I think love is
Hey guys so back again with a new update and even tough it's two days late (and honestly a couple months overdue) here is the "I think love is" update that I was taking about in honour of the official day of love, Valentine's day. Thank you to everyone who submitted prompts and ideas to contribute to the story and I hope I managed to capture it the way you imagined or at least that you like it. I'm really excited to see what you all think about this and I hope that it's as good as I believe it to be. Some are shorter than others and some can take place inside or outside of the demigod world existing; I have tried to leave most of it up to your interpretation but without further ado here it is and I pray that you like it.
"I think love is when they're one of your best friends."
"Hey idiot." Annabeth smirked.
Percy rolled his eyes. "You know, I'm not too sure about this whole friendship thing if it means I have to put up with you constantly greeting me like this."
Annabeth smiled and shook her head, "Come on seaweed brain, you can't not be friends with me after I've saved your life all those times?"
"Yeah yeah," Percy waved his hand but he was smiling.
"Besides let's face it I'm the best friend you're ever gonna have." She continued to tease.
Percy raised his eyebrows. "We'll see about that."
"Sounds like a challenge." Annabeth smirked. "I'm excited."
"I think love is when they respect you to take charge no matter how bad they want to."
"Percy it's my decision." Annabeth stood there with her arms crossed, not averting her eyes. Percy wanted desperately to choose the other option, he knew he was right but Annabeth was in charge, it was her force task team.
"Alright, we'll go with your plan." He took a step back, Annabeth's eyes softened, and her arms relaxed a bit; to anyone else it wouldn't have meant anything, but Percy knew this was her way of saying thank you. He nodded with a small smile. "You're right it's your team."
"I think love is them being able to make them laugh, no matter the situation."
"And if you think I'll put up with this incompetence any longer you're insane!" Dionysus was currently yelling at Annabeth as she stood there clutching her clipboard trying to hold back the tears. Next thing she knew Percy was sitting on the table behind Mr. D with his hands over Mr. D's head acting as though he was controlling him like a puppet. Percy continued to act it through until Mr. D stormed off and Percy pretended to be pulled after him falling off of the edge of the table.
"He shouldn't have been talking to you like that," Percy said as he got up brushing the dirt off of his jeans. "I mean considering the fact that you already take care of half of the stuff around here that's supposed to be his responsibility."
"Thanks Perce, but I'm fine." Annabeth shrugged. "Nice ending though, very dedicated."
"Well you know me, I'm very into the arts." Percy smirked.
"Yeah the art of procrastination maybe," Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Aren't you supposed to be on patrol right now?"
"As a matter of fact, yes." Percy nodded. "Which is the exact reason you need to keep your voice down."
Annabeth shook her head and gave him an exasperated look but chuckled softly. "You're a mess Percy Jackson."
"We've been friends for 3 years and you're just realizing this now?"
"I think love is when they protect you, even if they know you can handle yourself."
"And so you'd rather just destroy us." Annabeth maintained her act of bravery, she was bleeding from a deep cut on her right temple and her face was scratched and dirt streaked but her eyes held a look of fierce determination as she stared down the ghostly shadow in front of them.
"Actually yes, I'd love to keep you but you're much too troublesome." The shadow hissed. Percy squeezed the handle of riptide a little tighter ready to fight at any moment.
Annabeth took a step forwards and was met with a blast of air that sent her tumbling back into Percy. He caught her and helped her steady herself. Percy then made sure to place himself in front of Annabeth.
"Percy I can defend myself." Annabeth whispered furiously to him.
"I know." He whispered back, and he did. Percy knew Annabeth was capable of standing her own but that didn't stop every bone in his body from wanting to protect her at any chance he had. He could never bear to see her hurt, and if he had the chance he would give his life if it meant saving hers. (even if he'd never admit it.)
"I think love is never getting tired of them" (jaeden_pendery)
Heather watched from her spot at the diner till, her eyes followed the old couple that had walked in; they looked to be around 85-87 years old, greying hair, wrinkled faces, a few shaky hands. The man held the lady's hand and helped her sit down in a booth before seating himself across from her and taking her hands in his. She couldn't hear what they were saying but both were smiling and looked as happy as ever.
"Heather can you manage tables 10, 9, and 8? Michael just went home sick." Heather's manager stuck his head out from the back.
Heather sighed, she knew Michael wasn't sick, he just didn't want to work today. She picked up a fresh coffee pot and made her rounds; halfway through she realized that table 10 contained the old couple she had been watching earlier. She walked up to them hearing the last bit of the old lady's sentence.
"Remind me again how I ever fell in love you Seaweed Brain." The lady joked, the man just smiled at her, then turned towards Heather.
