Chapter 20
Baekhyun's pov
Waking up with a little fright, forgetting where I am I look around and realise it's my old bedroom. Laying my head back I think back to last night and how Chanyeol kissed me. Pulling myself out of bed I quickly use the private bathroom before I get dressed. I want to leave before the others wake and since it's very early in the morning I have to be quiet.
As I tiptoe out of the bedroom and down the hall I know I just need to make it past a sleeping Chanyeol and I'm out the door. Peaking my head around the corner I see him fast asleep on the sofa with his phone in his hand but the screen is still on. Slowly moving closer I notice the screen is an online store. "Holy shit" I whisper seeing he has bought 40 of my albums. I can't believe what I am seeing. I quickly make a run for the door grabbing my shoes along the way as I sneak out of the dorm.
Taking the stairs two at a time I rush out into the damp morning air forgetting that I didn't put my shoes on. Jumping into the car and throwing my shoes into the back seat I feel my heart racing in my chest. He bought all of those just so I could get more sales. Why would he do that? Aren't I a whore in his eyes? Starting the car as I quickly wipe my face of tears I head off into the direction of the CBX dorm.
The rain has gotten heavier as I pull up to the dorm. Not caring about my wet feet I climb out of the car and hurry up to the dorm.
Stripping off all my clothes till I'm naked I turn on the shower waiting for it to heat up. Looking into the mirror at myself I look so tired and drained. I don't need to be anywhere till this evening so I send a quick message to Suho that I came home to sleep and that I will talk to him later. Putting my phone on mute I climb into the shower and try to relax my thoughts.
Chanyeol pov
Waking up I drop my phone to the floor by accident making me grunt out hoping it didn't break. Looking across the floor I notice Baek's shoes are gone meaning so is he. Sitting up on the sofa rubbing my tired head and face I reach and pick up my phone. Smiling at the screen I'm happy my second order of Baek's albums went through.
"Morning yeol" I turn to see Suho enter the sitting room yawning.
"Hey" I stand up and move towards the window looking out at the rain still falling since last night.
"Are you ok?" I hear Suho ask as I turn to face him
"I'm ok just tired I couldn't fall asleep last night"
"Yeah I was the same. I'm worried about you and baek"
"Please don't suho it's up to us to sort things out. You do enough for us all please rest"
"I'm the leader and I love you all so much I can't see any of you hurt"
"I know Suho the same way we can't see you hurting now please stop worrying we will be fine and I will behave I promise. I'm gonna go have a quick shower and then head off out"
"Ok be careful out in the traffic the rain is supposed to get worse"
"I'll be fine,'' I smile and make my way down the hallway to my bedroom. Opening the door I see baek has made the bed . Walking over to it I fall face down onto it and let out some tears smelling his perfume from the pillow.
No pov
Across town small little sounds creep from the bedroom of the highest selling artist right now having sold so many copies of his album during the night.
Chen arrives at the dorm wondering why Baekhyun hasn't rang him yet seeing he is supposed to be getting ready for his show.
Opening the door he calls out thinking maybe Baekhyun is in the shower
Listening for a bit he can hear no sound of the shower so he steps closer to the bedroom pushing the door open hearing sweet little soft sounds coming from under the covers.
"Oh bless" he smiles knowing he has to wake him up. Walking closer he sits on the bed and reaches under the covers to Baekhyun's head. Tossing his hair softly he smiles seeing Baekhyun wake.
"Chanyeol?" Baekhyun calls out, making Chen smile." No baek it's me Chen"
"Oh sorry Chen"
"It's ok" touching Baekhyun forehead with his hand he starts to panic
"Baekhyun your burning up"
"I don't feel well Chen"
Standing up Chen pulls the covers off Baekhyun and rushes to the bedroom window opening it
"Chen my head feels so heavy"
"It's ok Baekhyun I think you have a temperature" Chen grabs his phone ringing Suho
"Hey Chen"
"Suho we need you something is wrong with baek"
"What's wrong"
"He has a temperature"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I had to wake him and his forehead is hot"
"Are you sure it's not because he was asleep under the covers you know how baek sleeps and gets really warm"
"I'm not sure please what can I do?"
