Screams, Fun, and Cake
Time skip to Saturday
"Hey Nanami, why are you so pumped up today?"
"You should know Emi! Tomoe said he would take me to the Ferris wheel today!"
"Ya know he really didn't say that."
"Hey Tomoe, do you want to go to the Ferris wheel Saturday?"
Back to reality
"Oh well, I'll make him do it!" She left the room and suddenly came back.
"Oh and happy birthday!"
"Thanks!" I went back into my room and got dressed. I wore a tank top with a crop top above it and it said 'Totally insane at the moment' with some camouflage capris. I also put on some black and white converse. Once I was done, I went into the kitchen.
"Hey what's there to ea... woah!" I was standing in front of a huge cake like about the size of me.
"Yay! Breakfast cake!"
"No, this is for later Emi."
"Tomoe! I can't later! You have to take Nanami to the Ferris wheel and I'm going to the fair with Yoshi! Can't we eat the breakfast cake now!!!!"
"Breakfast cake! Breakfast cake! Breakfast cake! Breakfast cake! Brea-"
"Fine! Just stop!!!"
"Yay! Nanami come on and get some cake!"
"Okay in a minute!"
"What is she doing?"
"Getting ready, oh and Tomoe do you know what I want for my birthday?"
"I'm scared."
"I want you to kiss Nanami." I smiled devilishly.
"What no way!"
"Pwease! I'm your master! Don't make me force you!"
"Oh and you will love the fair! There are roller coasters there that will make regular girls scream!"
"What's a roller coaster?"
"You'll see."
"Okay I'm here! Now cake!"
"Yay Nanami!" We ate some cake and it tasted exactly like Publix cake!!!
At the fair
I standed near the fair entrance then Yoshi finally showed up.
"Hey! What took you so long? Your hair?"
"Well... yes."
"I knew it, you can't make it look that spiky without time!" I patted my hand on his head.
"Oops! Forgot, Sorry!" We walked around the fair until something very awesome caught my eye.
"Oh. My. Freakin. God. That. Looks. Amazing!" it was a huge roller coaster with the most screams I've ever heard then in eighth grade when we had to dissect eyeballs on April fools and some eyes winked at the girls and guys. That was histerical.
"Yeah! Let's get on it!" Yoshi said. I nodded and we went into the short line, probably because people are to scared to get on it. Once we were on, I got so excited.
"This is gonna be awesome!" I watched the people in the back tremble in fear because Yoshi and I were in the front. I saw Nanami and Tomoe walking through the fairgrounds.
Hey it's Tomoe and Nanami!
"Hey Tomoe! Hey Nanami! Get on the ride!" Tomoe got excited and they rushed over here. They sat right behind us.
"Are you guys pumped!?"
"Yeah!" Tomoe and Yoshi said together.
"Um, I'm not so suUUURRREEEE!" Nanami was saying until the roller coaster started.
"YOU SAID IT, EMI!!!" Yoshi responded. The roller coaster was loops, dives, and vomit pools!
Once it was done, Nanami's hair was messed up.
"Woah! Nanami, your hair is so messed up!"
"Yours too, Emi!" I laughed.
"Oh well!"
"Hey Emi, do you want to get something to eat?" Yoshi asked.
"Sure, how about ice cream?" I wondered.
"See y'all later!" I waved at Nanami and Tomoe.
Once we were at the ice cream stand, I ordered vanilla ice cream and he ordered chocolate ice cream, Yoshi also paid.
"Wow, when did you turn into a gentleman?"
"After Tomoe death stared me during the ride."
"Hahahahahahahaha! He would never do that!"
"Oh, he did! I felt it from behind me!"
"Wow, talk about overprotective!"
"Yeah..." We licked our ice creams at the same time and I got some on my nose.
"Hey... you have something on your..." he pointed at his nose. When I poked my nose, I felt a cold drip.
"Oh, hey bet ya 500 yen that I can lick the ice cream off my nose!"
"Your so on!" I tried and tried like ten times, but I couldn't do it until that eleventh time, I licked all of the vanilla ice cream off.
"Finally did it!!!"
"Aw man! I thought I would beat you."
"Oh! Now, my 500 yen?" he passed me a five dollar AMERICAN bill!
"Um.. that's not yen."
"Huh... oh! Sorry, I came from America too! I had some American money left..."
"Okay your a terrible liar! Tell me the truth."
"Later, right now we should go on more roller coasters!"
"Yay!!!" We went on every roller coaster there was as it was amazing! It started to turn into dark, and everything looked cooler at night.
"Last but not least, the Ferris wheel!" I said.
"Come on, the line is gonna get bigger if we don't hurry!" Yoshi added. We ran to the line and we were next. I saw like 100 people behind us now.
"Woah! You were so right, Yoshi!"
"Next in line," a man said to Yoshi and I.
"Please stay inside of the ride and have fun you two lovebirds!"
"What?! No, we're just friends!"
"Oh, okay then." He closed the door and helped the other people.
"So Yoshi, now can you tell me about the American money thing?! I want to know!" he sighed.
"Fine, but don't tell anyone!"
"I cross my heart, now on with the secret!"
"Well... I'm not really from here. And when I mean here, I mean this... this world." I gasped at that.
"Really? So your like an alien or something?" I said sarcastically.
"No, I think I'm in like, another dimension or something. First, I was walking home to do my homework... and then... I blacked out because of a earthquake. Then for some odd reason... I'm here. I've been here for three years." he finished.
Oh my gosh! He's like me! Except for the three years.
"Well, I've gotta confess something too... you see I'm from another dimension too. I was going to my friend, Winter's house during a thunderstorm because I really don't like thunder and then I passed out. Nanami found me passed out in the park. And now... I'm here too. But I've only been here for as long as I could remember."
"Are you lying to me?"
"Well, are you lying to me?"
"No, I came from Georgia."
"Me too... ya know what?"
"Let's find a way out of this dimension and we can go home together." he nodded and we talked about our lives back in the other dimension.
I can't wait to go back home someday, but... what am I gonna do about everyone? What will they say to me... at the end?
Hey lamas! Wow, Yoshi is from the same dimension too? I wonder what will happen even though I'm making it!
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Bye lamas
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