"Um hi, my name is Heather and I'll be your server today can I get you anything at the moment?"
The man looked towards his wife letting her go first.
"Just coffee for now."
"Same here." The man replied. Heather filled both their cups to the top and was about to leave when the kid over at table 9 decided that his pancakes just weren't good enough and threw them off the table. Heather could see her manager waiting for her to go clean up the mess but she was tired and had no interest in cleaning up after bratty children at the moment so she kept her back to the commotion and tried to start a conversation that would get her out of the extra work.
"So, um, how long have you two been married?" Heather asked still feeling her manager's eyes on her.
"Hmm? Ah well, let me see. We were married when we were 26 if I'm correct so that would make it 40 years now wouldn't it?" The lady pondered the thought for a moment, "Although of course we were together for another 10 years before that so it's been 50 years."
Heather tried not to look too shocked; she could hear her manager's sigh as he left to get the mop but Heather wasn't interested in avoiding work anymore, she more interested in the couple that had lasted 50 years and counting so far. "Wow, that's amazing." She managed. "How have you stayed together for so long?"
The man chuckled a bit. " It's not easy, I'll tell you that. We've definitely had our ups and downs but when you really love someone it's impossible to just let them go. You never tire of them, or their little habits; in fact you probably end up falling in love with them more and more each day" He squeezed his wife's hands and smiled at her from across the booth, his wife grinned and looked back at him with so much love Heather couldn't help but smile.
"Heather, table 6 is waiting!" Her manager practically screamed at her as he continued to scrape the syrup off the diner's floors, Heather didn't want to go she wanted to hear more about this amazing couple who honestly could even beat out Angelina and Brad for couple of the year, but she knew her manager was already pissed, and she didn't want to anger him more.
"I'm sorry I have to go." She apologized. "But it was nice meeting you um..."
"Percy and Annabeth Jackson." The man said.
"Percy and Annabeth Jackson." Heather nodded.
"I think love is always coming back because you can't stand being without them" (babyj780)
Annabeth sobbed into her pillow, her tears thoroughly staining the fabric, her body wracked with sobs that slowly turned into gasps for air. Her father pounded on her door.
"Annabeth! Annabeth please! Annabeth come talk to me!"
Annabeth didn't respond, but continued to cry; Percy and her had just had the worst fight of their lives. It was funny, looking back on it she wasn't even sure what it was about just that it ended in a screaming match with a lot of hateful, mean spirited things she wished she could take back. But she couldn't, she couldn't take any of it back, it was out there and it was done, just like their relationship, there was no way they were getting back together after this. Annabeth could feel her tears beginning to cease yet her body still bounced with hiccuping breaths.
She missed him already, she missed his messy hair that she would run her hands through when he fell asleep in her lap, she missed his dark green eyes that would stare into hers making her blush when they wouldn't look away. She missed his arms that would pull her closer in the middle of the night and wrap around her waist like they were afraid she might slip away at any moment. She missed his jokes and his laughter and the way he would throw his head back whenever he found something funny, god she even missed all his terrible fish puns that made her want to smack her head against a wall at the time but would give anything to hear one now. She could feel the tears coming again and decided she couldn't do; she couldn't be without him, she couldn't stand another second wallowing in pity, grieving over what had been. She had to get him back.
Percy sat in the corner of his room, the lights were off, the curtains drawn, a hole in the wall from where he'd punched it out of pure rage 20 minutes early. He didn't cry, he didn't scream, he didn't laugh or move or even look up, he didn't feel anything.
"Percy sweetie." His mom gently tapped on his door her voice tentative. "Percy do you want to tell me what happened? Is everything okay?" Percy didn't reply, he sat there staring at the ground in front of him where he didn't have enough strength to tear up the photo of him and Annabeth together in front of the canoe lake. He heard his mother sigh and her footsteps fade away but he didn't move.
The picture had been taken without either of them knowing, but it was one of Percy's favourites. Percy had his arms around Annabeth's waist holding her close while her arms wrapped around his neck, her standing on her toes just to reach him. He was kissing her forehead and she was in the middle of laughing. Percy still wasn't sure who had taken it just that he looked at it every day before going to school and every night before going to bed. Guess he couldn't do that anymore, not if they were broken up; but they couldn't be broken up, they'd been through so much together and he couldn't handle life without her.
