Week 3: Remove Our Traces, Cover Our Tracks
(3rd Person POV)
After escaping the Starlight City badlands and the Corrupted Army, the small resistance of survivors are now parked at a quiet gas station, where there's plenty of gas to fill up their vehicles, and enough resources to keep anyone hungry or thirsty satisfied for a few good days. Currently, Dee Jay and the Thugmen are filling up the vehicles, Skittles and Garcello are grabbing whatever edible food or drinks they can find in there, and (Y/N) is having a talk with Sarvente and Agoti.
Sarvente: So, how much longer until we reach Starlight City?
Agoti: Well, from here, it's about another hour from here, more or less.
Sarvente: That's a relief.
(Y/N): Don't worry, Sarv. When we get back home, maybe we can hopefully find someplace safe to rest.
Sarvente: (sighs) I hope the same, (Y/N).
Dee Jay: Hey, (Y/N)! Could you come here for a moment?
(Y/N): Uh, alright, Dee Jay. (looks to the others) Guess we'll continue our conversation another time, guys.
Agoti: Yeah, you go deal with whatever that demon dancer wants.
(Y/N) gives Agoti a nod and heads over to Dee Jay, who is in the middle of filling up the limo with some gasoline.
Dee Jay: Hey, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Hey, Dee Jay. You said you wanted to talk to me about something, may I ask what it is?
Dee Jay: Okay. So, earlier when you were dealing with an entire army, most of them where unconscious by the time we arrived, and the only corruption you had on you was on your arms. ((Y/N) looks down at them) And a few minutes later, when trying to escape the Corrupted Tankman and his partner, Skittles told me that you summoned a shadow wall to block their cannonball and their charge. Care to explain that?
(Y/N): (is silent for a moment) To be honest, Dee Jay, I have no clue how to explain it. One minute, I find myself apprehended by Tankman's corrupted army, and the next, I find an army of shadows right by my side, fighting them off. I was actually wondering if you knew anything about this.
Dee Jay: Well, before I tell you what I may know, can I ask another question? ((Y/N) gives him a nod) Did you notice any changes to your own body when using those shadow powers?
(Y/N): (thinks for a moment) Well, I noticed my veins glowed white for a moment.
Dee Jay: Yeah, Skittles informed me of that, as well as saying your eyes glowing the same colour. Now, I believe that you've gained some form of power, but the only way to do that is by either being a demon or angel, or one of the two species giving you some of their energy. Have you ever came into contact with another demon or angel, besides the Dearests, me, Agoti, or that nun?
(Y/N): (thinks for a moment) No, I don't think that I've even seen another demon or angel besides you guys.
Dee Jay: Alright, so that's off the list. (sighs) Well, I unfortunately have no clue on how you got those abilities, kid, but if they ever show up again, slightly stronger than before, just let me know. I'll try to find out why you got it.
(Y/N): (nods) Thanks, Dee Jay.
Skittles: (runs over) Sorry to interrupt on this talk, but we need to get out of here quick! Look!
Skittles points into the distance, where not only some dust clouds can be seem growing, but the familiar glowing pink faces of the corrupted army getting closer and closer. Seeing this, Dee Jay called for everyone to hop back into their vehicles and flee while they still can, with Dee Jay, Agoti, Sarvente, Darnell, Nene, and Garcello getting into the limo, and the Thugmen, Skittles, (Y/N), Hanzou, and Sunday getting into the large truck, before speeding off back to Starlight City.
Eventually, after making sure that the corrupted army is far out of their lines of sight, everyone lets out a sigh of relief as they see the dystopian city getting closer with every mile, but soon one of them notices something right at the city entrance.
Darnell: Uh, guys? We may have a problem on our hands.
The problem Darnell is referring to is a large barricade make up of many corrupted faces, with some noticeable ones being Cassandra, Alucard, Cyclops, Kapi, and of course, the Corrupted Boyfriend and Girlfriend at the front of the crowd, like the leaders of an army preparing to give their troops an order.
Nene: Crap, what do we do know?! If we slow down, they'll pounce on us.
Hanzou: Then it's time to use the strategy of a saying: If you can't go over, under, or around an obstacle, smash right through it!
Chad: That's the right mindset, Ninja boy! Demon driver, let us get in front, we'll handle that blockade!
Dee Jay reluctantly allows this, slowing the limo down and letting the truck in front, which confuses the corrupted barricade. Soon, that confusion turns into surprise when Chad slams down on the accelerator, ramming into the crowd at high speeds and sending them flying in different directions. Seeing this, Dee Jay soon picks up the speed and follows the truck, with both vehicles taking a break at a nearby crossroads, with stores and abandoned buildings on all four lanes, as everyone hops out to catch a breather.
Nene: (looks shaken up) What the hell was that?! That was reckless and could've got us killed!!
Sunday: (looks excited) Yeah, but did you see the way that we rammed into them?! It was amazing!
Chuckie: This guitar girl is speaking the truth! It was epic and amazing! (the Thugmen do rock-and-roll gestures)
Dee Jay: (sighs) No matter, we got back into Starlight City. Now what?
Agoti: I think I have an idea on what to do. (everyone looks to him) By now, the corruption will probably know our two vehicles, and will obviously try to ambush us all, so that they can take us down pretty easily. So I propose we all split up, go into groups of two, and try to both ambush any corrupted members in an attempt to free them, but also try to survive until we find some kind of shelter.
(Y/N): That does sound like a good plan, but at the same time, it's also risky.
Agoti: That's the thing. The risk is that we'll be more easy to corrupt, but the reward is that it'll be harder for any corrupted people to track us down.
Dee Jay: I know most of us may not like this idea, but it is the smartest move to play. I say that we do split up, but we do have to choose pairs. Thugmen, I know you guys are in your own group, but you have to take someone.
Chad: All right. We'll take Skittles, us badlands boys have to stick together.
Skittles: Amen to that. (him and Chad high-five)
Darnell: If that's the card you're playing, then I'll be travelling with Nene. We've been friends since high school, and we haven't split up since.
Nene: Yeah, besides, we both have different combat fields covered. I have close range, and Darnell has long range.
Dee Jay: Smart strategy, you two. (looks to Agoti) Yo, Digidevil. You wanna team up together?
Agoti: (shrugs) Sure, sounds like our teamwork could be interesting.
