I Am the Shadows
Wednesday, March 28, 2182
Two years of nights have turned me into a nocturnal animal. The criminal element never sleeps. I may have lost my quirk, but I've become so skilled that I don't need one anymore. But Musutafu is a big place. I can't be everywhere at once.
They think I'm hiding in the shadows.
But I am the shadows.
It showed Musutafu at night time while it's raining. We see a man being attacked by a group of thugs at a subway station, but then they heard heavy footsteps.
The thugs turned around to see...
"The hell are you supposed to be?" one thug asked.
The thug then attempted to attack the man, only to get his ass beat.
Then the man in the costume crouched over the bloodied and beaten thug and looked down on him.
"I'm vengeance." the man in the costume said in a terrifying voice.
"It's really him..." one of the other thugs said.
The thugs all surrounded the man in the costume and attempted to attack him, but the costumed man was able to hold his own and beat their asses.
Once the thugs were all beaten and bloodied on the ground, the man in the costume turned back to check on the man who had been attacked by the thugs.
"Please... don't hurt me..." the man whimpered.
The costumed man didn't say anything and left.
I wish I could say I was making a difference. But I don't know.
It cut to the man in the costume standing in a bathroom and looking in the mirror. He removed his mask, revealing him to be none other than Izuku Midoriya. He wiped off the mascara on his face so that his eyes didn't have black circles around them, then he wiped off the makeup he had on the right side of his face, revealing the large scar he had. He then took the rest of his costume off, put it in a backpack, and changed into the outfit of a drifter:
He left the bathroom and got on a motorcycle that was waiting outside for him. As he drove through the rainy streets of Musutafu, Something in the Way by Nirvana played.
As Izuku drove through the streets, he saw news reports on jumbotrons throughout the city that talked about the triumphs of his former classmates from UA.
He then arrived at his house located in the woods on the outskirts of Musutafu and drove down into the basement/garage that was located underneath it. He parked his motorcycle and went upstairs. That's when his phone started ringing. He answered it.
"Yeah?" Izuku said.
"Midoriya, it's All Might. I have something important to tell you. Are you free tomorrow?" All Might asked from the other end of the line.
Izuku sighed and rubbed his tired eyes with his free hand.
"Yeah. I think so. But it better be quick." he replied.
"Great! See you tomorrow, Young Midoriya." said All Might before hanging up.
Then Izuku went to bed. When he woke up the following morning, he went back down to the basement and went over to the large computer monitor. He accessed the monitor and saw a news report of a murder that had happened. The victim was a pro hero with a quirk that was somewhat similar to the quirk of someone Izuku knew.
"That's odd. The victim has a quirk similar to Eri's. Could there be a connection?" Izuku said to himself.
Izuku decided to pack his costume up and do an investigation on the murder on his way to see All Might.
He arrived at the crime scene and snuck past the police officers there. He investigated the body and saw that the victim had almost all of their blood drained from them.
He then left the crime scene without being seen and got out of his costume, then he went to see All Might.
He arrived at the place where All Might wanted to meet. All Might saw the bags under Izuku's eyes and noticed the young man's hair was even more unkept.
"Geez, Midoriya. Eraser's really been rubbing off on you, huh?" All Might joked.
Izuku was unamused.
"Why did you wanna see me?" he asked, as if he hadn't heard All Might's joke.
All Might was a little concerned with how differrently Izuku was acting. They hadn't seen each other in a while since they were both so busy with their jobs, but All Might didn't remember Izuku being so... emo.
All Might cleared his throat.
"I have good news, Young Midoriya. Each of your old classmates chipped in to have this made for you!" All Might said as he handed Izuku a high-tech briefcase.
Izuku opened it to see that it had some sort of high-tech suit in the briefcase.
'So NOW they decide to help me?' Izuku angrily said in his head.
"What do you think?" All Might asked.
Izuku closed the briefcase and handed it back to All Might.
"I don't want it." Izuku said.
All Might was flabbergasted.
"W- W- What?!" he said in disbelief.
"You heard me. I don't want it." Izuku said.
"I- I don't understand. Do you NOT want to be a hero anymore, Midoriya?" All Might asked in confusion.
"I'm not giving up on my dream. I never did." Izuku said, "But I don't need some fancy suit to help others. And I certainly don't need anything from my old classmates."
Izuku then turned around and walked away, while All Might just stood there, shocked and confused.
Thx for reading. Also this book is gonna be different from The Batman of Japan.
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