Chapter 22
Baekhyun pov
During the night
" What the heck is that ?" Sitting up in my bed after hearing some noise I check my phone with half open eyes to see the time
"2.30am really" I lay back down not caring about the sound anymore and close my eyes to hear a tap on the dorm door. Pushing back my duvet cover I make my way through my dorm to open the door.
Standing leaning against the wall across from my door is Lucas
" Lucas why are you here its the middle of the night" I rub my eyes before looking at him properly then I realise he has been drinking.
" I know I'm sorry it's just I was close by and I seen fans and needed to hide and I remember you where here so I thought I'd chance my arm and see if you stayed here tonight"
" Fans followed you here?" I look in shock at him while still holding the door open
" No they didn't see me I made sure" he says all smiles before standing up from the wall
" You should go home Lucas we have a flight in a few hours" I look along the corridor hoping none of my members decide to appear also
" Baekhyun I'm sorry I'll go" he turns to walk away but trips a little and stumbles against the wall before giggling to himself. Knowing full well I can't leave him in this state I go after him and take his arm ." Come in and I'll make you some coffee" I turn him around and being with Chanyeol for years I know how to handle a tall drunk person .
Leading him to the sofa I notice he isn't really drunk more tipsey then drunk so I make my way to the kitchen and turn the kettle on before returning to see him with his phone in his hand.
" Everything ok ?" I stay in the kitchen doorway watching as he puts his phone down beside him on the sofa. " I can't get it to work it's smashed in the corner, and I can barely see the screen " he places his head in his hands looking so down
" Can I call someone for you ?" I watch as he looks up with tears in his eyes " I don't know if anyone will be awake this hour" he sniffs a little and I notice something else is wrong that he isn't sharing.
" Let me make some tea instead and we can sort out who to call" I make my way back to the kitchen and make some nice fresh tea and return to see he hasn't moved and is trying to get his phone to work again.
" Here have this and will I ring Mark or one of the others to help?" I sip my tea making sure not to sit too close to him.
" I would really like that Baekhyun thank you and thank you for not pushing me away after everything you really are a good person Chanyeol is a lucky guy " he smiles before drinking his tea.
" Chanyeol and I are over it's for the best and I wasn't going to leave a member of mine tipsey out on the street with fans following him now was I " I give him a soft smile as he sits back into the sofa.
"Excuse me for a minute I need to get my phone" putting my cup down on the table I make my way to the bedroom to retrieve my phone. Opening it up I message Kai telling him Lucas is here hoping he is awake
Across town
No pov
"Chanyeol I love you man but please shut up I need to sleep" Kai huffs as he rocks back and forth on his bed watching Chanyeol pace his bedroom telling him how much he will miss Baekhyun once they leave
Hearing his phone vibrate on the bedside table he frowns wondering who that could be this hour. Looking at the screen he tries not to make it obvious what he just read is shocking and the one person that can't know about this is pacing his bedroom floor.
" I need the bathroom I'll be back " he excuses himself and hurries to the bathroom leaving a confused Chanyeol wondering why his friend who was half asleep is now wide wake all of a sudden.
'This is all we need' Kai locks the bathroom door and sits on the lid of the toilet while re reading the message Baekhyun sent
Lucas here , fans , drunk, can't talk , what do I do?
Reading the cryptic message again he tries to make sense of what Baekhyun is trying to say
Is Lucas there?
Yes Kai
Reading his message he lets out a little scream of shock
'Shit shit ok what the hell do I do?. Ok em how the hell can I get away from Chanyeol now without him asking me questions' Kai says to himself
On way Kai replies and paces the bathroom thinking of how to leave
'I got this I can just make a run for it. My car keys should be on the table in the sitting room there are shoes near the door I got this just go Kai'
Opening the bathroom door Kai tiptoes out of the bathroom and into the sitting room. Seeing his car keys he grabs them and some shoes and bolts out the dorm closing the door quietly behind him
"Ok shit that was close"
Putting on his shoes he takes the stairs 2 at a time till he reaches the bottom at the garage.
