Chapter 23
Three days later
"I can't get him out of the room, so we are going to go in together and drag him out ok" Suho says while looking at his other members as they wait outside Chanyeol's bedroom.
Pushing in through the door into the dark room with no fresh air Chen hurries over to the window and pulls open the curtains and opens the window to let some air in.
" Chanyeol get up" Sehun pulls back the covers seeing Chanyeol still in his clothes from the night before face down hanging over the bed.
" The smell of drink from him" Suho huffs as he tries to lift the taller's head up
" Chanyeol it's me Suho, I need you to get up now"
They wait but Chanyeol just tells them to get lost and to leave him alone.
" What do we do?" Chen looks concerned at his roommates till he spots Sehun picking up one of Chanyeol's collectable Iron man figures
" We can smash these" Sehun says as Suho looks at him with wide eyes hoping he doesn't.
"Smash them and I will smash your head in" Chanyeol mumbles before he starts to push himself up from the bed.
" My head fucking hurts" Chanyeol groans as he sits up on the bed as the others watch him struggle to sit straight.
"Well yes, what do you expect getting yourself shit faced drunk as soon as Kai and Baekhyun leave. You're all over the internet with this picture.
Sehun takes his phone from his pocket and shows him the picture of Chanyeol drinking in the club
" Fuck, the boss will kill me"
"Oh trust me he will if he found out what really happened. I had to lie and tell him we were there also" Suho takes a seat on the bed beside Chanyeol and nudges him.
" We love you and we know you miss Baekhyun, but you started all this and if you want him back you need to show him there is something worth coming back for " Suho gets up and leaves the room and returns with a towel.
" Take this and get into the shower. Chen has made some food and we are going to watch SuperM debut on YouTube and you are too so move" Suho says as Chanyeol doesn't put up a fight and makes his way to his open bedroom door.
"I miss him" Chanyeol says as he falls into Sehun's arms making the taller catch him.
" I know Yeol but let's get you washed and dressed, and we can go see them on Tv" Sehun guides his upset friend to the bigger bathroom as Chen and Suho strip the bed of the old sheets .
3 hours later
" I can't stop looking at the photos of them being so happy at the airport" Chanyeol appears in the sitting room of their dorm holding his phone with tears in his eyes after having his shower.
" I can't get over your pictures online of you drinking in the pub. People are commenting on it saying that Baekhyun is away you can play" Sehun shows Chanyeol the pictures again on his phone making Chanyeol put his head in his hands not believing what he got up to last night .
"It's starting Shh" Chen turns up the TV as they all sit ready to watch. As SuperM appear on the stage Chanyeol's eyes widen.
"Please don't tell me he is standing beside Lucas please tell me he isn't" Chanyeol covers his eyes and lowers his head as Chen keeps hushing him up.
" No, look he is standing beside Kai, and they look great" Suho smiles proudly as they continue to watch the show.
" Can't stand the rain is first, oh I like that song" Sehun gets on the floor closer to the Tv as Chanyeol watches the love of his life start to sing
" Look, they have the same colour top on" Chanyeol points to Baekhyun and Lucas on stage
" Stop will you for fuck sake we always match on stage" Chen shouts making Chanyeol keep quiet
" Chanyeol just be quiet and let us watch please" Suho moves and takes a seat on the sofa beside Chanyeol.
" Look at him now " Chanyeol stands up pointing at the screen
" Wow yes, he is talking oh my god" Sehun teases him making Chanyeol even more annoyed
" No look he is helping Lucas, look " Chanyeol points to the TV again feeling his blood boil
" STOP IT NOW" Suho stands up shouting making them all jump with how loud he is.
" I am the leader of this group, Baek is the leader of SuperM he was making sure Lucas was ready and ok since his chain got stuck in his earpiece. Us leaders help our members just like I have done for you especially when you were out drinking making a fool out of yourself. Now if you have nothing good to say then get out of the room. Suho says his piece and sits back down as Chanyeol leaves the room annoyed slamming the door after him
" I'm not sorry, he needed to hear it now turn this up please" Suho says as Chen and Sehun look at each other surprised that their leader spoke the way he did.
