Chapter 20- The Human (Part 3)
"Papyrus!" I said, moving Ben behind me quickly. Grillby moved forward, likely to grab Papyrus, but he dodged out of the way.
"Why was the human touching you? Was he hurting you?" Papyrus asked, rushing towards me. I held him back with one hand, while I held Ben's hand in my other one.
"No Papyrus, he was hugging me. He's very friendly, and you don't have to worry about him hurting anyway." I said, trying to stay calm. Papyrus seemed to settle some at my words, and stopped trying to get at Ben.
"Oh. Well, that's a relief! I didn't want to hurt anyone anyway, I just wanted to keep you safe!" He said, stepping back. Ben let go of my hand, and took a small step forward.
"H-hi. I'm Ben. It's nice to meet you." He said, and I smiled as Papyrus held his hand out.
"And I am The Great Papyrus! You do not need to fear me human, for I now know that you are a friend! And I, The Great Papyrus, would never hurt a friend!" Ben and I both laughed at the same time, before something dawned on me.
"Papyrus, where is you brother?" I asked.
"Probably still upstairs. I, kind of, may have, perhaps, just a little, run away from him?" I groaned as he shrugged sheepishly.
"Dad? Is everything okay?" I turned around to see Sans standing at the bottom of the stairs. His eye was glowing faintly, and I was fairly certain he had teleported down the stairs. Scorch rushed down the stairs behind him, leaning over the handrail when she reached the bottom.
"Yes Sans, everything is fine. Ben here is very friendly, and you don't have anything to worry about." I said, smiling at him. He seemed to relax after that, but he still moved forward to set a hand on his brother's shoulder.
"Well kiddo, it's nice to meet you. But I swear, if you ever try to hurt my family," His eye began to glow again. "You're gunna have a bad time."
"Sans! Don't be mean! Ben is my friend now, we can't be mean to him!" Papyrus said, elbowing his brother's ribs slightly.
"Heh. Sorry bro." Sans said, moving back a little. I smiled at him again, but I was slightly worried about him. He seemed to be very protective suddenly.
"I'm just glad that you and Mr. Gaster are okay." Scorch said, moving forward to hug her dad.
"Can I get in on that hug?" Sans asked, making Scorch laugh.
"Of course! You're my family too! C'mere brother!" She said, grabbing him around the neck and noogieing him. I laughed as Grillby pulled him into the hug, and Sans laughed as well. His cheek bones were slightly blue, but it appeared to be in a good way.
"I want in too!" Papyrus cried, launching himself at the group. Grillby caught him easily, pulling him into the hug too.
"C'mon Dad, you gotta be in here to!" Sans said, grinning at me. I sighed, but walked over. I wasn't expecting Grillby to pull me down with the kids, and I let out a (very manly) shriek. Ben laughed at all of us, but he looked slightly uncomfortable.
"W-well, I'd better get back to my journey. I'd like to get back home soon." He said, pointing towards the door.
"Alright! I'll see you later new friend!" Papyrus said, breaking out of our hug to hug the small human. "Or hey! Maybe I won't! Then you'll be home safe and sound and we can all be happy!" Ben giggled a little at that, and hugged Papyrus back.
"See ya kiddo." Sans said, moving forward to ruffle Ben's hair.
"I hope you can get home safe!" Scorch said, but she didn't move away from her father.
"Farewell." Grillby said, letting me go.
"Don't be afraid. Asgore is a very nice monster, I'm sure he'll do his best to help you get home." I said, leaning down to hug Ben again. He hugged back, before quickly pulling away.
"Bye!" He said, stepping out the door. He waved once, then he was gone.
The King had a human Soul within a week.
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