Sarvente: (approaches Sunday) Excuse me, but could we be partners for this little plan? It's fine if you don't wanna-
Sunday: Sure! I mean, I've heard of your demon transformation, and it sounds sick! Maybe if we combined it with my heavy metal, we'll be able to free everyone! (Sarvente is speechless)
Hanzou: (approaches Garcello) By that logic, I'll be teaming up with this man here. The smoke from his cigars will provide as a suitable alternate for smoke bombs, as his can be both offesnive and defensive.
Garcello: I don't mind working with you, little ninja.
Dee Jay: Great, that means we're all in a group. (realises something) Except... (everyone looks to (Y/N))
(Y/N): (looks a bit nervous) Guys, don't give me those looks, please. I'll be fine.
Agoti: (crosses his arms) Are you sure you'll be okay? That gun and pocket knife may be useful for so long.
Lincoln: Aw, calm down, you squid head! He's got that cool shadow magic, he'll be fine.
Sunday: Yeah, besides, he can join any of our groups if any of us bump into him!
After a few more minutes of the discussion, Agoti lets out a sigh and agrees to let (Y/N) travel alone, but on the condition that if things should get bad for him, he needs to seek out another group immediately, to which everyone is okay with. Once everyone has wished each other good luck, they all split off, heading off into different parts of Starlight City, ready to do their best in surviving.
A few days have passed, and although nobody has fallen to the clutches of the corruption yet, all groups have lost contact with each other, and are now left to wander the vast ominous streets of Starlight City without knowing what could be around the corner, and each group also has to deal with fighting off against any attackers with only the skills and equipment they have, which for a few of them, is a bit difficult to do.
(with Skittles and Thugmen)
Over with the members from the badlands, Skittles and the Thugmen, these past few days have been a mix between easy and difficult for the four of them. The easy part was due to their massive vehicle, getting away from anybody that's corrupted and using their vehicle as a battering ram has is good. However, they're forced to be constantly on the move, due to said vehicle being obvious to spot. Right now, they're speeding through a dark street of Starlight City, attempting to escape from whatever was chasing them.
Skittles: (looks behind him) Okay... I think we lost them.
Chad: (sighs) That's a relief. I swear they're getting stronger by the day.
Chuckie: I'll say. They almost managed to beat us yesterday. Wonder how the others are handling this.
Skittles: Well, since we split up, none of us have heard from them or even saw a glimpse.
Lincoln: Don't worry, you three. We'll find them eventually. We just have to- (spots something) Look out!
Before anyone can ask or see what's alerted Lincoln, all four of them feel something ram into the side of their truck, sending them flying off onto the stony road and the truck to stay tipped over, badly damaged and unusable. After getting back up to their feet, they hear a roaring engine growing louder, and see a familiar tank arriving with it's cannon having smoke coming out, with the Corrupted Tankman and Steve riding it.
Corrupted Tankman: (chuckles) Great job, Steve! You actually managed to hit them from three blocks away! (Steve smiles) Now then, what do you say we waste these losers?
Corrupted Steve: Okay, sir.
The Corrupted Steve passes his infected captain a gun as they both hop down to personally finish off their foes. As they approach them, Skittles soon gets up, clutching a broken arm, before standing in defiance against the two corrupted military men.
Skittles: You really think that we'll just let you finish us off? (groans in pain from the arm)
Corrupted Tankman: (laughs) Dude, you have a broken limb, while we have loaded guns aimed right at your head! What are you even hoping to achieve?
Skittles: At least the chance for my partners to escape.
Corrupted Tankman: You know what? I'll give you at least a chance. You beat me in a quick rap battle, I'll let you go. Just be warned, I won't hesitate to fire some shots at you, capiche?
Skittles: Whatever you say, you reject horror movie looking freak.
*Song Name: Bullets by CcNiteWind (imagine it's Corrupted Tankman vs Skittles instead of Pibby Corrupted Pico vs Boyfriend)*
The Corrupted Steve quickly hops back into the tank and starts playing a frantic and aggressive track, fitting for the young teen facing off against a corrupted and erratic military captain, whose also firing bullet storms at him at unpredictable times. Throughout the battle, Skittles feels his stamina start to run out, due to rapping at a fast pace, and dodging multiple shots, but whether by determination or dumb luck, he manages to beat the Corrupted Tankman, who looks extremely pissed off.
Corrupted Tankman: (outraged) Are you Fucking kidding me!?!? I lost to a fucking pussy who can't even defend himself in hand-to-hand combat, and as a result sits on his lazy ass in a watchtower!?
Chad: (chuckles) Look at him, he's now a sore loser. (the others begin laughing)
Corrupted Tankman: (seething) Oh, you think you're so funny, huh?! Well, let's see how funny it is when we turn you all into red paste! Steve, I grant you permission to run these fucking assholes over!!!
Corrupted Steve: Really?! Yes! I've always wanted to do this!
The Corrupted Steve starts to get the engine running, ready to run over the four that upset his leader, when suddenly the Corrupted Tankman gets punched to the ground by Skittles using his non-broken arm. Steve witnesses this, and prepares to run over Skittles first, but is thrown off the tank by Chad and Chuckie, who have snuck behind him during the song, and have waited for the right moment to strike.
Chad: Get on the tank, you two. We're getting the hell outta here!
Chuckie: Yeah, we also have ammo we can use!
Skittles: Alright!
Both Skittles and Lincoln quickly hop on, as Chad starts driving their newly stolen tank away from the corrupted duo, accidentally crushing a car and firing at an abandoned street store for no other reason than to test out the tank controls. The Corrupted Steve soon rises to his feet, clutching his bruised helmet as he sees the four targets escaping with their tank, which fills him with both worry and dread.
Corrupted Steve: Oh, no... (nervously looks to Tankman) Sir? They got away. And they took the tank with them.
Corrupted Tankman: (groans) God Funking Dammit, Steve. Couldn't even defend the tank for just a few seconds, even if your existence depended on it. Well, no point bawling over something pointless. Let's just trek on foot.
Corrupted Steve: (surprised) Wait, you're not mad about losing the tank, sir?
Corrupted Tankman: Steve, we lost the tank a whole buncha times in the past, and we always found a way to get it back. Besides, (lifts up a gun and loads it) we still have these babies to rely on.
The Corrupted Tankman gives his partner a mischievous smirk, who returns the same kind of smirk as he grabs his gun and follows his captain, off to find some other poor fool that's both easy to corrupt and dumb enough to not have any providable way to defend themselves...