He was already remembering everything he loved about her. The way she was always a complete mess in the morning but it didn't matter because she was his mess. The way she would always mouth the words to her favourite songs when she was working. The way she would always deny it but was a total suck for sad movies and cried every time they watched Titanic, or how she couldn't stand anything remotely bitter tasting, yet at the same time couldn't stand anything extremely sweet, or her excess determination and stubborn pride that never let her give up on anything, or even the way she would always steal his hoodies and even though he pretended to be annoyed he secretly loved seeing her wear his last name; God he loved seeing her wear those hoodies. By now the tears were openly streaming down his face and he was struggling to breathe. He felt deflated of all energy and just wanted to go to sleep and wake up from this horrible nightmare; but, no, he had to get her back, he had to do whatever it took to get her to forgive him and get back together, he couldn't live without her, he needed her. He wiped his eyes, grabbed his jacket and ran out the front door with his mother calling after him.
Annabeth walked briskly down the streets of New York, the autumn wind pierced her skin, she shoved her hands deeper into her pockets and sniffled, a few rouge tears still managing to escape every few steps.
Percy kept his head down maintaining a brisk pace as he pushed his way through the crowds, he had a mission and nothing would stop him.
Annabeth wasn't paying attention to anyone until a particularly rough shoulder bump with a stranger forced her to look up, and she froze.
Percy managed to mumble "sorry" to the stranger he just crashed into before realizing who it was.
The two teenagers stood there, staring at each other not sure what to say or do. The silence stretched for almost 3 minutes until Percy spoke up.
"You've been crying." He stated.
"Oh, um yeah a little bit." Annabeth reached up and wiped away the last few tears left on her cheeks. "Um actually I was kind of just on my way to talk to you."
"You were?" Percy asked.
"Oh, 'cause I was just going to talk to you actually" Percy shuffled his feet on the ground his hand coming to rub the back of his neck. The silence began to stretch out again, neither of them saying a word until Annabeth's eyes were brimming with tears again.
"Percy please, I miss you, I don't want to be alone." She began to cry. "I'm so sorry, I don't even know what we were fighting about but I know that I'm sorry please, please." She was one word away from a full breakdown when Percy stepped forwards, grabbed her face and kissed her so powerfully her legs became weak, her hands came up to rest on his chest and the tears streamed down her cheeks, she could feel his tears falling to her face. His lips moved against hers so perfectly, both of them trying to hold the other closer than humanly possible. His hands ran through her hair, hers also tangled in his.
"I'm sorry too, I'm so sorry Annabeth." He said, and she pulled him into the tightest hug possible. "Does this mean we're okay?" Percy whispered in her ear.
Annabeth gave a weak laugh. "Yeah we're good."
"Good, because I can't live without you."
"I think love is doing whatever it takes to be with them" (jules353)
"You already know I don't like you." Athena blatantly stated, she stood at least 5 feet taller than Percy himself yet the boy crossed his arms and looked up in defiance, it only managed to anger the goddess more.
"What about it, you've never liked me, my dad, or any of his children; what's so urgent that it had to bring you down here to tell me something I already know." Percy knew it was a risky move, normally he would never have said as such to any god/goddess but he was tired of Athena and her stuck up attitude and her constant feud with his father.
"Because none of your father's children have ever had a friendship with one of my own, until you that is. I already don't approve of you two and I don't need it going any further."
"Any further?" Percy frowned, he wasn't sure where the all knowing goddess of wisdom was going with this. "What does that even mean?"
Athena glowered even more, how dare he pretend like he didn't know, how dare he pretend like he didn't have... intimate feelings for her daughter she thought with a shudder. "You know what I mean, I've seen you two together, I've seen how close you're getting, how your hugs now linger for a second longer than they did before, I've seen the way you stare at her when she's not looking and I want you to stop."
"You can't stop loving a person your royal majesty." Percy spat with the most conviction he had. He wasn't sure what was happening, this was the first time he'd admitted that he was attracted towards Annabeth and it probably wasn't the best that it was towards her mother that hated his guts. "You can't just stop thinking that someone is perfect, you can't. I'm sorry if you don't like me or my dad or anything that even comes from the sea, but you can't stop me from falling in love with your daughter and I'm sorry if that upsets you but I won't give her up, I won't just stop talking to her because you can't get over a fight that happened who knows how many years ago. I won't and you can't make me."
Athena stood there at a loss for words, she'd never had anyone talk other as such let alone a demigod. She swallowed her anger and glared down at him with as much hatred as she could manage. "You realize I will never support this relationship, I will never give you my blessing, and I will try my hardest to stop it from ever happening."
"I don't care, I'll do anything you put in front of me, I will prove to you that we can live together without the hatred, and I will never stop loving your daughter whether she loves me back or not"
"So be it, but you'll never win." Athena huffed and disappeared with a blinding flash.