The show is ending just as Chanyeol enters back into the room. He picks up his car keys just as Baekhyun tells the crowd he loves them 3000
" Oh no" Chanyeol says as he falls to his knees and starts to cry while looking at the TV
" Shit" Sehun rushes over to his friend and places his arm over the shoulder of his hyung
" Chanyeol what is it?" Chen joins him on the floor as Sehun helps sit Chanyeol up
" We would say that to each other ever since the avenger movie"
" Well they are the avengers of Kpop " Sehun whispers as Chanyeol grabs his hand with rage squeezing it tight nearly breaking it
" Let him go Yeol" Suho reaches his hand down as Chanyeol lets Sehun go and reaches for his hyungs hand and pulls himself from the floor
" I know this is hard for you, but Chanyeol get a grip there is nothing we can do. You need to get your shit together like I already told you and make it worth his while coming back. But as of now he is single and so are you" Suho says his piece again and leaves the sitting room and heads to his bedroom closing the door behind him.
" He will meet someone won't he?" Chanyeol asks his friends as Chen and Sehun just comfort him more knowing anything is possible
Baekhyun p.o.v
"Oh my god that was so amazing come on, let's do a group hug" Kai pulls us all in closer for a hug as the adrenalin is pumping through my veins right now since we came off stage.
" Thanks for helping me out Baek" Lucas turns to me as we move from the hug.
"No problem I wouldn't be a good leader if I didn't help my members" I go to move but he holds my arm softly at the wrist making me look into his eyes
" You miss him?" he smiles softly making a tear fill my eyes
" I am just emotional this is big for us and yes, I miss all my other members" I pull my arm free and make my way back to our changing area under the stage where we get changed in between songs so I can catch my breath and be alone for a few minutes. Sitting on the chair I close the curtain and place my head into my hands. I do miss Chanyeol especially after a concert . We would always run off and have a secret kiss right about now.
" Hey, its Kai" I look up and pull open the curtain as Kai steps in and hugs me right away
" Kai...."
" I know its ok Baek just let it out" He hugs me tighter, and my body goes limp as he reaches with his other hand and closes the curtain so nobody else can see us. We stay like this for a few minutes until I find the strength to stand on my own
" Thank you" I move away and wipe my face as Kai wipes a tear from his
" I'm sorry I never thought of how you would feel being here Kai, I am so sorry" I move closer and kiss his cheek making him smile
" What are we like?" Kai laughs as we both fix ourselves in the mirror and fix any mascara that may have moved down our cheeks
" I should go check on the others being the leader and all" I open the curtain and go in search of the others as Kai holds my hand and follows me
" We will need you all in the van " I turn to see a tall dark-haired guy with all types of badges and passes around his neck. He is dressed in all black tight jeans and t-shirt with a short black jacket and for the first time in a while I blush at stranger.
" I will gather them all now" I tell him as he just smiles "Thank you"
" Oh who is he?" Mark appears beside me holding my other hand as the three of us just giggle like teenagers
"Eh who is he?" Lucas stands in front of us with a frown on his face making us stop laughing.
" He is our security while we are here" Taeyong passes us some water bottles making us all turn to see the guy making sure nobody comes close to us
" He told us we have to head the van so let's get back to the hotel change and celebrate how well our show turned out " I take a sip from my water bottle and notice Lucas is now talking to the security guy
" I just want to say I am so honoured to have been on stage with you all tonight it has been a dream of mine to be with you Baekhyun and Kai . I might not have been picked to be in EXO but tonight I got my chance to dance and sing with you guys. NCT and Way-v you guys make me feel young so thank you . Now let's get in this van and have fun tonight " Taemin holds up his water bottle as they all cheers before heading to the van.
