Week 3: Target Acquired, Military Base
I was sitting in the limo next to Dee Jay, waiting under a bridge as we both hear a crowd of corrupted citizens march above us, almost like they're going to somewhere or leaving from somewhere. Using this time, I decided to explain to Dee Jay what happened involving the Hating Simulator, from Boyfriend sending something called a "Glitch Soul" into the game, to seeing the Spirit bursting out of the protagonist, and me intervening by hitting the reset button on the console.
(Y/N): And then after the spirit deleted the glitch soul, the game was brought back to normal, and then some kind of scarlet aura blasted out of the TV and hit. I had no time to question what happened because Boyfriend and Girlfriend woke up, and I had to get out of there. What do you think happened?
I look to Dee Jay, who has a complete look of shock on his face, before coughing into his fist, and looking back at me with a more serious expression.
Dee Jay: Well, you may have that spirit now residing inside of your mind. ((Y/N)'s eyes widen at this) Now, it may sound scary, but this may actually be good. For starters, you might gain the abilities of that spirit, which may make you stronger against the corruption. Also, you'll be able to speak with this spirit telepathically, which means you can talk via your mind, if you were wondering.
(Y/N): (silent for a bit) Well... that's a lot to take in.
Dee Jay: It is, but just don't let it get to your head. All that matters is that we got the spirit out and safe from whatever the corruption was planning to do with it.
(Y/N): True, but now what? Head back to the complex and just wait out this apocalypse?
That question got Dee Jay stumped, same with me, since we had plenty of supplies, plenty of people to keep our sanities in check, and good defensive options in case of an attack. As Dee Jay prepared to start the engine again, static began to sound out of the radio. I started changing the channels in an attempt to stop the noise, but we got something interesting when I flipped it for the fifth time.
"Attention all survivors of Starlight City. This is Captain John, reporting from the badlands of this ruined masterpiece of a home. We are currently offering any of you geniuses who don't trust those shitty bunkers a nice place of safety and survival at our military base. Better hurry quick, before you turn into one of those mindless rejected Halloween decorations! (chuckles)"
After that, the static stopped and the radio was working again, but that didn't matter as me and Dee Jay looked at each other with a smile on our faces. We have a place where we can properly hide out! I know the apartment is nice, but it can only hold for so long, until we have corrupted people trying to break in. Without wasting anymore time, we start heading off to the complex to pick everyone up and get them to the military base. Eventually, we make it to the apartment, but there was something wrong with the place...
What I mean by that is the front door to the lobby was completely ripped off its hinges, there were signs of corruption all over the bottom half of the complex, and the top half seemed to have suffered some major damage, due to some burn marks, stalagmites, and craters being visible. Regardless, the others may still be in there, and I'm not leaving them behind.
(Y/N): (looks to Dee Jay) I'm going in to see if they're alright. If they are, wait for all of us to be in the limo before we head to the badlands. If they aren't, expect to see me run back here.
Dee Jay: (sends him a thumbs-up) You got it, kid. Let's just hope it's the latter.
I give Dee Jay a nod as I leave the limo and walk through the ruined lobby entrance, loading my Uzi with every step. When looking around the lobby, I notice that the elevator has been destroyed, in case to prevent either the corruption or any survivors from using it. Great, that means I have to take the stairs, and everyone's on the higher floor. It takes a while, but I soon reach the floor where everyone's on, and was not expecting the sight I'd see.
I thought the exterior was bad enough, but apparently the interior is even worse, with more burn marks, sharp stones extending everywhere, cracks in the walls, floor, and ceiling, along with footprints and handprints covered in that familiar black substance. The place looks like it hosted a brawl tonight!!! Still, I still have to see if everyone's alright, so I decide to play a risky move, and call out to anyone.
(Y/N): (taking cautious steps) Hello? Is someone there? Darnell? Nene? Hanzou? Anyone?
Suddenly, a hand grabs the back of my winter hoodie and pulls me into one of the nearby rooms. I close my eyes and aim my Uzi at the figure, expecting them to be corrupted, but instead...
Agoti: Whoa, dude, put that thing down!!
I open my eyes, seeing everyone that's been hiding out here with me all right, well, mostly everyone. The pink rope around Darnell's chest is starting to glow brighter and has a little bit of corruption on him, Sarvente has some corruption forming on her arms, and Sunday has a large splotch of it covering half her face. What even happened after I went on that walk?!
(Y/N): (sighs in relief) Glad to see you guys are okay, but happened here?
Agoti: While you were away, the corruption found out about our hiding spot here, and a large group went to attack us. We fended most of them off, but soon they deployed their big guns, which in their case was that corrupted cat from the arcade, some girl that seemed obsessed with Boyfriend, and a few kids wearing hats. It took a bit of struggling, but we got rid of them, but not without a few of us taking some blows. What about you? You're somehow uncorrupted, despite looking near fully infected a few hours ago.
I take in a deep breath, before explaining to them what happened from my perspective, starting with the encounter with Mrs Mearest and the Corrupted Cassandra, to the battle with the Corrupted Pico, then escaping with Dee Jay, and ending off with the whole Hating Simulator experience. Needless to say, they're more speechless than Dee Jay was.
(Y/N): Look, I know you all have a lot of questions, but right now isn't the time to be asking them. Me and Dee Jay overheard on the radio that there's a military base in the badlands offering protection from the corruption, so the plan is that we get everything we need from here, and ride off to there, where we can form some kind of plan to sort this whole mess out, ok? (everyone nods) Great. Now, grab what you need and get to the limo outside!
(3rd Person POV)
With clear instructions, everyone rushes into their respective rooms to grab whatever they see as valuable and make a rush for the exit, which unfortunately mean taking the long flight of stairs. Sunday takes her guitar, Darnell grabs some spare explosives, Nene gets her knife, Hanzou snags his katana and ninja stars, Sarvente brings her bible and some holy crosses, Agoti sneaks along a picture of his brother-figure and father-figure, and Garcello reaches for some nessesary supplies, like food, drinks, and entertainement.
Meanwhile, (Y/N) ends up taking a while, since he has a lot to bring with him. His stuff involves some extra rounds for his Uzi since he's starting to run low on bullets, some food and drinks from his mini fridge or cupboards, and most importantly, a photo of himself, Boyfriend, and Girlfriend from one of their hang-outs at the park. He takes a few more seconds looking at the photo before putting it in his pocket, and walking to the door...
