Week 3: Must Murder Mommy Mearest
To say that the last few weeks haven't been as disastrous as we thought would be a massive understatement. At first, everything seemed to be going well, but it all came crashing down in a matter of days. First, after bringing Agoti, Sarvente, and Garcello to the complex, they've been getting along with everyone. For example, Agoti has been playing some board games with Garcello, Darnell, and Hanzou, while Sarvente has joined a little gossip group, consisting of her, Nene, and Sunday. While that does sound nice, a big problem soon showed up, ruining these moments of peace.
The problem being that overnight, the corruption has begun to infect me more in my sleep, leaving only half of my face not corrupted. Because of this, I can barely move around with limping or dragging my legs, my head feels like it's about to burst at any second, I barely get any proper sleep since the spreading occurred, and even my voice feels like it's changing, with it now sounding more darker than before.
The only good thing about this is that as long as the uncorrupted side of my face is seen, anybody else that has been fully corrupted just walks right by me. But there's also a bad side to this, and that being if I ever get into a clash with anybody that is infected, I may get full corrupted, and I don't want that to happen. So now, the only thing I can do, without risking my friends getting corrupted, is to just wander around the district for a few hours a day, to keep my sanity from fully draining.
On this day, there isn't a sign of anybody in the streets, so that's good for me, since I now don't have to worry about keeping part of my face constantly concealed. It's nice to enjoy some fresh air, even if I may become nothing more than a mindless zombie in a matter of minutes. While taking a walk down one street, I happen to notice that not a single building is recognisable, which means that I've wandered too far from my place, and have gotten lost. Great.
(Y/N): (thinking) Okay, this could be worse, but I don't wanna risk jinxing it. I mean, for all I know, there could be a sudden corrupted army right behind me. Or worse, I could turn around and see Boyfriend there, ready to finish me off.
While I was contemplating the possibilities of what could happen if I try to retrace my steps and hopefully find a way to get back to my complex safely, I hear the sound of something in the distance, almost like some kind of vehicle is heading through here. Turning around to see what it is, I see a familiar looking limo speeding through the street, and said limo belonging to the Dearests, which I can tell from the emblem on the front.
I expect for the limo to just drive by, but to my surprise, it pulls over nearby. At first, I thought it was because they spotted me and thought I was fully corrupted, but as soon as I see some smoke coming from the front of the vehicle, it becomes clear that it's because of a faulty engine. The drivers seat opens up, and I see one of their bodyguards come out to fix it. He soon spots me, at first being freaked out, but soon his expression changes to a more softer one.
Henchman: Jeez, what happened to you, kid? Hold on, we'll try to help you. (calls out) Mrs Mearest! You need to see this!
(3rd Person POV)
One of the doors at the back of the limo opens up, and (Y/N) sees Mommy Mearest stepping out, before walking over, Upon seeing the nearly corrupted teen, her expression matches her henchman, having a concerned look as she kneels in front of (Y/N).
Mommy Mearest: You're that boy my daughter befriended around last year, some time during bonfire night, correct? ((Y/N) gives her a nod) Can you even speak? ((Y/N) shakes his head horizontally) Hmm, must be because of the corruption. Anyway, what are you even doing out here? The news said to never go outside, unless it's for supplies.
(Y/N) just looks at Mommy Mearest, before motioning for something to write with. While the female demon doesn't have a clue on what he's trying to tell her, but luckily the henchman does, and passes (Y/N) a notepad and pencil for him to write with. (Y/N) takes both equipment and begins writing down on it, before passing the notepad over to Mearest for her to read.
Mommy Mearest: (reading the note) "I'm not speaking because the corruption is beginning to effect my voice. As for why I'm out here wandering around, it's so that my sanity doesn't go fully down. What about you? Why are you out here?" (hands the notepad back) Do you really want to know?
Henchman: Come on, Mrs Mearest. He lost his friends from the corruption, after all.
Mommy Mearest: (sighs) Okay, I'll tell him. (looks to (Y/N)) Now, after dealing with that lesser demon and most of his victims at the mall, me and my husband spent the next few months trying to stay hidden, due to using up most of our energy, and needing to recharge. However, one month ago, our hiding spot got breached, and we were forced to evacuate. During that, we got separated, and I have no clue on where my husband is. Does that satisfy you?