(with Sarvente and Sunday)
Meanwhile, over with the female group of Sarvente and Sunday, things aren't going well for them either. While the formers demon abilities are providing positive results when dealing with any corrupted attackers, overusing the abilities have begun to take their toll on the nun, making it harder for her to use them for long periods of time. Currently, the two of them are hiding in an abandoned house, with Sunday entering a room with some food and drinks.
Sunday: Okay, I think this should be enough to last us for another week or two.
Sarvente: (takes some deep breaths) Well, we should be off then. After all, the more we stay in one spot, the easier it is for them to get us. (has trouble standing up)
Sunday: Oh, no you don't. (puts the supplies down) You're clearly exhausted from all those surprise attacks and using your powers, so we aren't going anywhere. Instead, we are stopping here until you get enough of your stamina back.
Sarvente: Sunday... But if we stay here, we may lose a chance to find a better chance at hiding.
Sunday: I don't care about escaping those freaks now, what's more important right now is you, and you need your energy back.
Sarvente is left silent at Sunday's words. She wants to protect the sleepy guitarist, but at the same time, but at the same time, she can't protect her if she keeps overworking her abilities, and eventually fall unconscious, which would make her an easy target for the corruption. Just as she's about to apologise to Sunday, both of them hear the sounds of little footsteps in another room. They're not alone.
Sunday: (looks around) Stay here. I'll see who's in here with us.
Sarvente just gives Sunday a nod as she goes off in the direction of the noise, eventually finding whoever's making it to be in the living room. Upon peeking around the corner to see who it is, her face becomes a more negative one upon seeing who it is, with it being the corrupted spooky kids.
Sunday: (sighs) Well, at least they're easy to deal with. (steps around the corner) Hey, I suggest you two leave before things get ugly for you both.
Corrupted Skid: (turns around) See Pump, I told you that there was someone in this spooky house! And it's the music lady from the graveyard!
Corrupted Pump: (gasps) You're right, Skid! Maybe we can have a rematch with her and beat her, and then get her to join our spooky team!
Sunday: Hey, didn't either of you hear me? I said to leave or you'll regret it! (holds up her guitar)
Corrupted Pump: (smug now) Go on, then. Play a note or two.
Sunday obliges, blasting loud heavy metal music with a smug look on her face, but soon that smugness is replaced with fear and confusion the minute she opens her eyes, and sees the corrupted spooky kids not effected by the music in any way, not even a simple groan from a headache.
Sunday: (shocked) Wha... Nothing? But... How aren't you... Don't you feel anything?
Corrupted Skid: Oh, I see. (chuckles) You must not know, but after our little encounter in the graveyard, our leaders decided to give us all a bit of some extra power to make us all stronger. That also means that we're now immune to your stupid guitar shockwaves!
Corrupted Pump: Yeah! Now let's have a rematch!
Sunday: Don't I have a say in this?!
Corrupted Skid + Pump: No!
Sunday: (sighs) Figures. Well, let's rumble.
*Song Name: Last Spooktober by CcNiteWind (Imagine it's Corrupted Skid and Pump vs Sunday instead of Piby Corrupted Skid and Pump vs Boyfriend)*
Soon the TV in the living room suddenly turns on, with the speakers blaring a song that make anyone think of a frightening situation to be in, yet it also sounds cheerful, almost like it doesn't care about the current predicament. Speaking of the current predicament, the corrupted spooky kids begin rapping at more faster and aggressive pace than their last battle at the graveyard, which catches Sunday off-guard.
Still, even if the sudden spike in difficulty surprised her, Sunday continued to fight against the infected kids, if not for her own survival, than for hopefully protecting her partner. Eventually, after finishing the hectic yet short rap battle, Sunday emerges as the winner, though not without some problems as the corruption on her face begins to spread, crawling onto her neck and hair.
Sunday: (panting from exhaustion) There... I did it. I beat you... once again.
Corrupted Skid: (sulking) Aww, she beat us.
Corrupted Pump: But look, Skid. The corruption's tiring her out. Let's get her while she's getting sleepy.
Corrupted Skid: (smiles) Yeah, let's pounce!
The corrupted spooky duo start running towards Sunday, who's having trouble moving away due to the corruption on her face now beginning to obscure her vision, but right when the spooky kids get close enough to attack, they feel themselves being stopped in place, and notice a dark pink aura around them. Looking towards where Sunday is, they see an annoyed Sarvente with her eyes glowing the same colour.
Sarvente: I'm starting to get annoyed of parasites like you trying to attack those that are currently struggling with the present situation, so allow me to remove you far away from our presence. After all, it'll be quicker that way.
Without wasting any more precious seconds, Sarvente launches the Corrupted Skid and Pump right out of the abandoned house, smashing right through the brick walls and being sent across Starlight City. After making sure that no other corrupted attackers are nearby, Sarvente stops using her demonic abilities, and falls to the floor from exhaustion.
Sarvente: (panting) I'm sorry... I know that you told me not to use it, but...
Sunday: I'm not telling you to stop using them entirely, I'm telling you to stop overusing them. I don't want you to fall from being too tired and getting infected. (nearly falls over) Dammit, I'm getting tired myself. What do you say that we stay here for a little while longer.
Sarvente: (weakly smiles) I think that sounds like a wonderful idea.
(with Agoti and Dee Jay)
From one demon to two others, the duo of Agoti and Dee Jay have been having a more easy time dealing with any corrupted attackers that have tried to get the jump on them both, with Dee Jay being the offensive one of the duo with his abilities, and Agoti being the defensive one with his earthbending preventing the corrupted attackers from following them. Currently, both of them have parked the limo outside a familiar place: The mall where this whole thing started.
Agoti: Remind me why we're here again?
Dee Jay: Simple, if we can get our hands on that black substance that's been leftover, we could hopefully find a way to create a cure from it.
Agoti: Smart idea, yet why are we trying to find some of it at the mall? I'm pretty sure that place is still crawling with infected people, not to mention the two that started this whole pandemic.
Dee Jay: Well, the substance here could be stronger than the kind found anywhere else, since like you said, the two that created it could still be roaming around there. Now let's go try and grab a sample.
Agoti: (sighs) Alright, at least giving this a try is better than just constantly hiding.