Corrupted BF: Oh, (Y/N)~ Are you there?
(Y/N) quickly held his breath, his eyes widening as he ducks behind a table he knocked over during his search for anything. While he had the feeling that more corrupted people would be arriving soon, we wasn't expecting them to be here this quickly, especially now that he's cornered. For now, all he can do is hope one of the others comes to check on him, and not open that door.
Corrupted BF: I know you're in there, (Y/N)~ Please, let your dear old friend in, I don't want to hurt you~
(Y/N): Yeah, right! After enough encounters with you or someone else that's been infected, I have a little something called "Common Sense", so you're not getting in!
Corrupted BF: (laughs) You really think that you can evade us forever? Are masters are taking quite an interest in your little rebellion, and want you in their ranks. Come on, don't you want to hang out again, just like old times.
(Y/N): (stays silent for a bit) I know what you're trying to do, and while you may have got to me before, I'm not falling for it this time.
Corrupted BF: Alright. The hard way it is, then. Hope your skills on the mic haven't gone down after our last battle.
*Song Name: Struggle Of Dissonance*
*Original Song: Encounter Z-Mixed by Z Sharp Studios (Imagine some of the dialogue changing, Corrupted Boyfriend replacing the Alternate, (Y/N) replacing Mark, ??? replacing Alternate Gabriel, and Thatcher replaced by...)*
From both behind the door and in (Y/N)'s room, some music starts to play, as his TV suddenly flickers to life as the recording of a newscast during the beginning of the corruption echoes through the room, before abruptly stopping. (Y/N) and his corrupted friend both start singing against each other, when the newscast starts up again, but soon glitches and begins saying how you should give in, until...
Corrupted BF: (Y/N)~ LET! ME! IN!
With a crash and a distorted laugh, the Corrupted Boyfriend breaks into the room and stands in at the broken doorway, preventing (Y/N) from escaping, if given the chance. (Y/N), seeing this continues to rap back, not trying to listen to whatever his corrupted friend is trying to tell him. Soon, Corrupted Boyfriend attempts to take his first steps into the room, but (Y/N) loads his Uzi with the remaining bullets he has, getting his opponent to back off, for now.
Suddenly, the lights start to flicker, before going off completely and covering the entire room in darkness. Neither of the singers seem to be bothered by this, as Boyfriend's corrupted state allows him to see properly in these situations, and (Y/N) can clearly see the corruption's glowing pink face in the darkness, but the latter can't help but feel that something's off...
???: Open your eyes. Open your eyes.
(Y/N) suddenly hears a voice, one that sounds dark, deep, and full of malice. He starts to frantically look around, trying to see where the voice is coming from, but is unable to find anything that could serve as a hint due to the shadows, not to mention that the voice sounds like it's coming from every angle. Both the Corrupted Boyfriend and the mysterious person's voices start speaking in sync, still trying to get into (Y/N)'s head, as the young adult puts his hands to his ears in an attempt to block out the noise. All is going well, but then...
???: I will fool your mind. I know what you fear. Follow my voice. Wake up, (Y/N).
(Y/N) peeks from behind the table, seeing a figure standing right in the centre of the room, looking straight at him. Due to how dark the room is, he can't make much out of the figure, but what he can see is a dark lavender aura surrounding them, dark indigo eyes staring at him, and an unsettling feeling that whoever this is, they're worse than expected. Still, (Y/N) continues to sing, hoping to gain some kind of advantage, as the mysterious guest starts countering back.
???: The change in your mind, can you feel it friend?
We both know you're afraid, so stop playing pretend.
Your weapon cannot stop us, your time has come.
Nobody is coming for you, we have won.
Still, even with that attempt at shattering all of his hope and replacing it with fear, (Y/N) pushes on, not listening to a thing whatever this thing is has to say. Soon, the figure seems interested at the boys determination, evident by their eyes having a brief glow, before departing with one final message...
???: Your corruption will be perfect.
After that, the lights turn back on, with the figure now gone from the room. Now it's back to the Corrupted Boyfriend against (Y/N), with the former having a larger grin than before. Growing more annoyed, (Y/N) decides to get serious and fires a few bullets at his corrupted friend, getting him to stagger back from damage, but not enough to get him to fully leave. Boyfriend keeps attempting to convince (Y/N) to give in, which gets the young adult more annoyed as he fires more bullets, until there is only one left.
Seeing his opponents aggravation, the infected rapper decides now is the right time to deal the finishing blow, and changes tactics. As (Y/N) tries to find anymore spare bullets to help him, he soon hears a voice that's all too familiar to him. It's the voice of Boyfriend, the actual Boyfriend, uncorrupted. This starts to get to him, causing him to tear up from how much he misses his close friend. Meanwhile, the Corrupted Boyfriend chuckles darkly, enjoying how well the illusion is working. All he has to do is get in close and...
The Corrupted Boyfriend falls to the ground, looking up in anger and seeing Hanzou standing before him, katana drawn. At the same time, (Y/N) looks over the table, seeing someone came back for him. This snaps him out of the illusion, and he stands up, going beside Hanzou as they take on their opponent together. At this point, Boyfriend is now furious, his plan was working so well, but now it's ruined thanks to an unexpected rescue. He desperately tries to charge ahead and attack, but every attempt is met with a katana slash to him.
Corrupted Boyfriend: This isn't the end, (Y/N)!
Hanzou: I said stay back!!
In one final attempt to get them both in a position to corrupt them, the Corrupted Boyfriend tries to attack their minds once more, reminding them of all the friends they lost from previous attacks. However this doesn't work, as with one final push and cry...
(Y/N) fires his last bullet as Hanzou goes in for one final slash, the combined strikes launch the Corrupted Boyfriend out of the room and into the hallway, where he crashes into the wall, before falling unconscious.
(Y/N): (silent for a bit) You think that'll keep him down for long?
Hanzou: Possibly. During the earlier raid here, some of the corrupted assailants were struck down by stronger attacks, and they were rendered unconscious as well.
(Y/N): Okay. We should get to the limo now.
Hanzou: Yes, we must. Hold on tight, I know a shortcut.