(Y/N) gives Mommy Mearest a nod, letting her know he's happy with the answer, while he takes a moment to think about what this mean. From what Sarvente told him, only demons that are stronger than the Lemon Demon and whoever helped him create this disease have the power to cure it, and while the demon nun isn't that strong, the Dearests might be stronger than them both, since they removed the corruption off him back at the mall. However, due to them split up now, that means that they can be easily attacked. (Y/N) is soon snapped out of his thoughts by Mommy Mearest passing him a microphone.
Mommy Mearest: I may not be as strong as my husband, but I do know that I can help you, so let's give this a shot.
(Y/N) gives her a determined nod, but as he gets a proper grip on the mic, he suddenly feels his head hurting, as Mommy Mearest notices what's happening, and quickly instructs the henchman to start playing some music from the limo radio.
*Song Name: Sanity (Imagine it's (Y/N) instead of Corrupted Pico)*
*Original Song: Threat by PieDaDude and Y_F_MUS (This remix is made by funny man)*
With a quick dash in and out of the limo, the radio begins playing a psychedelic track, one that you would hear when facing an insane person. Mommy Mearest begins the song, spitting out rhythms that would be difficult to follow, while (Y/N) chooses to freestyle with his infected voice, but 45 seconds after the song had begun, (Y/N)'s corrupted side of his face begins to form a glowing pupil, as he feels another headache coming. The Corruption is trying to take control of his mind, as it looks over to the female demon and speaks in a dark tone.
Corrupted (Y/N): This little battle is going to be fun... Mearest.
Mommy Mearest refuses to let this get to her, as she continues on with her sections, all while (Y/N) tries to keep his sanity from fully collapsing. By the end of the song, both their attempts to stop the corruption pay off, as most of (Y/N)'s face, body, and arms get uncorrupted, while Mommy Mearest doesn't have a single dot of the corruption on her.
(Y/N): (voice still raspy) I think it's working... But my voice is still infected.
Mommy Mearest: (smiles) Then all we have to do is try harder. Tell me boy, do you really plan on giving up right now?
(Y/N): (determined) Of course not! If I did want to give up, I would've just tried to find Boyfriend or that Lemon Demon instead of be here.
Mommy Mearest: That's the attitude! Henchman, start up another song!
The henchman gives Mrs Mearest a thumbs up as he starts looking though the radi's playlist. Meanwhile, on a nearby rooftop, a corrupted figure has been lured from the sound of music, wanting to see where it's coming from. Now that they see three great targets to go and corrupt, they choose to wait for the right moment to strike.
*Song Name: Interruptions (I aging it's (Y/N) instead of Corrupted Pico, and Corrupted Cassandra instead of Corrupted Nene)*
*Original Song: Aim Burst by AzuriParker*
The henchman starts up the next song, playing a more active and aggressive track, almost like it belongs in a fighting game. (Y/N) and Mommy Mearest start to try harder in order to remove the corruption off the former, which starts to work with (Y/N) beginning to feel his body and mind no longer in pain, but right around the halfway mark, an uninvited guest drops down onto the limo's hood. And that figure is the Corrupted Cassandra.
Corrupted Cassandra: Nice to see you again, you little brat. Now, you better not disappoint me. Otherwise, my search for a good opponent would've been for nothing.
The Corrupted Cassandra now joins in on the rap battle, meaning that (Y/N) and Mommy Mearest will have to find a way to safely get rid of her without getting corruption on them. After continuing on the song, Cassandra grows frustrated that none of her targets show any signs of infection, so she gets ready to pounce and do it herself. However, right before she can attack, Mommy Mearest quickly charges up some energy, and punches Cassandra in the face, sending her flying over many of the skyscrapers as a fully uncorrupted (Y/N) watches in surprise.
(Y/N): Dang, she went flying. Don't you think you may have overdone it?
Mommy Mearest: No, I don't. Besides, I knew that reviving that crazy school shooter was a bad idea from the start.
(Y/N): (confused) Wait, you revived her?
