S class canadates and getting ready for the trial
The master,my sister erza,mirajane,gildarts and me stood at the front
"It's time to announce the s class candidates
Natsu Dragneel
Gray Fullbuster
Juvia Lockser
Elfman Strauss
Cana oberlinie
Freed Justine
Levy mcgarden
And mist"master said
"Each of you can pick a partner to train with but the rules say they can't be a s class wizard or someone that is not a member"mirajane said
"That just gets rid of a handful of people"gray said
"I will be doing my best to get rid of teams"erza said
"And I'll be working on weeding you guys out with her"I said smiling
The whole guild was panicked
"Come on we had to go thru the same thing"gildarts said
"Anyway this partner will be able to train with you good luck "I said
*time skip one week*
We were on the island it was amazing we had to be here before the others
"So sis what tunnel are you going in"I asked
"Well im planning on going in this one"she said pointing to a tunnel
"Well good luck"I said running into tunnel E
*time skip*
What's taking them so long
I was sitting on a high ledge when I heard a noise
"Yo erza were are you!"natsu yelled"let's FIGHT"
Of course he wanted to fight erza he is so stupid
"Hey natsu"I said with my voice echoing thru the cave so he could not tell where I was
"(Y/n) where are you"he said
"If you cannot even find me how are you going to beat me"I said
"Oh I'll find you"he said as he began to sniff the air
Stupid dragon slayer noses
"Found you!"he yelled throwing fire at a rock
"Not there"I whispered in his ear then dissapeared
"Coward"he said
"Aww that's not nice I'm just letting you live and also if you don't beat me you can't move up and if you tire yourself out I'll win easily"I said
"Why don't you fight me one on one"he said with a seductive smirk
"Sure why not"I said coming behind him and kicking him in the head
"That was a cheap shot"he said pinning me to the ground thank goodness happy flew somewhere else
His hands went on my chest and squeezed you know what
"I always wanted to do this"he said
"Oh really"I said sliding out from under him and pinning him
"REQUIP!"I yelled changing into my flame empress even if I'm a dragon slayer I still requip just like my sister and have most of the same armour as her since she would sometimes get a smaller size for me if she bought clothes from the store so if she went to get armour or get armour she would get me some
And I would do the same for her when I got armour so I have most of the same types except her arms dura fairy armour
"Cool now I can turn up the heat"he said
I used the lightning empress staff to send lightning at him but he dodged
"Fire dragon roar!!!!!"he said
I required my staff to the sea empress sword and put out most of the fire
"Not bad kid"natsu said
"You don't have to rub it in that I'm younger"I said
"Requip"I said changing into celestial armor thanks to lucy and Virgo I got it
My hair went into a bun with galaxy cloth
Wrapped around it making a bow and the armor looked a lot like the ride of turn but galaxy print
I took out a celestial whip even if it's not as good as Lucy's it still works and hurts a lot belive me erza showed me that
I whipped at him but he dodged
"Fire dragon wing attack"he yelled hitting me and sending me back
"Looks like you actually trained during the week this means I can actually start fighting"I said
"Sun dragon wing attack"I yelled as he was thrown back and into a wall
He looked weak and I felt bad also I wanted to fight more
"Solem script fire!"I said giving him food
"Why did you help me"he said eating
"Because you were so weak you were defeated with one punch so I wanted to keep the fight going plus I need to defeat happy too and I have no clue where he is"I said
"Fire dragon fire fist"he yelled about to punch me but I dodged
"Requip!!!"I yelled as my wing blade armour appeared
At the end he was defeated but then happy came
"Look happy If you can defeat my while I'm not using any magic maybe you guys can pass"I said as my wing blade armour dissapeared
He flew at me but he was defeated
"Come on you too it's time to go to the camp"I said pulling them
"Come on stand up I couldn't have hurt you that bad"I said helping him up his arm was around my shoulder
"(Y/n) what do you think everyone else is doing"natsu said
"I don't know"I said
"Well there probably doing better than I did"he said
"Actually while I was out of your sight I used a solem slrict of motion on you it wasn't that noticeable to you I guess because you weren't on a real vehicle but it was messing you up"I said
"Wait what so that's why I failed"he said
"No just badass"i said doing a hair flip
He laughed a little
"Anyway we should head back"I said as ares flare was sent into the sky
"Krap"I said
"What's wrong"he asked happy sleeping on his shoulder
"There is a enemy near by we need to get back fast
"To late"someone with blonde hair said behind us
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