Week 1: A Goth Girl On The Run
So, here I am, running away from the corruption, again. This is just great. Still, I'm glad that Pico gave me an Uzi to use until this whole problem is finally dealt with, but I still wish I could've saved him. I made a promise to save Boyfriend and Girlfriend, but if I can't save others, then how can I possibly save them? By rapping hard and shooting at them? Well, Pico tried, and he wasn't successful. At least Nene and that skeleton kid are safe at my place.
Speaking of my place, it was a smart move to destroy Pico's phone, that way the corruption doesn't know where I'm residing, which also prevents Sunday and the others from getting attacked by those freaks. But I should stop worrying about them, and start paying attention to what's currently happening with me. Right now, I'm running through downtown of Starlight City, hoping on losing and confusing some corrupted enemies before heading back to safety.
The corrupted people that are currently chasing me are Boyfriend, Pico, and one of those demon henchmen Mrs Mearest usually has beside her. This is incredibly bad for me, cause they have that stolen limo to drive, and Pico still has his Uzis, so there's noting stopping him from holding me at gunpoint while they corrupt me. Soon though, I find a good hiding spot, running into a dark alleyway, and hiding inside one of the massive garbage containers. I may stink, but it's better than getting caught. After a few seconds pass, I hear a vehicle pull up, doors open, and the sound of footsteps right outside my hiding spot.
Corrupted Pico: Are you goddamn positive the went this way? I can't see shit down here.
Hearing the distorted voice of the Corrupted Pico, I hold my breath, hoping that they soon leave before I either make a noise, pass out from the lack of oxygen, or both.
Corrupted BF: Yes, Pico, I'm sure our dear (Y/N) went through here. They must've used its shadows to hide from us.
Corrupted Pico: (chuckles darkly) Well then. let's scare our little buddy out of his hiding spot, now?
I begin internally panicking, hearing the sound of an Uzi getting loaded, obviously by Pico. Now, I'm not afraid of Pico shooting, because I've seen and heard him do it multiple times back at the shooting range in high school. What I'm actually afraid of is where he'll be firing, since I have no way to tell if he's aiming towards my hiding spot or not.
Guess I'll have to take a blind shot in the dark, as I hear the gun go off, trying my best not scream in fear or make a loud noise. After a few more seconds pass, I hear Pico let out a yell of anger, meaning that he either missed me or shot somewhere else.
Corrupted Pico: God fucking dammit!! He isn't here! What's worse is that there's a dead end at the other side of this alleyway!
Corrupted BF: Patience, Pico. This can help us. Since we know he isn't here, add on the fact there's a dead end in this alleyway, this means that our dear (Y/N) must've climbed the wall, and is already on another street. Let's do now, the more we stand here arguing, the more our dear (Y/N) gets away.
Their footsteps, as well as Pico's grumbling, soon get replaced by the sound of the vehicle riding off. Once I make sure the coast is clear by peeking out, I climb out of the container, before letting out a massive sigh of relief. If Boyfriend decided to search more clearly, or if Pico shot at my hiding spot, there's a massive chance I would've become corrupted. I prepare to leave the alleyway, until another distorted voice stops me.
???: Halt, loser!!
I turn around, finding myself staring down one of those corrupted kids I had to evade earlier tonight. Now that I have a better look at them, I can now notice more details than I have from before. For starters, they appear to be shorter than I thought, also having a generic bowl haircut, while wearing generic clothes as well.
Corrupted Uberkid: You are in Uberkid territory, you rodent. Leave now, or I'll make you!
(Y/N): (blinks a few times) Sorry, but I'm not listening to some fourth grader that thinks they can do whatever, now that the entire town is going through an apocalypse.
Corrupted Uberkid: You dare call me a fourth grader?! Don't you know anything, stupid?! I am smarter, stronger, better-
(Y/N): Chattier, smaller, and more obnoxious. Do I have to continue?
Corrupted Uberkid: (growls) That's it! I challenge you now! One-on-One rap battle!!
I keep staring at this corrupted child, more irritated at his disgusting personality, until I give him a nod. He's just a kid, an annoying one at that, but still a kid. Might as well humour him for a while. The kid then smirks, before placing a portable radio nearby, and choosing the song as he looks back at me, with a more confident look than before.