Mommy Mearest: Now's not the time, kid. We need to get out of here before any more of those freaks show up.
(Y/N) nods, understanding that their sitting ducks at the moment, before hopping into the limo with Mommy Mearest and the henchman, with the latter getting into the drivers seat and starting up the fixed engine, before setting the acceleration to max and speeds off through the desolate streets. However, what those three don't know is that another figure that was watching them from a dark alleyway, their corrupted face forming a malicious grin, seeing who their next victims are.
Meanwhile, inside the limo, both (Y/N) and Mommy Mearest are sitting in the back seats in silence, due to neither of them unsure on how to have a proper conversation after what just occurred. After a few more minutes of uncomfortable silence, the young teen decides to try and be the one to start this interaction.
(Y/N): So, thanks for helping me get uncorrupted.
Mommy Mearest: You don't have to thank me, kid. You're a friend of my daughter, and she'd want to see those she cares about safe.
(Y/N): I have a feeling she'd actually want that, though I don't understand what you and Mr Dearest have against Boyfriend.
Mommy Mearest: (sighs) We just care for our daughter, and we're just worried that blue-haired dwarf will do something horrible to her.
(Y/N): Well, from what Boyfriend told me, they had a bit of a falling out over a similar topic.
Mommy Mearest: (surprised) Really?
(Y/N): (nods) Yep. They got into an argument over how protective you and your husband are, with Girlfriend defending you both. If it wasn't for Boyfriend realising that your daughter had a point, they would've definitely broken up.
Mommy Mearest: That's my daughter! Some say she has my fashion senses and my husbands attitude.
(Y/N): (chuckles) I can actually see her having those traits, now that I think about it.
Now that they have a topic they can both talk about, (Y/N) and Mommy Mearest begin to chat away about those that they care about, with the henchman occasionally joining in to share some of his thoughts. While they continue to interact, the corrupted figure from the alleyway has managed to catch up to the limo, and pulls out an Uzi before shooting one of the front tires, causing the vehicle to swerve and stop over a bridge overlooking part of Starlight City.
Mommy Mearest: (surprised) What was that?
Henchman: (looks out the window) Seems that one of the tires has burst, though I can't see what caused it, due to a purple mist making it hard to see.
(Y/N): Perhaps it was a sharp rock.
Henchman: Maybe, but we don't know until the mist clears.
Mommy Mearest: (scoffs) The longer we stay stranded here, the higher the chance of someone corrupted finds us. I'll take a look myself.
(Y/N): I'll come too, bringing my Uzi just in case. (loads the Uzi)
Mommy Mearest: Alright, kid. Let's go.
(Y/N) and Mommy Mearest exit the limo and head over to the front, in order to see how bad the damage is. Upon seeing the blown up tire, both can quickly conclude that this wasn't from some tire, this was deliberately caused by someone who wants to stop them. Before either of them can think of what could've caused this, both hear a thud as they see a figure now standing on the roof of the car. Seeing the figure having a glowing pink eye, (Y/N) and Mrs Mearest see that someone that's corrupted has attacked them, so they climb onto the bonnet to deal with this.
*Song Name: Satin Savagery by funny man and Valor Genesect*
The first song begins, with the henchman playing both a haunting and unsettling track from the car's radio. Mommy Mearest leads the song while the corrupted person freestyles, and as part of the mist clears, the figure is revealed to be the Corrupted Pico, with his chains around his torso and bloody Uzi locked and loaded. During the song, Mommy Mearest seems to be disgusted, annoyed, and confused, while (Y/N) seems to be concerned for the female demon, and freaked out by the purple mist continuing to grow.
Halfway through the song, Mommy Mearest sees that she's starting to lose, so she decides to kick it up a notch. The female demon's eyes begin to glow, as she begins to repel all of Corrupted Pico's attempted attacks, while (Y/N) takes a few shots at him just in case Mommy Mearest starts to grow tired. Eventually the song ends, with the young teen noticing something forming on his temporary partners left arm.
(Y/N): (surprised) Mrs Mearest! Your arm!
Mommy Mearest: (sees it's now corrupted) Oh, great. So, you really think that I'll just stand here and let you corrupt us both?