Both Agoti and Dee Jay hop out of the limo and begin making their way towards the entrance to the mall, which has now been boarded up, and the only way in is through a few broken windows. After taking a few steps across the parking lot, both demons hear the sound of a gun being loaded, and narrowly avoid a flurry of bullets heading their way, and the culprit soon dropping down, revealing themselves as the Corrupted Cassandra (whose face seems a bit cracked from her encounter with Mommy Mearest) and her little group.
Dee Jay: Well, you were right on the place still crawling with parasites, Agoti. Though I wasn't expecting to see little miss goth again after the last encounter with her.
Agoti: Really? What happened during that encounter? Does that explain her cracked porcelain-like face?
Corrupted Cassandra: Silence, you two martyrs! I've had it with demons like you constantly ruining our plans, so I hope you enjoy seeing whatever plans you have become undone.
Agoti: (gets serious) Yeah, I don't think so, you leech with legs. Dee Jay, you try to grab one of those substances from the mall. I'll tango with this freak myself.
Dee Jay: You really wanna do this, Agoti? I can provide some assistance if-
Agoti: Don't worry, pal. I've faced off against the Dearests before in the past, remember? This girl is nothing but a regular walk in the park.
Dee Jay: (nods) Okay then, just be careful, man. (runs towards the mall)
Agoti: I will. (looks to Cassandra) Alright, let's not beat around the bush. Let's get this over with.
Corrupted Cassandra: (smirks) Couldn't have said it better myself.
*Song Name: Exterminator (Imagine it's Agoti vs Corrupted Cassandra instead of Darnell vs Corrupted Girlfriend)*
*Original Song: Inferno by funny man*
After a few seconds of silence and the rain beginning to descend from the clouds far above them, a tune from inside the dangerous and diseased mall plays loud enough to reach their ears, with the tune itself painting the picture of a stand-off between two powerful figures, while also picking up in intensity after a few seconds. As the rap battle continues to progress, Agoti finds himself dodging corrupted blasts of energy from the hands of the infected goth girl.
However, even with her powers being boosted by the corruption, the digidevil still outclasses Cassandra's rapping skills from experience, and Agoti is able to calmly win the battle without showing any signs of infection on him. As the song plays a few final strings, Agoti quickly uses his earthbending abilities to trap the Corrupted Cassandra in pillars of tall and stong stone, in case she tries to pull any sneaky surprises.
Corrupted Cassandra: (muffled) Hey! What are you doing?! Let me out of here, you tentacle haired asshole!
Agoti: (deadpans) Yeah, like calling me insults I'd hear on a school playground will get me to let you go. Just be a good little girl and stay there until I feel like letting you out.
Soon, Agoti looks ahead to the mall, and sees Dee Jay running back to him, holding a jar of what appears to be the same substance that's on anyone infected, and a panicked expression on his face. Seeing this, the digidevil soon takes off with his demonic partner, right as not only the Corrupted Cyclops and Alucard chase after them, but also the Corrupted Cassandra letting out a roar of anger as she goes into her Penilian form and breaks free from her stony cell.
As the trio of corrupted goth kids continue to chase the duo of demons across the parking lot, the latter two soon quickly hop back into the limo as Dee Jay slams his foot down onto the pedal, getting the vehicle to speed off away from the limo and the infected criminals that were chasing them, allowing both Dee Jay and Agoti to let out huge sighs of relief.
Dee Jay: Man, that was a close one.
Agoti: I'll say. We nearly became goth kid slaughter. (looks at the jar) So, you managed to get a sample.
Dee Jay: I did, but right when I began to make my way back, those two crazy kids spotted me, and... We know what then happened.
Agoti: Yup. So, you're actually gonna try to create a cure for this whole corruption using the same stuff that's creating it.
Dee Jay: That I am, friend. Just gotta find a good place to do this research without getting any unnecessary interruptions.
Agoti: (thinks for a few seconds) Well, there is this abandoned mansion-like building on a hill near the graveyard. You think that'll be a good place to hide?
Dee Jay: While it is close to some corrupted territory, there's nothing wrong with taking a risk or two. Let's give it a shot.
(with Hanzou and Garcello)
From moving away from the demons, back to the vulnerable humans, over with the duo of Hanzou and Garcello, things aren't going so well for the two of them. For Hanzou, he's starting to run out of ninja stars to safely throw at a distance towards any corrupted attackers planning to ambush them, and Garcello is starting to look more depressed as the days pass, due to worrying about his friend, Annie. Currently, the two of them are stopping at a abandoned warehouse.
Hanzou: (sits down) This is getting annoying. No matter what corner we turn down, we are always at risk of getting corrupted. What we need is a sanctuary, a place where we can safely risk without any disturbances. (sees Garcello looking upset) Are you still thinking about your close friend?
Garcello: (sighs) Yeah, no matter what, she always comes back into my mind. I know it's to worry about the people close to you, but what if she isn't okay out there. What if she-
Hanzou: (puts a hand on Garcello's shoulder) Don't even think thoughts as dark as those. Doing that will only make your sanity more weaker to fighting this vile corruption. Instead, hold onto hope. From what you've described to me, it sounds like she won't go down without a fight.
Garcello: (chuckles) Yeah, you're right. She's probably still fighting as we speak- (both of them hear a scream) Did you hear that?! That sounds familiar.
Garcello quickly takes off in the direction of the scream, with Hanzou attempting to follow after him. After making their way to a desolate park, both of them see two figures fighting each other, one corrupted while the other one isn't. The figure that is corrupted appears to look like Boyfriend as a female, and without the hat. This is Sky, Boyfriend's number one fan/stalker.
As for the uncorrupted figure, she appears to have long black hair that covers her eyes, pale skin of a vampire, a black t-shirt, red long pants, black shoes with white soles, and red fingerless gloves, with a black beanie on her head and a strange soda can in one of her hands. This is Annie, Garcello's mentioned friend. Though right now, she's in a bit of trouble, as some of the black corruptive substance has transferred onto her body and legs.
Garcello: Annie!
Garcello suddenly runs up to Annie, alerting both her and the Corrupted Sky as Hanzou runs after him, just as the upset smoker quickly kicks the infected yandere right in the face, sending her off Annie and face-first into some soil as Garcello quickly checks on his close friend.
Garcello: (worried) Are you okay, Annie? Nothing's broken, right? Please tell me you aren't fully corrupted.
