What Did I Just Do?
Emi's POV
"I think... we lost... them." I tried to speak while catching my breath... hey! Kelly Clarkson!
"Emi! Nanami! You need to go back there and make Tomoe your familiar!"
"We don't need to... well we do, but that's the thing! Sealing the contract? I know what your gonna try to make us do!"
"Yes, but if you do, then he will have to do whatever you wish for him to do!"
"Am I missing something? How do we seal the contract?" Nanami finally spoke.
"You'll have to seal the contract with a kiss, it's so cliché and disgusting!"
"Yes, but you will have the power to make him do what ever you please."
"And there is nothing in the universe you can not make him do... Nanami? Emi?"
We ran away from them because I ain't kissing him!
"That's it I'm running back to the shrine! You coming Emi?"
"Well I don't want to be stuck with those perverts! Were else do you think I would go!"
"Eh... true." While we were running, I saw a witch on here side on the floor.
"Excuse me! Could you two ladies please help me?"
"In your dreams you hag!" I yelled at her as Nanami gasped.
"She's a witch Nanami! She wants to eat us for she could live for like 2,000 more years!"
"You've got a good eye, Nanami and Emi!"
"How do you know us?"
"Nanami, run NOW!" I grabbed her wrist and dragged her away.
"COME BACK HERE!" She ran after us in her deformed witch self.
"Nanami! Emi!" Onikiri and Kotetsu side kicked the old hag and ran next to us.
"Are you both alright!" Onikiri and Kotetsu asked. The hag got up in no time and started running our way... oh sh*t!
"Come on guys, it's not reunion time, it's time to RUN!" I pointed to the hag coming our way. And we ran. What am I forgetting about this part?
"If I eat a gods flesh, I'll at least live for another thousand years!" She pulled us by... a web? Ding! Oh, I remember now! She can grab us with webs... THAT MAKES IT EVEN WORSE! She got Kotetsu! I will always remember you!
"Kotetsu will taste bad!" Kotetsu cried.
"I don't want you!" She threw poor Kotetsu away and kept chasing us.
"Master Tomoe!" I heard Kotetsu say, oh yeah! He gets Tomoe then Nanami seals the contract!
"Hey guys, Kotetsu will get Tomoe!" I said.
"And Nanami and/ or Emi must seal the contract!"
"No, way in hell would I kiss him!" We said at the same time, which made me want to stop and laugh, but we were still being chased by a hag.
"Then please use these." Onikiri handed us three white papers each and two brushes.
"What are these?" Nanami asked.
"They are talismans."
"Nanami don't ask just do! Because I'm starting to get tired! Just know that it's a power we have and you can't write something that surpasses your abilities. Ok?!"
"Got it!" She got a talisman and put it on a log with 'Nanami' on it. The demon hag completely fell for it.
"Amazing!" I gave her two thumbs up... oh no my talismans! Two flew put of my hands.
"Oh no! My talismans! Wait I got one left!"
"Don't worry, I got two left!"
"Wait, can't we just turn ourselves into air?"
"Yes, but-" We cut off Onikiri by making ourselves into air with one talisman left. SWEET!
"Yeah! Now we don't have to run!" I slowed down a bit, but only for a little while.
They stopped too."Nanami! Emi! We need to keep on running!" Onikiri commanded.
"Why? We're air! We can't be seen!"
"Please! She is comming! She cannot see you, but she can sense you!"
"I've finally got you!" The hag finally caught up.
"Oh f*ck you! You could've told us that earlier!" We ran again, man I thought I would be really tired, but I'm not that tired now that I think about it.
Tomoe's POV
I looked down, from the roof were I was sitting on, to find Kotetsu running and panting trying to find me.
"Have the girls been eaten already?"
"Oh, Master Tomoe! Please help ladies Nanami and Emi!"
"Oh, not yet, huh?" I saw a talisman in flames coming towards me 'Tomoe help us' it said.
"Perhaps I will go watch them cry."
Emi's POV
"It's so high up here!" As you probably noticed by now, I have a sma fear of heights.
"Ye- yeah!" Nanami stuttered.
"Nanami, hurry up!" I yelled at her while she tries to climb in front of me.
"Please, hurry up ladies!" Onikiri yells as we try to hurry.
"I found you girls!" The witch appeared.
"She's coming! Hurry Nanami!" The troll grabbed my ankle and tried to yank me down,"AAAHHH!!!"
"You seem to be having a tough time there, Nanami and Emi." I heard a familiar voice. I looked up to see who it was, and guess who... the d*ck, Tomoe.
"I heard that you were in a tight spot, so I rushed right over here for the both of you."
"Yeah, just to sit back and watch the show! I know, I know, just help us, turd face!" I screamed again because of the hag in the robe... and the woman pulling my ankle.
"Let go! Nanami hurry!" I pushed the witch off with my other foot. She fell, but in the midst of falling she grabbed a branch and kept on going. I pushed Nanami up and she climbed onto a branch. My palms were sweating like crazy and I felt like I was going to slip.
"You know, I could forgive and help you. If you say 'Please forgive this foolish girl o great Tomoe' I will help you."
"No chance in hell." I slipped, but I was able to grab another branch before I could plummet to the ground. He stuttered to save me... Aw, the turd face can care about something.
"Come on, say it!" Onikiri and Kotetsu yelled out.
"Come on! Please forgive,"
"No way!"
"This foolish girl,"
"No way!!"
"O great Tomoe!"
"No way!!! I think I'd rather do this, than ever say that to the likes of him!" I grabbed his ankle and pulled him down with me.
"You foolish girl! You could have prevented this just by saying that one thing!"
"I didn't want to do this, but you forced me to!" I grabbed his robe, and pulled him towards me. I really didn't want to do this!
I pulled him towards me and kissed him.
"Tomoe... save us NOW!" I saw the golden chains around his wrists.
"Curse you!" He yelled out.
I waited for him to save me, and he did! He even saved Nanami! I can't believe that worked! Come on, who's awesome? I am, that's who! Wait a minute... what did I just do?
"Get down here you old hag!" He screamed. "Because of you I have to go back to my duties of a familiar!" He kept nagging at the hag trapped in rope.
"Hey, Tomoe! I want you to become Nanami's familiar as well!"
"What?!" He looked at me as though I murdered his family and he wanted revenge. Hey! Like Sasuke Uchiha! THIS IS A RECORD OF HOW MUCH TIMES I HAVE BEEN OFF TOPIC! DANG IT I GOT TO STOP!
"It's a command!" Since he had to listen to me, he went up to her and kissed her, totally a picture moment... I gotta get my iphone!
Yes! They're kissing! Its kinda gross because she's my best friend in this world... I miss Winter...
"Hey! What did you do!?" Nanami asked me with a blush stilk on her face. She probably heard the click!
"Oh, I took a picture of you two kissing! I'm totally gonna use this for my wallpaper!"
"Get rid of it NOW!" The blushing god yelled in my ear.
"No, you guys look too cute together! Oh and Tomoe?"
"Thank you for saving us!" I smiled at him and pet his head.
"Now, let's go home!" We left to go to the shrine while they kept on nagging to me about deleting the picture.
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