from the background?
Julian: You got it, little dude!! (takes cover while snatching Cassandra's weapon)
(Y/N): (activates his shadow magic) Now, let's give it our all.
Corrupted Boyfriend: (faces Tabi) Is the little mountain goat jealous that I'm dating someone you despise? Well, come and get me, sucker!!
Tabi: (lets out one final cry) JUST DIE!!!!! DIE!!!!
*Song Name: Blistering Wretchedness by Carlito049 (Imagine (Y/N) is singing with Mommy Mearest)*
The song of the true showdown starts to play, beginning with both Tabi, and the two other fighters leading the song with a slow feel, before it explodes into one of pure frustration. Both (Y/N) and Mommy Mearest refuse to hold back in this encounter, hoping that they can bring Tabi back into his senses as they sing as fast as their vocal chords can go, thanks to being enhanced by their respective magic. If they can't save Tabi, then the dreaded outcome they've not wanted to wish may actually happen.
And that outcome may actually come into fruition, as soon both the Corrupted Boyfriend and Corrupted Girlfriend soon join in on the aggressive rap battle, doing their best to continue aggravating Tabi while avoiding multiple dark chains launched by (Y/N)'s magic. This will not be an easy fight. Still, the two resistance members continue to push on, fighting back against the corruption's manipulative methods and Tabi's hostile and full of denial counters. They really need to save him, despite his downright refusal to work together. After a few minutes into the song, they reach a small instrumental, and so Mommy Mearest takes the opportunity for one final attempt at convincing the Russian to accept their help.
Mommy Mearest: (pleading at this point) Tabi, I know after what happened, you'd rather die than work with me... But if you fall, then possibly the whole world will die!! Please, just let us help you!!
(Y/N): (joins in) Plus, you wouldn't want to stoop down to what this parasite's level, don't you? Please, throw your grudge aside and-
Tabi: (pissed off) Silence!! (looks to Mearest) After many years of hiding in shame, forced to watch you monsters continue to live happily, despite everything you've done, YOU STILL BEG FOR ME TO HELP YOU!??!! (his eyes flash red) If that's the case, then I choose death over working you all!!! YOU'RE WORSE THAN THIS PLAGUE EVER WILL BE!!!!
And with that last sentence, their chance at recruiting Tabi is no longer an option, as now the Russian not only begins to aim his fury right at them both, but he even starts to cover the area in multiple C4's, plotting to detonate them the minute he finds the detonator. Now things just went from bad to worse. However, that doesn't mean that they've instantly lost, as both (Y/N) and Mommy Mearest soon notice that not only is Tabi occasionally taking the moment to aim his anger straight at the corrupted couple, but due to the intensity and speed that he's unleashing...
...They're actually beginning to struggle in keeping up!
So, with this surprise twist uncovered, (Y/N) and Mommy Mearest soon join in on Tabi's onslaught, unleashing all their increased vocal strength at the corrupted couple, ready to break them free. Though, they still take a break both for their magic to recharge for the moment, and to also block any offensive strikes coming from either the Corrupted Boyfriend and Corrupted Girlfriend or Tabi when they soon came charging at them. Eventually, their difficult and tedious work starts to pay off, as the infected couple not only get caught in (Y/N)'s chains, but also begin to lose some of the substance off them, much to their surprise.
Mommy Mearest: (starting to get tired) See? What we're doing is working! It's having an effect on them!
(Y/N): (starting to get tired) All we have to do is keep on pushing them further back, and eventually that substance will lose, and they'll be freed!
Corrupted Girlfriend: (groggily) No...
Jumping back into the battle, both (Y/N) and Mommy Mearest soon keep pressing against the Corrupted Boyfriend and Corrupted Girlfriend, but soon their attention is soon shifted away from them as Tabi soon re-enters the fray, now seeing the two resistance members as the bigger threats, completely unaware that the corruption is now spreading across the entire left side of his skull. Soon, Julian begins to peek out of his hiding spot (right behind the destroyed limo), and starts using the shotgun to fire at Tabi, both pushing him back and removing small splotches of the corruption with every successful hit (yes, he occasionally misses, since he's never used a shotgun until now).
