Chapter 7-Cracked
I rushed to Sans' side, hardly daring to touch him. He was unconscious, and I couldn't tell which bones he'd cracked. I slowly checked up and down, and when I didn't see any, my Soul sank.
His ribs. He cracked a rib.
That is a serious problem. A skeleton's Soul is right about where a human's heart is, and cracking a rib could put the Soul in danger of breaking. Sans could be unconscious, or dead. But his body wouldn't have lasted this long, he should have turned to dust by now, meaning he is alive. Moving him could be a bad idea though, it could make the broken ribs stab his Soul, causing his death. All I could do was wait it out.
What would I even do if Sans died? Sans and Papyrus were about the only things that kept me going anymore. My job kept me awake, but I wouldn't have really lived. I would have woken, done work, slept and repeated. But my sons made me not only needed, but loved. They filled me with their love and I returned as much if my own as I could. Love isn't tangible, but it might as well be the way we shared it. Love lead to more love, and that love lead to more. It's addicting, you can never seem to get enough.
A small gasp broke me from my train of thought. Sans was awake, and judging by his face, he was in a fair amount of pain. I didn't say anything, but helped him eat something to bring his HP up. It only went up a bit, up to 1 HP. It had been below before, which only worried me more. It wouldn't go up after that.
If someone is hurt and experiences mental trama from the incident, then it can permanently damage their HP level. It's possible for them to have a cut off on the amount of HP they have, or they could never gain any HP ever again. If that's what happened to Sans' it wouldn't be surprising. He'd had a fair number if scrapes after the fire, and now this.
"It hurts." He whimpered, and I gently shushed him. I moved his shirt up to try and look at the ribs. Hopefully, I wouldn't press the cracked part into his Soul.
It didn't matter. His Soul was cracked.
It wasn't a large crack, and it likely happened from the fall to the ground not from a rib hitting anything. It started near the middle and ended near the top left. The crack would hurt like crazy for a while, but it shouldn't have any permanent damage. Except his HP which would likely stay at 1 forever. The cracked rib was no where near his Soul, so I could take him to a doctor.
"I know it hurts Sans, I know. But you've got to be strong for me, okay? You've got to be strong for me, and Papyrus, and your Mom and sister, okay?" I said, gently picking him up. He made small noises of pain, but for a skeleton with a major bone cracked, he was very quiet. "Is something wrong? Besides the obvious."
"I had a weird......dream. You were there, but you didn't look like you. Your skull was cracked, and your hands had holes in them, and you spoke weird. It looked like random symbols, but I still knew what you were saying. You told me I need to understand and blame fate instead of others."
"All that in symbols?"
"There were a lot of little hands."
"What am I, The Man Who Speaks In Hands?"
"I guess." Sans laughed weakly, but he fell asleep shortly after. His head wasn't injured, so I figured it would be okay to let him sleep. I'd wake him up in a few minutes anyway, just to be sure. I walked a little faster. I needed to get him better, quick.
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