I made a wish.
One that cost me entire lifetimes.
Years of hard work, of meaningless efforts.
Only to go back to the same point, and then to the same point during that point.
Yet my wish, that 1 wish, made me stuck here.
In this loop.
In this torture.
How long has it been?
How many childhoods?
How many adulthoods?
Too many... I...
Can't remember.
A situation, a birthday, a wish, a consequence.
You may ask? What is the wish? Why'd the wish happen? What was the consequence and how come it has led me to this point.
The wish is simple, yet so complex.
I wished to change the world, to change an outcome, an event, that affected all of humanity.
I wished on a birthday to change this event, to be given a chance for human life to be changed by me.
I'm of no particular faith, but my wish was granted.
A went years back, to way before the event started.
I didn't think it all through.
I forgot a crucial element.
Children have no major influence, especially when from a common household such as me. During my first lifetime I still wasn't a special figure.
How'd my stupid little brain think that I, I of all people could change fate.
Oh well. Mistakes have been made.
Maybe one day, one day I'll get out of this loop. I don't know how I could change the world, but at this point, I forgot how I wanted to change the world.
Was I a good person or a bad person in my first life?
I'm a tired person now nonetheless.
I thought that I should try to use this skill for good.
But at this point, humanity is becoming an unbearable itch I can't get rid off.
The same faces growing up, regressing, growing up, regressing.
Them living all their lives over and over again but they don't know it. They're just content with living in the moment.
I have no moment, I am in the past, present and future. And other.
So what if I am sick of it all?
Will my wish be unbroken if I try to unwish it?
I can't wish it off, it stays with me constantly.
That happiness on their face.... Their smiles.... Happiness..... energy.....
How does that feel again?
My sleep schedule is no different.
Oh how much I envy them
They are just... so... content...
I need to pretend to be a child, a naive child again.
They'll think I'm smart, or dumb, that's my choice.
I can stylise all lifetimes to my liking, well my lifetime at least, until a certain point.
Sounds kind fun for a bit I guess.
At this point I've honestly given up with the whole changing world idea. So what if I change it? My soul is already exhausted, spirit gone and the repetition is killing me.
It's my time to play the game, the game I've been playing all along was just following a script in my head.
It still is.
But what if I think outside the box?
I'm outside of time, well my conscience is.
Aren't I all powerful until its stripped of me technically?
Could I be a god?
I timeloop consistently for me.
I can bring people on this journey with me?
Interesting I've never thought of that.
Changing time, not just the world. But the whole concept of present, past and future.
Can I alter time?
I'm in a consistent loop....
So if I try to worm out before it reloops again... during the time the line before my past and future is the weakest.
My conscience...
What would it feel like to live another life?
Someone else's life....
If im in a world loop, that doesn't matter much does it?
I've never been given more rules than just to change the world event. I didn't even really specify which.
So if I body hop... if I body hop and take over their conscience....
Would that get rid of their original build?
Would that destroy my soul, destroy time? Destroy their soul. Combine our souls? Or will their conscience replace my looping soul.
Will this idea even work?
I mean... any change is enough change for me.
I'm bored, exhausted. Tired of the same old, tired of this loop.
Sick of this life, sick of this person. Am I even my own person? I was maybe a few lifetimes ago.
But now my soul feels detached, my emotions are detached from those closest and I can't help but feel miserable about the fact that I can't even truly look at what I call my family and friends. Familiar Oh too familiar faces. So naive, so fresh.
I loved them so much. Now I'm jealous. Jealous of their naivety.
I want to forget it all and live one last life. Be it with this family or another. I don't care if I change the world. I've lost all hope to do that.
Whoever created my world has a tight script, and just decided to play me.
Disgusting, manipulative, thinking I have free will.
Honestly, impressive. I'm impressed they aren't bored yet.
Now that I think about it.
Can I alter this tight script?
Could I go beyond time and space and find the script and change it.
Is that how I change the world?
Is that what I needed all along?
Thinking outside the box, outside the loop, outside logic.
But how will I make my life fit that.
Should I wait another lifetime or just a minute.
I'll go now, my patience is thin yet the world won't even allow me to break it.
I want to snap and it have consequence.
Regardless whether the script will allow it or not. I don't care.
I will do it.
Just watch me, and if I get destroyed in the process... at least I tried, and it had an effect on me.
I just want some change.
That's all.
I just wish to change MY life
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