Marley had finished her lunch and walked to her class checking her phone wondering when Jake will contact her. Marley sent a few messages to him but Jake never sent a reply, but she will every so often would get one from Ryder, and she doesn't reply to his because Ryder never took no for an answer, and it made Marley really uncomfortable and nervous, so to do what was right by her and her well-being she backed away from Ryder and only contacts him only seldom.
She walked into her Music class where Rachel was the teacher something Marley felt at ease knowing and it was actually the one class she wanted to go before being shown around again by Skylar and Marley smiled widely when she saw Skylar was in the class. She felt at ease with Skylar and felt like herself around him. Something she never was with Jake. She sat down next to him, to which he then registered that Marley had walked in. Skylar instantly smiled at her and said
"How are you liking Dalton?" Marley opened up her notebook
"It's okay. Better than my old school. the students and even the teachers here are much more nicer than the ones at Mckinley, especially nicer than Mckinley's current glee directors, and cheerleading coach and the principal here is so much better than Mckinley's too."
Skylar and Marley continued to talk when Jane, Spencer, Madison, Mason and Roderick walked in. Jane immediately felt threatened at Marley and was jealous of her too, because Jane has seen the way Skylar looks at Marley and she felt upset that Skylar never looks at her that way, and Jane always hates music class and also English, Drama and Chemistry classes because it was those classes that she was never paired with Skylar when it came to working in pairs, as she's always paired with Mason or Roderick and even one time Madison too as Skylar is either paired with Spencer or another student in the class something which irks Jane a lot. Jane hoped that today's music class if they are working in pairs is different now because of Marley joining the class so she could work with Skylar like she always does with .
Rachel had walked in the class and decided that the students should work in pairs. Rachel knows that Jane's advances towards Skylar has made him uncomfortable, and he's always saying no to her but Jane doesn't listen at all and Skylar has told her just how much Jane makes him uncomfortable. Rachel likes to protect Skylar from it all.
As soon as Rachel walked into the classroom she saw Marley talking to Skylar. She smiled to herself when saw them talking and made a mental note in her head to thank Skylar for looking out for her. When Rachel called out the pairs she noticed Marley's look of relief that she's working with Skylar. Rachel then looked over and saw Jane with Madison, who was upset about not working with Skylar and Jane made it visible that she was upset about Rachel's decision and Rachel knew Jane would talk to her about it after class making them both late for Glee club.
Throughout the class Rachel every so often looked over at Marley to make sure she was okay, because after all Marley is being subjected to Jane's somewhat bullying of her and knowing what Marley told her about what happened in the past in the past and what a student named Kitty did to her, Rachel now instantly feels protected of her sister and will do anything to make sure she is safe, so when she saw Marley with Skylar and saw how comfortable she was around him, she was happy and she knew that if Marley and Skylar ever pursued that her dad's Hiram and Leroy wouldn't exactly approve of it, and knew that she and Sebastian and even Barry and Iris had to protect them as well.
As the bell rang for glee club, like Rachel predicted Jane was the last to leave. Jane picked up her books and walked over to her and asked
"Why didn't you pair me with Skylar, and paired the new girl with him?" Rachel didn't want to explain herself to Jane, but like always and like how Barry and Iris do for Jane, Rachel knew she had do so yet again, something she hated doing.
"I'm the only one that hasn't worked with him yet, but you let the new girl be paired with him over me, and I'm Skylar's best friend since child hood" Rachel didn't want to betray Skylar's trust. You see Skylar and Rachel have a bond together, something Sebastian and Barry is really pleased about as their younger brother who is shy and doesn't let anyone in let Rachel in even Iris was happy that Skylar has let Rachel in.
Rachel sighed at Jane and said
"I don't care that you have known him since childhood, I've known Mr. Harwood, Mr. Nixon, Miss Allegra Gracia and Miss Esperanza Garcia since childhood and you don't see me saying that all the time like you do. and as for the pairings Jane. you worked with Skylar first week. like I, Mr. Allen, and Mrs. West-Allen always tell you when you complain about not being paired with Skylar because you think it's unfair, i like to change up the pairings in class so everyone is comfortable with everyone and everyone has a chance to work with everyone and get to know everyone, so it's not favouritism to anyone at all, and the reason Marley and Skylar were paired Jane is because Marley is new and Skylar has been showing Marley around Dalton and because it's her first day she would want to be comfortable in class. Now if you don't mind I would like to get to the choir room because you made us late for Glee yet again and for the tenth time this month because all you do is complain about a teacher's decision in their classroom, and if you do so again I'll write up a detention for you with Mr. Clarington sorting out the jock straps and you won't be allowed in Glee for two weeks and I'll also write you up a late slip for not only glee but for Drama too. Do I make myself clear Miss Haywood?" Jane was quiet at what Rachel had said, and nodded her head quietly leaving the class room and headed towards the choir room for glee where she felt anger inside her upon seeing Marley sit in her usual seat right next to Skylar.
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