Week 0: How It All Started
Edit: I thank my friend on Discord, Rage, for making the art for this chapter!! If you are reading this, Rage, I cannot thank you enough for this!!! You truly are a great artist!!
(Y/N's POV)
Well, it's been half a year since I started hanging out with Boyfriend and Girlfriend, and it's been such a wild ride. For starters, Boyfriend had to rap battle GF's mother, who's apparently named Mommy Mearest, on top of a few speeding limos. I'm still in a bit of shock from that final song, even I think I couldn't do it. Then, during Halloween, two tiny kids in costume were trying to abduct Girlfriend, because they thought she was made of candy.
And then, around Bonfire Night, Girlfriend's parents tried to kill Boyfriend in a plane crash, which dropped us into a warzone. Though, I have to admit, it was kinda cool singing with that captain guy, even if Pico and GF's parents shortened the moment. That wasn't even the end of those adventures, as there was more opponents BF and me had to face. There was that forgotten legend Whitty, even though Boyfriend wouldn't leave him alone, that cool robot Hex, who we saved from some hacker's virus and it resulted in him accidentally punching Girlfriend's dad in the face, and then there was that couple from the nearby church, with the nun being a demon in disguise.
Right now, it's Christmas Eve, and we're wandering the mall, since Boyfriend wants to do some last day shopping. Speaking of Boyfriend, he's now wearing a red woolly hoodie due to the cold weather, while Girlfriend is wearing a different red dress which has a white collar, red gloves with white cuffs, white leg stockings with red bows, and yellow bell earrings. Meanwhile, I didn't have any winter gear, since I spent most of my money on Christmas presents for everyone.
Boyfriend did offer me his hoodie, but I turned him down. Still, there's one thing from our adventures I wasn't expecting, and it was encountering that monster with a lemon for a head. He just showed up on Halloween, got those kids to disappear, and just flat out said he was gonna eat us. If it wasn't for Boyfriend challenging him to a rap battle, and those kids bringing in some kind of alien, I don't think we would've survived.
Girlfriend: (looking around the mall) Wow, the mall's so pretty this time of year! All the snowmen, and elves, and Christmas trees, and reindeers...
Boyfriend: Big Christmas fan, huh?
(Y/N): Well, GF did say she doesn't celebrate most holidays, due to the antics of her parents.
Boyfriend: True. Speaking of her parents, do you think they'll probably stop trying to kill me?
(Y/N): (pats BF on the head) Eventually, little man. Eventually.
Girlfriend: Don't worry, BF. As long as I'm here, we won't let my parents do anything to you! Same with (Y/N)!
Boyfriend: (blushes) Aww, thanks, babe!
(Y/N): You and BF really enjoy my company, do you?
Girlfriend: Just a little... (spots Santa) Oh, my god! It's Santa Claus! I wanna sit on his lap!
Boyfriend: (flirts) You can sit on my lap any time. (notices GF running off) And, she's gone.
(Y/N): Let her be, besides, this could be the perfect chance to get her a good Christmas gift.
Boyfriend: (beams) You're right, (Y/N)! Let's go find one!
(3rd Person POV)
And so, the two boys begin the mall, in search of the perfect Christmas present BF can give GF. While going through the different stores, (Y/N) seemed to remember something during some of the days when they weren't rap battling total strangers, and that was noticing both BF and GF blushing whenever he was happy or complimented them, so he decided that he should ask his old friend about it.
(Y/N): Uh, Boyfriend? Can I ask you about something, real quick?
Boyfriend: Not right now, (Y/N). I'm just gonna give this stand a try. (approaches the stand) Hey! I'm looking for a gift for my girlfriend. You got anything good for sale?
What Boyfriend and (Y/N) weren't expecting was for the stand salesman to be their favourite basketball playing, best bot buddy Hex, who's now earing a shirt and short combo with Daddy Dearest on it, rather than his usual basketball vest and shorts.
Hex: Of course I do!
Boyfriend: (surprised) Hex?! Why are you running a stand in the mall?
(Y/N): Yeah, didn't you get into hot water with Mr Dearest after that accidental punch to the face you gave him?
Boyfriend: That too! And... (looks around) Why's it full of Daddy Dearest stuff?