Rushing over to his car he climbs in and heads over to the CBX dorm.
Cbx dorm
Baekhyun pov
"Mark and Doyoung are on the way" I hold my phone tight on my lap as I just watch Lucas looking so sad.
"Can I ask what's wrong that you went and got drunk before we are due to leave in a few hours?"
"I'm so scared Baekhyun"
"Why you scared?" I feel really worried now I've never seen Lucas like this before.
"Because of you Baekhyun"
"What did I do?" I regret asking that but I know I needed to.
"You didn't do anything it's just your fans adore you and Chanyeol especially together your the biggest ship of our company. Chanbaek is so popular there are fanfics , art , merchandise etc about you both and now with SuperM I'm shipped with you too, the fans are gonna hate me so much Baekhyun. They will think I split you both up" he looks down leaning his elbows on his lap while running his fingers through his hair.
"Don't worry our fans don't know Chanyeol and I really dated. Lucas just be yourself we don't need to be like Chanyeol and I where onstage"
"I just feel like it's gonna come back and bite me on the ass and they will turn against me "
"Trust me it won't they will just see us being friendly"
"Thanks Baekhyun I just worried about your fans" he sniffs wiping a tear as I feel rather sorry for him. I bet with everything that has happened he feels the worst
"What about your fans Lucas?"
"They may get annoyed but not as much as your Chanbaek fans" he smiles but I know he is doing that to hide the hurt.
"Hey listen everything will be fine stop worrying. How about you do me a favour then"
"Yes hyung what is it?"
"On some sort of social media platform just tell them up look up to me even say it on an interview. The fans will just think it's sweet that you look up to your hyung and admire me like you said you do" I watch as be now begins to smile
"I guess I can do that . I am sorry I showed up but I was so worried about the fans "
"Look Lucas fans will hate when things don't go their way we just gotta show them the ship they like is still going even if it's not" hearing myself say that kinda breaks my heart a little
"You mean you and Chanyeol?"
"Yeah we might not be together but we will still have to pretend I guess"
"It's all my fault isn't it Baekhyun?"
"No Lucas it was saying yes to SuperM that started it all but the kiss didn't help matters. But I didn't pull away and I was the one to tell Chanyeol about it so please don't blame yourself"
"I hate myself " Lucas wipes his tears before turning his face away
"Lucas listen to me everything will be fine ok now where is that playful flirty Lucas I know. Your fans will need to see that before they start worrying and right now we need our fans so when we all get to the airport in a few hours you need to be the Lucas they love ok"
"Thanks Baekhyun I really do appreciate it hyung"
Knock knock
Getting up I head to the door seeing Mark Doyoung and Kai all standing at the door
"Oh wow I'm in trouble" Lucas says as he stands up from the sofa
"No your not man I was up talking to Doyoung when Baekhyun messaged me. Are you ok?"
Mark walks closer to his friend as Lucas wipes a stray tear
"I will be now thank you so much Baekhyun, can I give you a hug?"
"Of course" I step closer as he pulls me into his chest and hugs me tight before he moves me away
"Take me home Doyoung please" Lucas says linking his friend towards the door as Mark touches my arm .
"Was everything ok?"
"He was close by and spotted some fans. Chanyeol was here with him earlier so he dropped in to hide from them being tipsey not wanting to be caught"
"That's all we need is for him to be caught like that . Thank you Baekhyun I'll take him home now and try get him to sleep for a few hours"
"Night all" Mark says as he leaves while Kai just looks at me in shock
"Chanyeol and Lucas where here earlier like together ?"
"Yep fancy a cuppa?"
"I fancy the tea your gonna spill to me right now, sit" Kai pulls me into the sofa and I can't help but smile at him in his PJs with teddies on them
"Chanyeol just made it clear with Lucas today that we had his blessing to do the ship stuff that SM love so much"
"But they where here together and didn't kill each other that giant never even told me and he has me up all night"
"What ?" I look confused at him
"Yeah he was pacing my bedroom floor the last three hours that's how I was awake when you messaged me"
"I didn't know what was going to happen that's why I messaged you"
"That's ok glad I was awake, so Lucas ok now?"
