Chapter 20
Running a brush through my hair while sitting at my mirror, I daydream of what Alpha Kenn and I would do tonight. I have been brushing for a while, and my hair is completely detangled, but my mind cannot stop wandering to him. I think I may be in love with him, which worries my friends because he is not my mate. They sat me down and told me that as soon as I find my own mate, I will be entirely infatuated with him and forget about Alpha Kenn, but I convinced Alpha Kenn otherwise, telling him that the Moon Goddess has made a mistake, not pairing us together. He said that I am his true mate, a bond far beyond what the Moon Goddess could have given us, and promised me that we would rule the pack together. Alpha Kenn had lost his mate and told me that it was fate that he'd meet me.
Now, the Moon Goddess has told me that she makes no mistakes and that my one true partner is out there, and as always I am stubborn. At least I can admit it to myself, though. And she promised me that Alpha Kenn would leave me with an unfulfilled, broken heart, which sprouted a grudge, and it continues to grow as she continues to try and lead me on a different path. I love him, I shouted at her, hurt that someone so close to me would not support my choice, you did make a mistake! He's my mate. We're meant to be together!
I have not spoken to her in a while, her visits now sparse and short, no longer talking about my inner troubles. The last thing she said to me was, I am sure you'll find your way, which makes me feel somewhat guilty. She has always been a mother figure to me, as I am her daughter, and yelling at her feels worse than when I do so to my birth mother. Though, I am sure she will understand the meaning behind my rebellion as Alpha Kenn has put me in a sort of trance, his hypnotizing eyes making my heart cave in. His voice is enough to send me into a deep, beautiful sleep of lush dreams and lucidness.
He does not know of my gift, and that is why I had asked him to meet me tonight, so I could confess and be completely open with him as he has been with me. I will probably enchant him with my mysticalness, and he will fall in love with me even more. Just the thought of us together, him, the Alpha, and me, the gifted, building the most prosperous pack in existence.
My birth mother says I'm a dreamer, and I can only agree.
I slip on my coat and shoes as the hour grows near, anxious to see him. Although my plan has gone smoothly in my head over and over again, part of me does worry that he will find me crazy or weird and not magical at all. I just have to remember that he loves me and I am sure that will keep me brave.
When a knock comes to the door, I am quick to answer, coming face to face with him in a flash. He's smiling his charming smile, and I cannot help but catch the disease. "Hi," I blush, giddy.
"Hello, Rachel," he greets and closes the door for me, leading me outside.
We walk along the pathway into the trees, immersing ourselves in our own world where no one can bother us. The autumn air keeps us fresh, and I specifically aim my feet at the fallen leaves, loving the crunching sound. Our arms are linked, and I feel like the Luna already, wanting to skip over the waiting and jump right into my happily ever after. He won't go into detail when I ask him why we have to wait before announcing our partnership, but he says it is because of his mother and that she is disapproving. I have offered to meet her times and times again, but Alpha Kenn only says that he is handling it. I understand that it may be hard for his mother to accept a person, who is not her son's mate, into the family, but if I could only charm her myself...
"You wanted to talk about something?" Alpha Kenn asks, taking me from my consuming thoughts.
"Uh—Yes, there's something I wanted to tell you, actually, something about myself that you don't know."
He glances down at me, "Are you sure that I don't know everything?"
He leads me farther into the trees, making me wonder about the border and if we might run into it. I am thankful for the privacy, though. We may be out here for a while because I am sure I'll have to explain things in great detail for him to register everything. "You don't know this," I say, "I'm sure about that."
We come to a stop, and I lean against a tree. "Well, go on," he encourages, making me feel confident.
The moonlight shines down and is shattered by the many leaves of the forest. I submerge myself in a shadow while he stays in the spotted light. I take a breath before starting my speech, already having prepared it by running over what I would say in my head many times before this night. "Well, you have to keep an open mind, okay?"
My eyes drift down. "Well, I have this ability. It's not like a skill or something that was given to me. I was born with it. I-I see the Moon Goddess," I let it out, getting off track of the planned speech and flying off with anxiety. "I see her a lot, and I talk to her. She tells me things. We talk like we are right now. It's fairly normal, actually, well, besides the fact that she's a goddess and all—and I know this may seem completely made-up and that I'm lying, but I am being sincere because I love you."