Annie: Calm down, G-man. It's gonna take a lot to take this ferocious beast down. (sighs) Man, if only I had more cans of The Liquid, I could've cleared up this fight minutes ago.
Hanzou: (arrives) Regardless on if you could take them on, I think you should be careful with the substance on you. If not careful, it may engulf you and leave you trapped in your mind for however long you stay corrupted. I should know, since that has happened to me, until I was freed.
Annie: Noted. Now, do you guys have any place where I can rest, because this stuff is stinging and driving me crazy.
Hanzou: Unfortunately not, but we do have a few locations in mind that could serve as temporary rest stations.
Annie: (smirks) Then let's head to one of those.
???: I don't think so.
Hanzou, Garcello, and Annie soon turn around at the sound of a distorted voice, seeing the Corrupted Sky rising up from her surprise kick to the floor, wiping the dirt off her face and giving them all a death glare.
Corrupted Sky: My dear Boyfriend would really hate it if I returned to him empty-handed, so I'm afraid to say that none of you will be leaving this park alive.
Hanzou: (draws his katana) I suggest you reconsider your plans, you witch.
Corrupted Sky: (offended) Witch? Witch?! I'm no witch, I'm a pure goddess! Nothing like that daughter of the Dearests!
Garcello: Geez, what sorta grudge do you hold against them. I mean, they've done some stuff to me, but I'm not the person to hold a grudge.
Annie: From what I've heard, she tried to win that blue-haired rapper's heart, despite the fact that he was taken. And from that info, things escalated very quickly, and she was fitted with a few therapists.
Corrupted Sky: No amount of deceitful lies told by wannabe experts shall keep my love for him forever shackled! Now, hope you enjoy kissing worms, you walking glowstick!
Hanzou: You better hope to strike me then, shameful female copycat.
Corrupted Sky: Is that the best you could come up with, Mr Pyjamas?
Hanzou: At least it was better than yours, you failure of a fangirl.
Corrupted Sky: Basement dwelling weeb!
Hanzou: Walking witch.
Corrupted Sky: (pissed) I'M! A! GODDESS!!!
*Song Name: Autoreiji (Japanese for Outrage)*
Original Song: Pretender by EthanTheDoodler (Imagine it's Corrupted Sky vs Hanzou instead of Grey vs Pink)*
After one loud cry of anger, the rap battle between the ninja teen and the infected yandere, with sudden music appearing, creating a melody that spawns an image of a safe zone being breached and destroyed by enemies. During the song, Hanzou starts with the upper hand, due to having experience when he was corrupted, and carefully keeping a grip on his katana, making sure not to drop it, but soon things go the opposite way at the halfway mark.
In another outburst of frustration, the Corrupted Sky transforms into her Manifest form, having her hair now look more untidy, her hands turn into sharp claws, and now thanks to the corruption, purple crystal-like horns stabbing out of her messy hair, and demonic wings that fit her new appearance. After her transformation, the Corrupted Sky begun to make quick work of Hanzou in the rap battle, ending the song by grabbing the ninja by the arm and throwing him into a tree, breaking his arm in the process.
Hanzou: (screams in pain) My arm!
Corrupted Sky: If you had an ounce of a braincell left, you would've known by the first time you called me that disgusting name that I hate it. Now, your foolishness has lead you to your own demise.
The Corrupted Sky gets in a pouncing position, ready to finish off Hanzou, who nervously clutches his broken arm and closes his eyes, when suddenly...
Garcello: Hey! (blocks Sky's path) You're forgetting about us, you know.
Corrupted Sky: Oh, I haven't forgotten about your presence here. I'm just finishing off the bigger threat before making mincemeat out of you two. Now move, else your deaths will come earlier.
Annie: (stands next to Garcello) Not on your inky abyss-like body, we aren't! If you wanna rumble, then I'm fine with having a little rematch! (looks to Garcello) What do you say, Garcello? Should we trounce her together?
Garcello: (looks back at Annie) As you would say, let's take a swig at this.
At those words, Garcello pulls out a cigar to smoke and keep him calm, while Annie takes off the lid on her soda can and chugs the liquid inside down before having a transformation of her own, her height doubling, her hands turning into claws, and her skin becomes blue with visible bubbles. The Corrupted Sky looks at their stand in defiance, before letting out a distorted chuckle.
Corrupted Sky: This will be interesting... and fun.
*Song Name: Hazy Fighters*
*Original Song: Armed by EthanTheDoodler and Punkett (Imagine it's Garcello and Annie vs Corrupted Sky instead of Reginald and Right-Hand Man vs Boyfriend)*
The sudden music from before shifts in tone, playing a chaotic song that sounds like it belongs in a warzone, as Garcello and Annie face off against the Corrupted Sky in her Manifest Form. For the duo, they soon form a quick strategy of Annie tackling the more hectic sections of the song while Garcello handles the calmer moments, occasionally swapping tactics in an attempt to confuse Sky.
Their plan works as halfway though the song, the infected yandere begins to sport cracks across her corrupted body, signifying that she can't hold on for longer. However, Hanzou sees this as well and worries that she may go into a Nexus form of her own. Soon, the battle ends, with Garcello and Annie emerging as the winners, while the Corrupted Sky lets out a cry of anger.
Corrupted Sky: Impossible! How could I, a magnificent and powerful goddess, lose to such pathetic ants like you?!
Annie: Probably because me and Garcello are in sync, while you are stuck relying on whatever abilities you have.
Corrupted Sky: Silence, you liquified bear!!
The Corrupted Sky quickly lunges at Annie, with the intent of infecting her even more, but is soon blocked by Garcello. This doesn't stop her, however, as she starts pushing against the smoker, who keeps standing his ground, when something unexpecting happens. Garcello begins to feel something flare up inside him, when two large draconic wings made of green mist sprout from his back.
Everyone is caught off-guard by this, even the Corrupted Sky, who stays stunned as Garcello gives her a powerful whack across the face via a smoky fist, which causes the cracks along Sky's corrupted body to grow larger, before eventually bursting and freeing the young girl from the corruption's control.
Hanzou: Holy damm, what even was that Garcello?
Annie: I'm with the ninja, did some sort of smoke formed around your fist? And did I see wings, because I'm pretty sure I did.
Garcello: (takes a deep breath) I honestly don't know what happened, Annie. I just saw you in danger, and felt something in my chest.