Boyfriend isn't lying, as the whole stand is filed with Daddy Dearest merchandise. From coffee mugs, to towels, to albums, to even clothing, it all has the purple ex-rockstar on it somewhere.
Hex: After I accidentally knocked out your girlfriend's father, I apologized profusely! He insisted he would forgive me, So long as I bought up some of his excess Daddy Dearest merchandise. "No problem!" I told him. "I am very wealthy!" (gets a depressive stare) I am no longer very wealthy. (smiles again) Would you like to buy some Daddy Dearest merchandise?
Boyfriend: (nervous) Don't think GF would like that so much. Sorry. Good luck, man.
As BF walks away from the stand, Hex notices (Y/N) is starting to shiver in the chilly weather, even beginning to sneeze. So, for one of his best friends, he offers him a great deal.
Hex: Hey, (Y/N)! Would you like this special Daddy Dearest winter hoodie? It even has no branding on it!
(Y/N): Thanks, Hex. How much is it?
Hex: Only 5 dollars!
After handing over the note, (Y/N) receives the hoodie and slips is on, beginning to feel nice and warmer already. The hoodie itself resembles the one Boyfriend is wearing, only being (F/C) instead of red, and also being much more larger. After thanking Hex for the new hoodie, he rushes off back into the store, hoping to find either Boyfriend or Girlfriend. Eventually, he manages to find both of them, but what was also going on, wasn't what he was expecting.
(Y/N): What is even happening right now?!
Not only did (Y/N) find Boyfriend and Girlfriend at Santa's Grotto, which is at the centre of the mall, but also spotted Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest there as well, with them both in their own winter gear. But that wasn't the main problem, what was the problem was the fact that Daddy Dearest was pointing a gun at the mall Santa while he and his wife sit on his chair.
Daddy Dearest: First of all, nice winter hoodie, kid. You really know what true style is. Second of all, Santa's a little... held up at the moment.
(Y/N): First, thanks. Many say I rock wearing (F/C) clothing. Second, why are you holding the mall Santa hostage?
Boyfriend: That's what I wanna know too!
Mommy Mearest: (scowls) That jolly jerk had it coming for daring to be the centre of attention, when the Mommy Mearest and her husband were visiting the mall.
Girlfriend: (looks to (Y/N) and BF) Don't worry, you two. This happens every year. They always pull this stunt, so the whole town knows about it. That means the only mall Santa's that sign up suddenly have a death wish on them.
Mall Santa: (afraid) I just moved here, as well.
(Y/N): Wait, This is normal for you, GF?
Girlfriend: (sighs) Yeah, I don't know why I expected this year to be any different.
Boyfriend: (gets an idea) Well, maybe I'll make this year different! (points to the Dearests) Hey! Let the mall Santa go!
(Y/N): (eyes widen) BF, what are you doing?
Mommy Mearest: Are you seriously telling us to give up our Christmas traditions? (scoffs) You're not just a party pooper, you're a Scrooge. At least your friend is doing the right thing and staying out of it.
Boyfriend: I don't think what you guys are doing counts as tradition, or a legal activity. Also, leave (Y/N) out of this!
Daddy Dearest: And what're you gonna do about it?
Boyfriend: Uh... sing?
(Y/N): (surprised) Another rap battle? BF, you told me that you had trouble facing them separately. Facing them together?! You'd get creamed!
Boyfriend: But I can't just let them do whatever appeases them, I gotta stand up for not just myself, but for those I care about! (looks back to the Dearests) I challenge both of you! Right here, right now.
Daddy Dearest: Alright. (chuckles) If you can outrap both of us at once, I'll spare this dirty little attention sponge, and we'll all go home and do Christmas your way.
Boyfriend: And if I lose?
Daddy Dearest: (smirks and winks) You know~.
Boyfriend: (realises) Oh crap, my soul.
Girlfriend: C'mon, BF, I know you can do it! Even having a regular Christmas dinner with my family for once would be the best gift I could ask for!
(Y/N): Yeah! You've got me and GF rooting for you, you got this!
Boyfriend: (smirks) Okay, you two! Let's show your folks what real Christmas spirit is!