Corrupted Pico: Don't get so overconfident, Mearest. With every passing day, we grow stronger. And thanks to our masters, we're no longer held down by our former weaknesses. Now, I suggest you kneel if you don't want this to be the most painful experience in your pitiful existence.
As the Corrupted Pico has his little speech, it is shown that the henchman has secretly managed to replace the destroyed tire, as he hops back into the limo, starts up the engine, and starts driving across the bridge in an attempt to shake the little parasite off. Unfortuantely, this doesn't work, as the Corrupted Pico and (Y/N) nearly lose their balance, while Mommy Mearest looks the infected shooter dead in his glowing pink eyes.
Mommy Mearest: Like I'd take orders from two lesser demons and their army of reject heartless. If you want me to kneel, you'll have to earn it.
Corrupted Pico: (aims his Uzi at her) Fine. So be it.
*Song Name: Dispatch by funny man (Imagine the shots are coming from both Pico's Uzi and (Y/N)'s Uzi)
The next song begins to play, with the tune sounding more like a desperate attempt to escape, which is fitting for the setting of the limo driving across a quiet bridge. Mommy Mearest starts to use her demon energy throughout the duration of the song, all while still being confused on how this battle go. Meanwhile, (Y/N) keeps a steady grip on his Uzi, keeping an eye out for any possible tricks that the infected sharpshooter may try to use.
Speaking of the Corrupted Pico, he soon brings a little surprise that actually catches (Y/N) and Mommy Mearest off guard: He ends up shooting himself in the head, freeing part of his face from the corruption! During the rest of the song, the corrupted ginger keeps trying to shoot himself in the head, probably to either get more of the corruption off, or trying to end his own life to escape this fate.
This sudden action does freak (Y/N) out, even causing him to temporary stop firing bullets at Pico, but he soon snaps out of it and resumes assisting Mommy Mearest in fighting back against the corruption. By the end of the song, Pico fires one last bullet at his face, freeing half of it from the corruption as the limo drives into a tunnel. Inside the hole of shadows, both Pico and (Y/N) see something else illuminating, aside from the lights on the wall, and that being Mommy Mearest's eyes glowing intensely.
Mommy Mearest: Alright. No more games. You and your leaders have become nothing but nuisances, turning everyone into mindless puppets. Well, you'll be glad to know that I'll be personally sending you down to hell myself.
(Y/N): Wait, Mrs Mearest! What about trying to free Pico? He's trying to break free from the corruption's control!
Mommy Mearest: If we would, then he wouldn't have been trying to shoot himself in the head, unless that is his way of trying to free himself. (sighs and looks at (Y/N) Alright, kid. I guess it's worth a shot trying to save him. Just keep firing at him and let me know if anybody else tries to get involved. We don't want a repeat of last time, except the end results aren't in our favour, don't we?
(Y/N): (loads his Uzi) On it, Mrs Mearest.
Mommy Mearest: Good. (turns back to Pico) As for you, the whole "freeing you from this black and pink parasitic paint" procedure will be free, but it'll hurt worse than whatever PTSD your reckless mind has. Now, as my husband would say during his time making records in the 80's, Time To Turn Up The Heat!!!
*Song Name: Glammed by Valor Genesect and funny man (Imagine (Y/N) still firing at Corrupted Pico)
The final song begins to play, with a dramatic and powerful tune starting the minute the exit the tunnel, and have the dystopian Starlight City as their background. Mommy Mearest isn't playing around, as her eyes are glowing red, signifying using all her powers, and all traces of corruption on her have been fully removed. Meanwhile, Pico has now got the left side of his face uncorrupted, as cracks begin to form around his head.
Halfway through the song, (Y/N) begins to have hope that this could work, and that Pico could be saved. The corruption on the sharpshooter is beginning to crack, almost like it's about to come off, and Mommy Mearest still has the advantage in this fight, due to not having any corruption on her. However, right after they exit a second tunnel, all that hope begins to get shrivelled up and tossed away when (Y/N) notices another limo catching up to them.
(Y/N): Another limo is arriving! Be careful!