However, with the three resistance members now focused on both calming down and freeing Tabi, the Corrupted Girlfriend soon remembers what Mommy Mearest said before the battle, on how frustration makes you easy pickings. With her grin now widening even further, she now decides it's time to unleash Phase 2, not only overwhelming all three current targets, but also get under what's left of her ex's skin even more.
The cavalry can now have their moment...
Corrupted Girlfriend: (calls out to Tabi) Hey, Tabi! Did you know that many others have tried to stop us with brute force, and yet they all failed too? (smirks evilly) Wouldn't you like to meet them? They're good acquaintances with the other two upcoming victims...
With a click of her fingers, three new figures leap down from the rooftops and enter the battle, those three being the Corrupted Pico, Corrupted Darnell, and Corrupted Nene, each having their own weapons ready to deliver some pain. Now, the situation has virtually became unwinnable, as not only have the infected couple managed to break free of (Y/N)'s chains, but all five of them now begin to barrage Tabi with everything they have. Mommy Mearest and (Y/N) try to help their "ally" out of the current mess he's in, but they're unable to properly get through the noise of the infected. Even Julian cannot do anything, as Pico just turns around and shoots the shotgun right out of his hands.
Tabi soon runs over and and rips the knife out of the infected driver's cranium, and begins to use it on the corrupted forces, but with little success. Sure, he's able to get in a few stabs every once in a while, but he continuously keeps getting bashed in the head by BF's microphone, shot in the invisible body by Pico's guns, stabbed in the ribs by Nene's knife, and burned by the flames from Darnell's lighter.
But he can't let them overpower him now. He's gotten so close to enacting his revenge and making the Dearest name pay for what they've done...
He just can't...
All of a sudden, Tabi finds himself in some kind of void, where there's a bright white light emitting from what appears to be a TV monitor, which shows what appears to be his own body, with the corruption slowly infesting across the rest of his skull.
In the midst of his confusion, he begins to hear what appears to be the voice of Daddy Dearest singing to him. So, remembering what that man did to him, he starts to sing back, just with a more aggressive tone.
During this process, another voice begins to call out to Tabi, only this one makes him even more confused about what's going on. Unlike the voice of Dearest, which he always knows, this one sounds more passive and calmer, yet has an air of familiarity to it.
"Wake up, Tabi. Don't listen to what he's telling you"
"I know you're better than this, and do you really want the world to burn all for petty revenge?"
"Keep fighting back, and I'll do my best to free you"
Whoever this voice is, Tabi already hates them at this point. They sound like they understand what he's been through, trying to reason with him. It makes him sick. He soon blocks out the voice, who after a few more attempts at trying to reason with him, ultimately gives up and leaves.
As Tabi continues to sing against Dearest's voice, a dark thought comes flying into him. The corruption is also against Girlfriend's daughter, so that means it's also against the monster who did this to him! Almost like it's been listening the whole time, the corruption speaks to him, with a persuading tone.
"Give in, let us take control of your rage, and your dreams of revenge will be completed, though at a price..."
Tabi is now left with a choice: Continue fighting and hopefully break free from this mental prison he's in, or willingly let himself fall to the corrosive substance that plagues both him and his mortal enemy? After a few seconds of singing to himself, he makes up his mind...
Tabi: (smirks evilly) Must murder Charlotte Mearest...
With a crash of thunder, both (Y/N) and Mommy Mearest watch helplessly as the corruption fully takes over Tabi, who wastes no time joining in with others for one brutal offensive, smashing down on their weakened defences and unleashing all sorts of damage, like a tank steamrolling into their territory. To make matters worse, both resistance fighters soon get attacked by both Darnell and Nene, who latch onto Mommy Mearest and (Y/N) respectfully. They try to fight them off, but no matter what they try, the two keep fighting back, unable to shake them off. Soon, the song ends, with both the Corrupted Girlfriend and Corrupted Tabi laughing maniacally, as the corruption spreads across both fighters.
(Y/N): (thinking to himself) No! No! We cannot go down like this! We... We've come so far, and now... (begins tearing up) Everything is going... going back to no progress... Is... Is this how the story ends?