"Yeah he was worried the fans would hate him cause of Chanbaek"
"Oh yeah the fans sure do love their ships" he smiles while deep down I know he is really worried about Chanyeol and I
"How do you feel about your ship?" He asks making me take a deep breath
"I'm so tired with it, it's just I feel bad for Lucas having to be shipped with me especially with Chanbaek being so big"
"Imagine all the new fan fics of you and Lucas coming out" Kai laughs while making himself more comfortable on my sofa
"You're shipped with Mark god help you" I giggle as he now panics
"Why ?"
"Eh D.O "
"Oh shit I wasn't worrying about all that. Mine isn't as big as a ship like yours is "
"I know but we will be fine I sorted it out with Lucas he will just say he looks up to me being his hyung"
"Good idea I like it " he touches my hand on my lap and to be honest I needed that little bit of comfort right now
"So did Chanyeol ask where you where going?" I watch as he takes a deep a breath
"Shit Chanyeol" Kai jumps up from the sofa and rushes to my door
"I just ran out on him. I best get back see you in the morning love ya" he kisses my cheek and leaves making me laugh as I close the door
"I need new members" I giggle to myself as I make my way to my bedroom falling onto the bed face first.
Checking my phone one last time I see Chanyeol has messaged me
Are you awake ?
Please be awake
Should I reply or just leave him. I keep staring at the phone wondering what to do. As I lay in my bed looking up at the ceiling another message comes through
I will miss you please be safe C x
Thank you
Before I even realize I replied back . Shit now he knows I'm awake.
Hey you're awake
Yeah just saw your message
I can't sleep
Yeah I know the feeling
Are you nervous about america ?
Yeah the closer it's getting the more nervous I am
Do you want company ?
I'll be ok thanks Chanyeol
Ok I'm gonna go on a drive anyway. I'm too wide awake, hope you get some sleep
I will try
Oh by the way have you heard from Kai he was here one minute then gone the next
No but you know Kai he probably went out for food
Bit late for that
It's Kai he loves his food
Putting my phone down on my bed I watch his messages pop through one after the other till a tap comes to the door
Making my way to open it there he is standing there in a pair of shorts and an oversized hoodie
"Hi" he smiles
"Hey", What you doing here?"
"I needed to see you Baekhyun"
"It's very late Chanyeol" I lower my head knowing full well I don't need this right now
"I know but please baby"
Hearing him whisper like that with such a deep voice I let him in.
"Have you company ?" He points to the cups on my table making my stomach turn.
"Na I'm just too lazy to clean up after myself" . I rush and grab them and quickly put them under the cold tap since they are kinda still warm from the tea earlier
"Fancy something to drink?"
"No I'm ok" he appears behind me leaning against the door of the kitchen
"Why are you here Chanyeol I've a flight tomorrow?"
"I miss you"
Hearing those words I know I am definitely not sleeping tonight
"Tea ?"
"No I'm ok"
"I think I need one" I turn the kettle on and in a little way I'd love him to come up behind me and kiss me but he doesn't and it kinda makes me sad cause I miss him too even after everything.
Taking my tea we sit on the sofa as he sits one end I sit the other but yet we are still pretty close that our knees touch as I side sideways
"Can't sleep because of SuperM?" He looks so concerned at me all of a sudden
"Wow you said it right" I giggle as he just smirks "yeah I thought right now is not the best time to be an idiot"
"Yes I'm nervous" I look down at my cup in my hands feeling so shy with him
"You're shipped with Lucas too"
"Chanyeol please we spoke about it earlier" I look up at him hoping this is not the start of another fight
"I know, I'm just saying I don't know how I really feel about seeing that"
"Chanyeol please I don't want a fight"
"I won't fight with you just telling you how I feel baek"
"You know I have to do it Chanyeol"
"I know and I admire you for it and I cleared the air with you both earlier. I'm here because I miss us so badly and knowing your going in a few hours is like my heart being taken out fully from my chest"
"We sorted everything out Chanyeol remember it is a clean slate"
"I know baby but I can't help but miss you"
"I'll miss you too but Chanyeol we can't keep doing this"
"Doing what?"
