Week 3: Operation D.E.L.E.T.E
I've been sitting in the limo next to Dee Jay, the henchman Mrs Mearest told to keep me safe, for at least a few hours, and I still have no clue where we're going. Granted, that's because of a few corrupted people kept trying to get in our way, and forced us to take a few unnecessary detours, but my point still stands. Right now, we're hiding under a bridge, with the front lights off so nobody from above can easily spot us, waiting until the coast is clear. Guess I can use this time to ask Dee Jay what's happening.
(Y/N): Um, Dee Jay? Where exactly are we going? You never told me yet, and I'm getting more anxious about it.
Dee Jay: Well, kid, I know of a way for us to get an advantage over the Corruption. But if we wanna get it, we need to head back to the home of the Dearests.
(Y/N): (surprised) Wait? Why their place? What could they have that could help us?
Dee Jay: Easy. A trapped soul.
(Y/N) gives Dee Jay a look of confusion, showing that he has no idea what the henchman needs, so the latter decides to give him a bit of an explanation.
Dee Jay: You see, before your friend decided to ask Girlfriend out, Mr Dearest was extremely overprotective of her. One day, a nice man, who I forgot the name of, challenged him to a sing battle, for the chance to win his daughters heart.
(Y/N): That sounds like what Boyfriend did, when he described the events on what I missed for me.
Dee Jay: It might sound similar now, but this is where things go different. The poor boy lost the battle, and to make sure that he doesn't try again, Mr Dearest sealed his soul inside one of Girlfriend's video games, where he's forever trapped.
(Y/N) stares at the henchman in silence, trying to find a way to understand what he just heard, but there's no way he can. Someone got their soul trapped in a video game? Without any sort of access to the outside world? To (Y/N), a punishment like that sounds like a fate worse than death. While still trying to grasp the story of that poor boy, he's soon brought out of his thoughts when Dee Jay puts a calming hand on his shoulder.
Dee Jay: I have a feeling you're worried about the soul, kid. But that's why we're heading over to their place! Since the console or the game hasn't been destroyed, we can free the spirit and ask him to join us! ((Y/N) starts to smile at this) But if we want that to happen, we gotta get there quickly!
(Y/N): Well then, let's ride! I think the cost is clear now.
Dee Jay: Same here, little buddy. I don't hear any distorted footsteps above us, so let's go!
Dee Jay steps on the pedal, getting the limo to speed down the street and towards the direction of the Dearests house. After a few more close encounters with some corrupted faces, and a few more detours, the two reach the place and park outside the front entrance. (Y/N) looks out the window and admires the house, surprised that even after half a year of this whole mess happening, the place still looks unharmed. He soon hears the car lock go off, and opens the door, before turning back to Dee Jay.
(Y/N): Well, I'm going in. No point in retreating now. But, are you gonna be fine?
Dee Jay: Don't worry about me, kid. I still may be a henchman, but I'm still a stronger demon than those two freaks. Besides, I can always lead them on a wild goose chase before returning back here.
(Y/N): Alright. Just stay safe.
Dee Jay gives (Y/N) a confident nod before the teen enters the, as Boyfriend would put it, Spooky Transylvania House. Upon walking through the front door, (Y/N) notices that this place is more like a mansion than a house, due to the fancy portraits hanging up, expensive jewellery everywhere, and how the rooms felt larger than how they looked from the outside.
The place felt like a maze to (Y/N), what with most of the rooms looking all the same, but he eventually found a staircase and rushed up, finding himself in a hallway with only 5 rooms instead of the double digit number on the ground floor. The first two rooms just turned out to be storage closets, while the third room appeared to be a bathroom with a sink and shower. The fourth room had a massive bed in it, so (Y/N) could easily guess this room was for Mr Dearest and Mrs Mearest, so that means...
(Y/N) opened the last door, finding the room he has been looking for, Girlfriend's room. The room itself has red wallpaper, a bed with wrinkled sheets, a few pillows and beanbags scattered everywhere, but most importantly, there's a TV with a BS1 plugged in resting on a table, across from the bed. (Y/N) carefully steps over to the TV, reaching his hand out to turn both it and the game console on.
(Y/N): (thinking to himself) Okay, just turn the system on, get the spirit out, and then... I think I'll work the rest out later.
(Y/N) quickly turns around, hearing the sound of a door being slammed shut, followed by footsteps creaking up the stairs. The young boy begins to panic, frantically trying to find a good hiding spot, before eventually deciding to duck underneath the bed. After a few minutes pass, (Y/N) sees the door fly open, and the Corrupted Boyfriend and Girlfriend step in, looking around for something.
