"Hyung! Let's go out!"
Yoongi sat at his study desk, trying desperately to get his head around this maths equation. His best friend was sat on his bed after coming round to his house once school finished.
"I can't right now Jimin. I need to finish this damn homework "
None of his other friends visited him as much as Jimin but he didn't mind. I guess that was why he was Yoongis Best friend.
"You can do that later~" Yoongi could practically hear Jimin pout.
"Okay, okay" Yoongi rolled his eyes and got up, out of his chair. He opened his wardrobe to find a suitable, stylish, yet cosy jacket. He soon pulled a relatively thick jacket and slid his arms through. He was still in his uniform but he didn't care- Jimin was also wearing his. Well to be honest, Jimin always wore his uniform.
"Let's go then" Yoongi said and pulled Jimin off his bed as the younger giggled.
When Yoongi got to the bottom of the stairs he saw his mother cooking in the kitchen. "Oh mom! I'm just going out with Jimin, okay?" He shouted from the end of the hall so she could hear.
His mother stopped what she was doing and looked at her son. "Do You mean Hoseok dear?" She called back
Yoongi looked at Jimin with confusion. The younger just gave him a faulted smile and a awkward giggle.
"No" he replied but it sounded more like a question. "I meant Jimin!"
Yoongi shrugged, nonetheless and turned to the door with his keys and a wallet. "Bye mom! I won't be long!"
Yoongi opened the door and stepped out, Jimin following close by. They walked to the bus stop together where they caught the next bus into town. Yoongi watched Jimin skip around each shop and squeal whenever he saw a cute toy or a nice shirt or cool shoes. It was a very Jimin thing to do. Yoongi smiled.
"Hyung, come look at this" Jimin pulled Yoongi's sleeve, jumping up and down. He led Yoongi over to a hoodie that was on show in a shop window and pointed to it. "This is really nice, it would look so good on you!"
Yoongi laughed "Thanks but no thanks. I haven't go the money for these kinda shops"
Jimin pulled a face but something soon caught his eye again. This time it was across the street and it was one of Jimins favourite café. It wasn't an ordinary café as this one had the specialty of all things chocolate.
"Can we go in there? Please?"
"Of course" Yoongi knew the younger hadn't been out in a while so it would make him happy. There was something inside of Yoongi that loved seeing Jimin happy.
Once in there, Jimin sat down while Yoongi ordered a large hot chocolate. He did ask for two straws but when he brought it to the table, Jimin insisted he didn't want anything.
"Why did you want to come in here if your not gonna have anything?" Yoongi asked. "You made me pay for a large milkshake"
"Sorry hyung" Jimin forced a smile squeezing his shoulders. "I just wanted to see how it feels being in here again"
"You're such a pain"
"You're so mean! I said sorry!"
"Okay, whatever, keep your voice down okay?"
Jimin pouted which made Yoongi laugh. "You're so cute"
Once Yoongi finished the drink they got up and left the shop. They carried on walking a while , around the shops and eventually Yoongi bought a new jacket with the help of Jimin. After that they jumped on the bus and went back home. It didn't take long before Jimin was yawning and rested his head on his hyungs shoulder for the rest of the journey. Yoongi woke him up when the bus came to a stop on his street.
"Thank you Hyung, I enjoyed today." Jimin said as they stepped off the bus.
"I did too"
Yoongi stood there for a while, just facing his best friend. The street was silent once the bus had driven off. It was just him and Jimin.
"Well.. " Yoongi said. " I'm gonna go now. I'll see you tomorrow. Sleep well Jimin." He reaches out and ruffles the youngers hair. Jimin had a big grin on his face.
"You too hyung." Yoongi smiled one last time before turning away and crossing the road. He heard Jimin call out one last time as he walked further and further away "Make sure you do those maths questions!"
When Yoongi got home, he went straight to his bedroom and had another good go at the equation. He finally did it after an hour of staring at the paper, but even after that he wasn't sure what he had done made any sense. He shrugged and put it back in his school bag for tomorrow.
Yoongi then changed into some comfy shorts and a Tshirt and sat on his bed. There wasn't really anything else to do tonight.
He would message Jimin but he never replies back. So instead he went downstairs and ate a bit of what his mother had cooked before coming back up to his bedroom and getting in bed. Although the was tired he couldn't get to sleep.
Yoongi ended up thinking too much about his best friend. It was no shock to Yoongi that he was in love with Jimin. To tell the truth he had been for a very long time, it was just that he never told anyone and kept it secret. He felt like he knew Jimin the best and Jimin knew Yoongi the best.
Something about the boy made Yoongi feel warm and fuzzy inside. He felt like Jimin was the one person he could 100% rely on.
It was normal for Yoongi not to get much sleep but eventually the older eyes were forced shut as he pulled up the covers.
As long as he will see Jimin again to tomorrow, things will be fine.
Lol hi again
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