As (Y/N)'s thoughts begin to clash with each other, he soon notices something out of the corner of his eye. Julian has just got the shotgun back, and while he only has one shot left, he silently motions to the stray C4's laying across the road, which Tabi hasn't gotten to activating yet. Picking up what his partner's putting down, (Y/N) silently motions for him to continue, but only when the time is right, as the young boy turns his attention back to his advancing enemies.
Corrupted Darnell: Well, this little game of hide and seek has been fun, (Y/N), but you should know by now that eventually, the game ends for us all, no matter how much you try to continue it.
Corrupted Nene: (enthusiastically) But don't get all upset now, (Y/N)! Once we've got you fully in our warm little hands, we can play all sorts of fun new games together, all of us on the same team, just like old times! Plus, we can rekindle a little something I wished we could've started back in high school. (winks)
Corrupted Girlfriend: (glares at Nene) Excuse me, I thought we already had this conversation already back when dealing with Pico!! Do I have to remind you?
Corrupted Nene: Alright, alright. I'm just messing with you. You called dibs on spending time with him first, so I won't try to take it from you. But when you're done, I'm having my turn, okay?
Corrupted Girlfriend: (nods) Deal. (BF makes an unhappy noise)
As the corrupted forces are now distracted, (Y/N) decides now is the perfect time to give whatever Julian's thinking a shot. It's extremely risky, and might actually leave him with either a few nasty injuries or even kill him, but it's all they can rely on at this moment. Quick as a flash, (Y/N) throws Nene off him, followed by doing the same with Darnell, before activating his shadow magic and forming a dome around both himself and Mommy Mearest. The reason for this is because the minute Julian sees Darnell about to collide with Tabi, he aims his shotgun at the C4's and fires, setting off a chain reaction of explosives.
Luckily for his friends, the shadow dome finishes forming at the nick of time, and only gets knocked about by the explosives, as Julian takes cover behind the limo remains once again. As the smoke starts to clear, both (Y/N) and Mommy Mearest stagger out, showing signs that the barrier didn't protect them from everything. For the former, he's clutching his arm, which might be broken after being bounced around like a pinball in there. For the latter, the corruption is beginning to spread slowly across her face, meaning she might fall anytime soon.
Julian: (let's out a sigh of relief) Man, I thought that wasn't gonna work, and that I'd have blood on my hands. (looks to the other two) How are you guys shaking?
(Y/N): (groans) Not so well, Julian. I don't know if you could see in there, but we were being flung all over the place, and unfortunately my arm had taken most of the impacts. (looks down at his arm) Might take a while before it's fixed. (looks to Mearest) And as for Charlotte, well... (looks away)
Julian: Well, what?
Mommy Mearest: (sighs) The best way that we can put it is that I won't be able to undo my condition. It's spread too much, and can fully infect me at any moment. All I am now is just a slow victim patiently awaiting my inevitable fate.
Julian: (in disbelief) What?! But... But you can't just wave your white flag now of all times?! Not after we just pulled that stunt off!! What... (starts thinking quickly) Wait, what about your fancy demon magic? Can't you cure yourself with that?!
Mommy Mearest: (shakes her head) I wish I could, Julian, but unfortunately, I wasted all of my energy trying to fight back against all those monsters. There's nothing my body can do now, except walk until I lose consciousness another time. (Julian gets upset) Hey, now. Just because I'll fall on doesn't mean I'm not putting up a mental fight.
(Y/N): She's right, Julian. While in the dome, she told me how she'll keep focusing on making sure her mind is safe for as long as he can. She did so before when facing her own henchmen, so who's to say she can't do it again? (takes a deep breath) So for now, we're gonna walk back to the bunker, and hopefully find a safe place to quarantine Charlotte on the way there. I don't want to do it, but we have no choice now.
Julian: (gives an upset nod) I know, whatever happens cannot be undone. Still doesn't make it easy. Let's... Let's just get moving now. I don't want to dwell on it now.
(Y/N) and Mommy Mearest give Julian a nod, understanding that he doesn't want to dwell on this subject anymore, and start to make their way out of the calamity they just took part in. Unfortunately, they can't even take a few steps out of the street, when all of them hear the sounds of weapons behind them, and turn around to view their attacker. By their unfortunate luck, the person close behind them is the Corrupted Pico, who must've avoided the chain reaction in the nick of time as well, judging by the fact that he doesn't have any signs of damage on him.