Before (Y/N) can question Hanzou on what he means, the ninja grabs his wrist and leaps out of the nearby window, before both of them land on a thrown out mattress, as the limo pulls up in front of them. Wasting no time, they hop in, with (Y/N) sitting up at the front next to Dee Jay, and Hanzou sitting at the back next to Agoti, as the demonic henchman steps on the pedal and speeds out of the parking lot, out into the open road, and off towards their new fort.
Meanwhile, back inside the complex, Boyfriend soon wakes up, clutching his head as he wanders back into the room, noticing the broken window and peers out, noticing some car marks leading out. At this new piece of evidence, he chuckles to himself, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone, dialling Pico's number. They aren't safe for long. Back in the limo, everyone's having a moment of celebration, chatting away with each other, except for (Y/N), who decides to have a quick nap and recover some energy from all the stress.
While resting, (Y/N) finds himself in his mind again, only this time the area seems a bit more damaged than before. Whatever happened here, (Y/N) didn't have a clue on it. But soon, he sees the familiar figure of Glitch (Y/N) walking over, with the same star-shaped eye and creepy smile as he usually does. While this got (Y/N) nervous before, he's starting to feel more comfortable around his weird counterpart, he just doesn't know why.
(Y/N): Well, nice to see you again. It's been a while. (Glitch (Y/N) nods) Hey, is it okay if I ask you a quick question? (Glitch (Y/N) nods) Okay, do you happen to know something about these things called "Glitch Souls"?
Glitch (Y/N): ...YES.
(Y/N): (caught off-guard) Wait, you know something about them? (Glitch (Y/N) nods) Well, could I happen to get an explanation?
Glitch (Y/N) just says nothing, except generating a glitchy mic and tosses it to (Y/N), who catches it with ease as the staticky entity creates his own.
(Y/N): Another rap battle for answers, huh? Is there a particular reason behind this, or do you just like doing this for fun?
(Y/N) didn't know how to take that answer, but decided to worry about it for another time, as he grips his mic and stares down his glitchy doppelganger.
*Song Name: Breaking*
*Original Song: In Your Mind by blazingrose (Imagine it's Glitch (Y/N) VS (Y/N) instead of Soul BF VS Boyfriend)*
Their battle begins, with the song sounding both digital and ominous, yet hopeful, as (Y/N) and Glitch (Y/N) sing against each other. During the song, Glitch (Y/N) begins to say stuff to his real world counterpart, like "KEEP GOING" and "STAY FOCUSED", making him realise that he's being trained by him, told to try harder so that he can stand a chance against the corruption. Still, that doesn't explain the damaged mindscape.
Halfway through the song, a brief pause occurs, as (Y/N) suddenly feels the atmosphere feel colder than before. At this, Glitch (Y/N) starts to speak to his real world counterpart again, trying to get him to ignore this sudden feeling change, telling him that this whole thing isn't "All for nothing", before pulling a trick out of his staticky sleeve. He summons a glitchy black-and-white guitar, and begins shredding like crazy.
(Y/N) soon pauses from the singing, finding himself mesmerised from Glitch (Y/N)'s skills with the guitar, reminding him of when he taught Boyfriend how to play one. Now having his confidence return to him, he continues the song, getting Glitch (Y/N)'s attention, and getting the glitchy copycat to back with the same enthusiasm. Eventually, the song ends on I high note, and both variations of (Y/N) giving each other a fist bump, appreciating their skills in the song.
(Y/N): (chuckles) Man, that was a good one! I can tell we both enjoyed it! (Glitch (Y/N) smiles back) Now, not to rush things along, but you did promise to tell me what a glitch soul is.
The short but simple explanation still left (Y/N) more questions than answers. For starters, Glitch (Y/N) didn't say who created glitch souls, never mentioned if they can mimic the soul they're sent to destroy, and most importantly, what does he mean by "not like them"? Before (Y/N) can ask for more answers, his vision is met with a bright light, signifying that he's waking up. After the light subdues, he opens his eyes, being met with a harsh sun, and Dee Jay shaking him awake.
Dee Jay: You must've really enjoyed sleeping, kid. You were out for 2 whole days. Regardless, we made it to the place, and someone wants to meet you.
(Y/N) gives Dee Jay a nod, letting him know he understands, as he opens the door and hops out of the limo, coming face-to-face with a familiar figure from when he landed there before the whole outbreak happened. The figure appears to be wearing some black-and-white military gear, with a large black helmet with black visors. He also has some troops behind him that look similar, with one having large white circles instead of a visor. The one leading this group is simply known as Tankman, from what (Y/N) remembers, and the goggle-eyed person is his partner, Steve.
Tankman: Huh, wasn't expecting to see one of those kids that tried to make me emotional survive. Where's that blue-haired midget and his lame excuse of a date?
(Y/N): They were around the first to be infected.
Tankman: Really? Well, is that carrot-haired shooter with PTSD still around?
(Y/N): He fell to the corruption.
Tankman: Damn it! I wanted to get revenge for him killing half my platoon! (groans) Anyway, you can chat with others we found, get to know each other, I don't care. Only rule is no wandering outside at night, unless you got a weapon.
(Y/N): We'll, good thing I still have my Uzi and knife.
Agoti: Does Earthbending count as a weapon to you?
Sarvente: Or demonic magic?
Tankman: Normally, I'd deny those last two, but since times are getting dire, I'm taking whatever the fuck I have available. So yes, they count. Now, get to the cafeteria, you all look and sound like you need something to eat. (walks off)
Following Tankman, we soon arrived at the cafeteria, being blown away by all the different food options available. There were pizza, fries, hot dogs, milkshakes, pies, everything! So, naturally feeling hungry, we all took what we know our stomachs can handle, and sat down to enjoy ourselves. During this, I was soon approached by one of the survivors. This survivor appears to have pale skin and is wearing a white hat with a lightning bolt symbol on it, a black shirt, black baggy pants with a belt, white shoes, and a cigarette in his hand.
???: So, you lost some close friends, as well? Guess I ain't the only one.
(Y/N): Yeah, I still miss them. What about you?
???: Lost my whole team, even my captain, but was picked up by Captain Curse over there. (points to Tankman)
(Y/N): (chuckles) My name's (Y/N). What about you?
Skittles: I'm Skittles. Please don't make any food jokes, most of my platoon, and Steve, have beat you to it.
(Y/N): Don't worry, I'm not that person. (offers a handshake, which Skittles accepts)
Skittles: Good to know. So, what happened with you?