"I will." Percy mumbled. "I'd do anything, just watch me"
"I think love isn't being perfect for each other but becoming perfect for each other." (Alohomoragirl5)
"I don't get it though" Annabeth sighed. "I don't get how you can always support me and love me and do everything that you do despite how flawed I am. I'm not as great as you think, I'm not all knowing, sometimes I don't know what i'm doing, and I'm not super brave and I just want to run away instead of fight, I'm not the most beautiful girl on this planet and I'm not the smartest, or bravest, or kindest, or talented and I don't get how you manage to do this every day."
Percy smiled softly, he knew she'd had another rough day at the office with her bitch of a boss that was constantly putting her down all because she knew Annabeth was the better architect. Percy had advised Annabeth to quit if her boss was such a witch but Annabeth was determined to not give her the satisfaction and instead continued on and that just made Percy love her even more. He sat down beside her and pulled her into the tightest hug he could muster.
"No one's perfect babe." He whispered in her ear. "I can promise you no one is, not me or you or your boss or the guy working at the hotdog stand outside our apartment." That earned him a small laugh. "But that's what I love about you, it would be boring to date someone perfect, it would be boring to be in love with someone that didn't have anything interesting about them. And that's why I love you so much; maybe you're not the smartest person on the planet but you are a genius and one of the top architects at your firm. Maybe you're not the bravest but you never back away from a fight because you refuse to be beaten when you know you can win. Maybe you're not talented at everything but that doesn't mean you're not totally exceptional at what you are good at. Maybe you're not the kindest and have a couple days where you just snap but so does everyone, you can't happy 24/7 I mean god did you not take anything away from Inside Out you watched it at least 5 times." He teased.
Annabeth pulled back and smiled at him.
"Maybe you don't think you're the most beautiful person on the planet but I can guarantee that I do. Annabeth you don't half to be prefect no matter what anyone tells you because I love you the way you are, flaws and all. You don't start out the relationship already perfectly fitted for each other, you learn to make their flaws works and that's what we're doing and look at us I'd say that as far as perfect goes we're pretty damn close." He rested his hand on her slightly extended stomach the first signs of her pregnancy showing.
Annabeth sniffed and kissed him softly and slowly Percy pulled her closer letting it draw out for as long as he could. She pulled away and let a small smile take over.
"Yeah I guess we are." She whispered.
"You're damn right." He replied before pulling her back in.
"I think love is when two people share an unbreakable bond" (child_of_the_sea_)
"They're inseparable." Juniper laughed. "I have never seen a couple so attached to the other."
"They're dating of course they're going to be together a lot." Grover bumped his girlfriend's shoulder teasingly. "I mean we spend a lot of time together."
"Yeah but not like them, I don't think I've ever seen them apart."
"They've been through a lot together, it's hard to separate them after that." Grover sighed. He didn't know the half of what the two had seen down in that place but he knew that it was beyond his imagination. Annabeth and Percy had always been close before, doing their activities at the same time, sitting at the fire together, sneaking out at night; but now, now they were on a whole new level of inseparable. When they first got back Grover didn't see one without the other, now they had slowly gotten back to their normal routines, going for periods of a time separated but it was strange it was almost as though they could communicate without speaking, if one was hurt the other was there in an instant, if one needed help the other conveniently managed to do it for them without asking. There was a bond between them now, one Grover would probably never understand but could also recognize, would never be broken.
Percy wrapped his arms around Annabeth's waist and pulled her closer into a hug whispering something in her ear before pulling back to kiss her forehead. Annabeth buried her face into his chest and they stood there for a while before she pulled away, kissed his cheek and walked off in the direction of her cabin. Percy stared after her fondly, not moving but watching her leave and smiling as though he knew exactly what she was thinking.
Grover smiled to himself, he was right, there was something there now. No matter how close he and Percy were, he would never share what Percy and Annabeth had, and he was okay with that because he had Juniper.
"I think love is sharing the silences" (oceansofswirlingink-)
The couple lay there, in bed with the blankets pulled up to their neck in an attempt to keep out the winter chill. They don't say anything but just stare at each other, each as content as the next. They don't need the words to communicate how they're feeling, they don't need anything because they already know. They already know how much they love each other and exactly how far they'd be willing to go, and that's to the end of the earth and back. They already know the other's every thought, every word, every emotion, and movement and breath. They already know everything about them because they're in love and they don't need to talk, they just share the silences instead.