Corrupted Pico: Well, you guys really do have such an interesting way to extend the chase, huh? Well, I guess I can afford to play with you three for a little while longer.
Julian: (groans) Seriously?! Can't we have at least one hour of calming down, and not deal with one of you freaks bothering us?!
Corrupted Pico: (sarcastically) Let me think about that. (smirks) No.
(Y/N): (heavily sighs) Doesn't matter on if we accept your little fight or not, because you'll just keep following us until we eventually pass out from exhaustion. I'm getting used to your patterns by now. (glares) If that's how you want to play, then bring it on. (looks to Mearest) You ready for your final stand, Charlotte?
Mommy Mearest: (nods) Of course, kid. If I'm going down, then I'll make sure I do with every little bit of me going as well. (looks to Pico) Okay, you sharpshooter. What do you say for a rematch.
Corrupted Pico: I say... (aims his guns) You've got your little challenge an acceptance. Let's dance!
*Song Name: Aftermath by Funny Man (Imagine it's Corrupted Pico Vs (Y/N) and Mommy Mearest instead of Corrupted Pico Vs Darnell and Mommy Mearest)*
A slow yet intense melody begins to play as the Corrupted Pico starts the song off, sounding foreboding while also firing his guns at them, attempting to finish the two fighters off due to their condition. Instead, the female popstar and young boy use the parts of them that have been already infected to block the bullets, followed by Julian occasionally throwing whatever scrap metal is nearby, hoping that it can distract the infected gunslinger. Unfortunately for Julian, all that does is infuriate the Corrupted Pico ever so slightly, which results in the lanky adult soon taking cover from some pissed-off bullet fire.
Back with (Y/N) and Mommy Mearest, they continue on fighting, with the young boy still singing with a raspy, tired voice, and the demonic devil in the kimono still combating the corruption that spreads across them. They're bodies want to just give up, but their minds insist that they keep pushing forward. However, soon Mommy Mearest notices that throughout the battle, the Corrupted Pico is mostly focusing his ammo straight towards her, and only firing at (Y/N) when he tries to perform a solo. Seeing this, she knows that she's being prioritised as the bigger threat, and so she decides to take the battle to her consciousness now.
The halfway point of the song hits, and the corruption fully takes over Mommy Mearest, making it seem like the battle has just become more troublesome for (Y/N) and Julian, however the former is smirking for two different reasons. First, he sees how the Corrupted Pico is no longer firing his bullets at him, which brings the possible conclusion that he's now run out of ammo. And second, even though Mommy Mearest has fallen, her eyes aren't glowing and her vocals aren't being aimed at anyone. Eventually, the struggle of the tired reaches its end, with neither side properly claiming victory.
Corrupted Pico: (chuckles) Your defiance is impressive, even when considering your little disadvantage, but now is where your story ends. Mearest, finish them off! (Mearest doesn't respond) Uh, Mearest? (still nothing) Mearest! (Pico grows annoyed) Hey, you stupid witch! Respond when I'm talking to you!!
(Y/N): (chuckles) Seems like Charlotte's still fighting your possession in her mind, which might be unlucky for you all. Now, if you'll excuse us, there's something waiting for us nearby.
Corrupted Pico: (confused) And what might that be?
(Y/N): (smirks) Our ride.
Without warning, both (Y/N) and Julian quickly turn around and book it to a nearby vehicle, hoping to hotwire it and escape, despite none of them having proper driving experience, and ignoring what they said a few hours ago. Seeing this, the Corrupted Pico aims his guns at them, only to remember that he has nothing to fire at them. So, he tosses them to the ground and begins to give chase. Soon, (Y/N) and Julian reach the door, and are about to pry it open, when a surprise figure charges from the unconscious pile, bolts past Pico, and knocks (Y/N) to the ground, making the boy look up at the figure as his eyes fill with fear.
It's the Corrupted Tabi...
And he has a knife in his hands...