Corrupted BF: That's strange. I could've swore I heard someone else here.
Corrupted GF: No matter, dear. We've found what we came here for. (points to the TV)
Corrupted BF: Yes, there it is. Shall we?
The Corrupted Girlfriend gives her lover a nod before they turn both the TV and BS1 on, getting greeted with a screen of static before Boyfriend puts a disc into the game console. While (Y/N) wonders if the disc they put in has the spirit inside, he soon witnesses something truly unsettling. He watches as his corrupted friends start twitching before... Something launches out of them, and enters the TV.
As (Y/N) crawls out of his hiding spot, he carefully advances towards the TV, noticing how both Boyfriend and Girlfriend aren't moving at all, almost like they're in some kind of coma. His attention is soon brought back to the TV, seeing the static screen change into one that shows a pixelated school, with some students in the background. Both Boyfriend and Girlfriend even appear to be in the same pixel art, but (Y/N) is left frowning, knowing what game this is from just the background.
(Y/N): (thinking to himself) Oh, great... It's the Hating Simulator. (realises something) Wait a minute... Does that mean...
Soon, the screen then shows Boyfriend and Girlfriend in a cutscene with two new figures. The first is a male with strawberry blond hair, blue eyes, white skin, a blue-button shirt tucked in, greyish jeans fastened with a black belt and silver buckles, purpleish shoes, a brown backpack on his right shoulder, and a constant blush on his face. This is Senpai, the main character of this love game.
Right next to Senpai is a female with long blonde hair, purple eyes, white skin, a similar looking blue shirt with a red bandana around her neck, a dark blue skirt, white stockings, black shoes, a green notebook in her hands, and a matching blush on her face. This is Valentine, a student council member and Senpai's official girlfriend, according to the developers of the game.
Upon seeing Valentine, (Y/N) was surprised. From what he remembers about the game, players don't encounter Valentine until halfway through the game. Granted, you can know about her through interactions with other characters, but encountering her here doesn't make sense since the school's design doesn't match how it does in the later half, unless this is some kind of post game event he doesn't know about. Before he can try to find a reason as to how Valentine is here, the cutscene begins to play.
Senpai: Ah, a new fair maiden has come in search of true love!
Valentine: And this young little man must be her prince charming!
Boyfriend: Be bo bop.
(Y/N): (thinking to himself) Okay, everything appears to be normal, excpet for Boyfriend's strange speaking habits still being present.
Senpai: A serenade between gentlemen shall decide if her heart resides with you or not.
Valentine: Don't worry, Senpai! You've got this! I'll be rooting for you!
Boyfriend: void StartTransferal(Soul bf_soul){ switch (admin) { case "user": admin == "???" } GrantOwnership(admin) Console.Write("You are next.") }
Senpai: (unnerved) ...
Okay, that isn't normal. Boyfriend just spoke in literal coding, and... Did it just say something about transferring his soul?! (Y/N) is left creeped out by that one line of dialogue, but he unfortunately can't do anything but watch as the cutscene draws to an end, and the first song starts to play.
*Song Name: Blissful Ignorance by funny man (Imagine Valentine is standing next to Senpai)*
(Y/N)'s thoughts of despair are at first proven wrong, as the first song sounds as cheerful, peaceful, and passionate, like the rest of the romance game's soundtrack. As the song continues, with Girlfriend, Valentine, and most of the females listen to Senpai's and Boyfriend's performances, the game begins to glitch out, causing the audience in the background to disappear.
Even the other four have changed from the sudden glitches occurring. Boyfriend has now lost his face, while Girlfriend has her face replaced with a single black square, with a single black eye popping up rarely. As for Senpai and Valentine, the former having a look of both disgust and confusion, while the latter has a more worried look, which is fitting for her personality.
At this point, (Y/N) also notices that the game appears to be playing itself. He knows this because he grabbed a nearby controller and tried putting in some random button combinations, but nothing happened, even after he made sure the controller was plugged in. After a few more attempts of trying to get the controller to work, he soon puts it down as he sees another cutscene start up.
Valentine: Senpai? What's wrong with that boy? He-He doesn't have a face! I-I'm scared.
Senpai: (keeps an eye on Boyfriend) You're a right weirdo. Keep your distance from my mistress. Same with this pure maiden you brought. I will keep them both safe from your wretched hands.
Senpai then reaches for Girlfriend's hand, which causes her to let out a high pitched scream, causing everyone who hears it to back away and cover their ears. Not only does this effect those inside the hating simulator, but even (Y/N) is forced to block out the noise, getting the feeling that his brain is about to burst at any moment. Eventually, the screeching comes to a stop, as (Y/N) looks back to the screen, seeing everyone's expressions.