"There should be a first aid kit in the apartment with a thermometer in it"
"Oh yes I'll do that"
"Ok you check it and I'm on my way"
Hanging up the phone Chen leaves a passed out Baekhyun on the bed while he rushes to the kitchen cupboard searching for the first aid kit. Finally finding it he rushes back to the bedroom seeing Baekhyun trying to get up from bed but failing .
"Lay down baek I need to check your temperature"
"Chen I can't be sick I need to be there tonight"
"Hey listen to me and lay down ok"
Giving in, Baekhyun lays down knowing he has no energy and needs to rest.
Across town a worried Suho is grabbing his car keys and making a call when Chanyeol leaves his room
"What's going on?" Chanyeol watches as the leader rushes around talking on his phone about injections and fluids .Suho pays him no attention so he listens more hoping to hear a name or something.
"Yeah ok meet me at CBX dorm as soon as possible" hanging up the phone Suho turns to see Chanyeol is watching him with a worried look on his face.
"Yeol it's baek he was found in bed with a fever"
"Shit doesn't he have the dress rehearsal and show tonight?" Chanyeol grabs his shoes, pulling them on not caring if he gets stopped by Suho from going.
"Yes he does and it looks like he may not make the show"
"He will make the show, I'll make sure of it,'' Chanyeol says, rushing out the door with Suho close on his heels .
Jumping into separate cars Suho follows Chanyeol knowing he would not have survived being in the same car as Chanyeol right now so he takes his time in his own car and hopes Chanyeol makes it without crashing in the rain.
Arriving at the dorm Chanyeol steps into the bedroom seeing Baekhyun in a vest and underwear laying on the bed fighting to keep his eyes open .
"Baek baby" Chanyeol rushes to the bed sitting on the edge . Placing the back of his hand on Baek's forehead he can feel the heat.
"Shit I knew this would happen he was doing too much" Chanyeol moans still looking at the smaller nearly lifeless on the bed
"Is it his thyroid problem, do you think Chanyeol?"
"No it's his body giving a warning,'' I'd say. The thyroid helps the immune system but Baek's doesn't work right so he takes the tablets . So if he gets sick and it hits the immune system it can take him longer to get better"
"Oh shot Chanyeol what can we do?"
"Suho has someone from the company on the way, they should be here soon" . As soon as the words leave his mouth Suho rushes in the door with a medical person from the company
"Hey Lee" Chanyeol smiles knowing the person has helped them out on many occasions especially after concerts.
"Hey how's he doing?" Lee approaches the bed
"Fever we think but we are not doctors" Chen says with worry as Chanyeol moves to let Lee check Baekhyun over
"Hey baek buddie it's me Lee I just want to check you over . Are you in any pain at the moment?"
Baekhyun opens his eyes a little seeing everyone and smiles a little "just my head" he whispers
"That will be your temperature baek . Have you been feeling ok apart from today?"
"Just tired that's all"
"He has his solo show tonight" Chen says with nerves making Lee look at him and then look back at baek
"Baek your show tonight I need to cancel it"
"No no please don't I can't let my fans down please" baek stars to cry as Chanyeol gives in and moves close to the smaller trying to sit up in bed
"Hey listen to Lee ok"
"I can't not be there so let's do the injection please Lee" baek pleads knowing Lee can give him a strong painkiller that will also help with his temperature.
Looking around the room at the others, Lee huffs and reaches into his bag taking out the injection.
Taking Baekhyun's arm he ties a band around it making the veins pop out and inserts the injection. Pulling out the needle he places a plaster over the area.
"Ok what time is the show at? Lee asks putting away the needle to dispose of later.
"It's at 4"
"Have you anything else tomorrow after this show tonight?"
"No I have 2 days off then I need to get ready for SuperM"
"Ok right now I'm going to put you on a fluid drip and get some fluids into you . You need to rest right up until you have to leave . Then after the show, get back to bed and sleep. If you don't you can forget about SuperM or any show" Lee is firm with his words as he stands up from the bed ." I need to get the stand for the drip from my car I will be right back"
Lee leaves the room as Suho rushes over to the smaller taking his hand .
"Baek you ok?"
"Yeah just feel like my head has been hit with a hammer and I feel so tired"
"You will be ok, Lee knows what he is doing"
Lee arrives back, placing the stand near the bed hanging a bag of fluids to it . Reaching Baek's other arm he ties a band around it to find a vein . Pushing in the line he attaches the fluid drip to his arm and releases the band.