(Y/N): Well...
Agoti: Take that, you suckers!
Steve: Plus 4, and I'm done!
(Y/N) and Skittles turn around to see why Agoti and Steve are shouting, and see them finishing a game of Uno against three other strangers, all of which seem to be wearing black gear, with either some white gear on top. For example, while all of them seem to be wearing chest armour made of cardboard, decorated with fake spikes, the first person has a hockey mask covering his face, the second has a rugby helmet on, and the third is wearing a motorbike helmet.
Steve: Looks like I win again, high-five! (Agoti gives him one, but the others don't) You three gonna leave me hanging? Aww.
???1: We want a rematch, mate.
???2: Yeah, rematch.
???3: Yeah.
Steve: (mockingly) Yeah? Well, I want a pretty pink birthday cake with my face on it, But that doesn't mean it's gonna happen.
Agoti: (looks at Steve) You really want that?
Steve: When Captain John regularly forgets your birthday, you'd accept any form of a cake, even if it looks ridiculous.
???1: (pulls out a knife) I said we wanted a rematch, mate!
(Y/N): Who even are they?
Skittles: They're some seperate group called the Thugmen or Sportsguys, a third-party team out here that just like to play games, and kill anyone that beats them. I'm surprised they survived this long, why do you want to know? You wanna talk to them?
(Y/N): Yeah, but at the same time, I don't wanna stop talking with you.
Skittles: It's fine, you go have fun with those lunatics. We can always talk another time.
(Y/N): Okay, then.
(Y/N) gets up from his seat, bringing some food he hasn't finished along with him, as he heads over to the game table, catching the attention of the three Thugmen.
???1: Well, lookie here. We got ourselves a new player.
Agoti: (sees (Y/N)) Ah, (Y/N). You wanna join our Uno game?
(Y/N): (sits down) Sure, though, can I at least know their names? (points to the Thugmen) I only know their team name, so I don't want to be rude and constantly call them "Thugmen".
Chad: (chuckles) Politeness won't get you far, kid. But if you want to know, I'm Chad, the leader of our little group. The one with the mask is called Chuckie, and the one with the motorbike helmet is Lincoln.
Chuckie: Sup, potential brat? (Lincoln just waves)
(Y/N): Nice to meet you three. (waves back at Lincoln) Now, shall we start up a new game?
Chad: Yeah, it's rematch time, baby!
Chuckie + Lincoln: Yeah!
Steve: (scoffs) Fine, if you three are gonna be like that. But I'm winning that knife, Cunningham, you mark my words.
And so, the large group of survivors begin to enjoy their time here at the military base. For the next 10 days, their routine remains the same: Get some breakfast after waking up, go through a training course to stay fit, have some lunch, play some games with each other, have dinner, more free time, and then some people will join Captain John and Steve in doing some night patrols while the others get some rest.
After said 10 days, they're now on the 11th day. Everyone has finished dinner and are enjoying their free time, which for (Y/N) means playing Uno with Agoti, Steve, and the Thugmen until night hits.
Agoti: (chuckles) You know, this reminds me of the time when Tabi, Whitty, and I gave this game a try. Tabit was unable to pick up a single green, and we just kept forcing him to pick up more cards, either by playing draw 2 or 4, or by simply reversing it back to him.
Chuckie: Man, did he ever win a game.
Agoti: Eventually.
Chad: Shut up, you two, and focus on the game! That little dipshit over there is down to one card! (points at Steve)
(Y/N): Yup, he is! Unfortuantely, it's all down to you, Lincoln! (puts down a red 4)
Chad: Come on, Lincoln! Try to save the game, man! (Lincoln puts down a green 4) Ha! Take that, you stinking card shuffling rigger! (Steve smirks and puts down a green 9) NO!
(Y/N): Well, Steve beat us all... again.
Agoti: How does he do it?
Chuckie: Is he some kind of card reader or something?
Steve: Oh, looks like I win again. Surprise, surprise.
(Y/N): Dude, no need to rub it in.
Chad: (groans in anger) We want a rematch!
Chuckie: Yeah, a rematch!
Steve: Yeah, right, posers. And for the record, plastic sports gear isn't real armour.
Agoti: Neither is cardboard. You're just asking for a weapon to take you out.
Chad: (laughs) You two are just jealous that we've got spikes and style, and you two don't! At least the little maggot has actual weapons!
Steve: (fires his shotgun into the ceiling and mockingly laughs) Look who's jealous of everyone who's about to get a bullet in their liver!
Tankman: Steve, stop wasting valuable ammo and get outside for late night patrols! (looks to (Y/N)) You're coming with us too, buddy, and so is that survivor of the enemy team.
(Y/N): Okay. (looks to the others) Sorry I have to go, guys.
Agoti: It's fine. See you in the morning.
Chad: Yeah, hope your ready to get crushed tomorrow! (leaves with Chuckie and Lincoln)
Soon, (Y/N) had his knife and loaded Uzi in hand as he stands outside with Captain John, Steve, and Skittles, overlooking the badlands with the sun setting in front of them, making the clouds a relaxing orange. (Y/N) has heard of how the patrol goes from Agoti, it's mostly you wander around the defences that surround the base, gets some coffee to keep you going, and eventually head back inside at around 4 AM.
Steve: Yo, John! I'm gonna go take a piss, okay?
Tankman: Okay, just make sure to bring your weapon with you.
With Steve leaving the group, the three split up to do their own patrols, with Tankman checking the west, (Y/N) taking the north, and Skittles seeing the south. During this, (Y/N) decides to go and check on Skittles, since his area is all clear with no signs of anything trying to break in. After walking over to the southern walls, with some help from a nice coffee break, he soon spots Skittles, who looks bored from keeping guard.
(Y/N): Hey, Skittles. My section's all right, so I thought I'd check up on you.
Skittles: Heh, thanks, man. Well, nothing interesting has been happening over here, besides some of the troops opting to shoot at a few random tumbleweeds for fun. How about you?
(Y/N): Only exciting thing is that private Noob69 challenged everyone to an arm wrestling match, and lost every single one of them. I'm surprised his arms haven't broke from how many times he went up.
Skittles: (laughs) Man, I should've been there to watch and take part. Did you actually challenge him as well?
(Y/N): Yeah. I was one of his first opponents. Let me say though, even if he looks quite weak, his arm strength is still impressive.