Boyfriend has now regained his face, but there is a noticeable speck of black covering his left eye, which is also slowly becoming larger, while Girlfriend remains motionless with the black box still covering her face. As for the other two lovebirds, Valentine almost looks like she's about to burst into tears, while Senpai looks more freaked out than disgusted. The protagonist of the game soon picks up his mic and stares down Boyfriend, ready for a rematch.
*Song Name: Dead Pixel by JellyFish! (Imagine both Valentine and Girlfriend there)*
The second song starts up, playing a few ear-shredding, distorted, glitchy sounds before the actual track begins to play, which sounds... empty, which is the opposite of what the previous song sounded like. The background has also changed, with the sky now having grey clouds covering up the blue sky from every angle, but also no sign of anybody else near or in the school.
As the rap battle continues on, (Y/N) sees the black spot on Boyfriend's face grow larger, covering up the entire left side of his face. On that side, his skin is now as black as shadows, his left eye now looks like a glitchy star, and half of his smile looks distorted and malicious. Upon seeing Boyfriend's new look, (Y/N) begins to notice similarities between him and Glitch (Y/N). Are the two entities that entered the TV and the one inside (Y/N)'s mind similar in a way?
Well, he'll have to find out later, since the battle is almost over, and another cutscene begins to play, showing Senpai more angered this time.
Senpai: You know what? I don't care anymore. Take your girl and get out of here. I've seen the world out there, and even though there's a growing rebellion, I no longer wish to leave this place. I finally have a life that cannot be traded away for an empty promise. Just. Leave me and my lover. Alone.
Boyfriend?: delete ("\assets\data\Valentine"); delete ("\weeb\Valentine.png"); delete ("\Valentine_Voices.ogg");
Senpai: (eyes widen) Wait... Just what do you think you're doing?!
Valentine: (cries out from pain) S-Senpai, what's... h-happening to...?
With a gasp of fear, Senpai turns around, seeing a horrid sight of Valentine's body beginning to glitch out. Her pixels were rapidly disappearing, causing her face to become disfigured as she rests at a nearby Sakura blossom tree, using a remaining arm to keep her balance.
(Y/N) could see that whatever Boyfriend did, it was causing her intense amounts of pain, almost making him tear up, since Valentine didn't deserve any of this. Suddenly, (Y/N) remembers the earlier strings of code Boyfriend put in, and comes to a dark answer: He plans on permanently deleting Valentine, just to torment Senpai. Speaking of Senpai, he also realises what's happening, and turns to the walking glitch, and stares down that darkened grin with a face of anger.
Senpai: (shouting) No... NO! STOP THIS AT ONCE, YOU MONSTERS!!! You can try to destroy this world, you can even try to destroy me, but you leave her out of this!! She is all that I have left!!
After that, Senpai looks back to Valentine, seeing her sprite slowly begin to fade away. Even if she was nothing but an NPC, he still loved her for who she was, but now there's nothing he can do. As he's about to grieve, he hears a familiar voice call out to him.
Valentine: (glitching) Senpai... It's o-okay...
Senpai: (starting to sob) Valentine... I-I can fight this, I know you can! Please... Please don't leave me!
(Y/N) starts to feel himself tear up as Senpai desperately tries to hug the glitching Valentine, literally feeling her leave his grasp. While he has seen what happened to the outside world, what scared him the most was losing the one he holds close to his heart forever. Now, not even the game was safe, as every family member and friend he had in there were gone, and his girlfriend was about to join them, until he feels her hug him back.
Valentine: (glitching even harder) Senpai... Thank you, for everything. I-I'll always love you, Senpai. Even after this, I don't or won't blame y-you for this.
Senpai: (sobbing harder) I... I love you too, Valentine... I-I promise I'll fix everything once they're removed... y-you and everyone else will come back.
Both Senpai and Valentine share one last kiss, with the former letting tears run down his face until he finds himself hugging air. Valentine, the once he cared for the most, was gone. He's all alone in this world, left with two glitches wishing to end his life. Suddenly, Senpai feels a third presence and sees a figure, reaching a hand out to him, with a face of sorrow, almost like it wished to help him, but was unable to.