"I think love is ignoring all their flaws and loving their perfections" (jaeden_pendery)
"Annabeth, when I first met you I thought you were a stuck up know it all, and I was not pleased to be going on a mile long trek across country with you. Now I'm not sure what changed, but somehow I ended up noticing how smart and brave and caring and beautiful you were and I couldn't help falling in love with you after that. You're my best friend, and you've risked your own life for mine more times than I can count, and I promise I won't hesitate to do the same. You're my partner, and you've always had a plan to get us out, and I promise I will always trust you to do so. You're my ally in every fight, and you always have my back, and I promise to always have yours. You're my girlfriend and you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met, and I promise to never stop thinking so. You're my genius, and you always have my answer, and I promise to try and have yours when you need it. You're my guide, my mentor my confident and my fiancé, and now you're about to be my wife and I couldn't be happier. I know I'm not perfect and I know I have my flaws but I promise to overlook yours and love all your perfections as a whole if you promise to do the same. Annabeth, you are my soulmate, you've always loved me and I promise to always love you, no matter what."
Percy finished his vows and countless sniffles could be heard throughout the crowd, his mother was silently sobbing in the front row as she watched her little boy hold the hands of his soon to be wife and recite the words that he'd stressed over for weeks and revised countless times as he was never happy enough with them.
Annabeth's eyes were watering but she refused to cry and ruin the perfectly done eyeliner Piper had applied this morning. She wasn't expecting his vows to be like they were and she could barely remember what she had written as her own. He was right he wasn't perfect, he snored and hogged the blankets; he was impulsive and reckless, and the biggest procrastinator she'd ever met. He still mixed up "their", "there" and "they're" sometimes which drove her absolutely mad, and she didn't think she'd ever seen him do a day of laundry in his life. But that was all so trivial, so unimportant when he was standing in front of her in his new suit which according to Jason took a full hour to get him into, with his hair in an attempt to be styled but was still a bit of a mess. She could fully feel the tears running down her cheeks now as she recited the paragraph she'd written weeks before, she was still crying as the priest spoke his last few words and still crying as Percy grabbed her waist and pulled her forwards into easily the best kiss of her life and she managed to pause the tears for a second as she pulled back and whispered in his ears.
"I promise."
"I think love is unconditional" (Mr_Moustache)
Aphrodite sighed. Percy and Annabeth were the definition of true love. The two had been through so much together yet their faith never wavered once. She remembered when they first met and the hatred between them was so intense even she doubted it for a second but soon enough the two were getting along better than ever. She could recall the desperation she felt inside of Percy to get Annabeth back when she went missing, the need for him to find her, and not to mention the despair Annabeth felt on Mount St. Helens after she'd left her best friend to die. The two of them had faced things one couldn't even imagine but it had only managed to bring the two closer together. And now she watched them hand in hand Annabeth looking more beautiful than she could have ever managed and Percy very formal in his suit and tie, the priest saying who knows what, she didn't care she could only focus on the happy couple in front of her both radiating with happiness.
"I do." Percy said, his hands gripping Annabeth's to keep from shaking.
"I do." Annabeth smiled, her hands counting on his just as much.
"You may now kiss the bride."
The two kissed and held the other as close as possible as the crowd erupted into cheers, with Aphrodite cheering the loudest of all. It seemed only like yesterday they were awkwardly stumbling around their feelings for each other and blushing at the slightest touch from each other. She could remember their first proper kiss before they were thrown underwater just to continue in a more private place. She smiled fondly as the newly wed couple walked out hand in hand throwing her back to the days Percy would grab Annabeth's hand as he lead her though the forest to who knows what place he'd found. The two stopped right at the exit just for a last picture perfect kiss underneath the archway and she could almost envision their kiss on new years eve, the night Annabeth finished reconstructing the new Olympus and had a party thrown in her honour.
"It's good to see them so happy." A voice beside her spoke. It was Poseidon, his usual beach shorts and Hawaiian shirt swapped for a classy back tux, his hair slicked back and wearing an actual tie, not just a clip on. "I know I don't like her mother, but Annabeth is a great kid, she'll keep on the right path whenever he goes a little astray and as long as he's in love I can't complain."
Aphrodite smiled, she remembered his initial fight with Athena when the two first started dating and how the two parents had tried to intervene but failed miserably as you couldn't just break apart a couple as close as those two. Percy and Annabeth truly were an unbreakable, unreplicable, unconditional couple and Aphrodite doubted she would ever see a couple to match their strength in the rest of her lifetime; for nothing could compete with Percabeth.
Alright and there it is. I hope that I got everyone's ideas in here and I didn't miss anyone and i really hope that you guys liked this one I thought it was a cool idea and it was fun to write, I don't really have much else to say except thank you for all your votes and comments and all the support you guys give me and other than that hope you and enjoyed and see you later!!!
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