Chapter 12
"Hey, isn't Baekhyun not suppose to be here?" Suho asks the others as they all gather in the dance hall to practice for their new concert.
"Didn't he have a meeting already baby for SuperM? '' Sehun looks at the others worried as Baekhyun is never late for anything. "This isn't like him to be late. He is always first to arrive, maybe the meeting went on a lot longer than planned" Chen gets up from his chair and begins to pace the floor as it's not like their friend to do this. " Hello" Suho answers his ringing phone signal for the others to be quiet by waving his hand at them . "No sir he isn't here, yes OK" Suho hangs up his phone and searches in his coat for his car keys. "Baby what's wrong? '' Sehun moves closer to Suho seeing him panic." Baek rang the boss and told him he wants out and can't do this anymore, he wants to leave" Suho tells them, making them all jump from the chairs they are sitting on and rush out the door.
"Where the hell is Baek?" Chen asks as they all head out to the car park. "Where is Chanyeol?" Suho looks around seeing his car just pull up beside them now. "Sorry I'm so late guys, my mum wouldn't let me leave till I had breakfast" Chanyeol climbs out of his car looking at his friends panic. "Ok Chen you check the dorm the boss said Kai is out looking for him also. Sehun can you try his favourite café to see if he is there". Suho tells them all as they rush off in their cars as Suho turns to face Chanyeol. "What's going on Suho where's everyone rushing off to, is there a fire or something?" Chanyeol locks his jeep while Suho reaches out towards him touching his arm. "Baek called the boss and told him he wanted out and doesn't want all this anymore" Chanyeol smiles , "So he told them he wants out of SuperM, well I don't blame him really, he has enough going on right?" Suho shakes his head looking down at the ground before he looks up at Chanyeol with tears in his eyes. "No Chanyeol he wants out of everything and no one knows where he is" Chanyeol quickly opens his jeep door and climbs in. " I need to find him he isn't leaving, he loves Exo too much to walk away from it all" Chanyeol screeches his car out of the carpark driving so fast. Suho wipes the tear that has fallen down his cheek knowing his brother is out there hurting alone and he can't be found.
Across town
Baekhyun starts his car and moves it back onto the road as he keeps driving heading up along the motorway. He has the radio blaring to drown out the sound of his phone ringing. It's ringing so much from everyone that he can't even put it on silent. He really just needs to be alone to think this all through. He is getting sleepy also from the motion of the car as he shakes his head a little to wake up. Opening the window he tries to let some air in to help keep him awake. Cars are passing him beeping at him to speed up as he knows he is slowing down .
"Taeyong isn't that baek's car being beeped at across there" Mark points out their car window across the motorway towards Baekhyun's car. "Shit that's him why is he going so slow on the motorway?" Ten says making Taeyong look out for the next exit off the motorway so he can change direction. "I'll get back on the motorway one of you ring Suho and let them know where he is and tell them to hurry" Taeyong moves his car quickly so he can get on the same road as Baekhyun and hopefully go fast enough to get along side of him but there seems to be traffic on the exit. Mark's phone rings as he answers it " Lucas yeah we just saw him on the motorway heading in the direction of the airport he is going so slow. Taeyong is gonna try and get back on the motorway but we are now stuck in a bit of traffic. Ok I understand see you soon and be safe" Mark hangs up his phone "Ok so Lucas said he and Taemin are on that road now they should be just behind Baekhyun any minute now they should get to him first" Mark keeps panicking knowing something must really be wrong for Baekhyun to ring their boss and tell him that he wants to leave.
"Yes I hear you Suho, I am right behind Lucas on the motorway now, what do you mean baek's car is swaying. What the hell". Chanyeol hangs up his call with Suho and changes gear putting his foot down as he passes Lucas and Taemin in the car. "What the hell are you up to baby, please be ok, shit" Chanyeol can see up ahead Baekhyun's car and how it's now in the middle lane and swerving from left to right. "Shit baby what are you doing?" Chanyeol tries to dial Baekhyun's number but it rings out. He calls Kai quickly.
"Kai where are you?"
"I'm coming up behind you now Yeol, you will see me in the rear-view mirror".
"Ok, can you connect Taemin to this call?"
"Yeah hang on, ok they are here"
"Kai what is Baekhyun up to Taemin" says down the phone making Chanyeol wonder the same.
"Ok I have an idea guys" Chanyeol says as he look out his window and checks the traffic around them
"Shit chanyeol what have you got in mind?"
"Ok so Lucas you drive and get right in front of baek's car. Kai you drive up and get alongside his passenger side window and I will get along the drivers side this will keep him on the road and not get hit by traffic. At least if one of our cars gets hit we can at least control it better then Baek will be able to right now"
"Ok and what about if he hits the breaks?", Kai asks as they are still behind Baek watching him sway.