"U being nice then turning red and lashing out at me then being nice again my heart can't take it. I'm tired of it please we settled everything can't we leave it there" I let it all out and my tears decide to join in and roll down my face
"Baby I'm sorry" he leans closer and takes my cup from my hands and places it on the table in front of us.
"Chanyeol don't please"
"Don't what?" He whispers
"I know your gonna try kiss me"
"How you know that?" He smirks
"You usually do when you take my cup from me. It's your way of changing the subject or wanting to kiss me"
"Is that a bad thing?"
Sniffing I look away as his hand lifts my face up to look at him
"Is it bad if I kiss you like this?" with those words he kisses right on the corner of my mouth making me close my eyes
"Chan ... " I can't speak as he kisses along my jaw line to just under my ear making me moan
"You like me kissing you there" he whispers as I place my hands on his chest wanting to push him away but my brain hasn't sent the signal to my arms to push instead I let out a little pleasure moan
"I do but please this isn't right" finally I push him away as he just looks into my eyes. I can't keep my eyes from him and having him kiss my neck like that makes me want him so badly but can I forget everything and give in to him.
"Tell me what's going through your mind right now?" he cups my cheek still looking into my eyes
"Too much is Chan"
"I know you want me just as much I as I do you baek"
"Chanyeol we can't it isn't right"
"I know but I can't help myself with you Baekhyun"
He leans in and kisses me on the side of my mouth again but this time I keep him close and move so our lips are touching . He pulls me so close to his body that he moves me and lays me back down onto the sofa making him lean over kissing me
"Do you want this?" he says into our kiss and I just whisper yes into the kiss .
With those words said it's like an animal was unleashed between us . I pulls his hoodie off and run my hands up his back muscles as he kisses my neck making me moan out loud
Buzz buzz
Buzz buzz
"You feel that ?" He leans over me and my soul leaves my body as I can feel a phone under me vibrating
"Move I think it's under you" he rolls me a little to my side and lifts up a phone.
Looking at it in his hand I know it's not mine and it's not his either is this Lucas phone I wonder hoping its really Kai's
Answering it he looks down at me but doesn't move while he listens to the caller. Hanging up the phone he moves and places it on the table and moves from me making me sit up. Grabbing his hoodie he puts it back on and just stares into the room.
Picking up the phone I notice the crack on the corner of it and a very dull lit screen that you can hardly make out the icons on the home screen. My heart sinks knowing it belongs to Lucas
"He dropped in awhile ago" I whisper softly hoping world war 3 isn't about to start in my sitting room
"It's ok baek you don't need to explain" he puts his hands in his hair then stands up and looks out the window
"Your right I don't, but I will he dropped by tipsey after you showed him where I lived . He was hiding from fans and came by and then he told me how worried and scared he was of our Chanbaek fans hating him for what he needs to do with me and SuperM . His phone was broken and I called Mark to come get him and he wasn't long gong before you arrived" I feel so light after finally telling him
"I wouldn't blame him, our fans don't like change" he says with a calm voice making me surprised he hasn't lost it .
"Chanyeol nothing happened"
"I believe you" he says before turning to face me
"So that was his cup on the table?"
"Yes I didn't tell you because I didn't want a fight. Chanyeol I'm due on a plane in 4 hours and I'm so tired", I find myself getting upset so I hug myself and watch as he steps closer.
"Come here" he takes my hand and guides me down to my bedroom
"What you doing ?" I stop at the end of the bed looking as he takes his top off leaving on just his shorts
"You need to sleep yes ?"
