Chapter 14
Chanyeol pov
Laying in our bed as I hold his small body in my arms while he whimpers into my chest. I lean my head on his delighted that the lights are off and that he can't see me crying. Hearing those words come from his lips today broke my heart into a million pieces. I know I have been a shit boyfriend but did that give him the right to kiss someone else. My body wants to let him go but my heart tells me to hold on tight and not to dare let go.
"Chan can we talk please? " he whispers into my chest as he shifts in the bed sitting up. "I don't want to fight right now baby I really don't it's late and you really need some rest" I feel him move in the bed again as he turns on the bedside light nearly blinding us both.
"Your half naked" he blushes making me just look at him before looking down at my lap as I sit up in the bed. "I always sleep like this beside you baby" I give him a little smile as he smiles back softly. "You are usually naked in bed beside me chan" he lowers his head now as I look up to the ceiling not wanting to do this now and trying to hold back my anger and tears.
"I'm sorry Chanyeol, I really am. Nothing I can say will fix this I know that. I betrayed you and I'm sorry" he wipes his cheek making me bite my lip that he is in this state and all I want to do is comfort him but he hurt me so much. "I need some water, can I get you anything?" I climb off the bed as he watches me carefully almost afraid of me. "Maybe some water too please" I leave the bedroom and head to the kitchen grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge and make my way back to our bedroom. Before I step inside I take a deep breath not knowing where this night will go.
"Here you go" I pass him the water as I stay standing leaning against the wardrobe as he stays on the bed drinking his water.
"Please say something" he whispers making me look towards him. "I'm not sure what to say its been a very emotional day for us both" I find myself looking away from him with hurt in my heart. He is so small on our bed and looking so lost and tired he needs me to comfort him and listen and I am so stubborn I can't even do that holding him was hard enough.
"Do you want to end us?" he comes right out with it taking me by surprise. "I don't know what I want baek. I can't get the image out of my head of you kissing him".
"I know this doesn't change things but he kissed me and yes I let him for like that millisecond and pulled away there was nothing more than that I swear to you Chanyeol" he croaks out my name trying to hold back tears but they fail and fall down his cheeks making him quickly wipe them away.
"You let him kiss you, why?" I decide to sit on the floor leaning my back now against the wardrobe as he seems surprised I'm not screaming or even asked him that question.
"To be honest with you, I felt shit he kept pointing it out how much I had on. He said he could see I was tired and that he would be there for me. I didn't give him any signal that I wanted him or anything like that. I know he liked me though and he kept pushing me and pushing me he touched my hand in the cafe and I left. I was so emotional and beginning to lose my self control while trying to get into my car. I couldn't get into the car so he made me turn around then he leaned in and kissed me and for that millisecond I left him as I needed comfort". He bursts out crying making me lower my head keeping my rage inside me trying so hard to not blow up and destroy our bedroom again.
"Please say something to me or sit up on the bed here" I wait as he moves on the bed a little as I go sit on it with my back to him. "I'm hurting that's all I can really say right now. Some other man had your lips" I feel the bed shift and little hands on my naked back making me close my eyes to his warm touch that I miss . "My body soul and heart are yours Chanyeol and only yours" he then kisses my back making me move away again.
"Please don't" I tell him as he nods his head and moves further away from me on the bed. "So what now then?" he asks making me put my head in my hands. "I love you Baekhyun so so much but you hurt me. I think it's best we end it now" I climb off the bed and look over my shoulder as he turns his back to me laying on the bed as the bedside light turns off making the room completely black. I hear his little cries as I decide to leave our room and head to the sitting room.
Plopping onto the sofa my tears finally give way as I grab my chest feeling like my heart has broken into a thousand pieces. Grabbing a cushion I cry into it as I lay down on the sofa and all my mind can do is see him kissing lucas everytime I close my eyes.
"Take care" I jump from the sofa seeing Baekhyun dressed with a small suitcase and suho rushing after him. "Wait Baekhyun please just let's all get some sleep and talk in the morning" Suho grabs the suitcase but Baekhyun stops him. "Chanyeol stop him" Suho shouts at me making me confused at where Baekhyun is going. "where are you going this late at night?" I feel my body shaking not wanting the answer to be him. "I'm going to stay with my brother, I'll see you all soon for the Exo concert rehearsal" he opens the door and all I want to do is stop him but I don't I seem to have stuck to the floor.
"Baekhyun your solo album is releasing soon and that's before the Exo rehearsal won't we see you before then?" Suho starts to panic more as Baekhyun now moves closer to him hugging him. "I can do my solo alone, no need for you all to worry about that so I will see you at rehearsals. I will tell the others in the morning by text, goodnight" he opens the door looking at Suho then me before stepping outside and closing the door.
"You idiot why don't you stop him" Suho hits me with a cushion making me not even flinch or move. "That's right you watch the door because you just lost the best thing to ever happen to you and now he is alone releasing his solo album when you know damn well he needs his man with him and all of us" Suho hits me once more with the cushion before leaving me alone in the sitting room.
Finally my legs seem to be able to move now as I make my way back into our bedroom seeing the main bedroom light on and a note on the bed with his ring of the matching rings we got.
I'm sorry Chanyeol
I crumble up the paper and slide his ring down my pinky finger as I lay on the bed on his pillow knowing full well I just distroyed his world and mine and also tore our family apart.
Laying on our bed I can hear the main front door knocking and people rushing in and out knowing Suho must have just called a damn family meeting. Getting up from the bed I quickly lock my bedroom door before falling face first back on the bed as I start to sob knowing there is no chance of getting Baekhyun back after he leaves for America.
To be continued....
❤️C ❤️
Sorry if there are many errors I kinda wrote this annoyed so sorry again.
Note to self don't write when in a bad mood
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