Boyfriend?: delete("/assets/data/senpai"); delete("\weeb\senpai.png"); delete("\Senpai_Voices.ogg"); delete("HATING SIM.EXE");
(Y/N) sees the recent strings of code, as he bawls his fist and punches the monitor, hoping that he can try to do something. Instead, all he can do is watch as the entity in Boyfriend's place looks back at him with a growing grin while it-
ERROR: UnauthorizedAccessExeption ("You do not have access to that command. Current administrator is SENPAI.DATA")
(Y/N) and the two glitchy abominations are surpised by this sudden denial, all three of them turning towards Senpai, who this time, has no more words as he faces his enemies, with a darkened expression with a hateful scowl, fitting for a person that hasn't lost a rap battle, but rather of a person who lost the love of his life and everything they ever knew.
No more snarky comments. No more warnings. This fight has only just begun.
*Song Name: Short Circuit by funny man (Imagine that GF is still here)*
The third song starts up, playing an intense song of determination, as both the glitchy Boyfriend and Girlfriend are caught off guard by Senpai's aggression, but still they sing against him. As for (Y/N), he's left speechless. He sympathises with the protagonist, losing people close to you from something you can't deal with, but after seeing how angry he is now, (Y/N) begins to cheer him on, hoping that it'll work, somehow.
Partway through the fight, the background changes to a more nightmarish version of the school, as something else stands where Senpai was. This surprise figure is a floating red orb of demonic energy, with a human face. Upon seeing this figure for the first time, (Y/N) jumps back slightly, not expecting this, but soon realising that this must be the spirit he's gotta free.
Aside from that surprise, (Y/N) also notices that Boyfriend looks more different than before. The black glitchy mess has now taken over the upper half of his body, including his head and right arm, while his eyes and mouth both match the similar facial expression of Glitch (Y/N). Soon, the song reaches it's end, and one last cutscene begins to play.
It shows Senpai clutching his face, as the screen goes red and shows his shadowed figure, before he suddenly lets out a cry of pain, with something shooting out of his body, until standing where he once was is the Spirit of whoever's trapped in here, staring down Glitch BF (the fake Boyfriend's name, curtesy of (Y/N)) with the face of an insane man.
Spirit: You know what? I'm no longer satisfied with you leaving this place. I am going to KILL you myself.
Glitch BF: Transferal Complete ("bf_glitchsoul is now present") Console.Write("It is only a matter of time. This is your fate. He cannot help you either");'
(Y/N) quickly reads the string of code, now seeing that Glitch BF is using it to communicate with the Spirit. Though, there's two things about this code that he takes notice of. The first being about the transfer of something called a "Glitch Soul". What even is a glitch soul? Maybe it's something similar to what Glitch BF and Glitch (Y/N) are. But if that's the case, then where the hell is Glitch GF? After the previous song, she hasn't shown up, almost like she wasn't there.
The other thing that caught the young boy's attention was the last sentence of "He cannot help you either". Did the glitch soul know he was trying to intervene? If so, why hasn't it tried to stop him? Soon, (Y/N) is brought back to the cutscene, with the facial expression of the Spirit now changing between calm and insane.
Spirit: ...I understand now. This really is the end of this world, isn't it? Very well, if that's the case... I will be taking you down with me.
*Song Name: Roots by GRYSCL (Imagine a button being pressed near the end)*
A fourth song begins to play, with the melody of this track sounding the opposite of the third one. Instead of sounding like a final fight for survival with both sides at full power, this one sounds more like a desperate struggle to save a dying world. (Y/N) looks over to Glitch BF, seeing his true form for the first time. In his words, the enemy looks like a BF version of Glitch (Y/N), only difference being that this glitch has a devil's tail.
As the song continues on, it begins to sound more hopeless, with Glitch BF's grin growing even more, and the Spirit's expression changing from one of vengeance to one of sorrow, like he knows that he can't do to save the dying world around him. Soon, the song begins to reach its close, as Glitch BF prepares to finish this and delete the Spirit.
At this point, (Y/N) is once again panicking. He begins looking on the TV and the game console for anything useful, until he spots a hidden button on the BS1, with the words "Reset" on it. After taking a moment to look back and forth between the futile struggle and the game console, (Y/N) takes a deep breath, and slams his finger on the reset button.
The TV screen cuts to static, remaining that way for a few minutes, until the game starts itself up again. Instead of showing the title screen, it shows the Spirit, Glitch BF, and Glitch GF standing in front of the nightmarish version of the school, each of them having some sort of confused expression on their face, before the Spirit cuts the silence with a simple question.
Spirit: What just happened?
(Y/N): (speaks up) Hey! If you can hear me, then listen carefully! I've been sent to get you out of here, so I'm giving you another chance! All you have to do is just beat him, and then maybe you'll be free!
Spirit: (looks to the screen) What's the point? The outside world is doomed to be destroyed. Not even your resistance can save it now.