*Song name: Cocoa (from the original Friday Night Funkin)
And so, the first song begins to play, with the speakers letting out a track that doesn't sound festive, but rather peaceful and relaxing. As (Y/N) bops his head to the music with GF, he notices some familiar faces starting to gather around, most likely drawn to the music. On the upper balcony, connecting to some escalators, (Y/N) can spot Pico, Nene, Whitty, and Carol watching from above, while on the main floor, he can spot Darnell, Hex, and even one of those Halloween kids, that being the one wearing a pumpkin on their head.
However, among the massive crowd, (Y/N) can spot one more figure, watching from a good distance away. While he can't recognise the figure, he has an uneasy feeling rush through him when spotting the figure. Soon, (Y/N) is snapped out of his thoughts when a mistletoe is dangled between him and GF, only for Daddy Dearest to shoot it out of the air, faster than the two teens can blush, as the song begins to reach its end.
Boyfriend: Now do you two see the true spirit of Christmas? It's about spending time with family, not obsessing over who's the centre of attention.
Daddy Dearest: (voicing his thoughts) I mean, I don't think spending Christmas at home is the worst idea.
Mommy Mearest: (gets grumpy) Oh, honey... Don't tell me this kid's gone and made you even softer than you were already.
Daddy Dearest: He does have a point, though. When's the last time you stayed at home, sat around the dinner table with me and listened to "Daddy Dearest, Holiday Heartthrob" published December 1975?
Mommy Mearest: (scowls) In December 1975. You played it on loop for 12 hours. (many wince at that statement)
Daddy dearest: (smiles) I still do! And you could be part of it!
Boyfriend: (interrupts) Starting to see why you guys have such crappy Christmases.
(Y/N): Yeah, no offence, but if you guys haven't spent Christmas with each other for a long time, there's something wrong with both of you.
Mommy Mearest: Hey! Even if our... lifestyles don't match up perfectly, our Christmases are still way better than the boring crap you've been preaching.
(Y/N): (deadpans) Our version of Christmas and your version both involve getting drunk and forced to hear obnoxious Christmas songs for the whole month.
DD + MM: Touché.
Daddy Dearest: Besides, I like listening to Daddy Dearest Holiday Heartthrob alone!
Mommy Mearest: Forget about that stupid album, and let's brag about how the Dearests do December!
Song name: Eggnog (Also from the original Friday Night Funkin)
The second song starts up, and (Y/N) can already feel that this song will be a great one, so does everyone spectating, as this is a proper festive song. As the jingle of bells ring out across the mall, Boyfriend and the Dearests continue rapping about who's version of celebrating December is the best. (Y/N) takes this time to look around the mall once more, seeing no difference in the crowd, with the exception that the shady figure so now missing.
Before (Y/N) can even question where that person went, he's once again pulled out of his thoughts, as GF alerts him back to the rap battle, which is beginning to end as everyone starts singing the final chorus together. However, even after that song, the Dearests are still unhappy with Boyfriend's attempts to persuade them into trying to celebrate Christmas differently
Mommy Mearest: (sarcastically) Well, congratulations, Boyfriend. You've dissolved the ounce of respect I briefly had for you.
Boyfriend: Hey! It's not my fault that you guys can't get along!
Daddy Dearest: We get along just fine. You, however, are down to your last song, and have yet to outrap us. Better be careful...
Boyfriend: Man, your parents are stubborn. I don't know if I can win this one...
Girlfriend: Don't give up, Boyfriend! I've got a plan. Mom and Dad aren't ever dropping their vices, so stop trying to sway them, and catch them by surprise with a different song instead!
(Y/N): Good plan, GF! Besides, there's nothing wrong with BF choosing which song to sing, now isn't there?
Boyfriend: You're both right, GF and (Y/N)! Their bet never said they got to choose all the songs!
Instantly, the Dearest's faces are full of dread, knowing that Boyfriend is right, and that they never do well performing someone else's song.
Mommy Mearest: Aw, drat.
Daddy Dearest: Performing someone else's song is literally my worst nightmare!
Boyfriend: (smug) Ohoho! Is that so? Then get ready to admit defeat! Because we're singing-
Suddenly, Boyfriend is cut off by the lights in the mall doing off, and everyone starts screaming in a panic. As the lights come back on, the first two things the trio see is that the Dearests are nowhere to be spotted, and that the giant Christmas tree has its ornaments, tinsels, and star replaced with body parts, intestines, and a decapitated head.