*Song Name: Annoying Hurdle*
Original Song: Emancipation by funny man (imagine it's (Y/N) vs Corrupted Uberkid instead of Pico vs Corrupted Boyfriend)*
The song plays, with me letting the kid sing first as I load my Uzi. He may be a kid, but he's still corrupted, and I don't want to risk getting any more on me. Throughout the song, the kid just sings from a distance, keeping a tight grip on his microphone while giving me a confident look, like he believes he'll win. Poor kid should've learnt not to pick fights as I easily beat him in a steady pace, shooting at him every time he tries to advance further. As the song ends, the kid throws his microphone to the ground, clearly upset that he lost.
Corrupted Uberkid: You're nothing but a cheat! You tried to shoot at me!
(Y/N): (deadpans) Well, of course, since you were trying to get up close and attack me.
Corrupted Uberkid: Silence! Prepare for a knockout, you-
I quickly shoot the kid in the head, not wanting to deal with him any longer, as I turn around and continue walking through Starlight City. Just to be sure he's alright, however, I look back at the kid, seeing him clutch where I shot him, while having a hissy fit. I sigh, glad that I haven't taken the life of a child, as I continue on deeper into the ruined town I once called home.
(3rd Person POV)
(Y/N) has been walking through the quiet ruins of Starlight City, hoping that the corruption has stopped chasing him. As he continues his trek, he stops nearby an abandoned building close to a highway, and eats a quick sandwich for a snack break. Upon closer examination, (Y/N) recognises the highway, as he walked down it earlier, on the way to the gas station.
(Y/N): (smiles) Heh, what do you know? My luck's beginning to turn around.
???: Better hope you haven't jinxed it, buddy.
At first, (Y/N) froze up, believing that another corrupted person had found him, until he paused, noticing how the voice didn't sound distorted. Whoever's speaking to him has not been corrupted yet. (Y/N) quickly turns around, seeing who's currently speaking to him. The person is a female with long red hair, pointing up like devil horns. She also has visible ear piercings, an upside down cross on her hair, and red long fingernails. The girl is also wearing a black crop top, a black coat, spiked wristbands, a red bandana, rec shorts tied with a black belt, and black and yellow shoes.
(Y/N): (eyes widen) Cassandra? I haven't seen you since the school shooting! Speaking of it, aren't you supposed to be in jail for it?
Cassandra: (sighs) Yeah, I was supposed to, but when that corruption reached the prison, most of the prisoners, including my own goth crew got infected, so I had to bail. At first, I've been hiding in the mall, but ever since that lemon freak got his butt kicked by the Dearests, I fled due to him getting more angry.
(Y/N): Wouldn't want to risk getting spotted, don't you? (Cassandra nods) Well, I'm currently trying to flee back home since Pico got corrupted, so-
Cassandra: Wait, Pico got corrupted!? ((Y/N) nods) Oh, that sucks so much! Now I'm without my group, having to face both them and Pico's little battalion ass!
(Y/N): Hey, don't despair right now. Besides, Nene isn't corrupted. She's probably back at my place, hiding safe and sound.
Cassandra: You got yourself a hiding place? Don't even answer, let's just go there.
(Y/N): Alright, let me just finish my snack, then we can book it. Best chance we have is to find a way onto the highway before-
???: Found you both.
Both (Y/N) and Cassandra turn their heads towards their unexpected surprise guest, who happens to be the Corrupted Darnell, lighting his lighter up with a malicious grin on his face.
Corrupted Darnell: Y'know, I was just hoping to encounter you, little brat, but now my encounter is even better, since I found both you and this parasite here.
Cassandra: Parasite? PARASITE?! I suggest you take that insult back, you walking pyromaniac, or else things will be getting ugly.
Corrupted Darnell: (laughs) You really think you can scare me? I've seen buckets of barf that are more intimidating than your ugly mug!
Cassandra: Grr, believe me, I really don't want to hurt you, or anyone else infected for that matter. (pauses) Wait a minute, you're one of Pico's friends, aren't you?
(Y/N): He is. You remember Darnell, right?
Cassandra: You mean that kid who faked an illness just to get voted for class president? And that's him?! ((Y/N) nods) Wow, and I thought I was extreme. Well, consider yourself lucky, Darnell...
(Y/N): Cassandra, I wouldn't take him lightly. He's one of the first that the Lemon Demon corrupted, so he might outclass you in experience.
Cassandra: Don't worry, (Y/N). I may be a bit rusty, but giving this a shot is better than trying to flee.
The Corrupted Darnell chuckles, before throwing a portable radio of his own down and starting up the first song, already knowing both the answer, and the outcome.