Alpha Kenn peers away, making my heart race.
"I can explain it. It's not as complicated as it sounds. We have a link or bond between us—"
He holds up his hand, signaling me to stop. "Rachel, I believe you."
A shallow breath escapes me. "What?"
"You don't have to talk as if I find you crazy, I believe you. I always knew there was something special about you."
We continue to talk, and I explain my gift to him, excited yet still a little confused. After he walks me home and gives me a kiss, I head into my bedroom and lay on my bed, feeling uneasy. It all felt too easy.
We continue to talk about it for days, and I answer all of his questions. He asks what I can do, and I tell him over and over again that I am only able to see her and talk to her, but he keeps wondering if I can do more. He seems quite intrigued and curious, and I think to myself that it is better than labeling me a lunatic or a liar. By the end of the month, he tells me that I can become Luna because of my gift, that it deems me worthy of such power. At first, I jumped and sang and laughed because the joy was suffocating me, but the joy ended in sadness after a few days. He only wants me for my gift, I tell myself late at night.
He asks to see me in the morning, wanting to talk about our plans for our announcement, but I tell him that I am sick. He offers to leave his duties to take care of me, but I lie and say that a friend is. All I need is time to think it over. Once I am Luna, I cannot abandon the pack. There is no going back. It is nice to dream of being Luna, but now reality is starting to creep up on me.
If he only finds me suitable because of my gift, maybe we shouldn't be together. I know he has told me times before that he wants me to be his Luna, before he even knew of my gift, but I do not feel right anymore. He is only ready to tell his mother of me before he is confident she will be impressed, which hurts me. He clearly believes I couldn't impress her with just myself.
I toss and turn in bed, avoiding daylight and people for the whole day. When night begins to take over and when my stomach feels as if it is eating me alive, I contemplate leaving my bedroom. When my hand grasps the blanket to toss it off of me, a sudden and nerve-wracking sound comes from downstairs. It sounds as if the front door has opened as someone has come inside, so I immediately spring out of bed and run into my closet, needing to think on my feet. Who would be intruding my house? Could it be a friend who knows where the spare key is? Could it be Alpha Kenn?
With my heart thumping hard, I tiptoe to my bedroom door and peak out of the sliver left to see. Part of me wants to call out if anyone is there, but if it is someone dangerous, the will come right for me.
Taking a risk, I gently push the door open, hoping that it doesn't make a sound, and I slip into the hallway, wanting to look down the stairs to see if I can spot anyone. Breathing heavy, I get on my knees and crawl to the first step, staying low as I scan over the limited area. Like a monster, he appears out of nowhere, and I jump back, nearing a heart-attack. "You scared me!" I shout, angry and shaking.
Alpha Kenn comes up the steps and says he's sorry again and again as he helps me up. "I just wanted to come see you, but I didn't want to wake you up if you were asleep."
I lean against the wall, trying to catch my breath. "You shouldn't be here, I don't want to get you sick," I improvise, not wanting to see him, not wanting him to sway my decision.
"You won't be getting me sick," he says, confusing me. "You won't be doing much at all."
My brows furrow as my head spins, still in shock. "What are you talking about?"
Alpha Kenn reaches behind him, touching his back, and I watch as he pulls out a blade from his belt. In one swift movement, he brings it down on me, and I duck out of the way, the silver blade piercing the wall. "What are you doing!" I yell, pushing past him and dashing down the stairs.
"You're evil, Rachel," he calls as I run out of the house, but he is following quickly behind me, "I can't let you destroy my pack!"
Without many thoughts in my head but survival, I head into the trees, still hearing him behind me. Planning to shift, I halt and let my wolf take over, but Alpha Kenn tackles me to the ground. My head hits the dirt harshly, and my world fogs up as he brings the blade down on me again, I reach my hands up, holding the knife from my chest, watching the point of it with beady eyes. A scream escapes me as I feel it descending. An inch of the point seems to burn into me, scorching my skin and provoking more cries to leap from my throat.