"Yes but Chanyeol I can sleep alone"
"Shhh I will just join you in bed. Nothing will happen I will just hold you cause I know when your this tired I can make you fall asleep in seconds"
I just want sleep so I nod my head and climb into bed . He slips in the bed beside me as he lays on his back
"Lay into me" he says as I snuggle into his chest as he places his arm around me holding me .
I miss this so badly that a tear rolls down my cheek onto his chest
"You ok?"
He says nothing more and just holds me
I can't sleep now I'm more restless now. I move my head and look up at him as he opens his eyes and looks down at me "you ok?"
"No we haven't been like this in awhile" I whisper feeling rather sad
"I know shhh sleep" he says but I don't want to . Sitting up in the bed I run my fingers through my hair all confused
"Baek lay down"
"I can't we fight and now your here being all nice and I'm so confused"
"It's ok I'm sorry I'll go" he moves and sits on the side of the bed with his back facing me
Seeing his muscled back I know I want him inside me so I move on the bed and kiss his naked back as he slides his hoodie back on
"Shit sorry, I wasn't expecting you to do that" he turns to face me making me embarrassed
"I'm sorry" I move away and lay on my side hugging my pillow
"Don't be" I feel him move and lay behind me with his arm over me
"I can feel you at my ass" I giggle
"Sorry it's just it's been awhile"
I burst out laughing knowing he has a hard on
"Hey don't laugh not my fault you look so good"
"It's funny though" I hide my mouth from laughing louder
"Oh really" he lays me on my back and tickles me making me laugh out loud
"I miss your laugh so much it's been too long" he says looking so alive in his eyes now
"You haven't smiled like that in ages" I reach up and touch his cheek as he leans into it
We both stare at eachother before we close the gap and start to kiss.
If we keep kissing like this I'm afraid I won't be able to hold back" he says making me look into his eyes and pull him down to kiss again.
"Chanyeol this is a mistake I can't " I push him away and climb from the bed .
" Baekhyun this is really over isn't it ?" He asks as I keep my back facing him as I move to look out my bedroom window .
I can't answer properly because there is a massive lump forming in my throat.
" You kiss me different now" he whispers now closer behind me
" So much had happened with us Chanyeol" I sniff still not wanting to face him
" I better go then " he says as I turn to see him putting his hoodie back on
Knock knock
I look towards my bedroom door hearing the knock on the main dorm door.
" Who's that?" I wonder as I walk past him to get the door.
"Hi Baekhyun I believe Lucas phone is here" I see Taeyong sleepy at the door looking really tired .
" Are you ok?" I hold open the door for him to come in .
"He is causing trouble at home" Taeyong says making me turn to see Chanyeol coming down the hallway towards us.
" I'm so sorry hyung to disturb you but he keeps panicking about his phone and since Mark told me he was here I had to come get it to try shut him up"
" Here you go " Chanyeol passes him the phone as he walks past us out the door .
" Have a safe trip you two , goodnight" and off Chanyeol goes down the stairs. I look in shock and with that my legs give up and I fall onto the ground crying .
" Oh Baekhyun " Taeyong lifts me from the floor and guides me into my sitting room.
" What's happened ?" He sits beside me and comforts me as best he can even though we are not really that close
"Just my head is all over the place I'm tired, I need to sleep so badly. Lucas was here then Chanyeol was here I didn't want to fight again and now he just left. I can't wait to be in America to get away from everything here" I cry out as he just holds me.
" Is there anything I can do hyung?" He passes some some tissue as I wipe my tears
" No I'll be ok I just want to go to bed" I look at him as he smiles a caring smile .
" Go to bed I'll head off and leave you alone and I will see you tomorrow at SM ok?" He gives me a quick hug and moves to leave .
Waving him off I lock my dorm door and make my way to bed finally.
Next morning
Waking so tired I feel a little excited today I fly out of here for a month and to be honest I can't wait.
Jumping into the shower I have a quick wash before I make my way over to SM building as the stylist are giving us our clothes that we are to wear to the airport as the company knows we will be watched from the minute we arrive at the airport they want us to look good .