(Y/N): (deathly afraid) T-Tabi? Wh-What are you-
The Corrupted Tabi soon kicks (Y/N) away, before charging straight at the young boy, knife drawn and ready to swing the moment he gets close. (Y/N) tries to hold him back, but the infected Russian soon grabs him by the neck tightly, chocking him for a moment, before slamming him against the ground, followed by punching the young boy across the chest, and then tossing him at a stone wall, where (Y/N) collides with it with his broken arm, making the pain amplify worse. As he lays there covered in bruises and scars, the Corrupted Tabi begins to walk over, readying his knife for the finishing blow...
Julian: (getting louder) Pick on someone who has your own temper!!
Out of nowhere, Julian comes running in with his metal pipe, and actually lands a blow onto the pissed off ex, but all that really does is infuriate the Corrupted Tabi more, who simply punches his attacker in the chest with aggression, before knocking Julian away with his own weapon, and continuing his march back to his first victim. Once up close to him, Tabi lifts the injured (Y/N) up to his height, and holds his knife up to his neck.
Corrupted Tabi: (grinning) Now look at you, all beaten up and broken, left to the mercy of a monster such as myself. Too bad for you, there's no second chances. Now, any last words?
(Y/N): (struggling to breath) P-P-Please... Tabi... D-Don't do... this...
Corrupted Tabi: Then you better give me a good reason on why you should live right this minute. ((Y/N) says nothing) Nothing? Well, guess you've already accepted your fate.
The Corrupted Tabi swings his knife at (Y/N)'s neck, but the young boy quickly evades the attack, and escapes his clutches by headbutting Tabi right in the skull. Now landing back onto his feet, (Y/N) finds himself once again avoiding aggressive knife swings aimed right at his own heart, desperately trying to activate his shadow magic, but is unable to due to it needing some time to properly recharge. So with little options left, (Y/N) quickly makes a run for it, ducking into an alleyway for safety, as the Corrupted Tabi gives chase after him, only to be stopped by, surprisingly, the Corrupted Pico, who latches onto the Russian's back.
Corrupted Pico: (outraged) What the hell is wrong with you?!! Didn't you hear what the bosses say for payment?!! We need (Y/N) to be kept alive, under any circumstances, and not trying to kill him!!!
Despite the ginger causing some form of a distraction and annoyance, the Corrupted Tabi soon grabs him by the back of the shirt, and then throws him straight towards the wrecked limo, making it clear that he didn't agree to every term given to him, before regaining his focus on what he was doing earlier. Back in the alleyway, (Y/N) silently sobs to himself as he takes cover behind a dumpster, hearing Tabi destroy everything he could be possibly hiding behind, and getting closer with each passing minute. He just wishes that he could get away from this attacker.
Suddenly, (Y/N) feels his headache return full force, almost like something is begging to be let out, or it will continue causing pain. At the same time, he begins to hear something, or rather someone trying to speak to him. While the voice sounds muffled when first heard, it begins to become more clearer, the closer the Corrupted Tabi slowly got, until (Y/N) can properly understand it, and it sounds...
Julian and the Corrupted Pico soon look to themselves as they hear the Corrupted Tabi continue to tear apart everything inside the alleyway, while letting out multiple swears in Russian every time he's unable to find his target. Eventually though, both are left in anticipation as everything ominously goes silent. Clearly wanting an answer, Julian carefully creeps over to the alleyway to find out what's happening, when out of nowhere, the Corrupted Tabi is soon thrown out, followed by a sudden flash of...
As the light dies down, Julian sees that (Y/N) has now emerged from the alleyway, and walks over to face the Corrupted Tabi, but that's when both Julian and the Corrupted Pico notice that something's... off about the young boy. Starting off, he now has glitchy horns emerging out of the sides of his head, and a long, sharp, glitchy tail has also made itself known by rattling in the air. Finally, (Y/N)'s facial expression appears to no longer bare any resemblance to his usual one, having a grin of wicked malice extending across his face, while a white shining pixelated star takes the form of his left eye, as his right eye is obscured by his hair.
What has happened to (Y/N)?!