My hands frantically feel around until a rock roughly scratches my palm. I grab it and hit him in the head, distracting him enough to slip away. My bare feet pound against the forest floor as I bury myself inside. The sound of my beating heart blocks any others from getting in, and I feel as if I may faint. "You're a witch, Rachel!" He shouts from behind me.
I stumble and trip but continue to sprint towards the borders, hoping a guard may listen and protect me. Coming up to the lake, I panic of which way to go and suddenly Alpha Kenn grabs hold of my shirt and yanks me backward. He drags me to a tree and pushes me against it, bringing the blade to my neck. "You're a demon," he mutters, his veins popping from his skin.
I struggle under his hold, fearing the sensation of death, and manage to knee his gut and crotch. He staggers back and drops the knife. I fly at it like an animal and hold it up at him. He takes a step back, but he is still high off of adrenaline and the fight. Not expecting him to come at me again, I hold the base of the blade against my chest, and he brings me to the ground, falling on top of me. The knife is still straight but stuck. I freeze when I realize it is stuck in his chest. Another scream erupts from my chest, and a heavy panic encumbers me.
The weight of his limp body is too much, so I roll him into his back, not letting go of the knife as it stays in him like the sword in the stone. My face flushed and hot, my skin clammy and cold, I grip the blade and yank it from his chest, tumbling back with tears rolling down my cheeks. I have killed the Alpha.
The sound of people nearing, voices growing louder and louder, brings me to stand up with wobbling legs. I grab at the bark to stable myself while my heart aches and as my mind is infected with betrayal. Forcing myself to look away from his body, I push myself from tree to tree, needing to escape the guards coming my way.
The ground seems to devour my feet, and it becomes harder and harder to move along. The Moon glares down at me with eyes of fury, furious that its own has committed such a sin. I have killed the Alpha. My love, my true partner, had tried to kill me. But why? He loved me! Why would he thrive off of slitting my throat? He said I was a demon, that I was evil, a witch, and that I'd destroy his pack. I knew something was wrong. I knew it was all too perfect! But he said he was amazed, that I would make a wonderful and powerful Luna—he saw benefits from my gift, and now he's dead. He lays icy and empty on the forest floor for his guards to find.
My hand tightens around the handle of the blade as I stumble through my open door, shutting it quickly behind me and locking it. Not able to move any further, I fall back against the door and slide to the floor, letting the blade fall from my hand. The urge to vomit rises in my stomach as tears continue to drain from my eyes. Smears of his blood cover my hands and I wipe them off on my shirt, not thinking as someone who needs to get away with murder. Throwing my head back, through the sobs, I cry, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I should have believed you. I'm sorry. You were right, and now he's dead. He tried to kill me and now he's dead. I killed him."
The next month goes by in a blur, and so does the one after that and the one after that. The pack's reaction to their Alpha being killed was as expected, full of sorrow and promises to find the one who did it. Guards came to my house the morning after the incident had happened and questioned me as I had been seen with the Alpha a few times. I told them I was home sick and that I had not seen him in weeks, and they left, and I sunk back into the house. It cannot be that easy.
Alpha Grant had two sons, and one of them was named Alpha right away. He had come to my house a week after the guards did, telling me that he knew I was close to his father and that I was welcome to the funeral. I thanked him and did not attend.
I was at an age where the chance of meeting my mate was slim to none, but I did. He belonged to my pack and lived on the other side of the pack land and worked as a guard. As time went on and as my mate distracted me, that night faded from my mind every now and then, but Alpha Kenn's son always kept a close eye and always stayed at a short distance. He knew I had done it. I could see it in his eyes whenever he came around, the dark emptiness that bleeds from them and haunted me. I wondered and wondered why he did not come for me. I had killed his father and he simply watched me like a hawk, always circling above my head.
I told my mate of my abilities and he accepted me. She knew he would. She promised me that with him, I should forever feel safe and I shall never fear the circling hawk. Stay with him, the Moon Goddess told me, always keep him close. We fell in love briskly and deeply and had a daughter named Anne, and she had a daughter named Evangeline.
And as he did to me, the hawk shall circle above her head.
I hope you enjoyed this Bonus Chapter. As for a squeal, well, I suppose anything is possible. An Epilogue could also make its way to your screens. Overall, I hope you enjoyed yourself. All comments, votes, and follows are greatly appreciated!
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