*Song Name: Pyromaniac by Carlito049*
The first song of the showdown begins, between the corrupted pyromaniac, and the goth girl that orchestrated a school shooting, meanwhile (Y/N) stands behind Cassandra, readying his Uzi in case Darnell tries anything. While enjoying the song, which is currently fitting for a showdown like this, (Y/N) keeps a steady eye on Cassandra, as she continues to sing against her corrupted foe. He may not know about her, but if she was able to nearly get away with a school shooting, than she's clearly a major threat to the corruption.
(Y/N)'s assumptions are proven correct to him, as halfway through the song, Darnell's left eye is soon freed from the corruption, and begins looking around in confusion. (Y/N) smiles at this, believing that Cassandra might actually stand a chance, but pauses upon spotting her left arm fully corrupted. As the song soon draws to a close, only Darnell's left eye remains free, while Cassandra now has her left arm, and half of her face corrupted.
Darnell: Woah, where the hell am I? Aren't I supposed to be in the mall, buying Pico and Nene some kind of Christmas present?
Cassandra: Is he seriously faking it now?
(Y/N): No, this isn't some form of trickery. I encountered this detail about 5 weeks ago. When you get uncorrupted, you don't remember what happened when you were corrupted.
Cassandra: So basically, it gives you some sort of amnesia.
(Y/N): Pretty much.
Darnell: Hey! Gun kid and goth girl! You better tell me what the hell is going on, and what the double hockey sticks you both are mumbling about, before I blast you both to Jupiter!
(Y/N): We'll tell you once we get the rest of corruption off you. (sees Cassandra clutch her head) Cass, are you okay?
Cassandra: (groans) Just peachy. I think this sentient slime is getting into my head.
(Y/N): Well, what should we do? We can't just leave Darnell here, otherwise he'll get corrupted again.
Cassandra: That's a good point, kid. Maybe rapping again and beating him will get both of us uncorrupted, maybe.
(Y/N): That could work, just be careful this time. If any corrupted freakshows try to get the drop on you or Darnell, I'll handle it for you both.
Darnell: What the hell are you two saying now?! I want answers, and I want them now!
Cassandra: You'll get your answers soon, you annoying fire ant! Just keep rapping against me, and you'll find out.
Darnell: (scoffs) Fine then. You goth kids are more crazy than those kids at the ghetto.
*Song Name: Familiar Faces by Carlito049*
The second song plays, with a partly corrupted Cassandra going up against a partly corrupted Darnell, with the latter having no idea what's going on. Meanwhile, (Y/N) watches from behind the goth girl, keeping an eye out for any more corrupted attackers, and shooting those that try to interrupt the rap battle. Halfway through the song, the corruption gains back control of Darnell, re-corrupting him, but it soon becomes pointless as out of nowhere, Darnell unleashes a fast rhythm of tight bars, freeing half of his head and his left arm.
Cassandra, meanwhile, is beginning to get affected by the corruption, as soon her legs and right arm get fully corrupted, leaving the remaining half of her face and her body to remain uncorrupted. As the song ends, most of Darnell gets freed from the inky substance, with the exception being his hands.
Darnell: Okay, now that we've done that, can you both explain why I'm out in the middle of nowhere?
(Y/N): Well, you were corrupted by this lemon freak at the mall, during Christmas Eve, and now most of Starlight City have gone into hiding, but the number of survivors are dwindling by the passing week.
Darnell: Week? Ain't it Christmas day?
Cassandra: That... was 5 weeks ago, Darnell.
Darnell was left speechless at that confirmation. First, he gets told that some monster had corrupted him, which might explain some of the black substance on him, Cassandra, and (Y/N). Now, he's being told that he's been like that for 5 whole weeks?!
Darnell: (in disbelief) No... No, this has to be some kinda nightmare, right? Is Pico and Nene at least safe?
(Y/N): Nene is safe, residing at a place where most of the corruption may not know. As for Pico... Well...
Cassandra: He's gone.
Upon hearing that, Darnell falls to his knees, mumbling to himself how he can't wake up from this "nightmare". Sensing a possible panic attack, (Y/N) carefully walks over to the pyromaniac and puts his non-corrupted arm over his shoulder, trying his best to comfort him.
(Y/N): Hey, I know that feeling. I mean, I lost two close friends to the corruption that day, and I felt like I couldn't do anything about it. But, I do know that they wouldn't want me to grieve forever, or to get corrupted by them. They would probably want me to try and find a way to save them, or try to survive for as long as I can.