"Ok you rest now. I need to stay here till that fluid bag is empty and make sure you're ok so I'll be right outside if you need me . Sleep if you can and let the medicine do its job. Have you taken your thyroid medicine yet this morning?"
"Yes I took it as soon as I woke before I came here this morning"
"Ok good now rest" Lee leaves the room as Chen follows along with Suho .
Chanyeol on the other hand is standing looking out the bedroom window at the rain .
"Chanyeol" baek whispers making Chanyeol turn to face him
"Sorry I'll go let you rest"
"Thank you for being here"
"Of course we are still family and friends so of course I would be here"
"I'm so so...." baek begins to cry making the others outside hear as Lee rushes to the door only to be stopped by Suho "they need to be alone let's make some coffee"
"What is it baek?" Chanyeol sits on the edge of the bed looking at the smaller looking so weak and tired
"I'm just so tired you were right"
"Hey don't worry about that right now you need to sleep ok"
"But Chanyeol ....."
"Baekhyun baby please just sleep right now you need to make that show tonight"
"I do don't I"
"I known it will kill you to miss it so yes you need to rest because let's face it we don't want to be listening to you moaning that you missed it" Chanyeol says with a smile making Baekhyun reach and touch his hand
"Thank you Chanyeol"
Kissing Baekhyun's hand Chanyeol stands and leaves the room to join the others and just wait .
Six hours have passed and Lee has checked and removed the fluid bag from Baekhyun hours ago but also gave him another one just in case he needed it.
"We need to check and see if he can go to the show". Chen looks at the clock on the wall as everyone sits up feeling on edge this whole time.
"Hi" Baekhyun appears in the doorway wheeling the stand with the empty drip bag.
"Your up" Suho smiles seeing a red faced messy hair Baekhyun smiling
"I need to pee can you remove this?" Baekhyun smiles as Lee walks towards him, removing the bag . "Go pee and I can remove the needle when you return"
"I'm bursting" he shouts while rushing to the bathroom making the others smile
"He seems ok" Suho looks at the others with a surprised look.
"I'll check him over once more and then we can decide"
After a few minutes Baekhyun returns and heads to the bedroom seeing Lee waiting for him.
"Ok sit on the bed and let me check your temperature first"
Baekhyun does as he is told and sits on the bed as Lee checks him over .
"Ok the fever is gone which is good. I will give you some painkillers just to keep on top of the one I gave you earlier and it should keep the fever down so you can get through tonight"
"I feel so much better Lee thank you" Baekhyun smiles feeling like he slept days
Lee stands up and closes over the bedroom door making sure they are alone.
"You haven't been looking after yourself have you?" Lee says with a whisper as Baekhyun lowers his head "no not properly"
"Baekhyun you need plenty of fluid throughout the day I gave you three fluid bags this isn't a good thing"
"Did they see you give me them?"
"No they just know about the two"
"If you want to survive and do all this you need to recharge and drink fluids or no amount of bags will help, you will be in hospital. Now that's my warning to you it's up to you to go by what I say"
"I understand thank you Lee I'm so sorry"
"Baek your like family to me please keep taking your thyroid medicine and get some good food into you and drink please"
"I will I promise"
When the show is over you may feel weak but come straight home and get to bed "
"Yes boss" Baekhyun smiles, feeling happy and alive right now.
"Good luck tonight oh and one more thing" Lee puts his hand into his bag taking out Baekhyun's album he got from the company making Baekhyun laugh
"Can you sign it for me?" Lee smirks as Baekhyun take his pen and signs it for the guy who always looks after them with their health
"There you go thank you"
"No problem now remember what I said and thank you for the album"
Leaving the room Lee passes them all telling them he will be ok for tonight but he may feel weak and not to be left alone.
"Hey" Chanyeol enters the bedroom seeing Baekhyun standing at the window looking out at the rain
"You ok?" Chanyeol sits on the bed watching as the smaller turns to face him
"I will be, thank you for today"
"No need for thanks but you're welcome"
Baekhyun turns back for the window as Chanyeol stands up and moves closer to Baekhyun's back
"I was so worried about you" Chanyeol whispers making Baekhyun lower his head
"I scared myself" Baekhyun whispers before turning to face the taller
"Chanyeol ..." baekhyun looks up at the taller as he hugs himself
"What is it?" Chanyeol looks down wanting to comfort the smaller so badly
"Do you really think I'm a whore?" Baekhyun looks at the taller with tears in his eyes.