Chanyeol can see in his rear-view mirror Taeyong pulling up behind them.
"Get Taeyong on this call and get him to get behind Baek" Chanyeol tells them as they all spread out behind blocking all traffic from passing while Taemin connects Taeyong to the call and fills him in.
"Ok is everyone ready?, Lucas you go now and get ahead of Baek then Kai and I will follow". Chanyeol watches as Lucas moves ahead and slows right in front of Baek. Chanyeol now moves his car and drives up alongside baek's driver's side and rolls down his window seeing Baekhyun sobbing in his car.
Beeping his car Chanyeol moves as close as he can without hitting Baekhyun's car trying to get his attention. Finally Baekhyun looks up and out the window seeing Chanyeol's car. He turns down the radio wiping his tear stained face. Chanyeol calls Baekhyun on his other phone he usually uses for Insta so the others on the group call can hear what is going on in case he needs them for help.
"Leave me alone Chanyeol"
"Not a hope baby, now I want you to keep your car straight baby and turn off at the next exit ok"
"No Chanyeol I want to be left alone. Why are you worrying about me for?"
"I'm not the only one worrying about you Baek look out your window Kai is to your right , Taeyong is behind and Taemin is right in front of you. We are gonna guide you safely off the motorway baby ok because you are swaying and not going fast enough".
"I can't cope anymore"
"I know my baby I know and I'm sorry, lets just get off this motorway and you can tell me all about it ok"
"You don't listen so what's the point. You don't care about my feelings"
"Yes I do Baek I'm sorry ok I was just so scared of losing you now please the exit is coming up so lets get off the motorway and stop in the large park next to the motorway remember where Minseok threw up one time".
"I remember that, that was a good day" Baekhyun smiles
"Yeah it was baby now quick move to exit" Lucas drives faster letting Kai get behind then Baek then Chanyeol and then Taeyong as they all go in a line off the motorway and stop at the park Chanyeol suggested.
Quickly they all jump out of the cars in relief that it worked and they have Baek now back safe.
"Ring the others and tell them we have him" Chanyeol shouts towards Kai as he climbs out of his car and rushes over to Baekhyun's.
"Baby what were you thinking?. Let's get you out of the car"
"Chanyeol I have something to tell you"
"You don't need to explain, ok I get it you are wanting to leave the company because you have had enough. I think you're just wore out that's all baby come get into my car I will drive you home ok". Chanyeol takes Baekhyun by the arm guiding him over to his jeep. "No Chanyeol I need to tell you something". Baekhyun pulls his arm free and stops with a tear stained face looking at Chanyeol.
"I'm sorry Chanyeol but I let Lucas kiss me " Baekhyun says making Chanyeol stop in his tracks and turn to face Baek. "You did what?" Baekhyun falls to his knees sobbing as the others start to rush over. "You kissed him" Chanyeol points and looks towards Lucas and Taemin as pure fiery rage runs through his veins. Kai grab's his arm trying to stop Chanyeol from going near Lucas. "You kissed him" Chanyeol walks pulling his arm free towards Lucas and stands face to face with him. "You kissed my man?" Chanyeol says through grit teeth. "How was I supposed to know you were still together not like you have been there for him lately is it. Look at him, he is worn out. Where were you to comfort him?. So what I kissed him, least I care for him". Lucas says right into Chanyeol's face, making Chanyeol laugh and step back with his hands out at his side . "You know what you can have him" he shouts as he rushes over to his jeep and jumps in speeding off into traffic.
"Shit Baek!" Kai shouts as Baekhyun faints, making them all rush towards him. "Lucas reaches down and tries to lift Baekhyun from the grass but Kai stops him. "I have him from here Lucas you get going. Taemin can you help me get Baek into my car and then can you drive his car back to Exo's dorm please". Kai picks Baekhyun up and puts him in the backseat, closing the door while handing Taemin the keys. "Will he be ok?" Mark asks worriedly while looking in the car at Baekhyun passed out. "I think all of this has taken its toll on him. I will get him home to Suho and he will know what to do" Kai gets into the car and heads off as Lucas watches on with the others.
"Why did you kiss him didn't you know him and Chanyeol were a thing?" Taeyong says making Lucas lower his head. "I thought they were over a long time ago and Baek was hurting. I could see it in him. I couldn't help myself. I look up to him. He is my idol while I trained. Ok so I made a mistake that I am now gonna have to live with for a long time". Lucas storms off into his car and heads off home.
"Shit gonna hit the fan now I just know it" Ten says as he and Mark follow Taeyong to their car. "There is gonna be war now and god help us all when the Suho hears what's after happening.
to be continued ...
❤️ C ❤️
Ohhhhh what will happen now?
Hope you all got a chance to check the new song out below
Cclay 2020
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