For the next hour or two, (Y/N) and Skittles both continued their conversation, changing to many different topics to make sure they don't get bored, all while making sure to check their own sections as well, to make sure that they're still performing their duties. After wrapping up a conversation about some European criminal empire plotting to make a space station, both are approached by Captain John, who oddly has a concerned look on his face.
Tankman: Hey, candy boy and friend of the blue rat, have any of you seen or heard from Steve lately? I haven't gotten a word from him after he went to do his business, and neither have the soldiers from the eastern wall.
(Y/N): Nope, I haven't heard from him.
Skittles: Same with me.
Tankman: That's strange... (sees a soldier running over) Hey, why aren't you at your post?
Soldier: Sir! We've got an emergency at the eastern wall! A group of corrupted kids have attacked and getting most of the troops there infected!
Tankman: What?! Isn't Steve there?
Soldier: Negative, sir! We've heard nothing from Steve!
Tankman: Well, stick me in a dress and call me Sally, guess I'll deal with this myself. (looks to (Y/N) and Skittles) You too come along, In case I need some extra firepower.
Skittles: Okay.
(Y/N): Got it.
Tankman, (Y/N), and Skittles follow the soldier over to the eastern wall, where some heavy damage is visible, as well as most of the soldiers almost fully corrupted, with the cause standing right by a hole in the wall. Aside from there being a few unrecognisable kids, as well as a tall woman, that being Skid's mother Lila, leading the whole operation is revealed to be the Corrupted Skid and Pump, who seem joyous at the anarchy they're causing.
Tankman: Well, well, well. What do we have here? A bunch of children dressed in Halloween costumes attacking my base? Well, what would your mother say?
Corrupted Lila: She'd say to not listen to strangers and to continue what our master wants.
Tankman: So there is someone pulling the strings on you freaks, huh? No matter, one little bullet and they'll drop dead faster than you can say "Oh, shit"! (chuckles)
Soldier: I wouldn't take the lightly, sir. They corrupted our strongest units with ease.
(Y/N): I agree with the soldier, whatever that black stuff is made of, it's strong.
Tankman: Thanks for the info, kid and rookie, but I'm not afraid of a couple black paint.
Corrupted Skid: You mean you aren't getting scary for Scary Month?
Corrupted Pump: Let's help you out with that!
The corrupted spooky kids then send a blast of corruption at Captain John, who blocks it with his right arm, getting it infected and causing some of it to splash onto his visor. Despite this, he seems unaffected by what just hit him.
Tankman: Wow, talk about ant-climactic. I've seen water pistols that were way more intimidating than a kid dressing as an unfunny internet meme and another kid walking out of a pumpkin patch. (laughs as he loads his shotgun) I suggest you all run away now, before I permanently end your little game.
Corrupted Skid: Oh, yeah, mister? Than how about we have a rap battle? If you win, we'll leave and say that this wasn't a good idea.
Corrupted Pump: But if we win, we take your base and everyone inside!
Tankman: What, do you really think I'd be reckless enough to make that bet? Well, consider yourselves correct! (pulls out a microphone) Let's rock, you little runts!
*Song Name: Shoots by Carlito049 (Imagine bullets are being fired by Tankman, (Y/N) and Skittles)*
The first song of the battle begins, with the sun starting to set across the badlands, the soldiers at the eastern wall attempting to save their comrades from the corruption, and Tankman taking on the spooky kids alone, as a song with ominous sirens and clanging metal in the background. During this song, Tankman gives the infected children an honest compliment, before having himself, (Y/N), and Skittles change their fire from the fully corrupted soldiers, to the his opponents.
With a quick wave of bullets, they are able to push back the corrupted Skid and Pump, even removing some of the corruption off their left eyes, as they tear up in confusion. Seeing this, the Corrupted Lila gains an angered look, and calls in for some reinforcements over her own. With a click of her fingers, the corrupted Ross and Robert of the Hatzgang arrive and start to corrupt more soldiers, slashing at their chests and infecting them with ease.
Due to more soldiers getting corrupted, Tankman turns his attention away from the spooky kids and to Lila and the Hatzgang members, ordering his troops, (Y/N), and Skittles to take fire at them, in order to prevent more soldiers from getting corrupted. By the end of the song, the corruption is starting to spread across Tankman, now reaching his visor, as he gives the spooky kids a look of disgust.
Tankman: Ugh... This stuff is pretty disturbingly disgusting, not to mention strong.
(Y/N): See, it sorta weakens your body, making it more easy to get corrupted.
Tankman: Thanks for the warning, kid. But I'm starting to get unsure if even getting out of here alive is possible. (hears a tank rolling over) Sweet, It's Steve! Hey, if you can hear me, Steve, I need you to fire at those-
Tankman is soon cut off by a distorted chuckle, as he, (Y/N), and Skittles look to see who's on the tank. Aside from seeing a corrupted Roy, the last member of the Hatzgang, the one driving the tank is the one who catches their attention, as it's a Corrupted Steve, with his armour being darkened, his visor and white parts of his armour and goggles now pink, and white eyes glowing through his goggles.
Corrupted Steve: Hey, boss! I managed to find the tank and get it working again! Also, why would I put and end to to this, especially when the fun has just begun! You look like you're having fun!
Upon seeing his best friend and loyal army buddy not only corrupted, but also used against him, Tankman goes silent for a bit, allowing the corruption to spread more, infecting the entire left side of him, and causing his left eye to glow white, shining out of the now stained visor. After said moment of silence passes, he turns towards (Y/N), with clear anger burning across his face.
Tankman: Hey, kid. Aside from bullets, is there another way to get this stuff off?
(Y/N): We'll, you have to sing better than the corrupted opponent, and have a strong enough spirit. Why?
Tankman: Because change of plans. Men, prepare to save those brats and your fellow comrades. After that, eliminate the rest from life immediately.
Skittles: (shocked) What?! Are you really gonna kill everyone else?
Tankman: Yes. Attacking my troops is one thing, but when you go after Steve, that's when you cross the fucking line! Hope you brats can improve on your skills, because this fight just got personal, and I'm about to go fucking insane!
Corrupted Skid: Look, Pump! The army man is mad at us! Maybe we pressed his buttons.
Corrupted Pump: (giggles) We'll, let's push more of them, and see what happens!