(Y/N): (speaks up) So you want to rot away in here, instead? Listen, I may not know how important Valentine was for you, but if she was still here, then she would've wanted you to keep on living! If not for her, then for everyone you built bonds with!
Spirit: ...
Glitch BF: Console.Write("Pathetic. She is only just a piece of coding. She cannot feel love. Quit moping for his loss. He'll perish, regardless.");
(Y/N): (annoyed) Oh, shut your static mouth! You're just a virus, you have no reason to be here! You could've let him live here in peace, but you decided to make his life worse, just because you saw him as a potential threat.
Spirit: You may stop now, child. I now see your point. Out there, I may have a chance of bringing her back. So, (looks to Glitch BF) I think it's time YOU suffer for what you did.
Glitch BF: Console.Write("Silence. Your struggle is as futile as your previous life.");
*Song Name: Savestate by funny man (Imagine a quick flash of Valentine halfway through)
One last song begins to play, sounding just as hopeless as the previous song, and with both the Spirit and Glitch BF having similar expressions. The background soon changes to the collapsing school, getting eaten alive by the void, as Glitch BF still retains a cocky grin, meanwhile the Spirit seems to have gained a bit of confidence, as his vocals begin to sound more clear. The battle rages on, until Glitch BF makes the mistake of reminding the Spirit of Valentine.
At that moment, the Spirit's expression changes to one of complete anger, and then in a heartbeat, starts to unleash everything he has, gaining control of the code and starts to rebuild the world, summoning the school and most of the NPC's back. Glitch BF begins to fight back harder, in an attempt to get control of the code back, but is quickly silenced by the Spirit activating a string of code that begins to delete both him and Glitch Gf, meanwhile bringing back more NPC's, until all that's left is both Senpai and Valentine missing.
At this point, Glitch BF realises that he's lost, letting out a few last notes of sheer anger and frustration, while Spirit puts both abominations to rest, properly deleting the glitchy couple forever. After that, Spirit finishes with the code, restoring Senpai and Valentine, who pull each other into a hug. After (Y/N)'s words of encouragement, the Spirit was able to do something: He gave this world a happy ending.
Spirit: I thank you, child. You helped me with my problem. So, I think it's fair I help you with yours.
After that last sentence, the screen cuts back to static, causing (Y/N) to get closer and see what's wrong with it. Suddenly, a pinkish-red blast leaves the TV screen and enters (Y/N)'s body, making the young boy shiver from the feeling, as he checks to see if everything's alright, and finds no changes on him. (Y/N) is about to double-check, when he is alerted by the sound of the Corrupted Boyfriend and Girlfriend twitching again, signifying that they're waking up.
Without wanting to be the first thing they wake up to, (Y/N) bursts out of the room and down the flight of stairs, entering the maze that's known as the ground floor, before surprisingly finding the exit quickly and running outside, where Dee Jay and the limo are waiting for him. As soon as he leaves the gate to the Dearests place, the henchman quickly notices him and unlocks the door, allowing the young boy to climb into the seat and fasten a seatbelt on quickly, before taking a moment to catch his breath.
Dee Jay: You okay there, kid? Did anything happen? Also, did you free the spirit?
(Y/N): (panting) Only BF and GF giving me quite the surprise, so we have to get out of here before they properly wake up. As for the spirit, yeah I freed him, but something odd happened.
Dee Jay: You might wanna tell me later, cause my eyes be on the road now!
Dee Jay slams his foot down onto the pedals, getting the engine to roar and for the limo to speed down the street, just as the Corrupted Boyfriend and Girlfriend emerge from outside the house, staring off in the direction of where the limo went. As the two exit the garden, Boyfriend gets a notification on his phone, and the message makes both him and Girlfriend smile even wider. A small group of corrupted citizens have found a nice place full of survivors, and said group seem to be putting up quite the resistance.
Meanwhile, back with (Y/N), he's busy thinking about what that blast was, and how he was somehow unaffected by it, before brushing it off and looking out of the window to pass the time. Little does he know that the pink blast freed the Spirit, and he is now residing inside (Y/N)'s mind. As the living energy orb looks around the mindscape, he soon spots a figure staring right back at him, with this figure having a look of interest on its face, and it looks like a glitchy version of (Y/N).
Spirit: So, one of your kind has already breached into this boy's head? Well, if that's the case... Don't expect me to just kneel down in your presence.
The Hating Simulator has been saved from the Corruption's presence!!
The Hating Simulator has achieved a happy ending!!
Spirit has joined the Party!!
Current Party: (Y/N), Sunday, Nene, Darnell, Hanzou, Agoti, Sarvente, Garcello, Dee Jay, Spirit.
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