" Ok that's all seven members in the van ready to go" the new security guys says as he closes the van door and climbs in beside the driver. I can't help but look out at the night lights of the city . The other members are all talking of the show and what they loved the most and here I am checking out the security guy.
Why do I feel like this ? I shouldn't be looking but I can't help myself. I know I'm single, but should I even be looking at another person so soon. I love Chanyeol yes but that all went out the window when he called me a whore .
" I love you" Kai touches my hand and leans his head on my shoulder .
" I love you too" I give his hand a little squeeze as be both just look out the window at the city not saying another word .
"Ok everyone stick together and just head straight into the lift. There are some fans around so be careful" our security guy speaks up as we all nods our heads and get ready to leave the van .
" Party time" Ten shouts as he walks linking Taeyong with the rest of us following .
" Come to the main room first " Kai says as he links me while I look at the new guy, he catches me and just smiles back politely before looking away to make sure nobody comes near us
" I'm going to head up to our room and have a shower, Kai you guys go ahead" I wait as the lift finally stops on our floor as I head in the opposite direction to the others
" Sorry where are you going ?" The security guy says making me look at him surprised
" My room is this way I'm going to have a shower and get changed for the party" I turn and keep walking as I sense him behind me following me
" I know where my room is, no need to follow" I smile at him as he smirks back
" There could be someone in there I have to check, it's my job"
I don't say anything more and just keep going till I reach my room
" So you wanna come in?" I ask him as he blushes and opens the door first and heads inside checking out the room.
"I guess you do" I mumble to myself as he checks the balcony and the bathroom
" Ok you're ok here I will be along the hallway if you need anything Baekhyun" he moves and makes his way back to my door making me call after him
" What's your name?" I wait as he stops and turns around to face me
" Sorry my name is Darren, but they all call me Daz , I'm security for you guys and I also work for SM when any of you travel abroad"
" Nice to finally have a name "
" Well you never asked" he says with a smirk making me blush
" That's true so are you from here?" I take my jacket I wore on stage off and place it on the back of one of the chairs
" Yes, I live here in LA and do this type of work for celebrities "
" So you like it ?" I take a seat and pull off my shoes as he watches me intently
" I love it I get to meet some amazing people. Plus we have been busy planning for SuperM to arrive"
" Yeah, there is so many people around I wasn't expecting it to be so big it's kind of intimidating"
" Try not feel like that and if you need anything or feel unsafe let one of us know ok, your safety is our priority "
" You seem like you have been told to remember that " I tease him as he lowers his head blushing
" Yeah maybe " he lifts his head up and looks back at me
" I better let you get ready, like I said I will be in the main room or the hallway in case you need me" he opens the door and leaves as I take a deep breath and let it out. Heading into the bathroom I strip my clothes off and step into the shower. It's weird here without my other EXO members just them not here makes me a little sad but I know just down the hall Kai and the others are there and will be back here soon to get ready . Smiling and putting the sadness to the back of my mind I hurry up my shower so I can go and enjoy myself .
Party time
The drinks have been flowing for a while and I have to admit my face hurts from laughing so much with my members . The dancing has my back sore that I ended up leaving Ten and Taeyong to battle it out, but I wouldn't dare change it for anything in the world right now.
" Ok ok congratulations to SuperM you guys on an amazing show tonight the crowd loved it and company shareholders loved it also . They already have new songs in the pipeline. There are interviews and appearance on shows and radio the next few days but as of tonight you guys are free to party and then rest tomorrow but after that it's back to work ok" our boss continues but I zone him out and look around only to catch eyes with Daz as we look at each other for a few minutes then I turn away trying to control myself .
Why am I looking at him ? What is it about him that makes me keep staring at him? I down my champagne as I notice the speech is over before I head to get some much-needed air .
Stepping out onto the balcony I look out at the city . Looking up into the sky I take a deep breath and finally relax .