Hanzou: Regardless on what we just witnessed, I suggest we find a more safer environment than this destroyed field. (looks to the unconscious Sky) And I also suggest we take her as well, otherwise she'll be infected again, and her cycle will just repeat.
Annie and Garcello have a look of hesitation on their faces, but they do know that Hanzou is right. So, they carefully lift Sky up and take her with them, preferably towards a building or location in Starlight City where they can rest and try to understand the events that have just occured.
(With Darnell and Nene)
Over with the duo of Darnell and Nene, the two of them are currently stopping atop the rooftop of a tall building, overlooking the destroyed streets of Starlight City, and hoping to catch a glimpse of their friends in the purple skies and red mist. After splitting up, the two highschoolers have been having trouble with finding any form of food, since most of what they found is either already eaten, or past its expiration date, so they figured if they can get a better look of where they are, they can hopefully find something.
Darnell: You see anything yet, Nene?
Nene: Nope. Nothing where I'm looking. How about you?
Darnell: Not a damn thing. (sighs) This is getting worse. Soon, we won't have enough snacks or drinks to keep us going for another week.
Nene: Come on, Darnell. I know things may look hopeless now, but that's why we need to stay positive. With a negative mindset, we might as well be sitting ducks.
Darnell: That's a good point. Now what's you say we climb back down this building before some corrupted freakshows spot us and decide to rudely invite themselves over?
Nene: You've read my mind, Darnell. Let's get the hell outta here.
Both teens start making their way down the building, taking the fire exit ladders instead of going down the indoor staircase, so that way they can get down the building without creating any noises. They soon reach the ground floor and begin to make their way across the quiet streets, when a figure suddenly jumps in front of them, having the corrupted substance dipping off their body. Darnell and Nene quickly pull out their respected weapons, ready to defend themselves if need be, but soon they begin to lower their guard, upon seeing the corrupted figure in front of them is the Corrupted Pico.
Corrupted Pico: I'm afraid that this little game of hide and seek is over, friends. Now, shall we sort this out the easy way or the hard way? (loads his Uzi)
Nene: (looking distraught) Pico... No...
Darnell: (looking worried) Normally, we'd choose the hard way, but since it's you, Pico, I'll be choosing the easy way.
Corrupted Pico: (his grin widens) Then hold still. This'll only hurt a lot.
Before the Corrupted Pico can fire a bullet from his Uzi, Darnell gives him a surprise punch to the face, getting his infected friend to drop the gun before kicking it away, far out from Pico's reach. As the corrupted sharpshooter attempts to keep his balance, he soon stares back at Darnell, having an annoyed smirk on his face rather than an angry one.
Corrupted Pico: Lucky shot, Darnell. Though, it is fitting for you to pull that kind of move. You'd still be a great addition to out team, so I'm giving you another chance to comply.
Darnell: Wow, lucky me, huh? Well, sorry Pico, but I'd rather take a chance at joining death's dance than be standing her, trying to convince you to let us go.
Nene: (worried) Darnell, don't try to fight him, please. I don't want to see you go again.
Darnell: I'm not going anywhere, Nene. You and Pico both know when given the chance, I never go down without a good fight. So let's settle this like always, Pico.
Corrupted Pico: If you insist, pyromaniac.
*Song Name: Extrication by NyaadiaUwU (Imagine it's Darnell instead of Boyfriend)*
The rap battle between Darnell and his infected friend soon starts, with both boys having a stare down as some nearby music plays a track that doesn't seem intense, but still fuels both opponents with enough courage to try and win this battle. As the battle progresses, the Corrupted Pico sees that Darnell is beginning to get the upper hand in the battle, so he decides to slow him down, while also attempting to end the fight sooner.
Darnell soon sees Pico pull out a backup Uzi, and then finds himself dodging a flurry of bullets that are heading his way. Despite the constant wave of bullets, the pyromaniac still pushes onward, finishing up a solo as him and Pico continue to the end of the song, with it soon coming to a close as Darnell feels some corruption forming on his body and fingers. However, the Corrupted Pico isn't gonna let them get away that easily, as he takes aim and prepares to fire one last bullet at Darnell's cranium.
Suddenly, Nene charges forward from behind her partner and swings her knife across Pico's forehead, creating a slash mark while also getting some of the corruption onto her left arm. Soon, Darnell quickly uses his lighter to set Pico ablaze, buying both him and Nene some time to run away, while Pico is forced to focus on removing the fire off of him. After extinguishing the flames by stopping, dropping, and rolling, the infected sharpshooter suddenly feels some of the corruption come off, and a quick look in a glass mirror shows said black substance gone from Pico's left eye.
While the schizophrenic ginger takes a few moments to look around, having some form of control back, the corruption soon takes over quickly, before looking in the direction that Darnell and Nene ran off in. This little battle isn't over yet...
With (Y/N))
While everyone is having their own miniture adventure, fighting off familiar corruptive faces, (Y/N) is currently hiding out in the more darker streets of Starlight City, taking the moment to have a quick snack break and regain some stamina. Just like Darnell and Nene, he's starting to run low on food and drinks, however unlike the duo, he's been having a bit more luck than them, finding either ripe fruit or snacks that just need to be reheated. After finishing his quick snack, he takes a peek out of his hiding spot to look around, seeing nobody around.
(Y/N): (thinking to himself) Okay, I've been down a nearly a quarter of the streets in this neighbourhood for the past few days, so there's only a few more areas that I haven't been to, and they could provide me with some sanctuary for a bit. (sighs) At times like this, I really regret not having a partner.
After having a moment to himself, the young boy quietly sneaks out of his hiding spot and into the open streets, walking down destroyed buildings and darkened alleyways, making sure that his Uzi is loaded and pocket knife safely stored just in case. During his cautious walk he reaches a large warehouse that seems to have burnt down, and decides to take a look and see what's inside. After getting in through a hole in the second floor, all he can find are a few bags of sweets, some leftover coffee beans, and some broken bottles.
(Y/N): (groans) Really? I search three whole floors of burnt wood and broken stones to find this amount. Well, no use complaining, at least I actually found something, unlike the last few buildings.
