Hiccup's little stroll
Jack's POV
I watched Toothless bound away silently. Yeah, like that's so easy. I raised my arms and the wind lifted me into the morning sky.
I soared across the sky, spreading my arms and legs, creating a stream of snow pour from my chest. The snow fell, covering everything in sight. I noticed Hiccup walking through the empty streets wearing a thin shirt and skinny jeans. He didn't look cold at all, he just watched the snow fall. He stopped suddenly, he was looking at my old house. He fell to his knees and clutched his arms tightly, before bursting into tears. I got closer, suddenly, he pulled a pocket knife from his sleeve, before placing the blade on his bare wrist. I quickly aimed my staff carefully at the blade, before shooting a burst of ice at the knife, freezing it. It fell to the floor on impact. Hiccup spun around, I expected him to see me. "Who's there?! Come out!!" He said jumping to his feet. I quickly wrote a message in the snow, that said Hiccup, calm down, it's me, Jack! I'm okay! Hiccup noticed the forming words, and backed up slightly. "H-how is that p-possible!?!" He spluttered, falling on his ass. Hic, it's me! Believe in me! It's the only way you'll see me! "This isn't real, I most probably fainted and I fell asleep. That's it! I'm dreaming!" He said getting up. Fuck you then Hic! I try to get us back together, and you throw it back in my face, saying it's all a load of bullshit!!! Hiccup stared at the last message before turning away. I raised my arms and let the wind take me away.
Hiccup's POV
I turned away from the messages in the snow, thinking that this was a load of bull. I looked back and there were no new messages left for me. I sighed and walked back home.
When I got back, I found Toothless sitting on my bed. he looked at me and licked his nose. He was hungry. I sighed dramatically before turning to go back downstairs to the kitchen, somewhere I haven't been in a long while. Toothless bounded down the stairs after me. He acted like his usual self again, which made me happy.
We entered the kitchen to find my dad feasting on a large turkey stuffed with chicken breast, his favourite. I walked over to the fish basket and picked up Toothless' bowl. "Are you going to eat something today, Hiccup?" My dad said, concerned. I ignored him as I filled the bowl with fish. Toothless nuzzled my shoulder, purring slightly. "You do know that your not going to survive without food" My dad finally said. I continued to ignore him as I carried the bowl to my room, Toothless bounded along behind me.i set the bowl down next to the slab of wood which Toothless slept on. He happily chomped away. I sat on my bed and stared at the drawings of Jack which lined my room.
After a while, Toothless stood up on his back legs and shuffled over. He sat down infront of me before making weird noises. His mouth opened and half a fish slipped out."Ewwww!!! Gross!!" I said as it landed into my lap. He grunted and looked at the fish then at me. "Oh, god, you want me to eat that?! Fuck no!! You know I hate raw fish!!" I said handing the fish back. He growled and his eyes looked demonic. "Uggghhh!! Fine! I'll eat it!" I Sighed. I ate the fish, grimacing at every bite. Toothless smirked and shuffled away. I guess he wants me to start eating again.
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