"Baekhyun ...." Chanyeol reaches and takes the smallers hands in his just as the others burst through the door interrupting them
"Ok we need to get going,'' Chen smiles, taking Baekhyun and moving him to another bedroom.
"Sorry we interrupted you but that is not the conversation you both should be having right now" Suho says standing in the doorway
Turning his head Chanyeol smiles "you were listening"
"Maybe" Suho smiles as Chanyeol walks towards him hugging him .
"What's that for?" Suho moves from the hug
"I needed one" Chanyeol smiles as he heads back to the sitting room gathering up his things as he takes this leave.
Climbing into his car he starts the engine and Baekhyun's song starts to play . He bites his bottom lip as he drives in the rain back to his dorm knowing Baekhyun wrote that song about them. Trying to control his anger and hurt and all other emotions he pulls the car over safely and stops before bursting into tears . He knew this would happen to baek it was what he feared from the start. He wonders if Baekhyun will be able to get through being in America but he knows he said his piece on that before and was told off.
Gathering himself he starts back up the car and heads back to his dorm to get ready as he has a ticket for Baekhyun's show tonight .
"Chen, I'm so nervous. Do I look ok, I don't look tired do I?"
"Hey stop worrying, you look amazing, they will love you like always. Now smile and I'll see you out there Chen hurries out onto the stage as the crowd screams .
Baekhyun waits nervously backstage. The dress rehearsal went great. Now all he needs is for this to go well and then he has time to rest before he promotes his song more.
He hears Chen call his name as he walks out hearing the crowd roar.
Talking to the crowd he notices Chanyeol in the back row of the room watching him. Deep down he loves Chanyeol and knows he has lost him over being stupid so as the music starts for
Un- village he decides this is just for Chanyeol this performance is for him alone so he works his hips and stares directly at him the whole time.
Once the show is nearly over Chanyeol slips out the door and makes his way backstage to the crew as he waits for baek to come off stage.
As the crowd all cheer and clap and get their group photo Baekhyun thanks them all for the support and waves goodbye as he makes his way off stage.
Hearing the applause from the staff he bows a little, taking off his mic and earpiece.
"Chanyeol '' baek reaches his arm out only to pass out into chanyeol's arms as he catches him .
"Fuck" Chanyeol shouts as the staff all rush to get some wet cloths and a fan. Placing Baekhyun on the sofa in the room he unclips his shirt a little, helping Baek breath as a staff member passes the wet cloth making him put it onto Baek's forehead.
"oh shit i passed out didn't I" baek looks at everyone as they start to relax now he is awake .
"Yep you did and we need to get you home before the crowd here leaves so I'm gonna carry you to the car" Chanyeol throws his car keys to one of the security hoping he knows what he means.
" Ok baek take a few minutes and we will sit you up " Chanyeol rubs his head with the wet cloth hoping he won't pass out again .
"Here some water" Chen passes him some cold water
"Thank you all so so much for tonight I'm sorry I have to leave so rudely" Baekhyun sits up looking around as his staff tell him not to worry.
"Ok the car is ready let's go" the security shouts as Chanyeol helps Baekhyun to his feet
"I feel wobbly" Baekhyun says holding Chen's arm and Chanyeol's"
"Bridal style it is then" and with those words Chanyeol picks him up and carries him out to the car that has been parked in a loading bay so nobody outside can see.
"Where are you going with him?" Chen panics not knowing what to do.
"Back to the dorm not the CBX one he can't be alone right now remember what Lee said" Chanyeol helps Baekhyun in the back closing the door swing Baekhyun laying his head back not feeling to good.
"You wanna come with us or can you drive?" Chanyeol touches Chen's arm hoping his friend is ok.
" We only took one car so I'll meet you back there after I get his stuff"
Chanyeol climbs into the car and moves out into traffic heading to the dorm.
" I saw you" Baekhyun moans from the back seat making Chanyeol look in the rearview mirror at him
"I know " Chanyeol smiles as he pulls into a Mc Donald's drive through.