If that wasn't strange enough, both Julian and the Corrupted Pico soon notice that this... thing's presence is beginning to shift everything around them. The vehicles, lamp posts, and the utility posts begins to spark and shake, before exploding and causing small fires to be formed around and below them, seemingly being overloaded. What's stranger is that the sky, which has been blanketed in darkness but still drops some form of weather has also changed, becoming just pure static, as the rain has abruptly stopped.
The Corrupted Pico takes another few glances at the creature taking the form of his brother-figure, before his eyes widen in disbelief. Not wanting to await disaster, he rushes over to his unconscious comrades in order to wake them up, leaving Julian as the only spectator to this upcoming brawl, as the Corrupted Tabi attempts to march up to "(Y/N)".
Corrupted Tabi: (growling) So, unveiling a new trick now that your feeling threatened? Do you honestly believe that even with your new looks, you stand any chance at escaping from your demise?
Corrupted Tabi: (silent for a while) So this is who you really are underneath all that fear and speeches full of deceitful prayers? Some kind of amalgamated megalomanic that sees itself as a god? Well... (chuckles) If this is your final stand, then I'll make sure that the crash into reality hurts more than you entering hell!!
*Song Name: Seinaru korin zen'no-sha*
Original Song: Ballistic + Genocide Mashup by LPpassy96 (Imagine it's Corrupted Tabi Vs "(Y/N)" instead of Tabi Vs Whitty)*
Julian watches the Corrupted Tabi begins to once again laugh at his opponent's aggressive statement, as "(Y/N)" proceeds to let out some form scream that causes the lanky adult to cover his ears for protection, as more of the atmosphere begins to warp and distort. Until...
Corrupted Tabi: LET'S! END! THIS! HERE!
The melody flares up instantly, with Julian's ears now picking up an aggressive and downright bombastic instrumental that reminds him of how Whitty used to sing when he was angered. Now feeling like it's safe to properly spectate the battle, Julian begins to take a proper look at the two fighters, and how they sing. Starting off with the Corrupted Tabi, his vocal skills appear to be slower, yet it's filled with such murderous intent, especially when he lets out roars of frustration, aimed at his opponents antics during the battle.
As for the entity that's standing in (Y/N)'s placement, it's voice immediately scares Julian upon hearing. What's entering his ears sounds like a horrid combination of (Y/N)'s own voice and some sort of computer noise blaring something horrific through it's speakers. Despite this, he's able to pick up some kind of tone in its voice, which sounds playful more than vicious. It's even seen in it's movement, as it appears to be toying with the Corrupted Tabi, even going off on a solo, just to aggravate his opponent even more.
Corrupted Tabi: (seething with rage) You! Get on my nerves!
In order to retaliate against "(Y/N)"'s onslaught, the Corrupted Tabi starts to sing his own solo, but after that, it just goes back to the two fighting for control throughout the song, just with whatever's taken possession of the young boy continuing to piss off the infected Russian in front of him. By the halfway point, the two begin to sing more slower, as both their vocals and the instrumental itself slowly building up to something, similar to Tabi's own rage rising like a volcano erupting.
And then, the Russian goes in...
Corrupted Tabi: (twitching aggressively) Feel pain!!!
While still singing, Corrupted Tabi runs in with his knife and swings it at his opponents neck, only for the entity to swiftly grab his wrist and then slam him around like a ragdoll, before throwing him into the same building Tabi threw (Y/N) in, upon hitting the wall and falling, the infected Russian stands up, only to see his opponent no longer in his sight. Suddenly, "(Y/N)" then appears and uppercuts the Corrupted Tabi, sending him up to the clouds, before once again teleporting to him and slamming him down, having him crash through an old building.
As Julian winces at that moment of brutality, he's soon surprised as the Corrupted Tabi bursts out of the crumbling structure, only having a small number of bruises aligning his body, as "(Y/N)" warps back to the ground and continues on the rap battle, its grin becoming more larger as it appears to be having fun, still aggravating the infected Russian, to the point that he once again goes in for a punch to the ribs, onto for his attack to be parried, and for Tabi to be punished by having a horn ripped off in one motion, making him scream in both pain and anger.