After packing away everything, (Y/N) carefully sneaks back out the hole, but heads in a different direction, finding himself at a car park with a large forest on the other side of a steel fence. The sight of the forest gets an idea in his head, one involving just climbing the fence and hiding in the woods, but after taking a moment to think about it, he decides against it, deciding that escaping Starlight City would do nothing but get the corruption to spread across the whole world. However, as he begins to retrace his steps, he soon hears heavy footsteps, and sees the Corrupted Boyfriend emerge from one of the many dark alleyways nearby.
(Y/N): (sighs) Getting real tired of constantly running into either you or someone else that's been infected. How long has it been since this started? Nearly half a year? I don't even know, I lost track of time a few weeks ago. So, I already know you want to corrupt me and have me join those monster's ranks, correct?
Corrupted Boyfriend: (chuckles) Have I really gotten that predictable?
(Y/N): Yeah, and it's not just you, either. Girlfriend and Pico are also after me for the same reason. (sighs) I miss those days when all of us would hang out, whether it be with Pico, Girlfriend, all four of us, or even just the two of us, I miss them. But now, I'm forced to go into hiding from you three, and most of the population now, all because of that stupid corruption.
Corrupted Boyfriend: Don't despair, dear (Y/N). We can still have those days, and create more memories of us spending time together. Forever. All you have to do is-
(Y/N): (glares) Save it. I know this trick from the gas station. You're gonna emotionally manipulate me into a weak position, and then go in for the grand reward. Well, If you really want me... (pulls out his Uzi) Then you'll have to knock every little bit of my hope out of my body.
Corrupted Boyfriend: (smiles creepily) Alright then, dear (Y/N). We can do this like old times.
*Song Name: Reimagined Encounter (just the song, from 0:32 to 2:42)*
*Original Song: Thunder Run by Valor Genesect (Imagine it's (Y/N) instead of Tankman, and the location being the parking lot)*
With (Y/N) loading up his weapon, the battle between him and his corrupted friend, with the sudden music from somewhere sounding intense and desperate, almost like (Y/N) wants to get out of here quickly. Speaking of (Y/N), his expression during the rap battle is one of anger, yet still holds concentration, like he doesn't want his emotions to blindly make his decisions. As for Boyfriend, his expression remains the same, having the glowing creepy smile as always.
During the song, (Y/N) keeps loading clips into his Uzi and fires them at Boyfriend to make sure he doesn't try to get in a surprise attack, or to keep those tentacles sprouting from his back at bay. Eventually, the battle ends after a while, with the corruption on (Y/N)'s arms now travelling across his body, stuck between infecting onto his neck or legs before going after the other.
(Y/N): (chuckles) Well, don't know who won that one, but (clutches his arm in pain) I forgot how painful this stuff is on me. Are you sure you want me in my ranks, or do you just want to destroy my pain receptor?
Corrupted Boyfriend: (chuckles) You already know the answer by now, dear (Y/N).
(Y/N): (growing annoyed) And would you stop calling me that? It's getting more annoying by the minute.
Corrupted Boyfriend: Sorry, but you'll be getting used to that nickname very soon. After all, your stamina is limited, while ours isn't.
(Y/N): Wow, so getting corrupted also gives you infinite stamina. (mumbles to himself) I'm now starting to regret trying to face anybody corrupted now.
Suddenly, the two boys hear the sound of an engine getting closer, and both narrowly avoid a limo sloppily parking right beside them. (Y/N) quickly notices how the front of this limo seems to be heavily damaged, and is able to already know who's about to step out. Not long after parking, the drivers seat swings open, and out steps the Corrupted Mommy Mearest, eyeing (Y/N) like a predator studying its prey, before turning to Boyfriend.
Corrupted MM: Well, well, well. Look what that little blue rat happened to find. The person my daughter dearest wants by her side.
(Y/N): (looks nervous) Uh, oh. Backup's here. (looks around) Well, there are at least a few plausible escape routes to take, if-
Corrupted MM: (walks in front of him) Ah, ah, ah. Don't you think about escaping, young man. After all, you know deep down that there's no point.
(Y/N): And what's that supposed to mean?
Corrupted Boyfriend: It means that thanks to your sudden shadow manipulation magic, (Y/N), our masters are now wanting you in our army more than ever. With all that power unleashed at its full potential, they'll be no-one in Starlight City that could stop us. We'd be invincible, and you'd be our best warrior.
At this point, (Y/N)'s gone from keeping a level head to internally panicking. The corruption not only knows of what he can do, but is now personally targeting him so that they can acquire a powerful ally immediately. First, it was because of Boyfriend and Girlfriend wanting him, then Pico gets involved, and now this?! As tears begin to form in his eyes, he soon hears something in his head.
???: Stay focused, (Y/N). Don't let their knowledge on your gift distract you from your goal. Stand your ground, and push on. If things get too difficult, then I'll handle this.
(Y/N) has no clue where this voice is coming from, but notices that whoever it is, they have good intentions, judging by the tone in their voice. So, he takes a deep breath and wipes the tears from his eyes, before glaring back at the corruptive duo.
Corrupted Boyfriend: (notices his expression) Oh, seems like dear (Y/N) still has some fight in him.
Corrupted MM: Or, really? Well then, how about we make things interesting. A two-against-one. Me and this little rodent versus you, kid. What do you say? (Corrupted BF is offended)
(Y/N): (glares at them) Sure. You would've forced me to go against the both of you anyway. Still, how about we raise the stakes higher? If I can hold my own against the both of you, then you'll have to let me go, and get your little corruptive friends to leave me alone for a whole month.
Corrupted MM: (smiles) I didn't know you were such a daredevil. Now, I can tell why my daughter has her eyes set on you. Very well, I agree with those terms, but if we win, you'll be coming with us for a full new makeover. No second chances.
(Y/N): (eyes glowing white) Fine. All or nothing it is.
Corrupted Boyfriend: Well then, no use wasting anymore time. Let our little showdown commence!
Corrupted MM: Couldn't agree more, you blue dwarf. (gets punched in the face by Corrupted BF) Alright, I'll stop with the height jokes.
*Song Name: Insanity Showdown*
*Original Song: Tag Team by WeegeeDude but FNF (Imagine it's (Y/N) instead of Tankman)*
And so, with (Y/N) loading more clips into his Uzi, the Corrupted Mommy Mearest quickly turns on the radio in the limo, playing a dreadful and suspenseful song as her and the Corrupted Boyfriend attempt to take the uninfected teen in a tag-team battle. Despite the clear disadvantage in front of him, (Y/N) shows no signs of giving yet, and starts firing towards his infected best friend and popstar.