Mommy Mearest: Don't worry, boy, I will.
As the opposing limo drives parallel to the one they're standing on, (Y/N) notices four figures jump out of some open windows and onto the roof of the other vehicle. It's more of Mommy Mearest's henchmen, all of them corrupted with every part of them shrouded in darkness, except for their eyes which shine an ominous white. The minute they show up, the whole battle begins to change quickly.
Pico soon gets back to being fully corrupted, probably from the presence of the corrupted henchman, while Mommy Mearest begins to grow tired from the constant use of her demonic energy. Try as she might, she can't hold out for long, and the song ends with half of her getting corrupted after one shot from Pico's Uzi.
(Y/N): (shocked) Mrs Mearest! Are you okay?!
Mommy Mearest: (groans) Don't worry... I'm fine...
Henchman: Like hell you are, ma'am! You got some of that infectious slime covering half of you, and you took a point-blank bullet.
Mommy Mearest: I'm telling you boys, I'm fine, because... (pauses for a moment) Wait, why can't I use my powers?
Corrupted Pico: Glad you realised that. You see, unlike most of the foes you and your husband have faced, I actually know that I have no chance of corrupting you. Well, without any backup. So, I went and found some of your discarded henchman, and brought them here to hold your powers back.
Mommy Mearest: (glares) So that's your big plan? Rely on my own team that you've corrupted as a strategy? Look, if you haven't noticed already, only half of my body has been infected. So while my mind is currently telling me to give up, my body won't let that happen. Sorry to say, but you'll have to try harder if you want to take me down.
Corrupted Pico: (grins creepily) Oh, don't worry, Mearest. I already plan on making this little moment as painful as I can.
*Song Name: Schizophrenzy by SimplyCrispy*
With one last stand against the corruption, Mommy Mearest challenges Pico once more, as a haunting a psychotic track plays from the limousine that belongs to the corrupted. Both (Y/N) and the driving henchman hope that the demonic popstar can find a way to get rid of the corruption on her, but due to the corrupted henchmen keeping her from using any more of her demonic abilities, that outcome is unlikely.
As such, they are forced to watch Mommy Mearest struggle to keep the corruption from taking full control of her, while the Corrupted Pico keeps on letting out disturbing bars, and constantly taunting her for both herself and her husband being unable to save their daughter. By the end of the song, only half of her face remains uncorrupted, as she still has some control over her conscience, but not for long.
Corrupted Pico: (rolls his eyes) Wow, that song was terrible for you. I mean, even when I tore into your bars at the last verse, you were still struggling to perform even the most basic of rhythms. Do you have anything to say for your pitiful attempt at standing your ground?
Mommy Mearest: (whispers to the henchman) Keep the boy safe, you hear me. (looks towards Pico) Just one: Break!!
At that word, the henchman hit the brakes, sending the three on the car falling onto the road, before hopping out of the limo and grabbing (Y/N) by the arm and taking him back into the vehicle. After fastening him in, he turns the limo around and starts accelerating out of there, as Mommy Mearest stares down Pico, her old henchmen, and a few more corrupted figures exiting their limo. Meanwhile, (Y/N) looks back at the stand-off, wondering if the outcome would've been different if the other limo arrived later.
Henchman: I know what you're thinking about, boy. To be honest, I don't even know if she'd actually be able to fend them all off, since her magic is more for defence, which is the opposite of her husbands magic.
(Y/N): Ah, okay. Anyway, why did you drag me into the limo? You could've left me to get corrupted and save yourself.
Henchman: Easy, Mearest's orders. She wants anyone that's friends with her daughter to be safe, so she's trusting me to make sure that happens.
(Y/N): I see. (thinks for a moment) May I ask for your name, and where we could possibly be going?
Dee Jay: Name's Dee Jay, kid. And as for where we'll be stopping, well, we need to make a quick little detour before we can hideout at your place. And it's for an urgent reason...
Mommy Mearest has been overpowered by The Corruption!!
Dee Jay (Henchman) has joined the party!!
Current Party: (Y/N), Sunday, Nene, Darnell, Hanzou, Agoti, Sarvente, Garcello, Dee Jay.
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