Chapter three : soapy skocks
Maia's POV
I ended up walking into scuttle town and sighed " oh boy , oh boy That was some crazy dream I had ! No more comic books in bed from now on ! And that whole dub of cookie dough ice cream probably didn't help much either. Oh well ! Now that I'm up , it's time to meet uncle ! He's probably in his workshop , knee deep on gizmos and gewgaws " I smiled , walking to his workshop and I was excited to be in the game ! Hopefully I'll be able to get put of here. " good morning uncle ! " he looked deep in his thoughts so I kept quiet. " um-hmm... " " say , I had the weirdest dream last night ! " he gave a smile and I smiled back " and you can tell me all about it ! But first...Give you ol' Uncle Mimic a hand , will you ? " he asked and I gave a confused look. " sure. Is this something to do with your new invention ? " I asked as he smiled " you'll see ! I've got a mechanical part on the backorder. Should've arrived today I've sent your pal BOLO ( CHRIS!!!!! ) to the item shop to pick it up but he hasn't come back yet. That was over a hour ago ! " ( well probably cause chris is in him and now bolo is chris and chris is bolo ? Yeah. ) " always his head in the clouds , that boy... Mind picking up the part for me ? " I smiled and nodded " sure thing uncle ! " I ran out the door and went to grab the part. The town was so colorful and amazing ! But still...I miss them. Chris with the sarcasm that make us laugh , samantha with her heroic deeds and loyalty , rachel , the sweet rachel. I miss them ! Hopefully , I'll see them during the game. I felt curious till I headed into a door that said " Sky's hatchery " and I went inside. Sky turned to me and smiled " ahh , the ocean breeze feels amazing ! " I smiled and waved to her " have you seen bolo ? " she nodded. " try the bath house. I last saw him there at that direction. " is smiled and walked away to the bath house. I found it and went inside , I couldn't believe it...CHRIS... I wanted to hug him but he turned around and smiled. He knew who I was. But he did a sign language , seeing that we can't do anything that does not follow the code. " MAIA!!! I MISSED YOU!!! but we have to remember , we're in the game , so we can't talk unless it's in the code. Pretend that your mad at me. " I nodded and signed a " ok " and gave a annoyed look. " bolo ! What are you doing in the BATH HOUSE ? Uncles waiting for you to deliver his package ! You're in the wrong shop you Numbskull ! " I groaned and he talked to me " this woman...she's like...a bathroom angel. " I was shocked over the words that chris just said. I just wanted to go over there and smack him against the head ! " oh good gravy , not this again , SNAP OUT OF IT!!! " he just kept talking as his dialogue appeared. " can't look away... " it was just gross ! I sighed and tapped my foot , placing my hand on my face " never mind , I'll talk to her " I walked over past him and even thou it wasn't in the code , it was one lil thing. I smacked him secretly besides the head and he growled and me as I whisperer something in his ear " gross chris , show some respect to a woman. " and I walked away to the woman. " good morning and welcome to bath house ! ( may I take your order ? Me : can I have a mic pic 2 ? Woman : yep ! $5.99 ! XDD ) a place where you rejuvenate your body and spirit with the tranquil sounds and sense of hard core , white knuckle , full-throttle max relaxation ! Normally , I'd offer you advice about your quest , but right now , I'm trying to figure out where this receipt came from. Whoever delivered that drooling buffoon statue over there must have dropped it. Anyway , if you're heading to the shop next door , please take this receipt with you ! " music played in the background as I grabbed the paper slip which the label above me said " sales slip ". " and remember , if you ever lose your way , come see me for a free hint ! " I smiled and waved , looking at bolo " oh bolo , guess I'm picking up uncle's delivery. I sighed while she wasn't looking to chris that " I'll see you later on. We'll get out , I promise. " and headed out. I noticed the item shop and went inside. I noticed a man wearing a hat with a blue gem , a blue open jacket and green pants. " welcome to the item shop ! We'll be in business in just a few minutes. Oh you're picking up for you uncle then ? Just show me the receipt and I'll fetch it for you. " two options appeared and I nodded , jumping up and spamming the " yes " button. " okie dokie ! Let's see here...yep ! Here's his order it was stuck to this box of hard drives. " I smiled as the dialogue said that I got a MAGNET ! Wow ! I remember playing with magnets in school for a freetime but I never saw one that BIG ! I waved goodbye and ran out. Now to give it to my " uncle ". I kept walking till I saw the workshop. Now to hand the magnet to uncle. I miss*sob I want my family.
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