Boyfriend: (scared) What is happening right now?
(Y/N): I don't know, but what is wrong with everyone else?
Boyfriend and Girlfriend look around to see what (Y/N) means, and notice that everyone is struggling against some kind of dark liquid. The only ones who aren't fighting back are Darnell and the pumpkin kid, who are completely engulfed in the liquid and have ominous pink glowing eyes and teeth. Well, Darnell does, as the kid instead has deranged eyes and sharp teeth.
Girlfriend: (shaking with fear) I don't like this. Where's mom and dad?
Boyfriend: More importantly, what's this creepy liquid that's on everyone?
???: I think that I can answer that...
(Y/N): (starts looking around) Who said that? Whoever you are, show yourself!
???: (chuckles) Alright then...
Footsteps begin to echo as an all familiar figure now stands in front of Boyfriend, Girlfriend, and (Y/N). That figure is the Lemon Demon, but (Y/N) starts to notice that he looks slightly different than how he did on Halloween. For starters, his lemon head is now spilt open revealing the same black substance inside, as his twisted teeth now begin to curl around his crazy eyes. Another thing (Y/N) notices is that the left part of his body is now a lighter shade than the rest, and changing his fingers into talons.
Lemon Demon: Season's greetings, little victims...
(Y/N): You again? I thought that brain-alien-thing dealt with you.
Lemon Demon: Oh, that creature? All it did was distract me. But now, I can continue commencing my Christmas mission.
Boyfriend: (shaking) H-Hey! You better leave us alone! (pulls out a juicer) I brought the juicer with me this time, so stay back!
The monster just stares at Boyfriend, clearly unamused, before clicking his talons, and instantly liquidating the juicer, leaving it as a puddle on the floor.
(Y/N): Dang, the juicer got juiced.
Boyfriend: (stunned) ...Or you could just do that. Somehow.
Lemon Demon: It comes quite naturally to a parasite like me. But right now, I'm not here to spar with you three again. I'm just visiting for the holidays.
Girlfriend: Yeah right! Like anyone would wanna spend Christmas with you!
Lemon Demon: Your words deeply cut me, but it's true. I unfortunately don't have any group of friends to spend Christmas with, but that doesn't mean that I can't give you all a present. Me and a colleague worked so hard on it, so it would be a shame if you refused it.
(Y/N): (scoffs) Knowing you, the "gift" is just something to cause us pain while you laugh at our misery. So what is it? A box with a beartrap in it? Our friends turned into pinatas? Or are you just gonna throw our beating hearts back at us, somehow.
Lemon Demon: While those are all so devilish and truly disgusting, I'm afraid it's none of those. The gift I'm talking about... Is this!
Within an instant, the monster fires three blobs of the black liquid from his head, straight towards the trio. Boyfriend and (Y/N) manage to mostly avoid it, with the former getting hit on the back and the latter getting hit on the leg, but unfortunately, Girlfriend couldn't move out of the way in time, resulting in her getting hit in the face, as the substance becomes an envelope her whole body.
Boyfriend: (cautious) Girlfriend?
Girlfriend says nothing as she just walks back to the speakers and hops onto them, now with glowing pink eyes and glowing pink twisted teeth.
Lemon Demon: (laughs maniacally) She can't hear you, little Boyfriend! This gift me and my partner made corrupts whoever gets infected, as long as they don't put up a fight.
(Y/N): Wait a minute, so that's why Darnell, that little kid, and Girlfriend are fully infected? Because you simply caught them off-guard?
Lemon Demon: Aren't you a smart cookie? To answer your question, yes, the corruption spreads faster when the infected are caught off-guard. Though, it can also spread faster through negative emotions, or if the victim gets continuously infected. (Y/N just grits his teeth)
Boyfriend: Well, how about a deal? We have ourselves a little rematch. If I win, you set everyone free from this corruption!
Lemon Demon: If you insist, sure. But if I win, then you join my ranks, along with your friend.
Boyfriend gives a glance over to (Y/N), who's looking extremely nervous, before looking back at Lemon Demon, and nodding his head. Lemon Demon simply clicks his fingers, as the now Corrupted Girlfriend starts up the speakers, playing the final song for the night.