As Julian recoils at the action, he soon notices that the both local and physical battle has now gotten a larger audience watching, as now the other corrupted attackers from before have now woken up and are watching, each with their own reactions for Julian to take notice of. Starting with BF, GF, and Pico, they seem to be in complete shock, while the eyes of the infected couple show recollection. Have they encountered something similar during their past encounters?
After that, he moves on to the Corrupted Darnell and Corrupted Nene, seeing their reactions clashing against each other. For the pyromaniac, they appear to be confused about what's going on, while the knife-wielder seems to be left in a trance by "(Y/N)"'s actions. What's more is that Julian swears he can see hearts in her eyes, so he backs away from her. Next, he moves onto the Corrupted Cassandra, who's expression is a mix between the previous two. She appears to be intrigued by the entity's abilities, as well as the way it's been relentlessly attacking the Corrupted Tabi.
Finally, Julian turns to the Corrupted Mommy Mearest, who judging by how her eyes are now glowing pink instead of red, she must've finally fallen to the corruption. Regardless, he looks to her expression and sees how she's rather speechless by this, left in a similar state of shock as her daughter.
Corrupted Tabi: (growing infuriated) GIVE UP ALREADY, BASTARD!!!
Soon, all of them are brought back to the rap battle as the Corrupted Tabi and "(Y/N)" soon return back to building up to the final part of the song, though Julian notices that the Corrupted Boyfriend is whispering something to the Corrupted Girlfriend, who nods before going to inform the others, right when Tabi decides to go all out for the final remaining moments.
Corrupted Tabi: (bursts out in rage) JUST!!!! DIE!!!!
Just like before, the Corrupted Tabi goes swinging in with his knife, clearly having not learnt his lesson from before. This time, the figure in (Y/N)'s body doesn't grab his attackers knife, instead letting himself get stabbed, only to surprise everyone there by letting the weapon go right through him. While the Corrupted Tabi stands there, completely in shock of his one method of critical damage being revealed to be useless, he's suddenly grabbed by the jaw as "(Y/N)" continues to pull on it, possibly having the intention of breaking it.
However, as the song slowly begins to finish, the entity possessing (Y/N) takes the moment to look at the shocked audience, not caring for the Corrupted Tabi desperately trying to pry himself free, before letting his grin grow wider for one final performance. If he's going to really scare them, he's going to do it in style.
With one final rapid spin, "(Y/N)" slams the Corrupted Tabi skull first onto the concrete road hard, creating a small crater beneath them and turning towards the speechless onlookers, its smile never wavering. In an instant, it rushes over to Julian, who flinches and closes his eyes as the entity gets closer, before the two of them get warped away in a blinding white flash. There, only the corrupted attackers remain, left in a state of disbelief on what they witnessed, as soon the Corrupted Girlfriend takes off, dragging her lover along with her.
Whatever it is they all just witnessed, they need to report it to their overlords, and fast...
(??? POV)
I look on at the current events of this timeline, sighing as my attempts to hopefully change a dreaded outcome being for nothing. I can't blame Tabi for holding a burning grudge that would never die down, but after so many retries, you'd think he would've learnt that desperate times call for desperate measures. I mean, even John needed help when subduing Whitty in his corrupted state!
What's more alarming is how that parasitic and infected soul just performed a technique I wasn't expecting. I know that all manners of souls can access the real world, but this one did it so recklessly, nearly putting this whole timeline in jeopardy by collapsing reality onto it!
After letting my mind rant about my attempts at intervening not working as I hoped they would, I let out a sigh, before choosing to step away from this timeline for now, and make sure that he doesn't find out what I'm doing, and tries to put an end to it.
I've watched so many timelines fall, and have been forced to retry so many times. I can't afford to do this again...
Week 4 has been Completed!!
Mommy Mearest has been overpowered by the Corruption!!
Tabi has joined forces with the Corruption!!
Current Party: (Y/N), Spirit, Julian, IRIS.
Shadow Manipulation Powered Up!! (Explanation): The Shadow Manipulation Magic has now become linked to (Y/N)'s Emotions!! Will activate on its own in order to protect him, but only when it doesn't need Recharging!!
WARNING: (Y/N)'s Mental Status is now 50% Broken!! Nightmares will become Worse, and Hallucinations will become Present!! Proceed With Caution!!
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