Parking my car at SM I hurry inside seeing Kai and Mark talking while getting their hair done.
" Morning " I hug around Kai's neck as he sits in the chair
" How's you this morning ?" Mark asks while yawning
" Morning " Lucas appears behind us holding takeout cups passing them around
" Sorry about last night " he whispers as Mark just hugs him "It's a new day we are forgetting lastnight so go sit in the chair and get your hair done" Mark says to him making Lucas smile more and relax a little
I feel my phone flash up beside to all the messages from my other members wishing me good luck and safe flight . I scroll through them all and notice none from Chanyeol . I swallow my lump and take a seat in front of the mirror waiting for my hair to be done .
" You will be fine , promise" Kai kisses my cheek before heading off to get changed.
Back at the EXO dorm
No pov
"You're not going, I already told you Chanyeol" Suho huffs while blocking the door to the dorm.
" I need to see him hyung please" Chanyeol gets on his knees and begs his leader to let him leave
" Chanyeol none of us can go to see them off you know that " Chen says as he watches his friend crumble before his eyes
" I need to see Baekhyun now" he roars making Suho jump with fright
" Please Chanyeol you told me what happened lastnight now leave it don't make this harder on Baekhyun"
" But I will miss him Suho " he cries up from the floor as Suho moves closer hugging the taller who's arms are around his waist
" Don't call him a whore then" Sehun appears from the bedroom making Suho roll his eyes at what he just said.
" I said I was sorry he's my world my baby I can't let him go " Chanyeol cries harder as Sehun moves and kneels beside his friend
" I'm sorry Chanyeol we know you are hurting but you need to stay here you can't make a scene with Baekhyun not now with them being so badly watched. I love you man but we can't let you go" Sehun says as Chanyeol just cries more .
" Suho we need to do something he is in a state " Chen wipes his tears seeing his friend in pain.
" Put a cap on and let's go" Suho says as Chanyeol wipes his tears not sure of what he heard
" Suho baby you can't " Sehun climbs up from the floor helping Chanyeol to his feet .
" I can and I will" grabbing his keys and a baseball cap for Chanyeol he guides the taller out the door to his car.
'I'm gonna be sacked for this ' he mumbles as he drives them both to the airport.
At the airport
" Be careful Chanyeol we can't been seen" Suho says as they run through the airport being grateful they haven't been spotted just yet.
" Theres the plane " Chanyeol says looking out the window at the plane the love of his life is to get on
" Its pulling away Suho" Chanyeol stops and looks out the window as Suho places his arm across Chanyeol's shoulder for comfort as they watch the plane head off for the runway
" I'm so sorry Chanyeol " Suho tries so hard to hold his tears back as he moves Chanyeol away from the window after he spotted some paparazzi moving near them .
" I know your upset but we need to leave and do it now " Chanyeol nods his head and rushes out of the airport with his leader as they look up and see the plane in the sky .
" He's gone " Chanyeol covers his mouth from screaming as Suho guides him back to the car. Helping the taller in the car Suho closes the door and see the plane in the distance . " Be safe Baekhyun and Kai I love you " Suho wipes his tears knowing he needs to be strong for his other member now .
" Let's get you home sweetheart" Suho says while getting into the car and starting it .
" I've lost him for good now , once he got on that plane it was the end of us " Chanyeol sniffs while looking on his insta for pictures of SuperM at the airport and he finally comes across them .
" He looks so tired and kinda happy" he shows Suho the screen before taking it back and scrolling . (Media above)
" He needed to be for the cameras Chanyeol you know that " Suho says as they drive along the motorway back to the dorm.
" Is he ok?" Sehun says as he covers Chanyeol with a blanket after falling asleep on the sofa .
" No but he behaved in the airport. To be honest I'm glad they where on the plane before we got there or there would have been a scene" Suho sighs as Sehun moves closer to hug him
" We will watch over him he will be fine" Sehun says as he kisses the top of his lovers head
" I hope so" Suho says while hugging his lover back .
To be continued
❤️C ❤️
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