" You ok?" I hear that voice making me turn my head to the side to see Daz standing there drinking from a water bottle
" Yeah, just came out for some air, how are you?"
" To be honest I was hoping one of you would come out here I needed the air myself it's so bloody warm in there" he takes a sip from his bottle making me smile at just how comfortable he is around me .
" Can't you just come out yourself?" I turn properly to face him as he just shakes his head
" I can't leave till one of you leaves"
" Wow that's a bit harsh well let's sit down then" I move to a table that is on the large balcony and take a seat putting my new glass of champagne on it.
" I can't sit so I'll stand but thank you for staying out for a bit, I needed fresh air" I watch as he closes his eyes lifting his head up to the sky
" Better?" I question him as he opens his eyes to look at me " yeah much better "
" Sit please I will tell them I forced you to sit"
He hesitates for second before taking a seat
" So are you enjoying yourself ?" He looks me straight into the eyes and I blush
" Eh... Yeah, it's great "
" Baekhyun, you blushed "
" I know" I whisper as I keep my head turned away
" I know what I will say next will get me fired but I have noticed we have been looking at each other tonight. I know I'm your security, so I have to look but you ...."
" Yes, I've been looking " I come right out and say it and don't regret it at all
" Is it bad that I want to kiss you" he whispers as he plays with the water bottle cap
" Are you trying to get me into trouble " I whisper back with a smile on my face
" No I wouldn't dare dream of it . I just can't help how I feel the moment I saw you in person"
" Come to my room" I stand up as he nearly trips up getting up from the table. I walk down the hallway as he follows just like he is supposed to being my security. Reaching the door to the suite he opens it for me as he steps inside .
" Can I get feedback on all members ?" He speaks into his earpiece as he looks around the suite.
" Yes, ok and I am watching over Baekhyun here "
He replies before unhooking his mic from his sleeve
" I thought you had gone crazy till I realise you guys had earpieces" I laugh a little as I move and sit on the sofa
" Why did you want me here Baekhyun ?" He moves closer looking down at me as I reach and touch his hand
" Sit " I tell him as he looks around before sitting down
" Why are you really watching me tonight ?"
" I like you ; I know never in my wildest dreams could I have a guy like you, but I can dream Baekhyun"
I find myself touching his hand that's on his lap. We both look into each other's eyes before we both move and softly kiss .
Feeling his lips on mine feels so good. We kiss a little deeper till I move us so we are sitting back on the sofa with him leaning is upper body over me as he kisses me more. We both don't take it any further we just enjoy the kiss.
Finally pulling away he smiles at me . " You are so amazing "
" Will you tell anyone ?" I search his eyes as he looks sad all of a sudden
" I don't kiss and tell, I'm not like most guys . If I told anyone I would lose this job and I don't want that . Plus you're a celebrity I wouldn't want you to have scandal about you because of me"
I am shocked of what he said but I can't stop touching his chest
" Baekhyun, can I kiss you one more time please?"
I nod as he moves and cups my cheek before kissing me so softly again.
" We better stop" he moves away feeling that kiss was getting heavy
" Yeah, before someone enters " I stand up and move to open the big sliding doors out to the suites balcony to get some air
" Hello anyone here?" I hear the others enter the room all drunk and giggling with security following them
" Out here " I shout seeing Daz standing up as the others come closer
" We won't be going anywhere else tonight lads you can all go" Ten says to all the security as they begin to leave. I watch as Daz and the others say goodnight before he looks at me and give a shy smile before he leaves closing the door behind him .