*Song Name: Catastrophe by Carlito049 (Imagine Tankman, (Y/N), and Skittles firing bullets during the song)*
With rage across his face, round 2 begins for Tankman and the Corrupted Skid and Pump with the sound of bullets from (Y/N), Skittles, Tankman's remaining troops, and Tankman himself being accompanied by a more stressful and serious song. During this battle, a clear pattern was emerging, that being Skid and Pump returning to a fully corrupted state, only for Tankman and the others to start to free them, always getting them back to where the were a few steps ago.
The Corrupted Lila also noticed this and prepared to the Corrupted Hatzgang members to attack Tankman while he's distracted, and corrupt him even more. However, before she can enact her plan, (Y/N) and Skittles give her a surprise wave of bullets, knocking her unconscious and preventing her from giving any more orders. Even without Lila ordering commands to the army, the battle ends with most of Tankman fully corrupted, except for his right arm, right side of his head, and some of his chest, while the spooky kids remain fully corrupted.
Skittles: (worried) Tankman, you might wanna consider pulling back! This is starting to become too much to handle!
Tankman: You're right, Skittles. This fucking infection is spreading like a forest fire, but there's one thing you're forgetting: I never retreat.
(Y/N): You're joking, right?!
Tankman: Nope, cause I got me a plan. Men, on my mark, prepare to fire onto everyone! Shoot that corruption off of everyone!
(Y/N): (unsure) Are you sure this may work?
Tankman: It's better than just standing around and getting infected! Alright, men. Open fire!!!
Tankman, (Y/N), Skittles, and the remaining soldiers aim their weapons at the corrupted army, ready to obliterate them with a barrage of unstoppable bullets, but then (Y/N) notices something arriving in the distance, and it's coming at a fast speed...
(Y/N): Incoming limo!!!
Tankman: What?!
The limo crashes through the remains of the eastern defence wall, shattering it and causing a cloud of smoke to appear. When the smoke subdues, a group of corrupted henchmen are seen standing on top of the limo, as a figure (Y/N) recognises steps out from the drivers seat. It's Mommy Mearest, fully corrupted with pink strings around her stomach area, and her eyes and smile glowing an ominous pink.
Corrupted MM: Good job on distracting those foolish soldiers, boys.
Corrupted Skid: Thanks, Mrs Demon! And look, there's someone your daughter wants!
Corrupted MM: (notices (Y/N)) You're right, it's that boy my dear daughter wants. Well, soldier boy. If you hand over the boy to me, I'll consider leaving you and the remains of your pitiful army alive for now.
This gets (Y/N) worried. From his interactions with Tankman, he knows that he's willing to do anything in order to achieve victory against his opponents. He was even gonna order everyone that remains to open fire on the army, risking all their remaining ammo gone a few seconds earlier. There's no way he would-
Tankman: Hell no, woman. I may love wasting men and ammo, but that's mostly on accident. Never would I actually willingly throw a good soldier away, and what's more is that they're still young. So, go make your deal to someone more gullible.
Never mind, this wasn't what (Y/N) was expecting. He was expecting Tankman to toss him to the corrupted demon, leaving him to be captured as they have a higher chance of survival, but instead, he denied the offer, which begins to make the young adult tear up.
(Y/N): (wiping away a few tears) Thanks, Tankman.
Tankman: Don't mention it, you little squirt. But wipe more tears away, cause this fight isn't over yet!
Corrupted MM: The fight would've continued, if you had complied. But since you didn't, this is were your story ends. Steve, kill the leader right now!
The Corrupted Steve takes aim at Tankman, locking and loading his weapon while aiming at his former captain. Seeing this, (Y/N), Skittles, and everyone else aims at their infected comrade, waiting for him to try, but Tankman just puts up his hand, signifying to lower their weapons as he looks to Steve with a smirk. What was he planning on doing? Even the corrupted figures are confused by this sudden action, as Tankman starts speaking to Steve.
Tankman: Come on, Steve. I know you're in there. I know that I've been much of an asshole to you for the past few years, but ever since I noticed that you stuck by my side, no matter what, and for that, you've earned my respect. (Steve begins to shake) You remember the bro code we made, right? Remember rule number 1, never betray a bro, no matter what happens to us both?
The more Tankman continues to remind the Corrupted Steve about the memories they have together, the more the latter begins to shake, even starting to tear up as his smile becomes more of an upset frown. Eventually, Tankman's words take their effect, as the Corrupted Steve lowers his guns, taking in deep breaths while letting a few tears fall down his face.
Corrupted Steve: I... I won't shoot him... You can't make me hurt my only friend!
Tankman: (smirks) See that, you filthy living paint demons! Even if you take over most of my crew, you'll never get them to listen, not as long as I've got leadership on my side! Now, my fellow soldiers, resume the strategy! Prepare to fire! (everyone takes aim at the corrupted) Any last words, bitch?
Corrupted MM: Just one, you overgrown man-child. Now!!!
Suddenly, a figure jumps out from the backseat of Mommy Mearest's limo, and takes out a few of Tankman's remaining soldiers, before joining the corrupted army and standing in-between the crowd that's forming. At this point, the sun has long set, and the moon has now risen, illuminating the military base in its glow and revealing the surprise figure to be the Corrupted Pico, wielding his duel Uzis with an insane look on his corrupted face.
Tankman: God. F-ing. Damnit. Forgot all about that little ginger with PTSD. (scoffs) Well played, you crowd of fuckers. But there's on thing that you're forgetting. And that this is war, and that in war, people like you die! Especially when your opponent has the home-field advantage! Skittles, get everyone in the military base evacuated and taken to somewhere safe. Everyone else, stay with me, and hold these bastards off!
Skittles: You got it, sir! (dashes off)
(Y/N): Don't worry, I won't be going anywhere! (reloads his Uzi)
Tankman: Thanks, little dude. Alright, you stereotypical zombie acting freaks, prepare to chew on some bullets!
Corrupted Pico: (chuckles darkly) Bring it then, you failure of a leader.
*Song Name: Annihilation by Carlito049 (Imagine more bullets being fired from (Y/N), Tankman, Corrupted Pico, and the rest of Tankman's army)
With one final push, the third song begins, with the chosen track sounding like something you'd hear during a war, with a heavy focus on the banging drums. During the song, Tankman, (Y/N), and some of his forces find themselves getting surrounded by the corrupted forces, with the rest of their team getting shot by the Corrupted Pico, who's making sure that nobody else can intervene with the battle.