*Song name: Frostbite. (By AzuriParker)
The final song plays, as the speakers unleash a haunting melody that leaves everyone that isn't fully infected uneasy, as the Lemon Demon starts singing some demented and twisted holiday carol. This song wouldn't be so bad for Boyfriend, if his performance wasn't off, and the corruption wasn't steadily growing. As Boyfriend continues to sing poorly, and his friend being unable to assist, the former begins to hear voices in his head, taunting and insulting him.
"You're pathetic"
"Isn't this what you wanted?"
"You can't save them both"
"They'll never love you again"
As the song progresses, the voices begin to grow more and more louder in Boyfriend's head, while his friend continues to grow more and more worried for him. Throughout the whole innter torment, the Lemon Demon just continues to carol, as the Corrupted Girlfriend keeps her eyes focused on the two close to her heart. Eventually, Boyfriend's performance begins to improve, filling both him and (Y/N) hope...
...But that hope is soon shattered as Boyfriend feels an indescribable pain rush into and throughout his veins. The rapping teen is now half-infected, the song is nearly over, and all he's going now is delaying the inevitable. As the losing song draws to a close, (Y/N) runs over to Boyfriend, who's now got the corruption spreading across him, now turning his right eye into the same corrupted pink type.
(Y/N): Boyfriend! Please, don't fall as well. Listen to me, you're going to be fine. Trust me.
Boyfriend just looks towards his old friend, as the corruption continues to rapidly grow across the rest of his body.
Boyfriend: (Y/N), I don't think I can resist it for long. Listen, just run. Don't look back, don't try to stay, just run and find safety. This is mostly my fault. I risked my whole life on a stupid rap battle, and look where it got me. I don't want you to suffer for my mistakes. So please, promise me you'll go.
(Y/N), who's now tearing up at the fact that he's lost his best friend, just gives him a nod and begins running deeper into the mall, in search for either an exit, a weapon, or both, all while he has one last thought in his mind.
(Y/N): (in his mind) I promise, Boyfriend, that I'll find a way to save you and Girlfriend. Just believe in me, and still be in there.
Most of the crowd that aren't fully infected begin to do the same and look for a means to escape, while some like Darnell, Pump, and even newcomers like Carol and Sunday stay, due to being fully corrupted, as the Lemon Demon cackles into the night sky.
Lemon Demon: Go ahead and run, all you foolish morsels! You may have the chance to escape for now, but soon enough, our corruption will catch you, and you'll bend to our control! Now, my puppets, spread out! Search the mall, and bring me anybody who attempts to hide here to me, so that they can suffer a dosage of corruption!
The corrupted ranks begin to spread out across the many floors of the mall, but Lemon Demon then notices that the Corrupted Boyfriend and Corrupted Girlfriend still stand still, not moving, only twitching.
Lemon Demon: And what's with you two? Haven't you heard my demands? Get on with your mission.
Corrupted BF: We...
Corrupted GF: Want...
CBF + CGF: Him!!!
The corrupted couple point towards the direction where (Y/N) ran off to, as the Lemon Demon ponders why are they acting like this. Eventually, he remembers that his partner said that due to the corruption being incomplete, some of the corrupted souls may act differently, due to certain emotions. From this, the Lemon Demon guesses that due to being close to (Y/N), Boyfriend and Girlfriend are extremely possessive, and want him to be with them permanently.
Lemon Demon: Ah, so you wish for your friend to be with you, correct? (Corrupted BF and Corrupted GF nod) Well then, how about I give you two a special little mission? You two can go ahead can play a little game of hide and seek with your friend, while also corrupting those that get in your way.
The corrupted couple nod at this, accepting the terms and condition, as Lemon Demon chuckles at this.
Lemon Demon: Now, let's go look for him. Me and Pump will join you for this first round.
With that, the Lemon Demon and his three corrupted puppets begin following (Y/N)'s footsteps in the snow, leading them deeper into the mall. While this apocalypse has begun, right now, it's just one boy against an army of unstoppable forces...
Week 0 has a second half, be patient and await the continuation of this story, and feel free to request what you'd like to see happen, and who'd you like to see appear in this tale...
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