" What you get up to ?" Kai asks as he hugs me from behind
" Nothing, I just wanted to come back, and security came with me that's all"
" Ok cool let's get into PJ's and have some fun just us SuperM members" he rushes into the room him and I share as I follow but bump into Lucas along the way
" You ok?" He asks as he takes his top off before stepping into his room across the hall from mine
" Eh yeah you?" I wait outside as he pulls on a t-shirt
" Great actually, haven't laughed this good in a long time"
" Good well I best get changed " I step into my room and see Kai naked putting his PJs on
" Your lucky nobody else walked in Kai and seen your naked ass" I slap it making him scream
" Fuck Baek, Kyungsoo doesn't hit me that hard"
" Ok well then don't be showing it off " I start to strip myself and quickly change into a pair of pj's myself and follow Kai back to the main room of our suite to see the others sitting on the floor with drink and goodies.
The night is finally over I'm drunk as well as the others. I pick up my phone to see the time and notice an angry message from Chanyeol
Seen you on stage how's u and Lucas seen you all over him tonight .
Closing my phone I watch as Kai gets brought to bed by Taemin as I struggle to climb to my feet.
" Need help?" I hear Lucas behind me as he reaches and helps me stand
" I'm ok I just need some water " I make my way to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water from the fridge
" Baek Lucas goodnight " the others shout as they all head to bed
" Night " I reply before drinking all the water from the bottle
" Asshole " I throw the last bit of the bottle into the sink making Lucas jump
" What I do?" he looks at me shocked as I can't help but look him up and down. His PJ top had the first few buttons open and all I wanna do is rip it off him
" You did nothing it's Chanyeol look" I pass him the phone so he can see the message before passing it back
"Don't let him get to you he approved of all of this . You helped me nothing more " Lucas says but I feel so much rage right now that I step closer to him grab his top and pull it apart sending buttons to the floor as I lean up and kiss him while touching his naked torso. He wraps his arms around me kissing me back before he grabs both my wrists and holds them together between us as he lays his forehead on mine and whispers
" This is wrong don't do this" Lucas tries to move me away
" I might as well do something since he thinks I have already"
" Slow down please . I'm sorry I caused some of this, but we can't do this we are both drunk and I promised I wouldn't "
"Who did you promise ?"
" Myself " he whispers before he moves away taking deep breaths looking so good right now with his top torn open
" That didn't stop you before "
" Yes, I know that and I'm sorry, but I can't see you hurt again over me Baek"
" I'm hurting already anyway" more rage builds up inside me making me turn to lean over the sink
" Baek " I turn hearing his soft voice and how he looks
We both step closer, and I reach my hand out to touch his chest . He looks down at my hand on him but says nothing . I know everything I have done tonight is wrong, but I don't care I'm single.
" Kiss me " I whisper looking into his eyes as he turns his head to the side looking away
" I want to but it's wrong "
" Yeah, see I knew you were all talk. Your nothing like Chanyeol " I push him as he turns his head back to look at me then the next thing I know he has me against the wall with my pj top ripped open kissing my neck
" Your damn right I'm not like Chanyeol I wouldn't have called you a whore or made you feel shit before you came here" he steps back as both of us try catch our breaths
" Night Lucas" I hear Daz making me jump as Lucas moves and there is Daz standing in the doorway
" Daz..." Lucas starts but Daz cuts him off again
" Get to bed Lucas I can sort Baekhyun out" he says as Lucas heads off out of the kitchen
" You ok?" Daz asks me as he picks up the buttons from the floor
" Close this up " he reaches and closes my top as I watch him
" Now fancy some tea?" He moves and turns on the kettle a I feel tiny all of a sudden.
" Yeah ok" I fix myself and take a seat at the table
" Did you hear us?"
" Yeah, a little . I was coming in to check the suite since you all were heading to bed "
" Oh right " I look down at the table and play with the buttons he places there
" Here you go" he passes me the cup before he takes a seat across from me and sips his tea
" Thank you" I take it and sip it feeling really embarrassed now
" So you and Lucas do I want to know ?" He asks making me feel tiny
" He kissed me before back home and it caused some problems and now again tonight ... I....." I stop as I start to cry
" Hey hey it's ok" he gets on his hunkers beside me and touches my arm for comfort
" It's not, I have so much rage inside me that I want to get rid of it especially before I go home "
" What sort of rage, do you want to punch something or what ?"