However, those fighting against the corruption begin to make progress, as not only do they start freeing their comrades from the inky substance infecting them, but they begin to free Skid and Pump again, breaking the corruption from their right eyes once again. Halfway through the song, Tankman orders for a quick squad fire, pushing Pico away. This causes Mommy Mearest to shift her focus from boosting the corruption's power to recovering Pico, allowing Tankman and the others to attempt to free Skid and Pump.
Through this attempt, they're able to free half of the spooky kids, as their teary eyes look around in confusion, before jumping right back into the rap battle, ready to free themselves from the corruption. It looks like they're about to actually free some major members of the corruption's forces, but that's when the corruption decides to pull a sneaky move. Using her abilities, Mommy Mearest pulls Skid and Pump away, as a rejuvenated Pico takes their place against Tankman.
At this point, the battle becomes more harder, as now the leader of what's left of his forces has to now focus on the rap battle, command his troops on what to do, and evade shots fired from Pico, all at the same time. All of this begins to effect Tankman, getting him more stressed with the battle, and allowing the corruption on him to spread faster than before. By the end of the song, Tankman becomes fully corrupted, with the rest of his visor shining pink, his right eye glowing white, and some pink strings now forming on his chest, as Skid and Pump soon joining him.
Corrupted Pico: Well, now that their leaders been dealt with, now we capture their soldiers. (eyes (Y/N)) And I know who we can start with.
(Y/N): (begins to back off) No, don't you dare. (aims his Uzi at them) I will fire! Back away!
Corrupted Tankman: (chuckles) That's cute. The little puppy thinks he's a full grown dog. Men, apprehend him and throw him into the limo!
Right when (Y/N) is about to fire his Uzi at anyone who attempts to apprehend him, the Corrupted Steve and another corrupted guard appear from behind and grab his arms, preventing him from actually using his weapon. Due to the physical contact, some of the corruption starts to form onto (Y/N)'s arms, as he starts frantically attempting to get out of their grasp, but to no avail, until something strange happens...
(Y/N)'s eyes begins to glow white, as the veins on his corrupted arms start to glow white instead of pink, and then with a sudden cry of fury, (Y/N) finds himself freed from Steve and the guard, but that's not the only thing he notices. From behind every figure present, their shadows begin to rise up, taking on a physical form before standing right beside the young adult, with each shadow having a crazy eye and smile, and (Y/N)'s being the largest out of the group.
Both (Y/N) and the corrupted army are left speechless, seeing that the former had just summoned an army of shadows, despite not having any magic in his life. However, this just gets Tankman chuckling, finding this surprise scenario more exciting than hilarious.
Corrupted Tankman: Well, isn't this interesting? Our little puppy over here seems to have an impressive trick. That may come in handy when dealing with any more rebellions, huh?
Corrupted Pump: Yeah! Plus more friends to play with!
Corrupted MM: You do bring a good point, you two. Not to mention this has gotten my interest, as well. Let's get him quickly.
Skittles: (via radio) (Y/N)! Can you here me? Listen, I've got everyone evacuated, and we're coming over to help you and Tankman out! Just hold on a little longer.
(Y/N): (answers the call) Got it, Skittles. But be warned, Tankman's now been corrupted, and so have his army. (puts the radio down) All right, I don't know how I did this, but... Shadow Army, attack!!
Corrupted Tankman: This will be fun. Men, prepare to fight back! I'll deal with the leader of this pack!
(Y/N): (grabs his knife from his pocket) Bring it then, Tankman!
*Song Name: Changing Path by Carlito049 and Conender (Imagine (Y/N) singing instead of Corrupted Skid and Pump)*
With the battle between the Shadow Army and the Corrupted Army raging all around them, one final song plays as (Y/N) and the Corrupted Tankman face off, with the track sounding like a desperate final charge against the enemy in front of them, despite knowing of a dreaded outcome awaiting either of them. Still, they keep attempting to tire out each other with fast-paced rhythms and patterns, with Tankman growing more annoyed as the battle starts to shift against his favour.
Halfway through the song, (Y/N) quickly reaches for his Uzi and fires at Tankman, removing some of the corruption from his helmet and visor, but not enough to free him. So, the battle continues on, with the shadow army pushing the corrupted army back more, and Tankman growing more irritated by the result, and by the end of the song, the infected military leader throws his mic to the ground in anger.
Corrupted Tankman: (angered) Well, kid. You gone and done it. You've made me mad. So that means enough of the confectionary stuff, and skipping straight to the part where I beat you to the fucking ground!
(Y/N): (smirks) You really wanna try that, Tankman? In case you've forgotten, I still have an army of shadows by my side!
(Y/N) shouldn't have said that with confidence, because right after he finished speaking, the shadow army soon disappeared, returning back to regular shadows and leaving (Y/N) speechless.
(Y/N): (surprised) Well... That was pretty anticlimactic.
Corrupted Tankman: Agreed, thought something interesting was gonna happen again. Well, no point in wasting this opportunity. Fellow corrupted men and women, prepare to unleash everything you've got on that kid!
In an instant, every single corrupted figure currently present surrounds (Y/N), making sure he has no chance of escaping while Tankman walks up to him with a smirk and a gun in his hand, preparing to do the honours himself. But before any more corruption can be spread, a few cannonballs soon crash into the corrupted army, sending a few flying and the others scattering.
This sudden surprise attack gets the Corrupted Tankman to look around in confusion, trying to find where the cannonballs are coming from, while not knowing that he's just lowered his guard. (Y/N), however, notices this, and quickly holds his Uzi up to the soldiers face and pulling the trigger, sending him to the floor while also damaging his visor. A few seconds later, he feels himself getting pulled up onto something, and finds himself riding a large truck with a catapult, and seeing the Thugmen driving it while Skittles rides with them.
Skittles: (sighs in relief) Glad to see you're find, buddy. We were almost worried that we wouldn't make it in time.
Chad: You were worried, as well as everyone else. We knew we were gonna make it.
Skittles: Quit lying, Chad. Anyway, how you feeling, bud?
(Y/N): I'm feeling a bit tired from that rap battle, not including what's currently on my arms. (lifts his corrupted arms)
Chuckie: Woah, just your arms?! What happened back there?
(Y/N): Well...