However, unlike the last duel, where Boyfriend would either dodge the bullets or get hit by them, the Corrupted Mommy Mearest would simply dash in front of where the bullet was heading, and calmy block it with the palm of her hand. While a few of the bullets are able to remove the corruption off her, the female demon would simply let the black substance from back on quickly. By the end of the song, (Y/N) is now running out of breath, as the corruption is now making its way up his neck and onto his face.
(Y/N): (panting) Dammit... You guys... are really that persistent, huh?
Corrupted MM: Like we told you, you've only made yourself a bigger target upon unlocking your magic. Now, there's nowhere for you to run. Boys, restrain him. I'll let the boy here do the honours.
Corrupted Boyfriend: Thanks, Mrs Mearest. (looks to (Y/N)) Don't worry, dear (Y/N). This will all be over soon.
As the exhausted young boy goes onto his knees, he looks up to see the corrupted henchmen marching over and surrounding him, before hoisting him up by the arms, and bringing him closer to his infected friend. However, right before the Corrupted Boyfriend can properly begin the infection process, a voice rings out in (Y/N)'s head.
???: Do you really belive that this is the end? No, this isn't the end of our chapter. Allow me to deal with these parasites myself.
At that moment, (Y/N) feels something pulsating in his head, almost like whatever is in there wants to break free from his skull. The two corrupted figures notice their victims discomfort, but assume it's because of him reacting to the black substance on him. (Y/N)'s headache begins to grow more worse, until he lets out a painful cry, as a sudden blast of red magic knocks away every infected attacker nearby.
The Corrupted Boyfriend and Mommy Mearest collide with the doors of the limo, before struggling to stand up and seeing something neither of them were expecting. All of the corrupted henchmen are now lying on the floor unconscious, with some of them having the corruption entirely removed off them. As for (Y/N), he appears slightly different now. For starters, the corruption on him has been removed, his eyes appear to be white and have red swirls instead of (E/C), both him and his gun are now levitating, while being surrounded in a pinkish-red aura, and his hair has changed from (H/C) to blood red.
The Corrupted Boyfriend notices the changes and glares at (Y/N), putting the pieces together on what happened, and not liking this one bit. The spirit from the Hating Simulator has now fused with (Y/N), becoming Spirit (Y/N). Now, the corrupted duo are heavily outmatched.
Corrupted MM: (groans) What was that blast? Has he unlocked another- (sees Spirit (Y/N))
Corrupted Boyfriend: No, this is worse. It's the spirit from the Hating Simulator. They fused.
Corrupted MM: (annoyed) That sealed away thing!? I thought you erased that think from existence! (groans) No matter, we can still-
Spirit (Y/N): Silence. No more words from your parasitic tongue. This young soul has freed me from the prison that you and your husband have trapped me in, and seeing how you hunt him down like an animal disgusts me. Whoever is responsible for creating such a vile and wicked disease will pay for the millions that are suffering. But first, I'll have to remove you two from my path.
Corrupted MM: Well, you better make that attempt count!
The Corrupted Mommy Mearest quickly lunges at Spirit (Y/N), with the intention of not only damaging him, but to also re-corrupt the fused being in front of her. Instead of that happening, Spirit (Y/N) calmly lifts the infected demon up from the ground using psychokinesis, before slamming her back down, knocking her out as he turns his attention to the glaring Corrupted Boyfriend.
Spirit (Y/N): Now it is your turn, harbinger of this corruption.
Corrupted Boyfriend: (grips his mic) I think not. Instead, I'll finish what was supposed to happen in that game.
Spirit (Y/N): Very well, then. But I'll be striking you down faster than either you or your comrades could comprehend. It's only fair...
*Song Name: Duality Takeover*
Original Song: Devil's Gambit by TheInnuendoVEVO and Saruky (Imagine it's Spirit (Y/N) instead of Nightmare Cuphead)*
The final song of the night begins, with dark clouds rolling in with lighting strikes and heavy rain, while a song of intensity and power roars across the parking lot, as the battle between the infected rapper and the possessed young adult commences. Not even 10 seconds in, and Spirit (Y/N) begins to attack the Corrupted Boyfriend, starting off with controlling a lightning bolt, before changing to a defensive tactic and summoning orbs of red aura to surround themself.
The Corrupted Boyfriend, after dodging the sudden lightning bolt strike, glares at the spirit controlling (Y/N), before letting tentacles sprout from his back and attempts to whack him out of the air, but instead his attack is blocked by one of the red orbs, which results in him getting ambushed by the other orbs. By the halfway mark, Spirit (Y/N) looks down at his opponent with confidence, before beginning his next wave of attacks, firing small sparks of red energy from their fingertips and pushing Corrupted Boyfriend away.
The corrupted figure starts growing more irritated as the fight continues to go the way he wasn't expecting, but still attempts to push on in their rap battle. Soon, the song reaches its end, as Spirit (Y/N) decides to mockingly fire a clip from their gun and hitting his foe right in the eye. At this, the Corrupted Boyfriend lets out a corrupted roar of frustration, before charging at Spirit (Y/N) in a fit of rage, only to be knocked away by a fist of red aura. Once the fight is over, the possessed young adult looks to his unconscious opponent, before shaking his head in disappointment.
Spirit (Y/N): I'm truly upset at your performance. This was nothing like the ferocity and destructive side you showed in the game world. Just be satisfied I haven't chosen to break you free yet, I want you and this plague to suffer.
Spirit (Y/N) then takes his leave by flying out of the parking lot with small clouds of red aura following close behind, not wanting to spend another second near anyone that's been corrupted...
However, if he stayed, he would've seen the pink eyes of a third corrupted figure watching his fight with the Corrupted Boyfriend from the darkness. Now, this figure is now beginning to follow Spirit (Y/N), hoping to finish the job herself...
Week 3 has been Completed!!
Sky has been freed from the Corruption!!
Sky and Annie have joined Group 4!!
Current Groups:
Group 1: Skittles, Chad, Chuckie, Lincoln.
Group 2: Sarvente, Sunday.
Group 3: Dee Jay, Agoti.
Group 4: Hanzou, Garcello, Annie, Sky.
Group 5: Darnell, Nene.
Group 6: (Y/N), Spirit.
New Form Unlocked: Spirit (Y/N)!!
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