" I want to fuck something " I look at him with tears in my eyes as he looks surprised at me
" That's dangerous here to do that especially for you"
" Yes I know I'm a celebrity it's not so easy"
" I know and it's making me more annoyed that I can't " I stand up and pace the floor annoyed as he just stands near the kitchen doorway
" You can"
" I can what?" He takes his earpieces out and places it in his pocket
" Are you off the clock now?" I watch him as I undress him with my eyes
" Yeah" as soon as he says that I step closer inches apart and open my unbuttoned top and slide it off my shoulders
" Baekhyun no this isn't right" he pulls my pj shirt back up covering me .
" I'll go out and get it somewhere I need it " I push past him, but he grabs my arm stopping me
" No you won't " this is the first time I have seen him this dominant
" Why not?"
" Eh because your Byun Baekhyun you can't do that for feck sake are you trying to get caught "
" I want to though " I pull my hand free and head to my bedroom only to see Kai and Taemin out cold snoring
" Fucking hell" I storm past Daz back cross the main room and into Taemin's single room .
" Guess I'll have to sleep here then" I pull the covers off the bed before I start to remove my pj shirt only to be stopped
" Let me " I hear his deep voice making me close my eyes as Daz slides my shirt off dropping it to the floor as I turn to face him
Sliding off his jacket I drop it to the floor as he moves to lock the bedroom door
" Come here" he says as I step closer and pull his top off
" Can I kiss you ?" He asks as I pull him closer in for a kiss . Our kiss deepens as he starts to kiss along my jawline making me want to moan out. My hands drop to his trousers as I unbutton his bottoms letting them fall to the floor
" Are you sure?" He asks as I just nod yes and kiss him harder. I feel him slide his hands down my bottoms making them fall to the floor as he picks me up and lays me on my back onto the bed . His hand slides down my body and starts to stroke my cock as I open my legs wider for him .
" Fuck me" I moan out as he gets up on his knees and strokes his rock-hard cock before lining it up at my entrance
He slowly pushes against my opening making me close my legs
" No stop I can't do this I'm sorry" I sit up in the bed as he looks at me
" Hey, it's ok I'll go" I watch as he pulls back on his bottoms and gets dressed again
" I'm sorry I just couldn't "
" Don't be sorry try get some sleep ok, I better go" and with that he is gone out the door leaving me naked on the bed.
No pov
As the door to the main suite closes Lucas appears not believing what he heard or witnessed. Taking this phone from his pocket he unlocks the screen and presses dial on the only number he has right now.
Back in Seoul
" Lucas is ringing me " Suho looks at his members as they have been keeping Chanyeol calm.
"Hello" Suho answers as the others wait tohear what's wrong
" Put him on speaker" Chanyeol says as he sits up as Suho places his phone on speaker and puts it on the table
"Is Chaneyol there?" Lucas asks as they all look in horror of what is going to be told
" Yeah I'm here what's wrong?"
" You need to get to LA and fast "
" I asked what's wrong Lucas?"
" Its Baekhyun, ever since we got of stage he hasn't been right. He made a move on me Chanyeol but I pushed him away and now I think he may have tried it with the security but I cant be sure"
" How do you know that?" Suho says making them all look at Chanyeol
" He was fixing his trousers leaving the room. Look I could be wrong but I am telling you now you know him better then anyone and I think he needs help as soon as possible I am getting really worried "
" I'm on my way , Suho give him my number " Chanyeol says as he gets up from the floor
" Yeol wait " Chen tries to stop him but Chanyeol looks at them in disgust
" I told you all something was wrong with him but no I was the jerk " and with that Chanyeol leaves the room leaving his members in shock.
to be continued...
Oh drama drama was Lucas right to do that ?
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