Cassandra: (groans) A little cheesy, but he's right. I lost all of my goth crew when the corruption attack the prison, and deep down, I felt a little guilty about not trying to save them or anything similar. But, I can't looking on the past as it consumes my attention. What I can do is fight on for them, and try my best to achieve a good ending, no matter what I have to go through.
Darnell: (sniffles) You both are right, in a way. Even though this whole scenario seems hopeless, why bother being an upset blob on the floor, when you can stand back up with just a spark of hope in your soul. (stands up, determined) Let's do this! Nothing will hold me back from avenging them!
???: Anything?
Suddenly, the corrupted goth group drop down from the highway, with Hanzou going after Cassandra, Alucard going after Darnell, and Cyclops going for (Y/N). The telekinetic goth was pushed back by Darnell using his lighter as a flamethrower, the one-eyed kid with the mohawk got his weapon shot out of his reach by (Y/N), however, the corrupted ninja was successful in binding Cassandra's left arm in a pink string, tightening it as she tries to get it off.
Corrupted Hanzou: The devil child has been apprehended! All we need is another string spell, and we'll have her corrupted more easily!
Corrupted Cyclops: Hanzou, you Japanese jester, the string is supposed to go around the waist and arms together, not separately! Now how will the angel react to the fact that we wasted the string?!
Corrupted Hanzou: Hey, don't look at me! Look at Alucard, since he told me the instructions!
Corrupted Alucard: Don't you be trying to flip the blame towards me. Ain't my fault you both are bad at following instructions.
As the corrupted trio argue at each other, with Darnell and (Y/N) looking at them in confusion, none of them notice how Cassandra's eyes are starting to glow gold, as well as her corrupted hands turning into corrupted claws. It isn't until a distorted roar catches all 5 teen's attention, do they see what they ignored.
Cassandra has gone into her Penilian form, resembling a giant spider-like creature with a scorpion's tail, complete with her shoulders covered in spikes and spider fangs dripping with the inky corruptive liquid. Speaking of the corruption, it has taken over most of her body, leaving only her left eye free.
(Y/N): (shocked) Did... Did Cassandra just turn into an alien?!
Darnell: Damn, when Pico told me she could do that, I thought he was high or something.
Cassandra: Don't worry about me, you two. You just better make damn well sure that these freaks have a difficult time tracking you down. As for me, well, I'll just do what I do best. Go Berserk!!!
(Y/N): (whispers) Shouldn't we try to assist her? I mean, the corruption looks like it has almost taken control of her.
Darnell: (whispers back) Fair point, little man. Guess we gotta play hero now. (speaks up) We ain't going anywhere without you calming down, Cass! Let's give these parasites a good show to remember!
Cassandra: Very well then, after all, it will be our last.
*Song name: Oblatio by Carlito049*
With a few more distorted roars of an extra-terrestrial, one last song plays between the Corrupted Cassandra and Darnell, with (Y/N) shooting away at Cyclops, Hanzou, and Alucard every time they attempt to intervene. With every passing second, the corruption continues to grow on the Penilian, until the halfway mark of the song hits, in which Cassandra gets fully corrupted, while Darnell no longer has any corruption on him.
As the song ends, Cassandra lets out one more distorted roar as she goes in for a killing blow, only to be pushed away by Darnell using his lighter. Instead, she goes into attacking her own corrupted comrades, slashing at Cyclops's chest while throwing Alucard across Starlight City. Alucard, meanwhile, is able to escape the destruction by throwing down a smoke bomb and disappearing. After calming down, the Corrupted Cassandra stares down the other two boys, like a predator eying its prey.
Corrupted Cassandra: Do you both really think escaping now will change the inevitable outcome? Both your souls were mine since this incident started! What you call a "defeat" is nothing but an achievement to us! Don't worry, both your friends will be more useful than you can possibly imagine... The game has only just begun... And the outcome will end with you all losing. Our grand vision has only started, now, who's READY TO DIE?!!
Cassandra lunges forward again, evading Darnell's flame enough to get in close, but as she pulls back her claws for a quick slash on the chest, she shrieks in pain from a bullet hitting her eye. Taking advantage of the current moment, (Y/N) grabs Darnell's hand and starts running away, heading towards the highway so that they can get to shelter quickly.
But as they flee, they remain unaware of a few corrupted eyes staring at them, ready to follow, and ready to corrupt some poor, unfortunate souls...
Cassandra has been overpowered by the Corruption!!
Darnell has been freed from the Corruption!!
Darnell has now joined the Party!!
Current Party: (Y/N), Sunday, Nene, Skid, Darnell.
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