Before (Y/N) can fully explain what happened earlier, he's cut off by another cannonball flying right other the truck, and landing a few metres away from them. The five look to the back of the truck, seeing the Corrupted Tankman and Steve riding their tank after them, with the former having the left side of his visor broken, showing his white glow glowing brightly.
Corrupted Steve: Dammit! I missed!
Corrupted Tankman: Don't worry about that, Steve. Just keep firing and pick up the pace, we need to get closer, crazy demon lady's orders.
Chuckie: Great. We're being chased. And if we go down, so will the limo up ahead.
Lincoln: What happened to his visor?
Skittles: I don't know.
(Y/N): Oh, I shot him point-blank in the face with my Uzi. (Skittles and Lincoln look at him speechless)
Skittles + Lincoln: What?!
Chad: There's no time for being impressed at that! Lincoln, you drive! I've got a few things to say. (looks to the Tankmen) Hey, you disease carrying fuckers! Why don't you go fuck off with that piece of scrap metal you guys call a weapon!
Corrupted Steve: (pissed) Okay, that's it, buddy! Nobody talks trash about our beautiful tank!
Corrupted Tankman: You've done it now, losers. Steve's preparing his "epic roast" for you.
Corrupted Steve: (takes a deep breath) Buddy... You're ugly, and nobody likes you.
(One moment of silence later)
Chad: (unimpressed) Is that the best you failures can do!
Corrupted Tankman: No, but this is! (pulls out a gun and fires... but nothing happens) Crap! My gun is jammed!
Chuckie: (laughs) Man, even when infected by some sentient black paint, you guys are pathetic! Here, how about we Thugmen show you how a proper burn is done? (whips out a microphone) And we'll even do it in rap!
Corrupted Tankman: Bring it on, you deadbeats!
Chuckie: Lincoln! Hit it!
Lincoln nods and presses a button next to the steering wheel, getting speakers to appear at the front of the truck, and making both (Y/N) and Skittles confused.
(Y/N): (confused) Where those speakers recently built in or where they always there?
Skittles: Yeah, I don't remember those being there the last time I saw them.
Chad: Eh, we'll tell you another time. For now, it's time to turn these Resident Evil looking rejects into roadkill!
*Song Name: Roadkill by Zeroh (Imagine Tankman is corrupted, and the outcome at the end is different)*
After a somewhat calm and relaxing intro, both Chuckie and the Corrupted Tankman begin to trade bars against each other, with the music slowly increasing in intensity. It isn't until Tankman attempts to fire his gun, only to remember that it's still jammed, that the fight truly begins, with the track going into aggressive techno. Throughout the song, the intensity would always start to die down, only to pick back up.
What's also happening during the song is both Skittles and (Y/N) turn the catapult around, and begin firing at the corrupted army duo, who attempt to ram their tank into the truck, but are unable to get properly close due to the constant rain of cannonballs. Halfway through the song, at a nearby watchtower, a lone survivor is seen at the top spitting out some saliva, and feeling bored that nobody's coming to save him, but that all changes when the two vehicles crash into the watchtower, causing it to fall to the ground, and the survivor becomes a red stain on the rubble.
Ignoring the casualty they caused, both the Thugmen and the Corrupted Tankman keep on singing against each other, the music growing more in intensity as they keep trying to outdo each other. Then without warning, both start to increase the speed of not their vocals, but rather their vehicles, going so fast that everything starts to become a blur. When nearing the end of the song, however, they start to slow down, singing some tunes that sound similar to Tankman's other songs, as the mentioned captain throws his gun away in anger from losing.
Corrupted Tankman: God Dammit! They got us beat, Steve!
Chad: (cackles) That's cause you losers don't have spikes, style, or tight bars like we do! No wonder you lost to someone younger than you.
Corrupted Steve: Oh, yeah? Well, you gang of fuckers seem to have forgotten one little thing.
Chuckie: (confused) And what might be?
Corrupted Steve: You should've use the Pythagorean Theorem, bitch.
The Corrupted Steve then fires a cannonball straight towards them, only difference is that this time, the cannonball's heading towards its intended target. Seeing this heading to them, (Y/N)'s eyes and corrupted veins glow white again as he swings his arms up, creating a giant shadow wall that not only blocks the cannonball, but also the corrupted duo's tank as they crash into it. (Y/N)'s eyes and veins soon go back to normal as the shadow wall disappears just as quickly as it appeared.
Chad: (cheers) Whoo! That was amazing! Take that, fuckers! Surprise wall!
Lincoln: Yeah! Good luck getting us now!
Skittles: Yeah, that was pretty cool, but... (looks to (Y/N)) How the hell did you do that?
(Y/N): (panting) To be honest, I have no clue, but I feel more tired than before...
Chad: Don't worry, you can get some rest when we find somewhere safe back at Starlight City.
(Y/N) just gives Chad a nod, clearly more exhausted from pulling off that shadow wall technique, as the truck and limo ride off back to Starlight City, with the group of survivors now becoming more of a rebellion as time passes. Meanwhile, back with the corrupted members, the Corrupted Mommy Mearest is using her abilities to heal up any injured partners during the surprise ambush, while the Corrupted Pico is on the phone with someone.
Corrupted Boyfriend: Yeah, I'm telling you, Boyfriend. He summoned an army of shadows and had them fight us. No, I'm not suffering from any brain damage or having my Schizophrenia acting up again, your girlfriend's witch of a mother can confirm it for me.
Corrupted MM: (eyes glowing) WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY, PICO?!
Corrupted Pico: (nearly drops his phone) Nothing, Mrs Mearest! (goes back to the call) Look, just keep an eye out for that trick, and I'll tell the bosses about it when I get back to the city. Wait, Girlfriend's going off to do it? Okay, thanks for letting me know. (hangs up and looks to Starlight City) Oh, (Y/N). The more you impress us, the more we want to hunt you down. And that little trick of yours will definitely help us in crushing this rebellion...
Tankman and Steve have been overpowered by the Corruption!!
Skittles and the Thugmen (Chad, Chuckie, and Lincoln) have joined the Party!!
Current Party: (Y/N), Sunday, Nene, Darnell, Hanzou, Agoti, Sarvente, Garcello, Dee Jay, Spirit, Skittles, Chad, Chuckie, Lincoln.
New Power Unlocked: Shadow Manipulation!!
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