"Oh food yes please" Baekhyun smiles from the backseat, too weak to move much more.
"I know you need something healthy but right now..."
"No, this is perfect. I can start eating better tomorrow just right now I'd love some chicky nuggets" he smiles as Chanyeol pulls in and Baekhyun hides from view.
Collecting their order Chanyeol drives them somewhere private and pulls over. Passing some food to Baekhyun they both sit in silence eating .
A few moments passed and Baekhyun kept watching Chanyeol from the backseat knowing he was hurting just like him .
I still love you, Baekhyun says in his mind as tears start to form in his eyes, making him turn to look out the window.
He wants to make it right but can he after the name he was called and what Chanyeol did in front of Lucas.
"If you're finished I'll drive us to the dorm. You have to stay with us tonight so you can have the bed, I'll have the sofa" Chanyeol wipes his mouth and clears away his rubbish as he then starts the car . Baekhyun keeps quiet not wanting to start a fight so he says nothing and enjoys the view out the window.
Arriving at the dorm and parking the car in the underground garage Baekhyun climbs slowly out of the car.
"You ok?" Chanyeol holds the smaller by the elbow as he sees Baekhyun is struggling.
"I got you" he lifts the smaller up into his arm as Baekhyun wraps his arms around Chanyeol's neck and snuggles in as they make their way up the lift to the dorm.
Feeling worn out they arrive as Suho has the door open waiting for them.
"Hey , oh my, are you ok?" Suho worries as Chanyeol steps into the room as Kai and Sehun rush over to help . Sitting him on the sofa Chanyeol steps away letting the others fuss over him.
"Do you want some food?" Kai asks holding Baekhyun's hand
"I would love a cup of your tea Suho please I have eaten already with Chanyeol"
They all rush around making him comfortable while Suho makes the tea.
Chanyeol is in the bedroom fixing the room for Baekhyun. Fluffing the pillows and putting away his clothes from around the room.
"Chanyeol" Baekhyun appears in the doorway making Chanyeol turn to face him and rush to help him stand better.
"You could have called me, I would have helped you" Chanyeol says helping Baekhyun to the bed helping him sit on it.
" I wanted to be stubborn," Baekhyun smiles looking around the room.
" I will let you get changed or will I ask Chen or one of the others to help you ?"
"No I can do it" Baekhyun takes his shirt off making Chanyeol turn around not wanting to see him because he won't keep his hands off him. It was hard enough seeing him in just his underwear earlier.
" I need something to wear please" Baekhyun says as Chanyeol finds a large t-shirt and passes it to him without looking.
" I'm ready " Baekhyun climbs into bed as Suho enters with the tea .
"Suho can you give Chanyeol and I a moment please"
Suho leaves and closes the door behind him as Chanyeol sits on the edge of the bed.
" You were right about me burning out. I didn't think it would happen this early and I'm sorry I didn't listen in the beginning. I will rest and do as I am told but I am still going to America for the company"
"I know you are still going, Baekhyun, you would do anything for us all. So thank you" Chanyeol grabs the smallers hand giving it a little squeeze.
" I really thought tonight would have been different being my night as a solo artist " Baekhyun pulls his hand away running it through his hair
" How so?" Chanyeol watches as Baekhyun gives him a look as if he should already know
"Oh you mean us" Chanyeol cups the smaller cheek knowing baek is gonna cry any minute now.
" Yeah we should be celebrating but instead I'm in bed weak and crying not happy tears" Baekhyun wipes his face making Chanyeol grab his hands.
" You just need to rest and we can celebrate another time, we all can," Chanyeol says as Baekhyun smiles and nods.
"Please rest " Chanyeol stands up only to be stopped by Baekhyun. Sitting back down Chanyeol searches the smallers eyes for an answer when all he wants to do is kiss him.
They both lean in closer and Chanyeol closes the gap as they kiss so softly. Holding the smallers head in his hands Chanyeol kisses deeper a little as Baekhyun starts to push away.
"I need to rest, '' Baekhyun says, pulling away from the kiss as Chanyeol stands up and heads for the door leaving a tired baek snuggling down in the bed.
Making his way back to the sofa he plops down and lays his head in his hands as Kai and Sehun reach him hugging him from both sides as he cries.
To be continued ....
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